Huna Bulletin 84

HRA Inventors & Investigators

Aug. 15, 1952

Dr. Oscar Brunler

HRA Dr. OSCAR BRUNLER passed on, August 1st, at Santa Barbara, Calif. As was stated in the Bulletin some time ago, he suffered from radiation poisoning during two hours of work potentizing chemical fertilizers in solution for a friend – poisoning from which he was unable to recover. His body was cremated. On the Sunday following, a “Bon Voyage” party was held in the garden of the home in which he had spent his last weeks, there in Santa Barbara.

Dr. Brunler’s discoveries and inventions were many, making up an impressive list. His personal experiences and adventures covered a very large field. Of especial interest and benefit to the HRA has been his work in the measurement of the radiations of what he came to prefer to call the “soul,” and the classification of the radiation readings according to their levels and significations. With the great generosity which was one of his outstanding characteristics, he passed on to us and to his friends and lecture audiences, his findings, at the same time doing his best to present those findings against a background of psycho-religious philosophy which would aid in one’s understanding and ability to accept the very new and often surprising things which were offered.

Perhaps his greatest talent was his capacity for friendship. Those of us who knew him during his short time of residence in California will miss him very much. He was one of the best friends of HRA, and we can best honor his memory by closing ranks and pressing on with even greater determination to do what we can to make the best of the heritage of knowledge which he left to us and to the world.

OUR NEW BULLETIN PAPER, which comes into use with this issue and which will continue for several issues, is not intended as a permanent thing. Cigbo had the chance to tie up some discontinued paper stock which had been punched with two holes but which can be cut to our size. The holes come in the margin and will do no harm. They might even serve to bind the Bulletins’ run on this special paper. The savings on this paper will be used to buy some much desired books to go with the Tregear Dictionary which is still on the way from New Zealand, but which should arrive soon.

ROUND ROBIN MAGAZINE, issue of July-August, done in the inimitable manner of HRA Meade Layne in the interests of the BSRA, is off the mimeograph and makes unusually good reading. The six-page lead article by the editor on the Aurameter, etheric objects, thought-forms, teleportation and its possible use in projecting flying saucers – all most provocative of thought. A number of other excellent articles and departments include a fine report on a very odd experiment carried out by HRA Verne Cameron with the aid of his Aurameter and a strange skull from the collection of the famous lecturer, collector and student, Manley P. Hall. (“Kilner’s ‘Human Atmosphere’ – and an Unusual Experiment”) Single copies of ROUND ROBIN 50¢, but nice to add a dime for postage. Subscription for a year, including BSRA releases, $5. 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif.


(III) (Reprint from Psychic News and Harbinger of Light)

