Huna Bulletin 31

Letters, TMHG, Articles & Comments

May 1, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


The HRA Telepathic Mutual Healing Group hours are changed by the beginning of DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. For all of you whose state goes onto Daylight Savings Time, the hours remain the same as before because here at the Study in California I have changed over to the new summer time. This throws our two periods in the day ahead an hour for any HRA whose state has not gone over to the new summer time.

As the bulletin goes second class mail and may not reach some of you in the east for two weeks, I will observe TWO periods each afternoon and evening, one at the old and one at the new time. After May 15th, only the advanced time will be considered and under it, the usual two periods.

THE NEW PRAYER-ACTION RITUAL has been much praised in the letters which have come in. Here at the center I have noticed a sense of greatly increased power, and know that many more are observing the mutual healing periods. Here are bits from some of the letters.

A.L.C.C., a rather new HRA, writes, “I have been enjoying my set of the back bulletins immensely and am now following up for a second reading for more details. I am with you at the TMHG time each day – now using the new form. I must say that my patient has already shown some very good improvements, be they from whatever source.” (Patient also treated via him in the TMHG.)

W. McG. writes, “Working with you and enjoy the bulletins very much. I am glad you think a picture helps in making the contact and here is a better one of me. Very happy to be working with you and my fellow HRAs in the TMHG work. I am feeling stronger every day.”

S.M. praises the new prayer form and makes me blush happily with, “What a honey that last bulletin (No. 30) is! You’re the wonder man of the age.”

J. D. writes, “Thank you for the two April bulletins – they are extra fine. I am studying them with deep interest. The deeper our research goes, the more exciting it becomes. (She adds a note on another matter which is interesting:) … Friends from New Mexico visiting me last week quite casually mentioned that there is a lively traffic in caves in the mountains there – buying and selling them as retreats.” (From atom bombs.)

H.J.S. writes, “I received. Bulletin 29 and found it very interesting, especially that beautiful new ritual prayer for TMHG. I myself continue to have remarkable success in my work and there are pleasing conditions all along the line due to this daily contact with my Aumakua. I do not worry over my problems any more and they are being solved with ease.”

Mrs. C.B. writes, “… I am not so depressed. I know it is the result of the Huna prayers and I feel very close to something very warm and friendly and protective – something that I wish I could retain and feel permanently. I hope all members will realize how much you are giving to this Truth… ” (I am so often given praise and credit beyond my deserts for the part I play.)

More letters on various topics will undoubtedly be of interest to the majority of you, so I will reproduce parts here and sometimes make comments. I go to the post office each morning immediately after breakfast to mail things and to get my mail from Box 2867. Then, when back home, the smaller mail delivered to my home has usually arrived and I go out to the Study and begin the happy task of opening the letters, making notes on file cards, and reading the news from my many scattered friends. I have often had mail from Australia and England on the same day, with letters from far and wide here in our own country. Canada is frequently represented as we have some fine HRAs there, and now and again I hear from a dear friend whose letters come from behind the Iron Curtain and whose messages must be read between the lines in part.

The reading often continues until after lunch and on until almost three as some letters are pages and pages long and others contain articles to be read – or books are sent and need glancing through. After the 3 o’clock prayer time I usually have a cup of coffee with Mrs. Long and our Miss Doherty, who has long been part of the family and who writes with Mrs. Long. They lay aside their writing and we relax for a few merry minutes together. (They are doing another book just now.) The absolutely necessary work on the garden and lawn comes next, and errands are run. These days the lawn is finished being watered, as a rule, just before dinner is called at six.

Then comes the TMHG period again, and by 7:30 I am back at the Study and ready to begin answering letters. Time has to be taken once a week to write a new “tinned letter,” cut the stencil and run off a goodly stack – which sometimes has to be replenished as much as twice if the mails are extra heavy. A few lines on the tinned letters may be enough, or there may he, and usually are, letters asking many things which take long letters to give the replies. New HRAs who have just made contact are the ones needing answers to the most questions. Often there are long delays while I find the old bulletin stencils and mimeograph back sets and assemble them in order to supply a call for the back sets. At any time between ten and midnight I call it a day and head for bed.

