Huna Bulletin 101

Biometer Readings &
The Growth-Development Tests

May 15, 1953

THE BIOMETER READINGS AND THE GROWTH-DEVELOPMENT TESTS project has by now gotten quite out of hand. Enthusiastic HRAs continue to send in signatures even when I have said the files were closed for first test sets, and others write that they will send some in, old and new, “as soon as they get around to it.” It is evident that many of the HRAs only glance at the Bulletins and have only the slightest idea what I have tried so hard to get across.

THE SITUATION HERE AT THE STUDY IS HECTIC. It takes some time to make a reading, especially if several signatures and pictures are sent by one person, or if they have helpfully included the signatures of all the family with the request that they be read and explained.

TO MEET THIS SITUATION and to do what I can to keep all the HRAs happy up to the last Bulletin which will come out with the compliments of Cigbo, using up odds and ends of such colored paper as may be on hand, as of July 1st instead of the planned closing down as of June 1st (as formerly planned, the end of Cigbo’s announced “fishkul year,”). To meet the situation, I am going to begin giving readings under identifying initials in this Bulletin and when the second set of signatures are sent by those who have made the intensive effort to grow-develop, not later than June 15th, I will run a check and if no difference is to be seen, no further report will be made on the growth-less signatures.

NEW “AURA BIOMETERS” ARE NOW AVAILABLE for those who wish to buy one. If you want one, go to a bank and buy a bank draft, or to your post office and buy an international money order for $17, made out payable to ARCHER’S COURT RESEARCH GROUP, (NOT to me!) Archer’s Court, Hastings, England. And send it to THEM, NOT ME. They will mail you a Biometer of their make, together with a small mimeo book telling about it and how to use it, also giving you their special scale for readings (NOT like the ones I am using which were worked out by Dr. Brunler, but O.K. if you establish your “convention” to fit the new reading scale on which this instrument is based.)

The “Aura Biometer” will be packed and mailed post paid. It will arrive in time at customs, and you will be notified how much customs dues to forward to the customs department nearest you (amount not yet known). You will forward the dues, and then the package will be sent on to you. If you can’t use it or wish to correspond about it, write to the makers, NOT to me! I haven’t seen this instrument and know little about it. I cannot be held responsible for it in any way. I repeat: DO NOT send to me for the instrument. If you get one, DO NOT ask me to write endless letters about it or its use. Too busy.

THE READINGS I GIVE MAY BE WRONG. Several of the HRAs have challenged the accuracy of my readings, and I will be first to admit that they may be entirely wrong. The taking of such readings is a tricky business at best and I assume no responsibility whatever for the results I get when I try to oblige by making one. If you do not like my reading, discard it at once. Or if you want someone else to make a reading, I can tell you where, for $25 cash in advance, take or leave the results, you may be able to get other readings. More than this, if you do not believe there is “anything to it” when it comes to Biometers, please do not write to argue the matter with me as some are inclined to do.

Nothing I say about Biometric readings, Huna, or Ted’s Old Man is to be taken as gospel. In all my writings I have tried to stress the fact that this is just my thought on this or that, and that one can take it or leave it, but that I reserve the right to believe as I wish. It is not enough to do as some HRAs have done, write to say, “I don’t believe that. How can you prove it to me?” My retort is that unless the writer has gone over the same ground that I have, as in getting a Biometer and spending months to learn to use it, we have no common ground for discussion. I hold no brief for anything. You are NOT asked to take my word for anything. With that off my heavily weighted chest, I can go on with what I have to say regarding the present readings from signatures and old photos.

IN BULLETIN NO 88 (Please do not write to ask me which one), I used two pages to illustrate and discuss the Biometric patterns made by the pendulum over the plate. I told the general significance of the swings as I believe them to be after listening carefully to Dr. Brunler and after making my own tests and many experiments with an adaptation of the Bovis Biometer. The readings given hereafter are based on explanations given on pages 1 and 2 of Bulletin 88 (if you do not have this Bulletin and want these pages, send in for them, enclosing a stamped and self addressed envelope. If you want the entire Bulletin, send 6¢ for postage and a gift for Cigbo to cover the expense of making up, assembling and sending it. It costs only 2¢ to send Bulletins in bulk, but 6¢ to send them one at a time as they have to go first class, NOT as printed matter because mimeo stuff is ruled out by printers in the post office “powers behind the throne.” To England the cost is 10¢ postage for slow mail and 60¢ by air. Air to Australia and South Africa is $1 on a single Bulletin. If you live in foreign parts, it is not enough to write, “sorry to ask this and not send postage, but we can’t send out any money.” This is not good enough. You can get postal reply coupons to send with your request. (Yes, I am cross and mercenary after being imposed upon by too many too long.) (No, I do not forget the vast majority of the HRAs who NEVER impose on me, but who lean over backward to save me time, expense and trouble – and to help me in every possible way.)