Paul: My Lord, I saw you in my system as the “High Priest Forever,” and gave you that place of honor. I placed you “sitting at the right hand of God.” I gave you every honor.
Jesus: Well I know where you have placed me, Paul, but where did you get these highly aristocratic and priestly ideas about me? Not from me, not from my words or works, and I am sure none who ever knew me in the flesh and in my simple garments, would ever associate me with all the flummery gathered round the old priestcraft. The official dress alone would disgust anyone who lived as simply as I did.
Paul: I know you lived a simple life, but –
Jesus: Very simple both in life and belief. It was my protest against the elaborate pretence of temple and synagogue. How I hated the weary procession of beasts trailing along to the slaughter-house and, still more so, the resplendent solemnity of the priests in attendance who stage-managed the ancient pantomime.
Paul: But it was the ancient religion of our fathers.
Jesus: It certainly was. I hated it so I could not speak of its beastly ritual and just ignored it. That was why the priests were so angry at my teaching. They did not understand a religion for  the market place and the home. They had always to be “performing” in  their temples and in the slaughter-house.
Paul: How strange! I saw the OLD fit into the NEW, just like a dove-tail. The one seemed to fulfil the other. You, my Lord, were the final fulfilment of all our religion.
Jesus: The religion I began to do and teach, Paul, was not reformed Judaism. It was a new way of life. Paul, between ourselves, your theorizing with your old scriptures about sacrifice, and your conclusion, “We are justified by His blood” – meaning mine – (Rom. 5:9), was most ingenious. Then you turn around to simple men, Gentiles, and men who never knew or heard of our ancient and peculiar rites, and you say that only those who can bring themselves to believe – all that – are saved. I never taught that.
Paul: I thought –
Jesus: Don’t you see, Paul, that before any man can understand YOUR gospel, which you call Christianity, he must first study and then accept ancient Judaism with all its ritual of bloody sacrifices? Is that the proper approach to ME?
Paul: It seemed very logical at the time when I wrote to the Saints at Rome. They accepted it.
Jesus: I was never in Rome. But, Paul, what will happen to my simple gospel if future generations should prefer yours and build churches around it to perpetuate that – forgive me, Paul – that logical lunacy?
Paul: I did my best.
Jesus: Paul, a man’s best, if his vision is wrong, is sometimes his worst. But I shall always be grateful to you for that other writing of yours, much of it so different from your polemics, but especially your poem in praise of Love. (1 Cor. 13.) For one brief hour you were inspired by all I ever believed or felt. My dear Paul, I have that poem in my memory, every word.
Paul: My master, I wrote that far removed from the scene of the Jewish temples and the priests. It was done in my beloved Ephesus. I am glad you like it.
Jesus: Paul, that will live when all your other works are forgotten. It is the whole of the LAW and the GOSPEL.
Paul: Lord, did you never write? Had you no craving for authorship?
Jesus: No craving for authorship in that sense. Had I lived longer – and how I wished for that – I might possibly have collected my sayings and my simple stories, like the one about the Good Samaritan, and the Prodigal Son, and others. Oh, I remember, I did write once, but only on sand. (John 8:6.)
Paul: On sand? – what? – why?
Jesus: It was a secret. For a brief moment it was seen and read by only one poor, simple girl. Paul, it is the FATE OF ALL WRITING TO BE WRITTEN ON SAND. There is NO FINALITY WITH TRUTH. Truth marches on.
Paul: My master, one day you must tell me what you taught and I may, if you will, ask of you questions, as once I did of my master Gamaliel.
Jesus: Yes, we shall do that. But I warn you, Paul, my gospel was not a theology except in its simplest form, and it never was a system, and it never was a body of doctrine. It was just about people. Always about people.
Paul: My master, might we not talk today of your views rather than of mine?
Jesus: As you will, Paul; then you must question me and I shall answer as best I can.
Paul: Well, then, what about your miraculous birth by the Virgin Mary and the Holy Ghost?
Jesus: I know nothing of that. None of us can know anything of our birth, Paul, except what we are told.
Paul: And what were you told?
Jesus: No child is ever given details. I was told nothing.
Paul: Not even when you grew up and became “a son of the Law?”
Jesus: It would have been too late then, Paul; these miracle stories are for the very young. Mothers in all lands tell fairy stories about birth to their children to satisfy a too early curiosity.
Paul: But, my master, you must believe your mother Mary was a Virgin.
Jesus: Surely. My mother Mary would be a virgin when she met her man Joseph, but of the Holy Ghost – well, Paul – I am like your friends in Ephesus (at a much later date) who had not heard of it. (Acts 19:2.)
Paul: Do you suggest – ?
Jesus: I suggest nothing. I do not know. I never once spoke of my birth – few people do – and in my lifetime those who knew me well – even those who are NOW writing about me – never spoke of it as anything worthy of special comment. Not once.
Paul: But – your miracles?
Jesus: You mean my powers of healing? No one ever associated any power of mine with my birth. They did not say: “Nothing amazing in that, considering his miracle-birth.” Not once. They just said: “Is this not the carpenter’s son whose brothers and sisters are here?” There was no mystery in the minds of my generation in regard to my birth.
Paul: But your own biographers, my master –
Jesus: I know biographers. When their subject – always famous or notorious – died, the biographer always found something astonishing in his immediate ancestry, especially in the mother – a pretty sentiment, my Paul, and a natural one. All the world loves a mother! And –
Paul: But, my master, the story has caught the world’s imagination. They now have a day in honor of the “Babe of Bethlehem.” It is the Holy Mystery.
Jesus: And all the world loves a new-born! The Gentiles will rejoice; they always liked mysteries. They loved to make their great ones greater still – both in life and in death. At birth they were wonderful; after death they became dieties. My answer to your question, Paul, is – I DO NOT KNOW!
Paul: You refer to after death. What, then, of the Future Life? How did you deal with that? I had much to say to the Saints about the Kingdom-to-come.
Jesus: So I have heard. Now that is a question I can answer and did answer in my lifetime. One day when my disciples were showing me over the Temple buildings, they asked that very question, and I replied: “Day and date no man knows. You don’t know; I don’t know; even the angels in heaven don’t know. God alone knows.” (Matt. 24:36.) And to take them out of their dream I added, “Wake up! Keep the day’s work going, and because you don’t know – Watch!” (Matt. 25:13.)
Paul: You didn’t know? I thought you knew all things.
Jesus: No, there were  some things I did know that I did not tell – to the people who asked me.
Paul: Were you not the Great Teacher?
Jesus: It was because I was a teacher, and knew my pupils, that I often reserved my opinions.
Paul: You didn’t know! That would be on account of your “Kenosis,” my master?
Jesus: My what? Oh, yes, you mean that theory you gave to the Philippians? (Phil. 2:7.)
Paul: Yes. How, though you were equal with God from the beginning, you “emptied yourself” of your Glory and became a man of no reputation?
Jesus: My glory, Paul, such as it was, was to be a Man, and I fear I did not have a considerable “reputation.” I have studied that part of your letter to the Philippians with care. I quite approve of verse 5, but the glorification that follows – to verse 11 – I confess made me think of that remark of Festus to you, my Paul. (Acts 21:24.)
Paul: I was never done placing you on a high pinnacle, my master
Jesus: So it would seem. Luke tells of another who did that. (Luke 4:9.) No, Paul, I must tell you frankly I do not understand your theory of the – the Kenosis, nor your argument. I first “empty myself” and yet I retain “the fullness of the God-head,” (Col. 2:9) and am credited with omnipotence. I make another prophesy, Paul. This “mystery” of yours – and it is also a mystery to me – will keep the priests and pundits busy for the next twenty centuries to come. Many ecclesiastical honors will be won in the contest. (The end.)

