Huna Bulletin 102

Bad Biometer Readings, Eidetics &
E-Therapy, The Secret Science At Work

June 1, 1953

A DIFFERENT BIOMETRIC READING ON THE LATE JOSEPH STALIN was made by the late Dr. Oscar Brunler I was informed by Dr. Grace Brunler, who is here in Hollywood lecturing, teaching the use of the Brunler-Bovis Biometer, and carrying forward work begun by her husband with her very able assistance. Dr. Grace, was very kind in correcting me and in explaining that I could not possibly have made the correct readings because I had not been fully and properly trained and because I do not have access to a Brunler-Bovis Biometer. The correct reading, she told me, was 520 degrees Biometric with the will pattern perfect and the circle pattern large, strong and complete counterclockwise.

Reading from a newspaper picture reproduction was also next to impossible, she further explained. That our experiment in the growth development test is quite useless because of the inaccuracy of my Biometric readings with my “Long Bovis Biometer” adaptation, is her opinion. She suspects me of measuring anything other than the real brain radiations from the signatures, pointing out the fact that an egg will give a reading of 240 degrees, but that this is for the vital strength of the egg rather than its brain radiation. (The average human has a brain radiation reading, according to Dr. Oscar’s findings, of about 250 degrees.)

She corrects me on my statement that a signature on a check always gives the “V” swing of gold, and tells me such signatures give readings just as correctly as if they were written on a plain sheet of paper. This places us and the experiment in the unhappy position of being frowned upon by our greatest living authority on the use of the Brunler-Bovis Biometer in conjunction with the “convention” set up by Dr. Oscar and said to be an absolutely correct measurement of the wave lengths and radiation effects picked up from the individual, the signature, or any object or thing.

IN A FEW TESTS FOR PROGRESS ALREADY MADE when the intensive growth efforts were well under way, I have had the pleasure to see a counterclockwise circle reading turn first to a very small and weak clockwise, and a few days later, to a nice rounded and fairly strong clockwise circle. In this case the HRA in question was told of the first reading and came to see at once that her attitude had been a little on the hurtful side. She had strenuously swung over to the helpful side, been delighted to see what it did almost at once for her relations with family and friends, and had decided that she had been off on the wrong foot, so to speak, for some years.

Some other HRAs have been read at the halfway point and have shown reading changes, even if less marked. As I explained in an earlier discussion of the subject, I have found what seemed to me to be clearly different readings when testing signatures and pictures dating back a number of years. The Brain Radiations (as I took them to be) seldom showed much difference from period to period. After some consideration of the situation, I have decided that I must be measuring something, whether correctly or incorrectly, so I make the following suggestion.

IF YOU WILL BEAR WITH ME A LITTLE LONGER and try to be good eggs to the best of your several abilities, I will do likewise, and we will simply say that, in our entirely wrong way, with the wrong instruments and wrong results, we will compare the mistaken readings of the preliminary signatures with the similarly mistaken readings which will be made of the final signatures sent in after the intensive growth effort period. How’s that? It is not particularly necessary that we have the correct readings just as long as I make the same degree of error each time I take a reading, or what I elect to believe is a reading. What we are after is the information which may show that one can grow by making a correct effort.

ONE NICE THING in all this upset is that if Stalin was 520 instead of 285, as I read him, all of us should be entitled to raise my reading on ourselves by the same ratio of 285 to 520. That would get most of us out of the egg class if nothing more, which should be some satisfaction.

While on the subject, I should also mention the fact that my reading for one of the HRAs, made from his signature, does not match the reading made by a local doctor who was taught by Dr. Oscar Brunler to make a biometer-type reading with her radionics instrument, the dials being set for the degree numbers first for the hundreds, then the tens and then the digits, the rubbing plate being manipulated for each in turn to find the right dial setting. I must again admit that I hold no brief for my accuracy as compared to that of others – my point being that perhaps I make the same amount of mistake each time I read, and so provide at least a basis of comparison.

SPECIAL NOTICE: If I have given you a report by letter on your preliminary reading, it will not be given in the Bulletin. Those of you who have really been making a conscientious effort to grow through daily effort and exercises of your own selection, are requested to send in another signature on a post card, as before, for the ordinary reading, and IF you have been working to increase your spiritual power in prayer and meditation, write a second signature while in prayer or meditation and mark it “prayer.” I will test both, and if there is a difference between thee readings and the preliminary ones, I will let you know, either in the Bulletin or by letter. REMEMBER that these final reports are to be made in the special Bulletin to be dated July 1st – which is the final HRA Bulletin until/unless we arrange for some continuing form of communication.

