Huna Bulletin 59

Spirits, Materializations and Using the Pendulum

July 15, 1951

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA
and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.


A Polynesian spirit HOO`LA, is the name given by a healing returned via the medium-spirit who made contact recently with the ship of Jessie Curl… well-known English psychic, Jessie Curl, when she was stopping over in Pago Pago, Samoa. Elsie A. Keithe, good friend of Huna, via Meade Layne and ROUND ROBIN magazine, got into touch with us and is supplying the information worked with great speed through Jessie Curl, healing as she pointed to one after another in the hall. In her case she had been in pain for three weeks from lumbago, but the pain left her instantly when the healing was sent in her direction and did not return. (This was in February of 1949, so Hoo-la must have been found and taken on as a healing guide before that date.)

Hoo-la (translation: “to cause life or cause light, the symbol of life and health”) claims to have been both healer and warrior in physical life in Samoa. When the medium is in deep trance, he takes over and touches the person to be healed with her hands, causing the sensation of rain drops pattering down on various parts of the body which are being treated (recalling the symbol in the prayers of kahunas when they said, “Let the rain of blessings fall,” asking for the down-flow of the high mana, supposedly). There is wide scope in the healing. A case is mentioned in which a serious abdominal hernia was about to be operated on, but which responded to treatment and in three weeks was completely gone.

Mention was made of the use of sponges to be laid over parts being treated, and later found to have absorbed “sticky fluids.” More simple mechanisms or physical stimuli may be described in later letters. It is also hoped that some Huna lore may be obtained.

In England there lives an artist famous for his ability to make pictures of the spirit guides of mediums. The story is told that he made ready to sketch the Tibetan guide, but that Hoo-la took over the pencil and began a drawing of himself, with the result that he had to be humored and his picture made. A photo of the original was kindly sent, together with a photo of Jessie Curl. Hoo-la is seen as typically Samoan, square and massive of body and head. At first glance, his square face seems heavy and savage, but, in a moment, the kindly intelligence and strength give the impression that lasts. I have the picture now as a part of my little “shrine” in the Study, and hope that it may attract Hoo-la in off moments to help in the TMHG work with us. My “ZNO” pendulum reacts very strongly before the picture after I address Hoo-la for a few moments. I have for some time been strongly under the impression that we have had good friends on the other side attracted to us and taking progressively helpful part in the work we do together for the mutual healing of body, mind and purse, also for world peace and prosperity, and for the Wall of Protection around our friends whose lives have been entangled in the war dangers, directly or through loved ones. The spirit friends are asked to take mana from the supply we join to make available, then to follow the aka threads from the TMHG letters at the Study so that they may find those asking for help, and help and heal them.

TMHG healing results keep improving

The Telepathic Mutual Healing Group work, with meetings at 3 and 7 daily, California daylight saving time, continues steadily, and from the letters that arrive reporting on results, I would say that we are doing better and better. It may be practice, or we may have attracted spirits or high entities to us to give a hand.

While our goal remains instant healing, we often have pressing need for immediate help, now and not at some future date when we have developed skilled kahunas. Nor are most of us able to take advantage of such help as are offered through psychoanalysis. For the time we have, whether we like it or not, to live with our complexes and like them – at least get on the best we can with them – while we make our decisions as to what we desire, exactly if possible, to come to pass, follow through by accumulating the mana surcharge, making the contact with the Aumakua, and delivering the mana-picture seed and force of the prayer. This is the Huna method which it is our purpose to test, to improve and to learn to use. However, if any HRA feels that he has a better method, old or new, there is nothing against sitting in with the TMHG and helping as it may be possible.

HRA Geraldine Birch, of California, writes, “This is just a note to tell you that my daughter-in-law is now all right. Thanks so very much. In this case a call was made to ask the help of the TMHG while HRA G.B. worked for the healing. It seems that, very often, one accustomed to the work of mental-spiritual healing can be made more powerful by the aid of the TMHG or a third healer. The secret of multiplying power through numbers – “church” in its basic sense – seems to lie behind this. Also, when one is confronted by a serious problem and it is one which implicates the individual, as a direct threat or through emotional ties, the hindering fears and anxieties which may hamper the prayer-actions are not shared by a distant healer friend, the result being a clearing of the channel and a swift and successful answer to the combined prayers.