Every other week, just as I at last get almost caught up with the answers to my letters, it comes time to begin work on a new bulletin. All that week letters are read, but only the most urgent are answered and the book orders filled, if there are any. Unanswered letters, and some of the very long letters which must remain unread for a time, pile up in their trays on my desk, and the little Study becomes a wild clutter of books, marked letters, stencils, mimeo sheets and commotion. The arrival of visitors at such times adds up to more or less complete confusion. By the end of the week, always by what seems to me to be a true miracle, the bulletin finally gets off … and I would breathe a wonderful sigh of relief were it not for the week’s accumulation of letters. This accumulation, together with the incoming letters each day – many HRAs write me long letters each week – starts the cycle repeating itself. Sometimes I have to be away for most of a day and sometimes visitors who do not realize how full my time is stay longer than the half hour which I have tried in advance to impress on them is the utter limit of available time.

I have given this detailed picture of “my day” so you can more readily picture what goes on at the Study, and because I enjoy so much hearing about your “days” and activities in your letters.

(As all letters are from HRAs, I will use only the initials of the writer in the following.)

Mrs. M. M., from a small town in the East writes, “I want to tell you how much I like the inspirational page of your bulletin and how helpful the prayer action that was sent. The bulletins are so very full of wonderfully interesting things. I long to get the books you suggest. Easter Island was always a fascinating subject, but I could get only so far with it.

“It seems very strange to me that the subjects I’ve always been so fascinated by, I am learning more and more about through you. But so humbly. And I’m too ignorant to be able to contribute anything. I’m just like the little boy who presses his nose against the window of the candy store – that’s all. I can just look in.

“I have missed some of the prayer times at 10 P.M. here, but it can’t be helped. When I can join you, I feel the contact very strongly, as a great happiness – as a spiritual handclasp with a loved friend. I have no friends here, and it makes my contacts with you full of blessings for me. I believe that nothing is chance – that everything is ‘under Guidance.’

“I feel very badly that Meade Layne is having such hard going. He has opened up new worlds for me – and has been to me, so patient, so wonderful a friend.”

Both Charles W. Kenn and P.S., have written from Hawaii to give late news of the “Sacred Stones” – also called the “Healing Stones” – pictured in the set of illustrations for SSBM sent out by Cigbo for his “brithday presink” in February. I quote from the latter’s letter, as it is shorter.

“You might be interested to know that I made a visit to the Healing Stones at Wahiawa recently. They are now enclosed in a concrete building erected by a Japanese woman a few years ago, and there is considerable evidence of use by Japanese people as there are burnt ends of joss sticks and candle drippings around the base of the stones. The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu plans to provide a more suitable setting for that other series of stones known as ‘Kukaniloko.’ These are the well-known stones used by expectant mothers of the ruling class among the Hawaiians on this island as a means of insuring painless births. The attendant obstetrical kahuna was always at hand to assist. These stones are still in the middle of the pineapple field just beyond the second bridge after you pass through Wahiawa.

“In Honolulu, about 20 years ago, I was given a very favorable lease on some ground, after promising not to cut down the large banyan or the coconut trees on it. An elderly Hawaiian woman frequently came to a very stately coconut tree and wept as she looked up at it. (Later) her son reluctantly explained. He said that the tall tree was Kalakaua’s tree (a late prince of royal blood) as his umbilical cord had been buried at its base when the tree was planted at the time of his birth. He and his mother were guardians of the spot, with the house they occupied provided rent free by the estate. This ties in with the similar high regard shown on Easter Island for the Ku piko, or navel and the cord at birth. (Supposed to symbolize the connection with all the ancestors.) Kalakaua was very proud of his genealogy and had it traced back to a long line of chiefs and kings to prove his own powerful ‘mana’.” (In the later and decadent Huna, it became the popular belief through all Polynesia that mana could be thus inherited as well as absorbed from external sources, even at times to the point of eating the fallen enemy.)


J.A.H. has been trying to help me to figure out some way to take care of my heavy correspondence better, as has Wing Anderson. They agree that I might try conducting the HRA work like a magazine, and instead of answering letters directly, answer all questions of general interest in a “Letters to the Editor” department.

J.A.H., whose articles appear in ROUND ROBIN always writes thoughtfully. I quote:

“A Letter to the Editor department isn’t a bad idea at all. You’d be surprised how much we like to see our ideas in print. Not only that, but it would give the rest of us an insight into what the others are doing and thinking. If it were properly engineered you could steer the lot of us into better Huna research.