Good friend of HRA, Frederick Marion, has been using his intuitional powers to study the matter of the closing down of the HRA work as a finished research effort and writes to say that he is strongly impressed that we have an organization which is too valuable to be lost, and that he believes contact will be maintained through something – perhaps a quarterly Bulletin. This should be something that I could manage, even with my time given over largely to the work of getting the book project pushed through successfully, and perhaps other books written and readied for sale. A number of the HRAs have written anxiously to ask that the TMHG work continue, Bulletin or no Bulletin. My problem is to find time for everything.  If we all lived in the same city, we could have a fine organization, divide up the work, especially of letter writing and braiding the cord, and go on happily from there. May I repeat that the TMHG is now on Daylight Savings time and comes one hour earlier than before. Same time for those also on D.S. Time. Hour earlier if not.



M. Macg. Austr. Will: pattern irregular circle c and good. B.R. 324. Your perfect will shows lack of definite long-term or planned goals for work and progress. Prayer signature shows strange pattern. Perfect will but counterclockwise pattern of strong circle, B.R. up to 418. Do you ask only for yourself? Or has life slapped you down so that your faith is negative?

T. J. M. Min. Reading from photo and signature of pilot’s cd. of 1929 shows c. leaning, will about 80, with short leg to c.c. side to give imperfect “V.” Circle not strong or regular in formation. B.R. 364. Mar. 6/53 sig will better, no c.c. leg. Circle pattern like No. 6 seems to indicate confusion of present aims but c. so efforts are all for good. Prayer: Will same but stronger. Circle perfect, large and very strong. B.R. up to 395.

Dr. A.J.P. Will: c. leaning at 82 degrees, circle round, strong-medium. B.R. 386. Prayer: Will perfect. Circle large, strong, perfect. B.R. up to 560. Indicates source of your excellent natural healing powers when the “Light” is sensed by your patients.

G.A.S. C. Mich. Will: c. leaning 87 deg. nearly perfect. Circle small, weak and irregular. B.R. 389. Prayer (made on depressed day) gives no reading at all from signature for some reason. With your strong will drive, much frustration may be holding you back from full expression of your “good.” Try little “goods.”

J.B. SJ, C. Reading reflects outside influence but growing will to resist. Build determination and act on your own. Reject fear. B.R. 356. Plan a good deed. Do it despite obstacles. Grow thus.

G.B. Pasa. Cal. Will: c leaning 85 to perfect on two photos and sig. Circle c. and well rounded, medium strength. B.R. 382 and 384.

G.A.S. (Additional reading set) Will: c.l. 88 deg. circle slight and c.c. B.R. 386. Prayer: Will perfect. Circle med. strong c.c.. B.R. 402. Suspect something blocking path to Aumakua a bit. As this prayer reading made while praying for G.B. may indicate contact with negative condition, however, as his reading is c.c.

P.M.G. P. Ore. Reg sig Will c. 1. 70 deg. Circle c and well rounded med. strong. B.R. 363. Prayer: will perfect, circle much stronger and rounded c. B.R. dropped 3 points to 361. Third sig. sent: will c.l. 80 deg. Circle c. changing from true med round to flattened horizontally. B.R. 361. Different prayer methods used for these two signatures perhaps.

J.H.L. McKR. Will perfect on one sig, small leg off to the c.c. or left on other. Circle small and weak on both. B.R. 369, both.

M.C.H. C.Cal. Will c.l. 85 deg. Circle c. med. but irregular shape and needs rounding out. B.R. 384. One sig B.R. 385, will better and circle much improved but flattened first one direction, then the other. Seems a bit of uncertainty in how best to Serve now.

R.C.E. Minn. 1942 photo: will near perfect but no circle. 361 deg B.R. Present sig. (photos seem to read a bit higher usually) will perfect and circle small but round and cl on both cds. B.R. 371 and 368 for some unguessed reason. Prayer: Will perfect but swing only 1/4 strength. Circle very large and strong c. and changing from perfect round to horizontal flattened and back. B.R. 378. Sig of 1942 Perfect will, circle med.c. B.R. 363, as against reading of 371 from photo of same year.