THE SYMBOLS USED IN INDICATING A BIOMETRIC READING are, roughly, as follows: For the “will” or Auhane reading, a straight up and down, if trained, powerful and in perfect control of the Aunihipili. If it is clockwise leaning away from the perpendicular, it is still good and constructive but imperfect to the degree that it leans. If it leans to the left of perpendicular, counter clockwise, it may indicate a destructive inclination or one that is inclined to be hurtful in some way. Often the “will” pattern is made up of a combination of swings, showing that the one read may have conflicting urges – or call them what you will. My suspicion is that some who are mediumistic show a different pattern when being influenced or worked through by spirits, be they good or bad. Dr. Brunler found that over gold or money or the signature on a check, the pattern would invariably be that of a “V,” so we see that things other than the will or the inclinations of the Auhane may show up in any biometric reading I may give. Another cause of wrong readings is the “rubbing off” of the radiations from one signature, photo or material thing onto another – “reminence,” this is called, and it may cause inaccuracy. Below are the three typical “will” pattern symbols:

It must be remembered that in making a reading from a photograph or old inked signature, when the one to be read is dead, the reading may begin with a cc or counterclockwise swing that indicates the condition of being dead. This will die away and the reading go ahead as if the person were still in the flesh.

In the case of the mentally ill, as in the case of Gregg, for whom we have been working steadily in the TMHG for recovery in the present month of May, I often get no reaction from a lock of his hair which is used instead of a signature. From this I take it that vitality is low or consciousness not radiating. When I do get a reaction that will give a reading, it entirely lacks the “will” swing, giving only what seems to be a reading for the Aunihipili resident in the body. This is a weak counterclockwise swing and may come from an obsessing Aunihipili in the body. The lack of the “will” swing has made me think that he, the real Gregg, is not in the body at all. For this reason I am changing my appeal to Aumakuas to bring him back and to help him regain possession of the body and control of the Aunihipili (his, of course) in the body. (It might be that this Aunihipili has a cc reading and has been in conflict with a good or clockwise reading Aunihipili which it has driven from the body.) Without the “will” or middle mana control and guidance of the Auhane, the Aunihipili is illogical and gives all the characteristic symptoms of mental illness. For this Aunihipili the brain radiation reading is 208, which is better than the reading for the feeble minded girl studied by Dr. Brunler, who stood at 180. It may be that a spirit pair, low and middle, of very low brain radiation reading, and in very poor control of the stolen body – a body which may have been deserted for some reason by the real Gregg.

Dr. Wickland, famous for his recognition of the fact of obsession, used to ask spirit friends to bring back the real owner of a body to have it at hand to take over when he had driven out the obsessing spirit or spirits with static electricity and had caused them to enter the body of a waiting medium. In the body of the medium they could be argued with, told of their retarded state and often turned over to the care of good spirits to take them away and care for and teach them.

Gregg’s reading can be given as: No will. Small, weak cc circle. B.R. 208 degrees. The circle is irregular and has a continual changing motion of the axis, indicating no stability of purpose at this time, as the No. 6 circle illustration on the previous page.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE of an interesting reading is that of a man, recently passed over. From a series of photos reproduced in the papers of the man at various periods in his life, it was seen that he changed not at all from first to last. His reading was cc at first for death, then a strong and perfect “will” reading, with no circling personality pattern at all, even the slightest. Here was, we can only assume, a man of unbending will and unfaltering purpose who was in complete control as an Auhane over his Aunihipili, and who refused to allow play to his emotional Aunihipili in any impulse for good or had action while driving always for his goal with all the strength of his will. He was utterly cold and calculating where his main purpose was concerned, and it would seem that he did what he thought to be necessary without a thought of being good or bad, as a man – an individual. He may have considered himself the embodiment of a great cause or of a race and beyond good and bad.

This was the late Joseph Stalin. His brain radiation reading was 285 degrees, which is astonishingly low for a leader such as he turned out to be. (Dr. Brunler often said that men high in political life averaged usually so low as to be fightening to thoughtful people.) For one of 285, to think out a system like that of Russian Communism would have been impossible because one begins to grasp abstractions only when at least up to 330 degrees. The conclusion is that he must have borrowed communistic ideas. Looking for the source, we find his early friend and teacher, Lenin, whose will pattern was slightly clockwise leaning (only about two degrees off “perfect”) and who, just like Stalin, had no circling pattern.

