Huna Bulletin 11

When is the Best Time to Make Mana?

June 15, 1949

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.


The reports on box and pendulum experiments have been coming in steadily and it is increasingly evident that we are opening up a new part of the amazing field of pendology and supra-normal sensory mechanisms.

It is to be hoped that we may be able to develop a test with the pendulum for charges of the middle voltage of mana used by the conscious Auhane and even for the voltage used by the Aumakuas. We may even find a way to test for the return flow of Mana Loa. Let’s keep these possibilities in mind and see what we can do to invent such tests.

The pendulum seems to be a tool that allows us to get impressions from the Aunihipili, with less coloring than usual by the Auhane. In this respect it is better than the boxes. The main drawback is that the pendulum can only give us “yes,” “no” and “doubtful” answers to our questions which we instruct the Aunihipili to ask of the Aumakua. 

The pendulum test for vital force or low mana works well for the majority of us, and the normal or “index” charge may run from 30 to 300 swings, while the surcharge may run from 100 to over 1000 swings.

There is another indication to be watched. The pendulum seems to measure a secondary quality of the charge. When I am fresh, my pendulum swings in a wide circle and strongly. When I am tired at around midnight, it swings in a small weak circle, but almost as many times as when I am fresh. We may be measuring something which compares with the voltage and the amperage of a house current, the voltage being the rate of vibration and the amperage the amount of mana or electricity.

In a few cases, the pendulum will not move at all. In a few others, it swings or circles almost without signs of stopping. It would seem that some HRAs have a natural mana supply that replenishes itself constantly. We will have to take time to get the implications of these tests evaluated in terms of our Huna studies.

Some authorities suggest that the continuous movement of the pendulum after a question has been asked, indicates a subconscious self that does not understand what is wanted of it, or the way to indicate by the swings the proper answer. It is agreed that the subconscious moves arms and so causes the slight movement that causes the pendulum to move. The failure to swing, on the part of the pendulum may also be an indication of lack of understanding on the part of “George,” the Aunihipili.

HRA Mads S. Moller, of Glendora, Calif., has found in some old lessons a suggestion that the pendulum be used as a means of training the Aunihipili and teaching it to respond to our willed command. This exercise was also supposed to help one develop the ability to concentrate. To use this method, one draws a circle on a paper about 1-1/2 inches in diameter. One then draws a vertical and a horizontal line across the circle to form a cross. Our standard pendulum which measures 3-1/2 inches from the end of the bob to the knot you tie to show where to hold it between thumb and first and second fingers, may be used for this test. Hold the pendulum over the center of the circle, and tell the Aunihipili to make the pendulum swing back and forth along first one line and then the other, or to stop still where the lines cross, or to gyrate following the line of the circle. Fifteen minute practice periods are recommended.

HRA Edgar Block has given a variation of the use of a circle drawn on paper. He suggests that it be marked off with additional lines like the hours on a clock face, and certain types of answers assigned to each of the lines radiating from the center.

The variations of this way of working with the pendulum are many, and with a larger circle and more lines, more standard answers could be written in along additional lines.

It may be necessary to say to your Aunihipili, “George, see to it that when we work with the pendulum you take care not to let any outsider move it or influence you. No outside spirit, or no telepathic influence is to be allowed. You get information from the Aumakua or where you can, but YOU swing the pendulum and tell me the answer to my question. Be careful that no spirit of any kind is allowed to bother us or steal vital force from us.”

While the standard works on the use of the pendulum in dowsing or for other purposes seems to avoid the hint of spiritualistic control that might throw the whole subject into the forbidden part of the field, it is clear that this is a way by which spirits may converse with us after the fashion of the Ouija board. If one wishes to hold such converse, well and good. If new at it, be very cautious, of course. If one wishes to confine the work to the answers given by the Aunihipili, that is something else again.

HRA. E.S.B. has made a very interesting report on his experiments with the pendulum during a stay in a secluded place to work on Huna practices. I quote:

[Editor’s Note: E.S.B provided additional feedback that was printed in Bulletin #1, stating that some of the information from the spirit named “Wayne” were lies:

ESB: “At long last my Aunihipili decided it was time to get on the band wagon, and is now working with me 100%. He chased the spirit companion, Wayne, out in the cold, and now, through him (Aunihipili), I am in constant, intimate contact with my Aumakua … that is indeed startling to me … Discount my last report. It is partly true, partly false. It seems that our Aumakuas are the only spirits that we can depend upon completely, as the ancient kahunas discovered.”