S. H. Nev. C. Will c. slanting about 70 deg. short leg on c.c. side Circle very small c.c. variable and repeats in jerks. B.R. 302. Prayer: Will c.1. 78 deg. No circle. B.R. 305. Up from B.R. 260 reading on 1950 sig and photo.

S.G. Mac MP. Cd. 1. Will c.l. 85 deg. Circle med. c.c. variable axis. Cd. 2. Will c.l. 75 deg. very strong. Circle large, strong, well rounded and c. Br. Cd. 1 was 370. Cd. 2 388.

E. B. S. Wash. Will perfect. Circle small, weak c. B.R. 365. No. 2. Will c.l. 45 deg, no circle. B.R. up to 391. Cd. 3. tried charge with high mana – almost no reading. Must have failed to stay.

Mrs. T.H. W. L.Cal. Old pencil sig. Will c.l. 80 deg. Circle small c.c. B.R. 378. Photo 1946. Will perfect. Circle c. med. B.R. 378. Modern sig. Perfect will and stronger. Circle c. med. still. B.R. 378.

A.F.L. SF. Will c.l. 80 deg. Circle c as No.6 on chart. Confused. B.R. 425. Cd. 2. Prayer. Will perfect. Circle c but small B.R. 435. Mid-period sig. set showed change to: Will strong but c.1 78 deg. Circle large, strong c. greatly bettered. B.R. 425.

L. Loic. L.A. 1925 sig. Will cc leaning. Circle c.c. irregular. B.R. 295. Modern sig Will improved to be c.l. 85 deg. No circle. B.R. up to 306. Another card showed small c circle but irreg. Prayer card gives no reaction for some reason.

M.F. LA. Signature of 1921. Will c.l. 70 deg. Circle small, round c. B.R. 333 deg. Modern sig. Will c.1. 80 deg. Circle larger and c. B.R. 339. Prayer: Will perfect. No circle. B.R. 360.

H.D.C. YV, C. Will c.l. 80 deg. strong. Circle lg. strong round. B.R. 371 on one card and 372 on other. Good all around growth.

G.A.S. later sig. set. Prayer for G.B. Perfect will, no circle. B.R. 392. The counter clockwise circle not present this time. B.R. 387 this reading.

M.P. N. T. Cal. Will 0.1. 70 deg. Circle c. strong and rounded. B.R. 345. Prayer. Will almost perfect. No C. B R rises to 351.

Dr. P.E.K. Photo age 32. Will with leg either side of center: circle med, round c. 19 years later. Photo: Will perfect. No circle. B.R. on both photos 384. Year later, photo, head of T.B. San. Will same. Circle appears c. but weak. B.R. 385. Sigs of 1953. Will perfect, circle either missing, weak or very small, jerking and uncertain cc. B.R. up to 388. Shows many slight changes in a long life.

G.M. K. SO NJ One modern sig. Will perfect. Circle, large, strong round. B.R. 391. This is a second set of sigs sent Apr. 9 when starting Frederick Marion course. Card did not say “prayer” but the pattern and B.R. count is amazingly better – as will be seen by checking middle of page 9 Bul. 101. B.R. up from reading of 327 in first sig. set.

Dr. L.K. Det. This is interesting as sleep suggestion is used for about 11 minutes nightly for help with growth. Will and circle swings alternate in a strange manner over the Biometer plate when taking the reading. Will perfect, circle c, round, medium strong.

Mrs. E. C. M. Wis. Perfect will pattern and medium large c circle well rounded. B.R. 355 on cue card, 356 the other.

I.P.Y.P.H. Will short leg each side of perfect center:. Small c.c. circle 397 B.R. Other Sig. Perfect will pattern, still small c.c. circle, weak. B.R. 403. Not making most of your talents and creative “good” abilities. 1942 sig. reading had better circle clockwise ana B.R. was 391 or lower then.

A.D. Chi. Ill. Will “V” pattern. Circle clockwise but flattened on c.c. axis. Will changes too easily to conform with others’ opinions. Creative “good” can grow.

R.C. Hono. Will c. 1. 80 deg. Circle c. med. rounded. B.R. 369. Cd. No. 2. Perfect will pattern but no circle. B.R. Same. Need more work to even up and produce circle in prayer?