HRA Ethel Wood, of Denver, writes, “The pain that I had endured night and day left instantaneously. I was so relieved that I hardly knew how to act. You will never know how much thanks I gave for the relief, for the pain was unbearable. I wanted you to know the good news at once. I still have a lot of pain in my chest. I may have cracked a rib in my fall. It seems to gradually get better. Jerry is improving some. I hope that all our prayers throughout the world will bring peace.”

HRA L. Cornell, of Poland, Indiana, writes, “Every evening at eight o’clock I sit and clear my mind, trying to get more light on the problem of our experimenting with Huna. I gather a surcharge of vital force and give it to Aumakuas to use wherever and how ever they see fit. I ask nothing for myself, but I seem to be getting a benefit of physical health and strength, for which I am thankful… About self-analysis, I don’t get much good of this because my subconscious is inclined to withhold or color the past things.

“I believe that talking to a trusted friend would be good – one with whom one could speak openly of anything in the past. The talk might excite ‘George’ until he would thaw out and bring wanted things to the light where they could be seen and recognized for what they are.”

It has often been found that “talking things out” has had a good effect. A few years back we had “professional listeners” – remember them? Many of us have, in childhood, learned to pour out our troubles to a loving parent, and the Aunihipili may still respond to friends if they can seem to offer a similar love and understanding.

HRA C.T. Hubbard, in a letter from Hartford, Conn., suggests that every third Bulletin be given over to TMHG reports, also that the names of those needing healing be given in the Bulletin. The difficulty in this plan lies chiefly in finding a way to furnish all HRAs with a signature through which to make a direct aka thread contact for their healing when undertaken apart from the TMHG. It would mean that all who desired work done on their cases would have to send to listed HRA healers signatures, and possibly notes to say what condition needed changing. The further difficultly lies in the fact that many do not wish their names made public. We seem to be doing rather well as we are. HRA Hubbard and a few others stand willing at any time to make special efforts in, and aside from, the TMHG for those in great need. Work of this nature has been going on for the insane lad, Gregg, for some time. He, by the way, has had some backsets, but is again coming along. At the high point of his last good cycle he was able to go for rides away from the hospital with his mother, enjoy a little picnic, and converse surprisingly well on a variety of subjects.

Reports on the self-analysis methods show considerable interest

HRA B.S., of Canada, who lost the use of his lower limbs following a bout with polio, has tried with unusual understanding and tenacity to call down healing. He has an exceptional background of study and experience against which to measure the Farrow method of self-analysis. He obtained a copy of the book after reading of it in the Bulletins, and at once set to work testing the method on himself. He writes:

Several points, I feel, need bringing out in the general interest.

  • It seems to me well established that complexes or fixations are not only more common than we like to imagine, but that they can be of lifelong harm to us.
  • It seems, from a close reading of Farrow, that while almost any method of analyzing or draining off, by analysts, or some other second party – is beneficial, this self-draining-off method, if one is persistent enough, can reach deeper down into the consciousness, and perhaps further back into early memories, than others.
  • That while it seems most desirable that about everybody should give consideration to his own needs for this form of examination or exercise, it is but one of several therapeutic measures and cannot be considered a cure-all. In some respects, as I see it, it serves to stress the need of a greater focusing on FAITH, divine or metaphysical healing and, of course, the common physical methods.
  • Any shorter method than Farrow’s should be sought for. (An hour a day means almost three years to get in 1000 hours, and 26 years, as Farrow needed them, is far too long.) The finger painting or other methods should be tried. I must comment on the almost complete lack of reference to the religious side of one’s life in Farrow’s book… I wonder if he feels that we are all so basically and incurably barbaric that a pure form of analysis must, of necessity, leave out what COULD be a self-deluding type of hypocrisy. The most pronounced thing I have found resulting after a daily half hour of writing off, is a ‘polishing up of optimisms’… Yesterday and today I have felt like a million bucks!