Please consider that “Wayne’s” statements below are not to be completed trusted.]

“I have just had a most wonderful and interesting experience. By progressive practice with the pendulum, I found the power behind it and made the acquaintance of the finest character that I have met in many, many years. This male spirit answers all questions to the best of his knowledge, unless expressly forbidden by my Aumakua or his own, in one instance by a still higher form of super-consciousness that intervened and denied my inquiry an answer.

“My spirit companion’s name is Wayne. Here are some of his statements:

  1. That he is the only spirit who operates the pendulum for me.
  2. That he knew me when he was alive. (I do not recall knowing him.).
  3. That he knows a lot about Huna.
  4. That I can become a kahuna.
  5. That he is acquainted with my Aunihipili.
  6. That my Aunihipili has guilt fixations, and that he will tell me what they are, and find out how to drain them off.
  7. That until my Aunihipili is appeased and stops sulking, he, Wayne, and I will have to depend on cross examination via the pendulum, which is very slow and tedious work, using a process of elimination. (This process works out very well in the end on nearly all subjects.)
  8. He is not permitted to use the power he has, or my mana, to operate a pencil. My Aumakua is said to prevent that form of communication.
  9. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  10. That spirits pray to their Aumakuas
  11. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  12. It is not difficult for him to see the contents of the six small boxes that I brought along for training my Aunihipili. (He made a score of 100% in tests with the boxes although I made it as hard as possible for him by mixing the boxes.)
  13. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  14. That the Aumakuas are of dual sex, combined together.
  15. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  16. That the Aumakuas are not the highest form of super consciousness, and that man can understand higher forms. (Hence, I was right and the old kahunas were wrong. My Aumakua CONFIRMS this fact, through Wayne, at my request.)
  17. That clairvoyance is not a practical working method of spirit communication with the living.
  18. That telepathy is the ONLY form of communication.
  19. That he cannot see ahead into the future, but that my or his Aumakua can.
  20. My Aunihipili is ashamed of the guilt complexes and does not want my Auhane to know about same. (Wayne told me about five complexes dating clear back to World War I times, and from there right down to date. He thinks they are all very foolish, but have to be cleared away.)
  21. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  22. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  23. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  24. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  25. That my mana is not the only force he uses, but that he has no power of his own.
  26. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  27. [Ed. Note: text not published by Max]
  28. That his, Wayne’s, Auhane will become an Aumakua in between 400 and 500 years. (He had to get permission to tell me this fact.) (Apparently my Auhane stands in much the same position to my Aunihipili as my Aumakua does to my Auhane – that of a dear parental guide and counselor.)”

Note: HRA E.S.B. wired me a few weeks ago asking [for] help through the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group for a sinus condition of long standing that was almost too painful to endure. I began Huna treatments at once and continued with the help of those of you working in the TMHG with me. Our patient began making a series of special Huna prayer-actions on the hour all his waking time. The condition, which medical care had not helped, was cleared up in a few days. Work now goes on for his wife and a son-in-law. Intensive work on the part of the one being treated seems to speed up the response to the prayer-actions greatly. Our Catholic friends have long made use of the hourly prayers, and usually make a pledge of one kind or another to be fulfilled when the prayer is answered. I have seen some very excellent results from this method. It includes a stimulus in the form of a pledge of a gift or act, and the hourly repetition of the prayer brings the inner self into line for the work. In addition to the sending of the thought-forms of the desired condition (automatically if not consciously in either case) there is a steady supply of mana accompanying the emotional upsurge at the time of each prayer. In Huna we would say that the Aumakuas were given enough mana to make the desired condition come into manifestation quickly. Often a token payment is made before starting the series of prayers, such as a gift of a lesser amount of money to the Church for the poor, and the full amount is given later. This very logical procedure undoubtedly appeals to the Aunihipili and makes it feel that it deserves the thing prayed for – which is very important and is perhaps the major element in “faith.”

HRA L.R. reports 100% accuracy of answers via her pendulum in finding out whether the day is to bring in an abundance of business to her shop or little. She now is able to determine what days must be spent at her shop, and what days are safe to trust it to another.

HRA. D.B. reports that her newly made pendulum immediately began to swing “like crazy” and that it continues to do so each time she tries it. She suspects spirits, gremlins or what have you.