“The TMHG work is the best part of the whole project. This could be extended to include requests for enlightenment or the acquisition of truths buried in the old Huna lore. You are right, I think, that Huna is a remnant of the original ‘Arcane Sciences.’ This knowledge is all kept [secret]. In Huna we are searching for it back through the externals. It can come to us in three ways: first by being taught by those who know – a rare deal, but one which has happened to me – second, by remembrance, that is, receiving as a memory handed down to us from the Aumakuas, [and] third, by piecing together various bits of pot shards until we have the whole picture again – a method physical science follows.

“About the pendulum: the little research I’ve done shows me that the basis of success with them is an unquestioning confidence in them. If a person can become acquainted with his Aunihipili, he can accomplish the same effect subjectively and without the pendulum. This effect I have experienced many times. It is a lower intuition. It is not 100% perfect; I’d say about 80%. That is because the Aunihipili has not the broad view of events which will transpire in time, as has the Aumakua. The higher intuitions, which always come from the Aumakua, are always 100% correct.


C. T., who has been an HRA from its first days, gives some very excellent findings and conclusions after his many months of study and testing. “I am still pushing ahead in Huna – I mean, I am plugging along regardless of how useless it often appears. Just the same, the whole picture is changing. It seems that old forms and past conditions somehow have a certain resistance to being cast out to make way for a more desirable future. I accidentally stumbled onto a way to gather tremendous charges of vital force. The magazine title, ‘Healing Waters’ struck me with an odd effect.

“By visualizing mana as ‘Healing Waters’ flowing through me – from Ku and Hina – to Ku and Hina, and expressing this idea aloud as in a song – using no exact words, just picturing the process mentally, the results have been consistently stronger than in any other method I have tried. Singing my whole prayer-action, matching words with thought-forms makes the whole prayer process seem very much more effective and stronger. I believe prayer spoken aloud or chanted, as mentioned in Oahspe also, must have some foundation in natural law. Does the voice enliven the activity along the aka thread? Does it aid coordination between the Auhane and Aunihipili as far as the thought-forms are concerned? (I believe C.T’s. conjecture is right.) I am inclined to feel so for there is a difference in the use of the voice – setting up an added and aiding vibration even if it be but a humming.

“For several weeks I have been coaching a small group in seeking wisdom. It is still [too] early to predict results, but interest is good. The group so far has not numbered over six. I suggest they all get SSBM but could use a few more Huna pamphlets.”


S.G.P, who has run many tests and has checked with skill the Huna theories, reported recently reading from page 127 of Dr. Fodor’s Encyclopaedia of Psychic Science (a few copies of which are still available), the following from a long article on Emanations – these being ectoplasmic and of what we call mana.

“Capt. G. Mondeil, in a large volume (in French), describes experiments with an electric light globe in darkness. If one holds it by its base in the left hand and rubs it slightly with the open right, in one or two seconds, if conditions are right, the lamp will be seen completely suffused with a milky light. The light is bright enough to illuminate an object placed in contact with the lamp. The same result was obtained if the lamp was rubbed with a rubber-gloved hand.”

S. G..P. tried it and reports, “I found that I could do it. The mana emanations are quite visible from the right to the left hand – the light being cloudy white, similar to that of an ectoplasmic mass but luminous. I could see my shirt front. Proves that mana is actually transmitted.” (In another and earlier set of experiments, a very interesting thing was reported covering tests made by holding the pendulum over various parts of the body. Its movements and response to left and right were as to be expected, but a very strange thing was observed. When held over the top of the operator’s head, there was discovered a spot over which no pendulum motion took place. I would like to hear from other HRAs on this test.)

H. J., long in the study of the materials of the psycho-religious field, writes, “The ritual prayer is thrilling. Without making an attempt to make contact with the Aumakuas, I can feel wave after wave of stimulated circulation go through my body as I read the prayer. I try to analyze this and can only conclude that the meaning and intention of the Auhane is accepted by the Aunihipili, insofar as the words are comprehended by the Auhane. It does not mean that the prayer is granted immediately, or even that it will be granted at all by the Parental Spirit. It merely means that the Aunihipili is in a submissive and receptive attitude.

“The technique inferred in that prayer is indeed profound. If a similar submission to the Higher Will can be achieved and maintained by the Auhane, nothing but good can result. To believe that you have already received the answer, of course, helps to eliminate doubt from the mind of the Auhane, but to so believe is not pure worship of the utterly trustworthy Spirit. I know that the mind, with its desires, is a magician, and it might materialize something that only has to be dematerialized later. Remember the bitter concoction the children of Israel had to drink because they couldn’t wait for the law? To materialize our needs at the moment may be difficult, but to dematerialize what is useless is harder and even more bitter. To conquer ignorance is hard, but not so hard as to un-know what has been experienced.”

