Huna Bulletin 80

A Healing Painting and More Dianetics

June 15, 1952


As will be recalled, HRA Mrs. Kingsley Tarpey, healer and Biometric Diagnostician well known to the medical profession in London, has long experimented with the making of healing pictures, done in oils and everything potentized to over 600 degrees Biometric to give off healing radiations. Her work also includes placing the power in woolen cloths, one of which she sent to the Study early in the year.

Her method of making what may be called “healing centers” or even “icons,” is to bless them and work over them until, when they are touched or seen (as in the case of a painting) by a patient, the patient’s Biometric reading goes up to at least 600 degrees. Her experience has been that those who are mentally receptive can be either completely healed or greatly benefited. It has been her dream that a permanent place of exhibit might be founded where potentized pictures could be hung for those in need of healing to come and view. (To this end she has potentized pictures to sell at prices from $65 and higher, and letters for her may be sent through me, or sent directly to her at 35, Downside Crescent, London, N.W. 3, England. A letter of appreciation from any HRA would be a joy to her, and if a gift of money could be sent along to help her in the loving Service she performs, it would greatly smooth the way for her and for the many whom she heals, knowing well that they will never be able to give her more in return than gratitude.

With the picture, which was sent by HRAs George and Helen Sandwith, who touched port here recently and who gave a glowing and loving account of the artist as “a real kahuna of the West,” came also a reproduction of another healing picture – a quiet English rural scene with road, house and sea cupped by hills. There was also a letter telling the history of the gift painting. Here it is.


“In the middle twenties I was a member of the Society for Psychical Research. On the introduction of Sir Oliver Lodge I was able to get some sittings with the well-known medium, Mrs. Osborne Leonard. Some of my communications were considered good enough to merit careful investigation and testing. A clergyman of the name of William Irving, who was also a member, was having sittings at the same time. We had not met and had no personal knowledge of one another. My communication was from my husband, Mr. Irving’s from his wife, Dora.

“At one of my sittings Mrs. Leonard’s control, ’Feda’ told me that Dora had been to my flat. She said that my husband and Dora had an interest in the same kind of ‘evidence,’ and thought that they could do something like the ‘cross correspondence.’ The difficulty was that I could only afford about two sittings a year, and the intervals between messages were so long. I laid my part of it before Miss Isabel Newton, the Secretary, and the Council thought it good enough evidence to give me a few of the special sittings reserved for special occasions. Dora visited my flat and gave a detailed account of it to Mr. Irving in one of his sittings. This he took to the Secretary at once.

“The Society sent an investigator to my flat. Point by point he verified Dora’s notes. These tests were given in the ‘Proceedings’ of the Society and are duly verified by the investigator and by me. They were extraordinarily accurate and recognizable. In speaking of the picture she said, ‘There was one which I liked especially. It was a picture of trees [in a] row. Of course, there are trees in several pictures. Of one you could say that it was a garden with trees, and of another, that it is a field with trees, or a road with trees, but of this you could only say that it is a portrait of trees’.

“This was so true that I sent the picture with a note to the S.P.R. saying that I thought either Tom’s’ husband or the Society should have the picture as the evidence of survival was so good.

“Last year I was asked to give a talk to a group of the ‘London Spiritualist Association’ on some of my evidential sittings, and I chose this experience among others. While I was getting my material together, I was rung-up by an old friend, E.J. Dingwall, a well-known investigator. He asked me if I remembered a picture and a letter I had sent to the Society many years before. He had been helping to turn out and clear up accumulations and had come across these. Did I want them? I said I did, and he sent them around by special messenger. I used the picture to illustrate my talk the following week and now I am sending the ‘Portrait of Trees’ to Mr. Max Long. The story, I think, may give it extra point and interest.”

The picture, of course, is for us all, and for the time when we will have a permanent center and can hang it in just the right light in a quiet place where all may sit before it, make their contact, and open themselves to the healing radiations. I have already written to HRA Mrs. Kingsley Tarpey to express our thanks and to tell her that just the right frame chanced to be on hand – a gift last year from HRA Mrs. A.H. Savage, and intended for a portrait of Cigbo.