* Note: “Kenosis” comes from the Greek word used by Paul. It means “emptying.” In the “Word Book” at the back of the King James version “International Series” Bible on my desk, “Kenosis” is given and a special article is cited under the discussion heading of THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. A careful reading of this section of the explanations of how the modern Bible and modern dogmas came to have their present form, is most enlightening and will aid greatly in the task of deciding what was taught by Jesus and what was added later in the way of dogmatic beliefs and rites. The lack of a full knowledge of Huna at the later times may be responsible for the tangle.


HRA GEORGE WALLACE, Box 158, Beaumont, Calif., who invented the “ZNO” form of horizontal spring-wire pendulum, described in earlier Bulletins, tells me he is hard at work on a “bug chaser” for the “bugs” in humans, getting most of the plans for the new instrument from s spirit. This spirit materialized in a seance and George says he was struck dumb for days by the magnificence of the “teacher” and his costume.

George also has been trying a form of telepathic control over friends with whom he has experimented. It goes like this: The friend stands holding a ZNO in front of himself, point toward a chart. On his head he wears a metal band with a loop or point sticking up, or two points, or just a wire coil. This is to pick up the telepathic radiations, and/or magnetic radiations directed by George to him. George stands behind him, holding up behind his head a horse shoe magnet & “sends” directions to the effect that [the] friend will cause the point of the ZNO to trace clockwise or counter-clockwise or up and down or sidewise lines on the chart. If the south pole of the magnet is held in the hand of George, the friend’s ZNO will move in one direction, while if the north pole is the one held in the hand of George, the ZNO will reverse its motion. George says, “I have also found that changing the poles of the magnet (relative to the position of the receiver) effects receptive ability of the receiver. It is also possible to affect the sender. Results seem to be obtained quicker if the receiver wears an iron wire antenna, and if he is not insulated from the ground by rubber shoes.” It is also said to be a help if the receiver is grounded with a wire to a water or gas pipe in the room, the end of the wire being held in the free hand. George warns that these experiments should not be carried out for longer than a few minutes at a time as they may cause headache etc. if overdone. Here are some of the drawings sent to show what is meant.