G.S. writes, “If you can read Polynesian, maybe you can translate the following. It is not Latin or Greek or any language I know.” (He got it from a spirit who claimed to be a Polynesian during “telepathic mind projection” searching for the kahunas.) “Nema reverof yrolg eht dna rewop eht, dna modgnik eht si eniht rof live morf, stbed ruo su tub noitatpmet otni ton su dael, dna srotbed ruo evigrof ew sa stbed, ruo su, evigrof dua daerb yliad ruo yad siht su, evig nevaeh ni si ti sa htrae no enod eb, ll1w yht emoc modgnik yht eman yht eb, dewollah nevaeh ni si ti sa htrae hcihw rehtaf ruo.”

I strongly suspect that G.S. is just pulling my leg. (Turn this sheet over, hold. it to the light, and begin reading from the bottom up, as I did, and it will translate itself.)


I am delighted to say that, as I am working on the present bulletin, a new R.R. has arrived. It has been delayed, but has been well worth waiting for. It is always a great pleasure to have a new ROBIN, and I have just paused for afternoon coffee and a quick look through. Excellent new material from the Mark P. Spirit controls is presented and I note many intriguing statements from page to page. Communicator says we should live 250 years and goes on to tell why we grow old too soon. There is a discussion of the Aumakua and of consciousness as a single undivided unit. We are told that we can reincarnate or not, as we wish. Masters, astral shells, suicides, and many other topics are discussed.

HRA John Hilliard with Editor Meade Layne, provide fascinating pages digesting the latest ideas on “Electronic Communication – the Future Basis of Spiritualism,” and in twelve pages condense the now famous lecture by Ernest Thompson given in 1948 in England in which he tells why he thinks we will soon have a mechanical means of communicating directly with those on the other side. The Mark P. communicators have exciting things to say on the matter, and it is an education in itself to follow the statements, arguments and theoretical approach to something that may startle the world almost any day now. Meantime, while the work of perfecting the instruments for communication is continuing, one of the communicators has this to say to encourage the impatient. “You can learn to hear us speak, most of you, simply by listening. Ask your question, relax, listen, reject every other voice save the one which replies to you. It is not an ‘occult’ power – this clairaudience as you call it.” He then goes on to explain at length how this is possible.

There is an amazing account of how a secondary voice seemed to be going along with that of the entranced medium, Mark Probert, when the trance lecture was being recorded on a modern instrument. This was considered a defect in the mechanism until it was noticed that the secondary voice was sometimes using a different word here and there. The communicators were consulted and it turned out that at times the instrument was picking up direct from the control as the secondary voice, and that sometimes the mind of the medium was changing the words before they were spoken. Reports have been accumulating from here and there of accidental hook-ups over which the “there living” have accidentally spoken to the “here living.” (If you are not a subscriber, send 50¢ in stamps and ask for a copy of the April, 1950 ROBIN. Address: ROUND ROBIN, 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif.)

DIANETICS is something new that has been called to my attention by a number of HRAs who have read the article in the May number of “Astounding Science Fiction” magazine, written by L. Ron Hubbard, an engineer and writer of science fiction stories. Hubbard’s book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, will be released about May 15th by Hermitage House, Inc., 1 Madison Ave., New York 10, N. Y. There was also a review in the April 5th issue of “Pathfinder.”

The 39 year old engineer and traveler who writes this book may have made a great discovery, or he may not have. We will know in due time. If he can, in his book (where he promises to give full details of his methods of finding and draining of fixations) substantiate his claims, we will possibly have something of the utmost value to our Huna studies as well as to the world in general.

The story which Hubbard tells is as colorful as his science fiction yarns. It seems that some time ago he became interested in psychology and the ills caused by thought blocks. He studied the problem of psychosomatic illness and considered the native magic of savage tribes, hoping for a clearer understanding. Deciding soon that the cases which he observed did not fit the standard theories of modern psychology, he struck out on his own – and ended up by discovering “that the mind is really two minds,” which is good Huna.