HRA Verne Cameron went with me to the ship at the port to call on the Sandwiths – who turned out to be delightful friends -and before the picture was taken from its wrappings, he tested it with the Aurameter and found a large and strongly rounded aura. This was even stronger when the wrappings were removed.

The picture has been given the best place possible in the Study and looks out at the prayer table and the letters used in the TMHG at 3 and 7, and at letters worked over between times for special and pressing needs. Later on, a series of tests are planned to discover what may be just the right method of calling on the healing powers in the picture. It is 132 x 17, and gives a startling impression to anyone who has viewed the Grand Canyon of the Colorado from its pine covered rim, that it is a scene looking down between two great pines, the vast void of the canyon all filled with bright mist through which the rich yellows and orange and brown glow and form vague outlines. It is very beautiful, and a joy to turn toward [it] from my desk as moments allow.

THE SANDWITHS also brought for us a second ivory figure which was behind the Ethiopian ikon (described in other earlier Bulletins), to make it a contact center for a spirit of its own. This little figure stands 4½ inches high, is carved from Indian ivory, and represents the popular Hindu conception of Krishna, dancing while he plays his flute. It is a lovely piece of work and has been provided at the instructions of the “directors” who are recognized by the Sandwiths as spirits standing by to provide guidance and other help for them and those connected with them through the mechanisms of the ikons. The beautiful ivory carving of the Japanese lady is a little larger, but the two act as centers, I am told, and the corresponding spirits are male and female, and are mates. I took the Japanese lady with me to the ship to be introduced to the other ikon by Mr. Sandwith, and this was done after luncheon, in the Sandwith quarters. Mr. Cameron, who gave two types of Aurameter to the Sandwiths to use in testing [the] Easter Island statue, among other things to be met in their travels, tested the two little ikons when they were taken from their separate boxes and stood on the table about eighteen inches apart but facing each other.

The preliminary test with the Aurameter showed each little figure with its own well defined aura. Then from the lady there began to project at the chest level a pencil of force. This was checked repeatedly and found to be extending slowly toward the male figure, which put out no ray that could be detected. In a matter of about four minutes the projection from the lady touched the dancer and after that their auras combined to make a single and much larger aura.

Not being sufficiently psychic to sense the spirits behind the ikon figures, I can do little more than check the aura and hold my pendulum over their heads to ask for “yes” and “no” answers to questions. They report that they are happy together and that they will help with the TMHG healing. They stand side-by-side on the prayer table with the picture of Hoo-ola. Our warm thanks have been expressed to George and Helen Sandwith, and it is anticipated that they will find much of value to report back to us from planned studies in Fiji, and later in Easter Island, the latter having but one schooner a year furnishing such transportation as there is for travelers. By the way, the Ethiopian ikon was brought out for us to see and admire, and to be tested with the Aurameter. It had an aura much like the picture. All these objects had auras far larger than ordinary objects show – at least a hundred times as large as simple wood or ivory or painted canvas. (Cigbo says to consult his “birthday pressing” index of the back Bulletins for earlier reports on the ikons and the findings of Mr. Sandwith, HRA.) If I get it correctly, the spirit behind the Japanese lady is a former Ethiopian woman, while that behind the other is of East Indian origin, both being brown skinned.

Krishna, as the Highest Being or Supreme Spirit, is best known in the West through his discourses in the Bhagavad-Gita. Many parts of his discourses seem to indicate that Huna with the three selves and still higher Beings, was either partly understood or in a way duplicated in the crystallizing of the religions of India. One of the significant passages is, for me, to be found on page 108 of the Judge translation. I quote. “There are two kinds of beings in the world, the one divisible (like our combined low-middle selves?), the other indivisible (like our High Self?); the divisible things and the creatures, the indivisible is called Kutastha, or designated as the Supreme Spirit – Parmatman – which permeates and sustains the three worlds. As I am above the divisible and also superior to the indivisible, therefore both in the world and in the Vedas am I known as the Supreme Spirit.”