Huna Bulletin 84

While this seems a rather simple experiment, it bears on a very old question concerning the nature of magnetism and its relation to the human aura, to human nervous reactions and to the left and right hand polarity. One is made to wonder what part the magnet plays in the experiment, why the antenna betters the results, and what thought has to do with picking up and directing magnetism as a part of the silent telepathic command to cause the ZNO to move this way or that. (ZNOs are available from George. Former price was $3.)

KILNER SCREEN TYPE SPECTACLES are being made up on order for his friends and for any HRA, by HRA Joseph H. Lukovich, 334 Phoenix St., McKees Rocks, Penn. He has for some time been experimenting to get the right tint of glass to duplicate the effect obtained some years ago by Dr. Kilner in England, in which the tint seemed to cause the eyes to become sensitive to the radiations thrown off by the human aura.

Dr. Kilner tested many colors and settled on that produced by a solution of dicyanin dye. One first looked through the screen in ordinary daylight, then turned the eyes on a naked man standing in dim light against a dark background. Not all people could learn in this way to see the aura, but many succeeded. There were three distinct radiations, all supposed to lie in the ultraviolet end of the spectrum – none of them ordinarily to be seen by the eye and none picked up by cameras. The first layer was dark and colorless, extending from the body about an inch at most, but often shrinking to a quarter of an inch. The second layer extended another three inches, while the third reached almost a foot in depth.

Negative charges from a Wilmhurst machine caused the aura to vanish. It was also sensitive to the influence of magnets, chemicals and vapors. Under hypnosis, the brilliance of the aura dulled. In a similar manner its size and colors were changed by illness. In mental illness, the size of the aura grew progressively less and the outline of it was irregular and dim. At the approach of death, the aura shrinks, and at death becomes lacking entirely. He confirmed to a degree the findings of still earlier investigators who depended largely on the psychic vision of mediums to enable them to study the aura under various conditions. Much work remains to be done in this field even today.

Like all pendulum measurements, there is a certain psychic element involved and the operator must have some psychic ability in order to see the aura through the Kilner type screen. This limitation also applies to the use of the Aurameter and the Biometer, to say nothing of all the “radionics” and “electronics” instruments which depend upon the “rubbing plate” or other method of putting the psychic ability of the operator into action as the vital part of a reading. Science, of course, refuses to sanction all such methods of measurement, and even for those of us who are convinced of the verity of psychic measurement, there will be few who do not admit that readings tend to vary from one reader to the next according to his ability and training in the matter of the agreed-upon unit of measurement – the “convention” set up with the Aunihipili.

I have not seen or tested the “Auraspecs,” as HRA Lukovich has named them, but HRAs George and Helen Sandwith, who were presented with a pair (as well as with two Cameron Aurameters) for use in their testing in the South Seas, and later on Easter Island, report that both of them have been able to train themselves to see auras fairly well around things and people. They were especially interested in finding that the Aurameter would give an accurate check on the size and shape of aura  coming from people or from the ikons they have with them or from the small potentized oil painting made for healing purposes by HRA Mrs. Kingsley Tarpey of London. They are looking forward with much enthusiasm to tests of images and other objects which they may encounter on their travels and in Easter Island. (The Auraspecs can be had for about $16.50, I am told.)


So asks a thoughtful HRA, H.L. Zipf, of 1311 S.W. 4th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., who would like to hear from any HRA who has ideas on this subject. He has a fine background of Dianetics and has had many hours of “running.” He writes: “Raised as an only child, and looking back now after the experience gained in being audited, I realize that the thrills of fears hit the solar plexus, giving that clutching sensation and producing morbid feelings. Gradually, during the years, the subconscious learns to enjoy these feelings and does not wish to release them. Young children who grow up without advanced guidance will develop these fright and fear complexes which later appear and reach the point at which they produce morbid states which may make them neurotic.

“To try to ‘run’ these out in Dianetics might require several thousand hours, and then in six months or so would float to the top.

“No single fear or fright seems to produce these complex units, but they build up by combination through the years. (They cause a reaction something like that caused by a habit forming narcotic.) That is why the soap operas and thrillers on radio and TV have such tremendous followings. Thousands of women love the clutch of fear that arrives several times during the course of each program. It would appear that the subconscious finds it much easier to produce these morbid sensations than it does thoughts of love (or of quiet service – constructive thoughts), and so the morbid reactions become more habitual.