Mr. A. P. Calif. Will c. 1. 85 deg. No circle pattern. B.R. 355. Prayer cd. same but B.R. 365. You need definite aims ahead.

G.R.P. Calif. Will c.l. 80 deg. Circle med. large, strong and round. B.R. 368.Prayer: Will nearly perfect and circle c. and much larger. B.R. rises to 384. Photo same as ordinary sig. B.R. 369 and circle not so rounded and steady.

NOTE: Any further readings of first test sets of signatures will be reported directly by letter as the list is closed here in the Bulletin.


No. 104. Edwin L. Herman, 2479 Shirley Ave Baltimore, Md. Would like to meet other HRAs or hear from them.

No. 105. Mrs. Louise W. Hanley, 6161 Garfield Ave., Wausau, Wis. A new H.R.A much interested in the work and would like to know other HRAs near her or by letter.

NOTE: H.R.A. Bram Saywell, in Canada tells me he wrote to four on the directory list and not one replied. How come?


Dr. A.J.P, who has again been mentioned in a recent Bulletin: NO, I cannot give out his name and address. I have stated this fact before, but a number of the HRAs seem to think they should be allowed to break the rule. This doctor, as I have pointed out, has so many more patients than he can handle that he simply cannot throw himself open to a flood of letters or new patients. If you happen to be one of those who just must know who he is and where he lives so you can “call” on him if you happen to be around his way, just forget it. It simply can’t be done. If you simply HAVE to go to him for treatment, then write to Dr. A.J.P, and send your letter to me (with a stamp on it, please,) and I will address and forward it. If your case appeals to the good doctor, and if you wish to pay good hard cash for the treatment which he may in the future be able to give you, he may answer your letter eventually.

I am dismayed to learn how many HRAs do not really read the Bulletins. Perhaps they do like I do with my morning paper. I read the largest headlines out of the corner of my left eye. Out of the corner of my right, I glance at the pictures but do not pause to read the captions under most of them. The other day I remarked to Cigbo, “Did you notice the pictures of the new style of dresses being worn now by your aunties?” He hadn’t noticed, so rushed off to look through the paper. He came back soon to remark, “Those are not new style dresses. You were looking at the pictures taken when Auntie Queen Mary was being coronationed.”

H.R.A. L.E. Eeman, of England does not answer MY letters either. So please do not complain to me if yours goes unanswered. If you sent him money for one of his books and, as one HRA complains, can get neither an answer to your letters nor a book, all I know to do is to begin sending cables to him. That might attract his attention. Too bad that answering letters can become such a burden, but it can.

NOTICE TO ALL NEW HRAs. The names of new HRAs do NOT automatically appear in the HUNA DIRECTORY. Only about five out of a hundred wish their names made public, so if YOU want to be listed and to invite calls or letters, you must let me know. Some have found valued friends through this directory.


The selling campaign has been held up week after week because we cannot get our printing, then our envelopes, and then the addresses on such envelopes as we have been able to get hold of. However, one fine day, the last supplier of some very necessary item will come through, and the ball will get to rolling. It is probable that the first very small printing will be gone as soon as the first big mailing is sent out. Then will come the wait of six months more while a second printing is made.

I am beginning to see that my idea of running a business has been out of date for some time. I used to think that when I promised something on a certain date, I was honor bound to deliver. Apparently one uses promises these days only to get the order and a cash deposit. After that one refuses to answer all letters and lets the customer go hang for a few months. If you detect a growing note of frustration and impatience in the Bulletin, you may be correct in laying it to the fact that I have been trying since January 1st to do what, ordinarily, I could have done by that date.

Was it Lincoln who said, “If you want a thing well done, do it yourself?” Sounds more like Franklin. The trouble in these days of the breaking down of common garden varieties of honesty and morals is that one can’t do everything for himself. Take campaign promises as a lovely example. If you happen to want a copy of the new book, THE SECRET SCIENCE AT WORK, better send in your order and the money for it before I stop doing business in the old way – and while I have some books to fill your order. The book is being greatly appreciated by most of the HRAs who have bought one. A letter of yesterday reads, “I have not had time to read the new book yet, but loved having it inscribed to me as an HRA, and it makes a very nice paper weight.”