It was of great interest to me to learn that the ‘polishing up of optimism’ was a common experience with all of us who begin self-analysis and make even a little progress. I had that experience after three hours of allowing my George to take over and write down what he chanced to recall. I mentioned the fact that (see a few Bulletins back) old plans, dreams and schemes to better myself and/or the world and my purse, came to the surface. These had been laid aside in past years as impractical or impossible, and had been all but forgotten. But the Aunihipili seemed to have been treasuring them all the years between, and when given a chance, presented them again, timidly. As in the “writing down” method ,one does not object to, or scold about anything George pushes into the focus of consciousness. My George took courage and gave me the whole dusty, tarnished and bedraggled set of once glowing plans. Then came that strange up rush of optimism and expectation – as if almost ANYTHING was still possible for us to be or do or have or experience. It is this intoxicating resurgence of the sum of the old hopes and optimistic confidences that amounts to what I have come to call the breaking down of useful inhibitions. For at least a day, I was once more convinced that I could set up a system by which all who have learned much outside of colleges could be examined, and could be given proper credits and degrees for studies made alone and without the guidance and sanction of the professors. Again I envisioned the literacy of the nation taking a sudden grand leap upward because men and women could at last be given credit before the world for the things they had worked alone, perhaps for years, to learn. Had my circumstances allowed, I might have repeated some of my youthful efforts to interest men in authority in such a scheme. I was able, however, to talk the matter over with Mrs. Long, and so was I able again, in short order, to realize that (1) such a plan would not make money enough to pay anyone to promote it, and (2) the average person, once having escaped from the classroom, has little need for a degree – has more need for a good television program, and (3) that the world was getting on very nicely with things as they are. The stampede into night schools is still anything but.

Confronted by the problem of what to do with George and his bedraggled and impractical toys which he evidently still treasures, I was forced to conclude whether to slap him down again or coax him along. I chose the latter course, and have told him that the dreams are still bright and glowing, and that one day when we have time and opportunity, we will do something wonderful with them. I am told that the “there living” find great joy in working out such dreams in the more easily molded stuff of life on their side. Yes, George, one fine day in the future – without a doubt…

The anesthesia therapy of Dr. L.J. Meduna of the University of Illinois

Not long ago an article in a popular magazine described the new method of treating psycho-neuroses with “whiffs of gas.” The gas is the comparatively harmless mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

No one knows what happens in the brain when we are knocked on the head by a few “whiffs” and are forced to let go of the Aunihipili, or even move out of the body into the aka for a time. There are several theories propounded, but as yet the only thing of which the doctors can be sure is that in many cases a series of daily treatments may bring a degree of improvement in such things as: “Conversion hysteria, spastic colitis, stuttering, tension,” or in “marital difficulties, inferiority feelings, anxiety neurosis, emotional instability, feeling of frustration and chronic alcoholism.” (From a report by John C. Medeiros, D.C., Chiropractic Psychiatrist..) The insane and those suffering from compulsive or obsessional neuroses seem to get no benefit.

No suggestion is used, although it is to be supposed that the very fact that the patient expects to be helped in some definite way, acts as a powerful suggestion when accompanied by so drastic a physical stimulus – a page from the book of Huna which might well be taken by the doctors. From the Huna angle, there is no present explanation for the cures other than this, unless we add the probability that many psychoneuroses stem from the presence of a spirit or two which have attached themselves to the patient and who cause trouble. This form of trouble is well known in Huna lore, and slightly recognized in studies of “multiple personality” cases. Dr. Carl Wickland, in his day, drove spirits of several kinds away with shocks of static electricity, often coaxing them into the body of a medium as the next step, and then subjecting them to treatment by suggestion and strong argument to cause them to let the patient alone. Often the spirit guides – normal and advanced entities – were able to take charge of the dislodged entities and prevent their return.

The therapy, while still comparatively new, is simple to use and is rapidly being made available to the public. HRA Fred Skene Reinhold, D.C., Ph. C., of 5620 Lankershim Blvd, North Hollywood, Calif., is helping pioneer this field just as he has with the Dianetics therapy plus the addition of Huna elements. He has already taken a special course, installed the needed equipment and is already well along in the use of the method. His letter to me of June 28th reports good preliminary results. I anticipate hearing later that he has bettered the original method through the addition of elements from other systems in the use of which he is skilled.

Special thanks

HRA Mrs. A.B., of Nevada, has written to ask me to extend her thanks to all HRAs who have been taking part in the TMHG work. She writes, “My affairs are improving… Please thank all the HRAs for help as I surely do appreciate it.”

Speaking of spirits and materializations

HRA F.S.M. of San Francisco, writes, “Forty or more years ago there was a materializing medium here in San Francisco. All of his seances were held in full light and the spirits who materialized were solid flesh and blood. They had everything, weight, pulse, heart beat, and were warm and solid to the touch. One woman materialized and asked you to cut off some of her hair and a piece of the cloth from her dress. Whatever you cut away would be in your hands, but the hair or dress would be restored as it was, and at once. I felt of a number of the spirits and, in fact, I let a baby crawl into my lap. He spoke German with a rather mature voice and weighed as much as any living baby of that size. He came from the cabinet and returned to it. Some of the entities popped out from anywhere and returned the same way. One time nineteen entities, including a full size Holstein cow came out. Bingo, there was a cow, and bingo, there was no cow. The cow was just as startled to be there as we were to see her. Most of the time the medium was somewhere in the audience… The women were truly beautiful – just like wax. Some of them had hair that reached to the floor. My voice has enough volume… but some of the entities had voices even louder. Each spirit had its own individual voice. It was the best seance I ever attended, but I failed to learn anything of value from these spirits at any time.