An HRA finds that the pendulum swings more times when held between her thumb and first finger than when held between thumb and second finger. I would like to have other reports on this matter, also on a comparison with holding the pendulum thread with thumb and both fingers – perhaps having a button on the palm end of the thread to anchor it, as it is hard to hold a fine thread in this way. Watch that the thread does not swing as from a slot, in one direction, when held by thumb and one finger.

Reports have been numerous and encouraging on the good results being obtained with the box practice. Scores rise slowly but steadily with careful daily practice. We must always remember that we are doing very important work and are learning to work with and control the Aunihipili. These are more than just experiments. They are invaluable steps toward contact with the Aumakua.

Another HRA who has worked with the pendulum for years, comments that it may be used by spirits, but that we must be on our guard for the usual “rot” that filters in when lying spirits communicate and wish to cause trouble in the relations of friends and families. (Check SSBM for material covering these dangers from what seem to be the Aunihipilis separated from the Auhanes and so out of control and illogical, if not actively evil.)


Our correspondence between HRAs guided by HRA B.E. Smead (see last bulletin), has progressed. Groups are organized to write round robin letters, each member of a group replacing his or her letter and sending it on as it makes the rounds. Do not forget to slip a few stamps into your letter when writing to Mr. Smead to tell about yourself and ask him to help you find a suitable group. If each member of a group writes a letter each time the round robin packet arrives, it will make the letters all new in one round. Should work out well.

CIGBO has broken into the “comics,” thanks to a series of clever drawings sent by his talented “Uncle McBride” of Dallas. He has also had his image done in sheet silver and has been presented with a catnip mouse all dressed in hula skirt and lei. Much laughter at the John and Naida Anderson group meeting where both were exhibited.


HRA Charles Kenn has had trouble getting time free to work on the additional material that can now be included in the fire-walking report booklet. He has taken a room at a hotel to hide out and get on with the work. It should not be long now. Meade Layne’s invaluable magazine, ROUND ROBIN, will have in this issue the fine material from Dr. Ryan on the subject, and in the next issue a special article by me intended to order the general run of material and lay before us the basic questions demanding answers.


HUNA IS WORKING WELL in an increasing number of cases. Here are quotes from recent letters:

“This has been a marvelous demonstration of Spirit help.” (Putting through a $9,000 deal against great obstacles.)

“Wonderful results of your help in my life are already in evidence. As per your suggestion, the High Spirits seem to have substituted something far more desirable.”

“About two months ago I got an elbow hurt, the bone was shattered. For five nights, when sending the vital force to the Aumakua, I put my left hand on my right elbow. Results were marvelous.”

“Once more I wish to thank you for your continued prayers for Dale. (Small son who has suffered from hay fever and has had to be given medication nightly for some considerable time.) With the exception of two nights, his nose has not stopped up. I am certain that Huna has worked for him. At this time of the year, the hot dry season, in the past two years, his condition was pitiful. Incidentally, as a follow-up, I talk to his Aunihipili while he is asleep each night, telling him he is healed and that he will no longer be bothered with hay fever. Tonight I began laying on hands, too. He is a very slight little tyke, although healthy, and I am anxious for him to build up more.”


TWO PRAYERS are included with this bulletin, and discussed. Many of you have had the “Little Prayer” already, but now all will be sure to have it. It is very potent if used with the Huna knowledge behind it. [I will include the Daily Prayer of Cleansing or the “Little Prayer” here. The other prayer and the discussion are not available with my copy of the bulletin. ed.]

The Little PrayerTo be said each night before going to sleep.

If I have hurt someone today
In word or thought or deed
Or failed another in his need
I now repent.

If I could take those steps again
Tomorrow would I make amends
And heal with love those hurts.
I do this swear.

And if someone has hurt me deep
And no amends are made
I ask the Light to balance all.
I count the debt as paid.

Beloved Aumakua
Whom I love and who I know loves me
Come through the door I open wide.
Make clear my path to thee.

Au mama, ua noa.

MY MAIL continues heavy. Orders for SSBM are filled the day received, always, but other letters may be several days in the answering. Thanks to all of you who have written greatly appreciated letters marked “No answer requested.” You are making the larger and more frequent bulletins possible. Your generous help with the work fund for Cigbo’s box is greatly appreciated and helps so much. MFL

One Comment

  1. Could you give me example of prayer action?

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