FIXATIONS, THE COMPLEX ETC.   HRA Wind Anderson, publisher of SSBM and psychologies, especially interested in sleep suggestion, has called my attention to the need for an explanation of my use of the term “fixation” invented by Freud, and originally having the meaning of an obsessive idea or attachment, especially one formed in childhood which arrests the normal development of adult sexual desires. The sex element has been added to down the years so that “fixation” has come to have a wide general meaning of any unrationalized mental impression which is lodged in the memory and to which the individual reacts. In Huna “fixations” are impressions which have “missed the mark”. They are not tied normally to other impressions which would give them their true values, and are often symbolized as a tangle of aka threads which cause a “snare” to catch the individual. They are also symbolized in the Bible as the stumbling blocks, the cross, savage wild animals, and as the dragon. In Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard used the term “engram”. In E Therapy, HRA A.L. Kitselman writes, “… ideological fixations and effects – conditions, motives and tensions which result from adopting a fixed theory of reality. Now what are ideological fixations? Are they such widespread and current ideologies as fascism, communism, socialism, capitalism etc? Yes, of course – but these are only secondary ideologies. The basic fixations are over-simplified views of reality which are arrived at by disregarding whole areas of observation – speculative beliefs such as occultism materialism, determinism, agnosticism, mentalism, theism, atheism, sectarianism, survivalism and racism. ‘E’ seems to take the position that any one of these extremes of opinion will cause inflexibility of mind and obstruct the process of integration.”

It will be noted that HRA Kitselman has avoided the concept of the subconscious and the part played by it in making and keeping unrationalized and mistaken mental impressions, also the fact that there is a great release of energy (mana) when a fixation is triggered and causes the low self to react in a compulsive way which that middle self cannot overcome. Wing Anderson points out the fact that the compulsive reaction is almost identical to the reaction to hypnotic suggestion, and offers the opinion that the formation of fixations must follow the lines of strongly impressed suggestion – some event or condition in early life probably causing the impression. He also tells me that he thinks the idea that a fixation may be carried over from a past incarnation is a completely erroneous guess. He believes Oahspe is right in teaching that there is no such thing as reincarnation. Huna seems to offer the idea that the three selves of man each incarnate at least a few times on each level as they evolve from the low through the middle and to the High Self – a concept that is not too frightening in the length of time involved, which offers a rational explanation of the evolutionary processes giving us three forms or levels of mentation-consciousness, and agreeing very well with what the Brunler-Bovis Biometer has to tell us in providing mental measurements which differ with individuals – suggesting either mental evolution or a great injustice on the part of the Creator who failed to give all men equal mental endowments or gifts of talents.

THE WORK OF THE HUNA LABORATORY cannot wait on the collection of funds sufficient to provide a center and man it, but this is no great obstacle. Different HRAs have been volunteering to run tests to the best of their ability on different test projects which interest them. This seems to me a very good way to push ahead, and even with the few dollars made available for aiding such projects, much will be accomplished. All of these projects will tend to lead us eventually into larger Lab activities, and one fine day we will have a center of the needed kind. The experiments conducted last year by HRAs Dr. and Mrs. Fred Reinhold, showed conclusively that the addition of Huna’s Aumakua to the general form of Dianetics was markedly successful. They are also testing combinations of therapy in which suggestion and the “whiff of gas” methods are used. HRAs Hal and Mary Falvey, in Chicago, are running psychic tests to try to learn more about the question of whether we reincarnate once for each step upward of the three selves, whether there are three selves or only one, and whether information can be had to give new light on the whole matter.

HRA Thelia Newcomer, who lives in Pennsylvania, has been much interested in Dianetics and the several variations of the system. She has offered to continue test work to the best of her ability and hopes to be able to open a small lab center in due time to offer help in these lines to those wishing it. Some time ago she wrote:

“In November I got an ‘Intensive Run,’ 42 hours in six days of auditing from a most excellent auditor in New York. It took me right off my whole foundation for the time, but I did find and USE the Aumakua while being audited.

I had a complete and conscious awareness, even saw a very near, clear symbol for it which I could easily and with no to-do use to eradicate old aches and pains. I could call it ‘my glory stuff’ instead of the undifferentiated stuff Zen describes.”