A stranger who read the book wrote,” and I had almost come to accept the modern philosophy of getting in the first kick, because, as we hear so often, ‘if I don’t, somebody else will.’ Now I live in continual thanksgiving that my feet have at last been placed upon the true path, and I am sure that there will be no turning away. I am familiar with the Bible, and had read and heard the story of the Crucifixion many times, but never experienced the deep horror and grief that engulfed me when I read your description of the cup of bitterness and its meaning. I do not believe that I shall ever again rail against my sorrows. Who am I to fret? Thank you for giving Jesus back to me.” (This thanks, if you are one of the HRAs who approve of our new understanding of the significance of Jesus, is yours as well as mine. Only because of the HRA were the late discoveries of Huna-in-Bible made.)

BOUND SETS OF ALL THE BACK BULLETINS, including the THREE BASIC LESSONS and the TMHG unit, with Bulletins from No. 4 on to the last one, which will be out July 1st, may be had, post paid at a cost of $200 should anyone wish them made up for them to keep or to give as a gift. They make one small volume and four big fat ones. Covers are of heavy cover paper. You can also send in your back Bulletins to be bound. $6, post paid back to you. Pad binding. Open wide and flat. This is Cigbo’s new business. He wishes me to tell you that he may be able to scratch up missing copies of the Bulletin from his files if properly tipped for the service. He also wishes it to be said that he has a new motto to fit his bookbinding business. It is, “Blest be the try that binds.” Edges all neatly trimmed. On the covers Cigbo has “sprinted” in large type, “WORK OF THE HRA.” Back Bulletins may also be ordered in four parts – any of the four by itself. The first part runs to and includes Volume 4, the 2nd from 5 through 9, the 3rd from 10 through 14, and the 4th from 15 through 19 and the three Bulletins which make up a small Vol.20. Figure the separate parts at $5.50 post paid.


(252 Mershon St., Fairhope, Alabama), headed by good friend of Huna, Jim Welgos, has steadily expanded its mimeo book and instruction unit list. This week PART FOUR of the BASIC LESSONS IN NEXOLOGY was sent in for review, together with copies of the earlier releases, SECRETS OF MEMORY and LIVING WITH CHILDREN. Starting with Dianetics, the Eidetic Foundation people broke away to form their own teachings. As I have said before in the Bulletins, this system is based on the Behaviorist concept of the one-self unit of consciousness, with no Subconsoious and no Superconscious. For this reason, the matter of the complex or “engram” (of early Dianetics, but now dropped), has been replaced by slightly different concepts based on the inability of the single self to make itself do as itself wants to do. In Huna we view things from a different angle, but it all boils down to the same problem. (1) How to take a look at yourself and learn what you are doing wrong when you think or react emotionally. (II) How to set to work to correct wrong thinking or wrong reacting to things that stimulate the emotional part of you.

In EIDETICS it is proposed that one go back and recall how ways of thinking and reacting were begun in the first place. The memory is greatly developed, with the goal that of getting even the cells of the body under sufficient control so that they can be made to give back such memories as they have stored. This system seems to work well enough to make for a rapid increase in the numbers of those trying to put it to use. It differs from Hubbard’s new “Scientology” in that one is supposed to perform a slight feat of astral travel, step out of the body, and stand outside while looking back to view the brain. If dark spots are seen, these are substitutes for the early “engram” or complexes, and these can be removed by willing them to become white.

In this respect, Scientology resembles somewhat the “E-Therapy” of HRA A.L. Kitselman, in which one sits down with an experienced friend and they join in asking the “E” or Higher Something of the subject to take over, hunt down any complex, wrong habit of thinking or reacting emotionally, or whatever it is that is causing trouble and which needs to be dealt with – then to remove it. It would seem that all of these enthusiastic teachers are slowly moving closer and closer to Huna, at least as we see Huna now. I predict that eventually they will all add the step in which one gives up the old hurtful ways, makes such amends as are possible for them, directly or in some vicarious atonement, and then, after a searching of the heart to weed out bad thinking and acting, apply to the Aumakua for aid in opening the path. Welgos, Kitselman and Hubbard are, happily, basing their research on daily practical application of their theories. They have not stopped growing and advancing – a very good sign.