Here were two very similar minds, but Lenin had a brain radiation reading of 378 degrees, which made him investigative and politically inventive. He worked out the plan for communistic progress and set the goals, evidently preaching the doctrine that the end was to be gained at any cost. That Stalin accepted the plan as finished and perfect, and that he never allowed it to be changed if he could help it, and was not able to see for himself how to better it, is evident from what he did. He had the will to control men or remove them, and this he was able to do.

During his life and his time in power, there was no chance for change in the over-all policy or aims of Red Russia or those in her control. The new top man, Georgi M, Malenkov, however, has a very different pattern. He is clockwise leaning at about 45 degrees, which made him able to understand Stalin and match his own will to that of the older man. He is flexible of will and mind to a marked degree, and able to take orders. His circle pattern is strong, but counter clockwise, and this has made him love to tear down things not to his liking when he could. He has been active in the past, so we read, in hunting out defects in industrial plans and reforming men and things in a spectacular way, even if more or less destructively. He may not see how to build something better, but he can clean up bad spots in what is already there in the Red industries and the like. He will probably not hesitate to use the ax on anyone who gets in his way and will be out for himself for the most part. His brain reading is 316, which is decidedly higher than Stalin’s and his approach will be that of a good foreman mechanic who likes to get the machinery working smoothly. His will pattern will make him easily influenced by those around him and by general circumstances, so we may see a continual string of small changes while he remains in the saddle.

This trend to change is emphasized by the fact that three of the four deputies under him have similar will patterns, with only the fourth minister, Kaganovich, having the “set” will like Stalin, and the inclination to keep right on as he has been taught to do and plan in the past with the Red aims. (He is cc in circle pattern and 280 in B.R.)

Minister of Internal Affairs, Beria, has the same B.R. as Malenkov and the same “will” pattern, so they should make a fair team. Beria has a very weak cc circle, and will tend to let things stand rather than tear them apart. His pattern reading is almost duplicated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Molotov, but this gentleman has a B.R. of 269 and will probably not try to improve on communistic theories or the present Red way of doing things. He will look to others for his direction. Minister of War, Bulganin, has a “will” pattern varying from cc to perfect to c, showing much drive but little stability of aim or purpose. He is cc in circle, weak, and 293 in B.R. He will play along with the others in his own impulsive and changeable way.


Readings from signatures now in will be given with notes or comments on the following pages. I will use initials and also the initials of the STATE to identify each reading. For example, take myself:

MFL C(for California): Will: c leaning at 85 degrees. Circle a little flattened but strong, denoting a flexible will and good general intentions. B.R. 382 degrees, (on the lower fringe of the “professor class,” as read and rated by Dr. Brunler.)

In reading from the signatures, the readings taken from signatures written while at prayer will be indicated by, Prayer:

S.K. E. Chi. Ind. Will: a leaning. Circle: c small as No. 5. B.R. 366. Daughter Elaine, will: c leaning. Circle: c, small but well rounded. B.R. 263. Wife: Will: weak but perfect. Circle cl well rounded, small. B.R. 379.

M.L.H. Okla, Will: c slight leaning 80 deg. Circle small and weak and cc. B.R. 378. Prayer: Will: perfect. Circle clockwiseand round. B.R. same. Color photo with child, same pattern as first given, but B.R. 385. Photos often read higher than sigs.

C.J. Fla. Will c leaning. Circle c narrowed strong. B.R. 365. Prayer 370. Wife: Will: perfect. Circle very small and weak but c, about same as photo of 1949 but will pattern more perfect. B.R from 1949 photo 320. From 1953 signature 317. C.J. B.R changed from 1942 photo up 11 degrees (Much recent Dianetics.)

H.J. S.D. Mich. Early photo Will: c leaning 85 degrees, Circle as No. 6 and 0. B.R. 373. Pres sigs show strange reversal in the reading, the circle pattern registering first as strong, round, c and will c leaning 85 deg. B.R. 370. Prayer: Circle doubled in size, c and round, will same. Brain radiation up to 379. (This HRA gets excellent healing results.)

H.B. D.E. Ill. Will: c lean 63 degrees with medium circles c and like No. 6 B.R. 387. (These while in prayer.) Reg. Sig.: Will: perfect central swing with short leg swing on either side. Circle co smaller, irregular. B.R. 383.

M.E.L. O. Wis: Will: c leaning 60 deg. Circle: Strong and well rounded on one sig, slightly flattened on the other. B.R. 383.

C.T.H. Conn. Will: strong c leaning with short cc leaning leg. Circle as No. 5 med. strong c. B.R. 379. Same both cds.