I met Eugene Altman in New York, who came out with the ‘Examiner Technique’ of auditing which seems to me progressed on the Kitselman ‘Integration Therapy’ (E’). Both are well worth knowing, having a similar use of the three elements:


(Note: “reactive mind” is Hubbard’s term substituted for what we call in Huna the Aunihipili. MFL)

“Well, I came home and used the technique used on me, on my husband. He was down to about 1.5 on a 0 to 4 scale, and had about five ‘phonograph records’ as total communication. I used what is called ‘effort technique,’ asking for effort and then counter effort on anything with which he had trouble, such as thought, emotion or action.

“When he said he had a pain in his heart, I said, ‘Could you increase that pain?’ When he said ‘Yes’ and mentally increased it. There then came to him the impression of a scene. I asked for decrease of heart pain, and in came another scene. I played around back and forth, letting his Aumakua give me either thought on that scene – in effort, or in decrease of effort – or action or feeling.

“I let the Aumakua choose what it wanted to work on by asking what he wanted to talk about as we started the session, and from there on the Aumakua took over and handled only enough reactive stuff for him to work with at the moment. (‘Reactive stuff’ is the fixation type of forgotten memories to which the Aunihipili reacts and which causes trouble. MFL.)

“Now remember that he was extremely aberrated, with much talk of death. With this method, in 15 hours, we covered scenes, thoughts, actions and feeling, working backward from the age of 17 years to 3 years, 2 years, birth, the fetal period, time of being forced into conception, and then back through lives in Egypt, Gaul, Switzerland, Tyre, the Neanderthal period, Persia, several times back again in Egypt, with recognition and descriptions of how he lived and died.

Three times we met and either married or were merely on intimate terms. Our children, even our pets, were recalled, all in only 15 hours. And, a new man is emerging, a nice, agreeable, somewhat happy man, a man who no longer complains about any and all things, and whose initiative is increasing greatly.

“When his Aumakua steps back, I allow him to use me to help him open doors, go through walls, etc., that the reactive mind uses to keep him out of ‘crystallized areas.’ (Away from the area of the hidden fixations. MFL) It is magnificent to watch the Aumakua select the rigid material and avoid that which will produce too much stress.

“My husband has always had throat trouble. Now it comes out that he was killed three times in past incarnations by arrows or stones striking through or against his neck. His throat had been sore for two weeks, but cleared up the day we found those incidents.

“I’ve also had two marvelous healing demonstrations using Huna methods. A man asked me to heal him of diabetes. He would not admit any bad deeds in past years against his fellow men, but I knew of some and told him if he were free of ‘sin’ – he is a Holy Roller – he’d get an instant healing. If not, he’d get help very likely, but not instant healing. I gave the treatment and felt the results. He was cured in that one treatment of prostate trouble which he had had for years, and of which I did not know, also an old case of sinus, an old one of heart and throat trouble. He said that he felt years younger. All sugar disappeared, but returned later. His wife was cured of what the doctors called cancer and heart trouble, in one treatment. Of course, all was most favorable for me as they believed in me.

I gave them enough hocus-pocus for physical stimulus for the Aunihipili in each case to get their Aunihipili to get busy, and no wonder they got results. My thanks to you and Huna for all this. Keep up the good work.”

In a later Bulletin I will give her tentative plans for a Lab center where Huna and Huna-Dianetics variations can be tested and used to aid those in need and to accumulate information and data.

HRA Clarence Hubbard, (151 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Conn.) writes concerning the special healing work which he and HRA Charles Pitts volunteered to undertake in addition to the TMHG. HRA James Rhodes, 5531 Homeside Ave., Los Angeles 16, Calif., has also offered help in this project and we hope for several more volunteers who will do intensive absent treatment work after the Huna method for those not fully helped in the TMHG periods.