“Pathfinder” says of these two parts of mind, “One is the conscious mind, analytical and rational, seated in the central nervous system, a fairly recent development in human evolution. The other, underlying it, is a primitive but potent legacy from man’s earliest one-cell ancestors. It can distinguish but one thing – pain. It never loses ‘consciousness,’ and when the so-called conscious mind does, it takes over. While it commands, any sensation with even remotely unpleasant associations is promptly filed in the pain-fear-emergency classification (of memories). Any later reference to such a memory automatically evokes the pain-reaction – a panic, amongst the cells, which ruins their cooperative group function as part of a highly efficient thinking machine. The conscious mind may realize that it is behaving irrationally, but it is helpless.”

The reviewer goes on to say that Hubbard, by dint of much experimentation, decided that the generally accepted idea that these hidden memories could not be recalled by the action of the conscious mind, was wrong. SO, after much prodding of the memory of his patients, he succeeded in getting them to recall the pain or injury which had originally caused the fixation. (Hubbard calls these “engrams” in his efforts to keep from using the terms made familiar to us in psychology.) In what he has named the “Dianetic Revery,” his patient is helped to awaken the memories of the first injuries. He claims that in some 200 cases he has had 100% success in finding the original engrams and in doing so has drained them off and cured his patients. He further states that he has done this in about 50 hours instead of the usual 500 to 1000 hours taken by the older methods. This is indeed a big claim, but listen to this.

He says that when his patients have broken through and recalled the original fixation, it begins to clear that blocked part of the memory, and, as block after block is removed, almost “perfect recall” of anything in the patient’s past can be made with ease. For this reason there is attained a greater mental efficiency and sanity. Also, wonderful to tell, the patient becomes progressively more and more honest and moral, with greater good will toward his fellows. The ad for the book promises that, “Dianetics will help the reader to eliminate any psychosomatic illness from which he may suffer,” so it is to be supposed that a person of good intelligence, perhaps with the help of a friend, may put the method to use, find his own engrams behind each of his blocks and ills, bringing them to light and getting rid of them by the accepted process of rationalization. As nearly all disease seems to have at least part of its roots in the engrams, it would be supposed that, if the method works as claimed, the average individual might improve in health to a remarkable extent, and in mental efficiency to a surprising degree.

In terms of Huna, what Mr. Hubbard seems to have done is to toss aside the idea that the Aunihipili is a part of the Auhane. He has decided that our good old “George,” when the Auhane is knocked out partly or totally, carries on valiantly, but without the benefit of having the Auhane to apply its logic to all experiences and memories before they are made into permanent thought-forms and stored in the aka body. These unrationalized sets of thought-form memories have the strange characteristic of NOT being tied to the usual run-of-the-mill memories by aka threads of “association,” and therefore cannot be recalled as can other memories. We all know that George, when confronted by a duplication of some situation similar to the one which caused the complex, will react to this new triggering by exploding into action, be it in illness or tic or neurosis of a peculiar type, including phobias and compunctions.

Mr. Hubbard points up very clearly his discovery that the lost memories are not tied to others through the usual logical association processes. He shows that they are illogically associated in an ever-longer string, with illogically similar ideas – we say “translated” – so that a fixation caused by a frightening licking of the face by a cat, may, in later life, have been associated with a dozen only slightly similar physical sensations – even to the victim going off the deep end if touched by a wet wash cloth in the hands of a nurse.

In his work, the engineer was not at all interested in old theories. Like ourselves, he demanded something that would work. He saw that in the usual psychoanalysis, the end of the long chain of translated ideas was picked up and that one had to work back along the chain day by day in the hope of getting eventually to the first or original impression from which all the others grew.

His greatest single claim – and our greatest hope that he is right – is based on his discovery of a way to ignore the very long chain and get at once to its beginning. He says that he has found such beginnings to have taken form as early as 24 hours after the patient was conceived – once in the case of a mother suffering with such a bad cough that it caused the injury-pain-thought complex to form that early. In passing, we may do well to remember that men like our HRA Dr. Fodor, have long since traced such traumas back that far, and some cases have even been reported that strongly suggest a preconception source of psychic injury.

Engineer Hubbard says in his article in ASF magazine that he found hypnosis and relaxing drugs less than enough to gain his ends. I take it that these are no longer used, although he hints that the new method will best be put to use by medical and professional men whose job is to treat such conditions.

While we have all been disappointed in the past many times by the promises of great things which failed to pan out, I cannot help but hope that here we just might have something. As soon as the book is out we can begin to evaluate it. I will report on my findings as early as possible. (And here I have run out of space for the page of inspirational material which I planned to gather and present. MFL)

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