Pendulum picks right cards

HRA Charles Wagner decided on the conventions of having the pendulum swing clockwise or counter clockwise to identify the kings or queens taken from a card deck, shuffled and laid out faces down. “In each trial,” writes his father, HRA H.M. Wagner (test was made in Florida during a recent visit), “there were no mistakes.”

In the work to identify objects placed in small boxes – used to train George to reach out an “aka finger,” a similar code for objects might be made up, agreed upon and used. Who will run a test on that line for us with a pendulum?

More Letters

“Here is to Cigbo; Long may he mew with great satisfaction in all that we do.”

So wrote HRA Dr. Lawrence E. Gaylor of Sparks, Nevada, in sending a generous sprig of catnip to Cigbo. Another HRA says, “Make it easy for us to send in something for Cigbo.” While letters and even verses are welcomed at all times, Cigbo can be remembered VERY easily. He instructs, “Wrap catnip in paper. Put in envelope. Address to ME, care of boss. Write your name on the return corner of the envelope. I’ll take care of the rest here, and we’ll have stamps and stuff.”

Dr. Gaylor writes verse as most of us do prose. In his book, VAGUE VERSES, which I am proud to have on my shelf, I find the last verse in a poem titled “Fun” giving his style and philosophy:

“Let us laugh, let us live, let us love, let us give,
Let us not fret about the hereafter,
When we all learn the style, that of wearing a smile
We will find the Creator made laughter.”

SSBM is still to be had

HRA E.H. asks “Is SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES STILL AVAILABLE? Where ?” Out of the original printing of 35,000, about 3,000 are now left, so my publisher informs me. He can furnish them as usual while the stock lasts. Or they may be ordered through the Study, in which case a set of the illustrations made up for Cigbo’s second “birthday cerebration” will be included as well as the sleep suggestion book. Books autographed on request if ordered through the Study.

“Electric Sleep” Case of premonition, Ghost rocks chair?

HRA J.C.W. of Indiana, sent in three newspaper clippings of interest.

(1) An AP science editor tells of a method of inducing sleep by placing very slightly charged electric wires, one on either side of the head. Patients “fall quickly into a deep, dreamless sleep. Dr. Marion M. Estes and Dr. Harvey M. Cleckley, of the Medical College of Georgia, at Athens, told of treating 110 persons in this way when electric shock and other forms of shock treatment had not done well… Anxieties that had troubled some of the patients for 18 months, disappeared. Depressed feelings improved. Split personality was helped (!). Other troubles that got better were involutional psychoses, the depressions of later life, like imagining food does not digest, or that your heart is bad, when it is not. This certainly begins to look as if the aka body was affected by the magnetic fields forming around the slightly charged wires. This is indeed interesting news. No telling what it may lead to. Perhaps the wires should be used before the “Whiffs of gas” therapy is administered. We are just on the verge of beginning to understand the radiations of the brain as an organ. Later we will understand it as an aka organ in the aka body, undoubtedly.

(2) A case of premonition is described in the second clipping – in a long article with pictures, as of September 3, 1950. Jay Maeder, the owner of the Milwaukee Speedrail Company, dreamed all night of seeing a train coming around a curve at him. Much disturbed, he gave orders that the greatest care should be taken in operating his railroad the next day, and personally took charge of a train loaded with sightseers. For some reason, something went wrong. He saw the same train as in his dreams rounding the bend and says, “I either jumped or was pushed out after slamming on the brakes.” He lived. Nine were killed. We may well ask, who or what gave the premonitory dreams, and who or what pushed him from the engine cab in time? This is certainly, “one for the books.”

(3) The third clipping tells of Floyd Holladays, of Muscatine, Iowa, who, six days after the death of a relative, had a platform rocker begin to rock all by itself. They changed it from place to place and from room to room, but it continued to rock for 37 days – and was still rocking at the time of the news dispatch last April 29th. No reason could be found for the rocking. HRA J.C.W. remarks that possibly the “electric sleep” mechanism might be used to advantage as a part of sleep suggestion.