J.A.H. Minn. Will: (From letter sig.) perfect. Circle: med strong and c. B.R. 373.

N.C. T. Ohio, Old photo: Will: small and c leaning. Circle: c and large and thin with axis at 65 degrees. B.R. 385? Modern sigs: Will: strong, c leaning 70 deg. Circle: Irregular, large and fairly strong clockwise followed by small, weak counterclockwise. Inner conflict? Br. 273 one sig and 269 the other. Strange case of irregularities in reading. May correspond to known physical difficulties.

A. H. San D. Calif. Will: c leaning 60 deg. Strong circle, well rounded out and clockwise. B.R. one sig 380, one 382. One may reflect prayer influence. Color photo same reading with 380.

J.F.F. Fla. Full report sent personally on this interesting set of readings. In 1950, before taking up Dianetics, the will was c leaning about 45 degrees. Circle small, c, and flattened a bit like No. 6 with two changes of axis. B.R, 385. March sig., after much Dianetics, will: perfect center swing with small leg swings first c and then cc. Circle confused and would reverse the direction from c to cc, suggesting inner change or conflict or some uncertainty. B.R. 385. In prayer: Will perfect (no side legs), Circle medium size, perfect and clockwise. Brain radiation down to 381, surprisingly enough. One may ask whether in prayer there was some small surrender of Auhane B.R. standing… or what?

Mrs. E.L.A. V. Cal. Will: “V” pattern with the left or cc leaning leg shorter than the c leaning one on both card sigs. Circle as No. 6., indicating uncertainty in that direction on both sigs. B.R. 366. Photo gave same readings.

R.G. G. Colo. Will: strong c leaning about 8o deg. No circle at all registered. B.R. 334. Prayer: Will pattern same, very small jerking pendulum reactions cc. B.R. down to 317. Spirit influence in your life? Many psychics at 330 to 350 B.R. range.

E.H. L.A. Calif. Will: c leaning at 70 deg. Circle: cc as No. 5. Br. 271. Second cd same will and circle plus will swing added to swing side to side on 0 degree base line and B.R. up to 501. Mistaken reading? Unusual person?

W.M. L.N. T. Will: c leaning. Circle small, weak irregular and cc. B.R. 293. on one sig and 296 on other. This reading seems far too low and imperfect for you. (Very successful business man.)

L.Y.A. 29 C. 1938 photo: Will perfect, very strong. No circle. B.R. 364. Modern sig. same will pattern, still no circle. B.R. 365. In prayer, will swing still same but weaker. Circles show as repeated small cc and weak. Will pattern then repeats on 0 base line swinging sidewise. B.R. 363. May touch off old hurts and complexes in act of prayer. Give your Aunihipili a chance to play a part in your life and so develop your circle pattern.

M.H.N. NJ Photo several years back: Will c leaning. Circle small but perfectly rounded. B.R. 340. Modern signature. Will same, also circle, but B.R. 344. Prayer: Same will pattern but bit stronger. Circle changes to irregular and cc. May touch off old hurts or reactivate complexes in prayer. B.R. drops to 302.

A.G.M. Ch. I. Will c leaning 63 degrees. Circle unusually strong and well rounded. B.R. 367. Prayer: Will swing same but only half as strong. Circle almost twice as strong and large, indicating a probable great prayer-desire to do good, and to lay aside personal will for that of Aumakua Father. BR 363. This is interesting comparison. Why does B.R. drop in prayer? This drop has been unexpected. Why not go up instead?

L.B. N.Y. Will: c leaning 70 deg. Circle strong, large and round, c. B.R. 383. Prayer: Will same but much weaker swing. Circle c and almost double in size, B.R. remains at 383. This is more what I would expect of the pattern change in prayer, but I still wonder why the B.R. can’t rise high as one contacts the Aumakua.

F.A.D. D. NC. Will: c leaning far over about 30 degrees. Circle clockwise and large, tall and thin, repeating with circle small, rounder and still clockwise. Same with photo taken year back, but on it the will pattern stands straighter about 45 degrees. Suggest you get a more definite goal to work toward and hammer out a future more to your liking and better fitted to your fine B.R. of 385or 389. You may be scattering creative drives.

Mrs. O.O.S. I. Signature of 1915: Will very strong and c leaning slightly at about 85 degrees. Small but perfect circle. B.R. 381. Modern photo year 1949: Will: weaker and more leaning, not more than 60 degrees. Circle small and perfect, but pendulum reacts in jerks and reverses circle to cc. Inner agitation or uncertainty at time? Modern 1953 signature. Will: strong and c leaning at 80 degrees. Circle: no circle reaction for some reason or other. B.R. up to 382, however. These readings show that every year we may change a little in some way or other.