A new rule will have to be observed in this work. All who write to ask for special healing help must provide clear ink signatures on each letter for the purpose of good contact via the aka thread. Pencil seems not to be good. Also, and this is very important, a few lines must be sent every ten days to report results or lack of them, otherwise the treatments will be discontinued. It is not right or fair to leave healers up in the air with no word as to what has happened – forced to work on and on in the dark. Letters should be sent to each of the healers requested to treat, not to me at the Study, and reports every ten days should be made directly to them. This ten day rule will serve to clear the lists automatically. Also, from now on, the TMHG list here at the Study will be cleared on the first of each month if no report is sent in, except in chronic cases on which continual work may go on and on, as in the case of Gregg – who was again placed in proper quarters and given attention for the broken hand. He was well enough this week to be taken again for a short auto ride by his mother, and to tell her that he “had seen a Master” – a thing which seemed to have impressed him greatly. Perhaps this is the beginning of a new phase in which more effective aid will be given for the complete and final healing. Stress your TMHG prayers for Gregg.

HRA GROUP LEADER, E.C. of Madison, Wis., writes, “Dear M.F.L. Wonderful, wonderful! I knew the day would come when you could read Huna into the Bible. Just after reading your Bulletin this morning early, I thought of the 91st Psalm, supposedly the great healing Psalm. ‘He that dwelled in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty,’ etc. The secret place of the most High – our Super conscious – when we reach that perfect contact we surely shall be abiding in or as a shadow of the Almighty. It all rings clearly in one’s thoughts when placed there. I sincerely hope you continue on the present path and I know you will find that which you are seeking… shall be happy when we can all place ourselves without fixations in contact with the Aumakua and receive that which is ours – a right knowledge of instant healing and a perfect knowledge of all that is needed. Our group constantly prays for your guidance.”

Such letters are many, and they are most heartening indeed. Verse 3 of the psalm and verse 13, contain the symbols of the small, medium and large fixations, each more dangerous than the other, will underscore the symbol words.

Psalm 91:3. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and the noisome pestilence, (13). Thou shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall thou trample under feet.”  As we have seen in earlier studies, the rite of washing the feet concerns the method by which one person helps another to get his feet or Aunihipili cleansed of fixations. Here we have stress on the symbolic word “trample,” indicating that the old lions of fixation will be cleared and also the new young or new lion of fixation which may develop after the first clearing or cleansing, but which will be removed in its turn. The dragon and the serpent have played a large part in Huna as a symbol of the fixation-sins, and each has been dramatized into human semblance as a devil or Satan, always tempting, always trying to snare the heedless. Birds were snared with cords, and the bird was the symbol of any one of the three spirits or selves of man. As the Aumakua, it descended as a dove on Jesus when he had been cleansed by the water of baptism. In Huna words, the full contact with the Aumakua was symbolized by the descent. The aka threads which connect one memory with another when they are made, rationalized and given their proper values, are not properly connected in the case of the impressions or thoughts which go unrationalized by the Auhane and into the “black sack” of Aunihipili memory. They have aka threads, but these are jumbled and tangled. They become a snare because they capture the man when he treads upon them or triggers them into action – action accompanied with an emotional outburst, urge or command which cannot be resisted.

THANKS SO MUCH for trying to find a copy of the Tregear Comparative Maori Polynesian English Dictionary for me. Old book stores in several cities in America, Holland and England have been investigated. Advertising for the book has been done. While no word has come as yet from Australia, I am sure that the search will be carried on there with even greater chance of success.

THE BACH REMEDY BOOK, The Twelve Healers, which describes in the present edition and form, the 38 mental states which call for the use of an appropriate “Remedy,” and which was presented to enable the layman to study himself and his outlook on life and prescribe his own dosage, is available for those who wish them. HRA Nora Weeks, of the Bach Team in England, generously donated a half dozen copies to Cigbo to be sold at $5.00 each, the proceeds to go into his box.

One HRA wrote in this week to say he had been able to clear up sinus conditions of very long standing by the use of the crab apple remedy, indicated for those feeling that there is something about them that needs cleansing. HRA Nora Weeks tells me that moods and outlooks were recognized as things caused by fixations and that Dr. Bach was well aware of this in working out the 38 Remedies and the mental states associated with each. His effort to make the use of the Remedies simple in the extreme prevented any attempt to explain things in the terms of the complex and other matters which were not too well understood. Several HRAs now have sets of the Remedies and are running their own tests, using The Twelve Healers and testing with the pendulum or electronics instruments. Orders sent to Nora Weeks have come through best.