Message to all HRA Radio amateur HAMs

HRA Clem W. Johnson, P.O. Box 218, Boca Grande, Florida, wishes this message broadcast via the Bulletin:



HRA Johnson also writes, “If there should be any Amateur Radio Operators in HRA, this may get them busy on a “mana-meter.” I believe that vital force can be measured by radio frequency. I believe it to be radio frequency. I have been thinking for the past fifteen years that ‘brain waves’ were nothing more or less than R. F. I spent several years dabbling with radio, trying to build perfect treasure finders, metal locators, etc. I have one of the Army Mine Locators in working order now and will experiment a little as soon as I have time. I will report on it when I do.”

He also sent several pages of very much-to-the-point comments having just finished going through a complete set of the back Bulletins and other material, including the book on fire-walking tests by Charles W. Kenn, F.H.F. He stresses the conclusion that we probably lack sufficient FAITH to perform miracles of healing or to do fire-walking. Also, he suggests that it takes the proper and continuous ritual use of things which provide a train of physical stimuli in order to gain and hold the needed FAITH to keep the Aunihipili doing its part perfectly. The slightest grain of doubt brings the action to a grinding stop. The best builder of the FAITH needed by the conscious mind self would be the actual SEEING of the successful performance of miracles by others already able to demonstrate. In the Honolulu fire-walking tests, it is probable that seeing the successful fire-walking of others, built the needed faith to allow the majority of spectators to “walk” unharmed.

Our radiation measuring project with the pendulum progresses…

While it is too early yet for the last Bulletin to reach you all and for tests to be run over a period of days and reported, I am looking forward to a fair response. Several HRAs have written in asking for information on the use of the pendulum, and I have made up a special sheet to send out. As it might be of general interest, I am sending a copy with this Bulletin. It might even serve to interest others if you are able to do a bit of missionary work for Huna.

HRA Clem Johnson, from whose letter I have just quoted, believes that brainwaves are electromagnetic, and we know from the electroencephalograph measuring of tiny electrical discharges from the brain as a physical organ that this must be so, at least in part. However, it seems to be only half the story. Telepathy and map dowsing show that there is something which radiates or otherwise moves from one person to another, or to a distant place and back – and that this force does not obey the law of inverse squares which causes radio-type broadcasting radiations to fade with distance. There must be some other form of energy radiating, not only from the brain but from all things.

This form of radiation seems to be a high octave of the wave bands represented by waves in water, in air to make sound, in substances to make heat, in the ether to make light, and on and on, the wave lengths growing shorter on the way up. Dr. Oscar Brunler, the pioneer in the field of brain radiations (and whose lectures on the subject were recently announced through our mailing list to all HRAs in and near Los Angeles), explains simply that there is a “di-electric or Bio-Cosmic energy” which accompanies all electromagnetic energy, but which is a more basic form of free energy-ether. It is this which the body has a way of picking up and measuring via the pendulum, much as we have organs in the body to pick up and measure for us the radiations of sound, heat, light, taste and smell – also telepathic radiations. When we approach an apple with a swinging pendulum, the body can learn to pick up the di-electric radiations and measure the length of their waves in terms of distance from the peel, pulp or seeds.

Kahunas, if we understand them rightly, believed that the radiant energy, which they called “mana,” could mix with the “aka” substance and thus create an aka thread or extended “finger,” or a thought-form of the thing visualized. This mixed aka-mana became a living force able to keep connection with the consciousness in the individual by means of an aka thread, and so able to act or react as if conscious as well as alive.

HRA V.L. Cameron, professional dowser and experimenter extraordinaire, demonstrates his ability to measure the outline of any object which one builds by concentrated thinking, such as a vase of a certain size placed on a mantel. Fantastic as it may be, he takes his water dowsing gadget and traces the outline with ease. This gives us, in addition to the radiations and their wave lengths, an aka body, aura, etheric double, or whatever we wish to call it. Both must be considered. One represents the mana, the other the aka form. Ordinarily, the mana fades (root ma in mana means “fade” or “wither”). As the mana fades, the aka form falls apart or is drawn back to the aka body of the man who made the mental picture. See what we are driving at? We want science to catch up so that we can have proofs and corrections for Huna. Meantime, Huna can furnish a guiding light for Science – at least for its pioneer fringe workers out far ahead. MFL.

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