THE MAIN POINT in any approach to the psycho-religious field in all these things is WORKABILITY. We live in a more or less mechanical age. If a machine will not work, we change it. This attitude applies to religion, psychoanalysis, Huna, Scientology, Eidetics, E-Therapy and all the related approaches which are the answer to the quest for a complex-clearing and get-prayers-answered mechanism or technique. All of the new methods WORK. Some better than others, and none perfectly as yet. I am in touch with friends and HRAs who are trying out the different methods and all of the new things. They write to me of their tests and of the results which are obtained. I talk to some of them about these tests. There is no longer any question but that something new and more practical has been developed. In our Huna work we are furthest advanced, I feel, in valid theory and blueprint mechanics, but it must be acknowledged that we are furthest behind in application. The fact is that we have not made efforts to apply what we know on a large enough scale to entitle us to make claims. Our TMHG has worked rather well for some and not at all for others. We have still to try out the new foot-washing rite, but this will come in due time.

E-Therapy has worked so well that we can safely say that we can duplicate the results from the duplicate elements in Huna theory. We have every chance of bettering and perfecting this method because we have more and better theories behind us – at least in my opinion, we have.

Spirit help, mediumship and plain psychic or intuitional talent also is being added to the several new working methods. About a year ago the leader of a small group in Michigan borrowed my copy of the E-THERAPY book and she and her group undertook to run tests of its workability. Recently I had a fine letter reporting on the results. They were far beyond first expectation. HRA R.S.M., one of the group has given permission to pass on parts of his report to the rest of the HRAs. I wish I had space to reproduce all of his report, but at least I can give the highlights.


“… a brother who has had considerable emotional disorganization, although a brilliant mind. Around last Christmas, he came here to try E-Therapy. He entered his first session with an open mind, but skeptical. He went into violent ‘posturing,’ accompanied by ‘fire,” an ecstatic feeling in his back and chest, and the covering by this of both areas where he had trouble. He has overcome his defeatist attitude and, though not a ‘clear’ yet, has greatly improved.

“My mother responded to the first treatment also. It expressed itself in uncontrollable laughter. She gets tremendous heat and vibrations. Her high blood pressure is down, her general health is better, and she has overcome a lifetime habit of worrying over everything she can possibly imagine. We get tremendous results in using the ‘Proxy’ method for people (and to help world conditions such as the bringing of peace). (They invite the E or Aumakua to take needed mana at any time to bring about requested results – with increasing success.)” MFL


The book gives the first and only additional light to be thrown on the inner teachings of the prophets of the Old Testament or of Jesus in the New Testament since the time of the writing of the Gospels about nineteen centuries ago.

To show the way the ancient “SECRET” of kahunas was hidden in words drawn from their “sacred language” (which later became the common language in Polynesia) it must first be pointed out that initiate kahunas such as Isaiah and Jesus, understood and taught by using this language and its word symbols. These words, however, when translated into other languages, such as Hebrew or Greek (or later, English, etc.) conveyed the symbols (such as “water” for the all important vital force or mana) but for many Huna words there was no counterpart in other languages and, for this reason, direct translation caused the meaning to be greatly changed or entirely lost. For instance, from Genesis on we find the word “bless” used. The Hebrew word bawrak, used for “to kneel.” The roots of this word signify the kneeling before an alter to sprinkle blood on something to bless or sanctify it. The Greek word is eulogeo meaning, “to praise, to invoke a benediction or ask for good.” The original Huna word was maikai, and in its roots lie the secrets.

The word mai`kai comes from the Hawaiian. In other Polynesian dialects we find the inclusion of a “k” which has been dropped from the Hawaiian pronunciation, so we can be sure of the roots ma`ki and kai. Here are the meanings taken from the dictionaries:

Ma: “Something accompanying or going together with something else.” In this case the “something else” is the set of thought-forms which embody the prayer which is being made. The flow of vital force or mana projected along the “silver cord” (aka cord) to the Aumakua, carries with it the “accompanying” set of thought-forms.

ki: (the second root) is a word with several meanings, (1) “to, unto” (this tells us that the mana and the accompanying prayer are to be sent to the Aumakua and (2) “to squirt water.” This is the very picturesque symbol of sending mana, symbolized by water, upward to the Aumakua. It is a forced squirting or fountaining because the mana must be accumulated as an extra charge by the one who makes ready to “bless” or bring about a good state or condition through prayer. Once the surcharge of mana is accumulated, it is sent with force to the Aumakua – the force being that of a willed command to the Aunihipili to perform the act of sending or “squirting.”

kai: (last root in the whole word) has the meaning of “to lift up and carry along, and to transfer.” These meanings duplicate the ones in the root ki and furnish a double check on the secret hidden in mai`kai or maki`kai. (Kai has still another meaning, that of “a current or flow of water in the sea,” this pointing again to the symbol of moving water for moving mana sent to the Aumakua.)