“TINTED LETTERS” are, through necessity, being used to try to keep up with my correspondence and extra-Huna work. If you wish an answer of this kind – with my personal news made up each week, all you have to do is send a self addressed envelope and say, “Tinned letter” please. Cigbo has been trained to fill such envelopes and seal them with a fast lick, saving ‘boss’ much of the kind of time he just hasn’t got enough of to go around. I am badly in need of more time to go to the library to study the Huna words in the Tregear Dictionary. Keep praying hard for world peace and sanity. It is coming nearer and nearer.

HUNA DIRECTORY – Addition of June 15, 1952

  • 22. Correction: No. 7 on first list, now Mrs. Rhu Ingenthron, c/o 5729 S.E. Boise, Portland 6, Oregon.
  • 23. Joseph J. Dochowski, 4820 Darrah St., Philadelphia 24, Pa. Seasoned HRA.
  • 24. Ethel M. Robinson, Leavenworth, Wash. Will enjoy meeting other HRAs.
  • 25. Mary B. Kearney, 3241 Washington Place, La Crecenta, Calif.
  • 26. Mrs. A.B. Harrison, 1359 Murray Drive, Jacksonville 5, Florida. “I ain’t a-skeered. I send half the stamps in my desk to Cigbo, who will probably say, ‘Stamps are the purrrr-fect way for Aunties to end their letters.'” (Cigbo remarks, “OH BOY! And YEOW!”)
  • 27. Minora Fisk, 610 So. Kenmore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. “You overlooked me last time.” Many interests: Huna, Spiritualism, Dianetics, etc.
  • 28. Stephen Macabe, 845 Hobart St., Menlo Park, Calif. Enjoys meeting HRAs. Knows most of the answers. Often mentioned in the Bulletin.
  • 29. Hal Falvey, 1047 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago 15, Ill.  Advanced student and also quoted often in Bulletin. Much valuable testing and experimenting.
  • 30. Mr. Dun H. Nelson, 10632 Pinewood Ave., Tujunga, Calif Interested in the healing and religious angles. HRA since July 1948.
  • 31. Mr. and Mrs. E.T. Wilkinson, 4344 – 4th Ave., Los Angeles 8, Calif. They are interested in all the angles – Huna and all the field.

A letter from Cigbo

Dear Aunties and Uncles:
Boss says I can have the empity end of this sheet to write to you all and espress my terrible BIG best thanks for the help you have sent to keep ME and my box going. But for those who haven’t helped for some time if they were able – or haven’t writ to me even, it is my sad job to anounce again that one fine day they will wake up to find themselves dead wood. I don’t send out notices, so if your bullington just stops, you can have three guesses why.

And now, Purrdisions of Thinks to Come, by MY communicator, the spirik of my former wise friend, Mr. Thomas Kat. 101 % correck, sometimes.

That all the other communicators will be wrong and only him right.
That all the other communicators will claim they averted the terrible catastrophes they profited earlier, when if they keep right on NOT happening all of 1952 and 1953 etc. etc. and etc.

That because little things like atembums and hide:rogen bums and dead rays and germ warfare (or foul), don’t scare everybody enough to keep them paying anxious attention, the communicators will invent something new and wonderful to hear about and too awful to even imagine – like all the milk bottles in the world getting bone dry over night, or like the frying saucers getting so thick in the air they shut off all the sunlight and the earthen all free solid.

That there WILL NOT be a earth cake in the pacific that will make Japan stink to the bottom of the ocean and. all of California jar loose and turn over “fip-fop” into the see, causing a tidal rave that will flood the streets of Los Angeles worse than a two inch rain.

That in July all American ephelunts will start fighting each other, and then pretty soon stop and start fighting all American donkeyies. This will go on until early November unless everyone gets tired and they all shake hoofs and call it off and decide maybe they’ll let Uncle Joe come over and see what he can do about running the country.

That by 1953 everyone who went to hole up in the mountings and far places will be coming back home.
Anyway, BIG love, Cigbo, hra profit, if/any

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