“That is why a Hitler develops an entire nation, starting with cheap thrills and sinking lower and lower to the slave camps and brutal thinking and killing as the subconscious demands more and larger thrills. To minds having no definite programs, any sensation is better than the dullness of normal life without the thrills.”

COMMENT: As HRA Zipf pointed out in his letter to me, there seems little or nothing written in the books about this strange quirk of humans that makes them enjoy the thrill of danger, especially if it can be enjoyed in complete safety. One first thinks of the possibility of some atavistic instinct inherited from those distant ancestors who faced danger bravely and lived to enjoy the thrill and plaudits of their tribal fellows. There is a savage joy in knowing that one has faced up to danger, and a savage triumph in having avoided being overcome by either the threat of natural forces or of an enemy. The actual memory of a very narrow escape, on the other hand, is not at all a happy thing to recall and one shudders away from it. The thing called “escape mechanism” in psychology, may well be what is behind the thrill of vicariously experienced dangers, and such escapes from reality belong in the day dream classification as well. Mr. Zipf, in making the discovery that the thrills and their escapes add up to harmful complexes which cause stumbling blocks in the way of the Dianetic “pre-clear,” is perhaps far more important than any of us realize at the moment. The point well deserves thought, experiments and correspondence to add to the scant information which we have and which bears on the subject. The ghost or goblin stories and scares of early childhood may have marked many of us. Also, we may have been equally marked by nightmares long since forgotten.

THOSE WHO LOVE TO SCARE OTHERS should also have their classification and day in court. To scare the living daylights out of the other fellow is great fun for those who are very young and who can shout “BOO!” from behind the door, or for those thoughtless elders who have never grown into the full estate of Overstreet’s MATURE MIND. The really mature pause with thoughtful care to weigh for their scarees the source of the scare material, the past success or failure scores of the predicting spirits, individuals or Biblical prophets, and to produce at least passable reasons for their own conclusions that the scare predictions are .01%, 2%, 10% or 99% valid. It is hardly a sign of the thoughtful, experienced, mature and entirely honest man just to jump out from behind the door and shout “BOO!” Moreover, it will be observed that the child who does this is often so overcome by his own scare that he may come scrambling in terror from his hiding place under the bed in the dark room after he has sent little sister running and screaming for light and safety. One who is himself in a fine state of funk over the predictions he has accepted and is passing on to others, may escape the suspicion of dishonesty, but may still be adding ammunition to the pile used by those who take potshots at us all as “crackpots” and entirely beyond the protection of sacred Science.

Ever since the Prophet Daniel sounded off, and since John gave out with his “vision” on the Isle of Patmos, the preachers have been able to scare dozens of sheep into their congregations under the threats of the “sacred writs,” and under the promise that the ones who attended church faithfully and gave proper support would be “caught up into the air” when the rest of those – all lacking the proper credentials of the specified cult – were blasted into eternal darkness forever (plus a day for good measure). “Scare Heads” are the constant, legitimate, and accepted means of selling us our daily paper or our favorite radio commentator. We are treated to the fine privilege of sharing vicariously the dangers, thrills and deaths of those unfortunate enough to make headlines, all because that is what we will most readily pay money for.

THE INEVITABLE CONCLUSION is that we like to be scared. And that stresses the question of whether or not that is good for us, psychically, spiritually or morally – or whether the continuous diet of scares makes for a more progressive world of men and women, for deeper and clearer thinking and more constructive planning for the world good. One thing seems to stand out clearly, and that is the fact that it adds nothing to human dignity either to scare or be scared.

IN OUR TMHG PRAYER PERIODS we picture the world at peace; we picture it as a safe world, a prosperous world and a happy place in which men can dwell. This is constructive. It is adult. It is an action of maturity and sanity and of progressive planning and thinking. We all agree that prayer without faith is of no possible use, no matter after what fashion we pray. We are told by one of the great teachers that a little faith can move a mountain, and that a little faith is like a little yeast which can leaven a whole lump of dough. Perhaps a few of us will be enough to overbalance the mass of fearful ones who expect and picture world disaster. The predictions made by spirits and self-appointed prophets have come true about once in a blue moon. They are NOT worthy of general acceptance if for no other reason. Or am I wrong?

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