Now consider the full word as we have it in the Hawaiian, maikai. Its common meaning (the secret meaning is hidden in the roots, as we have seen) is (1) “to bless, or praise, honor or reverence,” (2) “to be good, morally correct, beautiful,” and (3) (with hoo, the causative prefix) “to set things in order, to repair damage, to make good again, to replace that which has been destroyed or lost.”

In other words, the kahuna, when “blessing” a person, restored him, healed or corrected conditions having to do with illness or trouble. He did this by composing a prayer and sending it with a sacrificial and empowering gift of vital force or mana to the Aumakua. The Aumakua, thus empowered and asked for aid, used the mana to send the answer to the prayer. This was done with a return flow of mana – mana raised to a high vibratory rate to cause the return of the “good” condition or to cause a miracle to take place.

It will be seen how inadequate the English word “bless” is when used to translate the Huna word. In the English there is retained something of the old Hebrew meaning of a sanctification through the sacrifice of animals and the sprinkling with blood. The French word for “bless” frankly retains the older meaning of “blood.” But what stands out most clearly is the fact that the inner or Huna meaning of the act of “blessing” was lost centuries ago except to the initiates. Only today are we winning back the secrets of Huna.

In the New Testament account of the miracle of multiplying the loaves and fishes, we have hidden behind simple and easily translated words the secret of the use of the magical act of “blessing.” But, although the translation of the phrase “… he looked up to heaven and blessed…” is not at all difficult, there being words for all parts of the phrase in almost any language, the secret meaning comes out only in the Polynesian version of the phrase: “nana aku la is iluna i ka lani, hoomaikai aku la …” (Mark 6:41 Hawaiian-English New Testament, published by the American Bible Society).

When Jesus took the loaves and fishes in his hands, he looked to heaven. “i`luna” is “look upward,” but the root “i” in the word means “to speak or say within oneself”, and luna means “above” – so we see that a prayer was formulated by Jesus as part of the magical act and was sent to “heaven,” symbol of “God” in the Bible and of the Aumakua in Huna. As a double check we have the information given that he “blessed” something, presumably the bread and the fish, but only in the hoo`maikai word for “bless” can we see what steps were involved, as has already been explained. It should also be said that the root “i” has the meaning of “to beget or create,” and this is the Huna symbol of furnishing the thought-forms of any prayer, as if planting seeds in the fertile soil of the Aumakua “heaven.” The prayer-seed then is “watered” by the mana sent with the prayer, and the miraculous “answer” to the prayer is swift to appear as a fact on the physical level of being.

The first use in the Bible of the word “blessed” is to be found in Genesis 1:22: “And God blessed them (the creatures he had created), saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.” Here again the same word, maikai, is met, but in this case the secret meanings are not the ones intended even when a kahuna version of the Creation is related in Hawaiian. The outer meaning of “to make correct, right and beautiful or excellent,” is appropriate here. However, the act of creating on the part of the Supreme Spirit is looked upon as exactly the same in quality as the creative act of answering a prayer, making use of the mana and mental picture of the prayer, and causing the “correct, good, beautiful” etc. condition to come into being. Of one thing we can be very sure and this is that God did not “bless” by kneeling and sprinkling something with the blood of a sacrificed animal, as suggested by the Hebrew word for “bless,” nor did he pause to praise and say pleasant things about his created creatures, as the Greek form of the word for “bless” would have it.

Behind the sacrifice of the animals, the cleansing with the sprinkled blood and the burning of the offerings, there once was hidden an inner significance and meaning of the acts. The initiate into the “Secret” (Huna) knew what was being symbolized and was able to perform a very different rite which contained real power.

Jesus, the great kahuna of his day, strove to teach the old and pure Huna. He taught secretly to his disciples the inner meanings of things done as religious observances, and he rejected the old rite of blood sacrifice in its entirety. It was only through the lack of initiate understanding that, after his death on the cross, others came to look upon his suffering and death as a blood sacrifice, through which the sins of the world might be removed. Now, thanks to Huna, we know that the crucifixion had a quite different meaning.

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