SID N. Cit. C. Photo of 1950 and signature of 1953. Same reading. Will: c leaning about 60 deg. small, weak cc circle, may be caused by frustration over physical condition. B.R. 262.

T.E.L.S. N. SC. Will: very strong c leaning at 60 deg. No circle. B.R. 340. Second card (not indicated which was with prayer, if either one, but difference noted in reading): Will not so strong, same c leaning. Circle, small, weak and well rounded. B.R. 3144.

C.B.D. SVC Signature of 1940: Will strong and perfect. Circle large, perfect and c. However, reading repeats itself over sig giving low, long, very flattened c circle, flatter than No. 5, with will change to cc leaning 60 deg. B.R. 387. This reading hints at presence of a secondary personality or eating companion, as of that period. The later signature, of 1949, shows Will: c leaning 60 deg. Circle medium size not as flattened as in reading above, but this time cc. B.R. down to 369. No longer the duplication of swings in the reading as in above. The 1953 signature: Will: Strong and perfect. No circle. B.R. 370. Strange history of events, some almost tragic, behind this set of tests. Wife. Older signature: Will: “V’ with strong center swing, indicating drive in mixed directions. Circle small cc. B.R. 285. Signature of 1953: Will: c leaning at 78, strong and steady. No legs at sides. Circle still small cc. BR up to 304. Here is a most surprising B.R. growth if reading is accurate.

W.P. S.W. Will: c leaning, strong. Circle medium c and well rounded. B.R. 382. (This reading fits this HRA well.) Prayer reading: Will: doubled in strength, circle remains same, but B.R. dropped to 278. (Taking the Frederic Marion course. Will be interesting to note changes when final signatures are sent in.) (Several HRAs are taking the course, and so more checks can later be run.)

L.I. B.O. Color Photo and signature the same. Will c leaning at 60 degrees. Circle c medium and well rounded. B.R. 363. A second signature showed a similar will, but the circle changed as in No. 6 and the B.R. was 365. Some variables of influence in your life now?

L.L.C. Fla. Will: perfect. Circle: strong c and round. B.R. 326. On prayer signature: Pattern reverses reading on biometer with very fine large c and strong circle coming first, then a much smaller will swing, but still perfect. B.R. still 326. The old signature of L.T.F. of 1924 reads: Will: mixed swings with c leaning at 30 degrees strongest, but with smaller leg at the perfect 90 degree and small leg cc at 60 degrees. Circle is large and strong but flattened. B.R. 327.

G.K.J. Ma Pa. Will: c leaning about 70 degrees, strong. Circle: c but slightly mixed as in No.6. Mixed drives, perhaps. The Prayer signature: Will: c leaning but less strong. Circle: very large, strong and perfectly round. Showing a very fine centralizing of the will-to-good in prayer and reflecting the long training of this HRA in many branches of occultism. The B.R. remains the same at 363.

J.M.R. LA C. Will: c leaning, 80 degrees, strong. Circle: large, well rounded and strong. B.R. 318. Prayer: Will: same but much weaker. Circle: same but much smaller. B.R. down to 312. Something wrong with this prayer method?

W.H.C. C.I. Will: c leaning at about 70 degrees. Circle: medium size and not quite rounded out, clockwise. B.R. 341.

G.M.K. SO NJ 1933 signature: Will: perfect but not too strong a swing. No circle at all. B.R. 327. Signature of 1953. Will: Perfect and much stronger. Circle: small, weak and cc. B.R. 327. Prayer card not indicated. A second card repeats the last reading but with no circle at all. Room for circle growth?

Mrs. A.H.M. A.G. Will: strong, c leaning 75 degrees. Circle: c and fairly strong and well rounded. B.R. 368. Prayer: Will: same. Circle: becomes variable like No. 6, but remains clockwise even if mixed in direction of axis. B.R. drops to 326. Suggests mediumistic effect in prayer and spirit contacts. Path to Aumakua may not be open and clear of obstacles. Old hurts may be recalled by Aunihipili in times of prayer.

A.M. GC. Regular signature: Will: c leaning 75 degrees, medium strong. Circle like No. 6. clockwise. Prayer: Will becomes perfect and very strong. Circle does not register at all. B.R. up from normal of 362 to 365 (and on one reading, of 379.) Much experience in prayer here, but circle pattern might be better?

LIST TO BE CONTINUED IN BULLETIN 102 when more readings are made on signatures of March turn-in.


One new name.

103. Mr. Max Schopfer, 217 Stanley Ave., Mamaroneck, N.Y. Newish HRA. Would like to hear from others, especially those near him.


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