Huna Bulletin 106


January 1, 1954

THIS BULLETIN, as you will see, starts no place in particular, and ends at about the place where it began. In other words, no definite Guidance from Aumakuas seems to have come to indicate just what the next step in the work of the HRA should be taken.

WARS AND THREATS OF WAR have, in the past, delayed the Guidance in definite directions. In other words, the Great Company of Aumakuas, which seems to have overshadowed the work of restoring Huna, has been able to look ahead and has seen things coming which would upset efforts which might have been started before this or that crisis or war. As I begin cutting the stencils for this Bulletin, the negotiations with the Reds in Korea are stalled and there is the threat that they will resume the war if the Red prisoners are not forced to go home – some 22,000 of them. The South Korean leaders threaten to start the war afresh on or around the end of January if peace negotiations have not begun or if Korea is not united. Russia is said by Intelligence to have moved fifty-eight army divisions to Siberia, along with a great many battle planes. Our plans are said to be centered around using the atom bomb if war is renewed.

OUR FAVORITE PROPHET, HRA Mary Falvey, who has the best score of hits of which we know, has for over a year now said that the Russians would, in 1954, try bombing us, but that the bomb would land in Canada and explode there before reaching the Great Lakes country. She did not see World War III resulting, but one can well guess the reactions which might follow. And in a time of such events, it might very well be that efforts to start off at new angles with our Huna investigations and applications would become badly lost in the shuffle.

SOME PROGRESS IS BEING MADE, however. The new book, THE SECRET SCIENCE AT WORK is gradually being distributed and the public is learning more and more about Huna and its great significance as the months pass. Reports on individual efforts to use Huna keep coming in, and from these much information of value accumulates.

A REPRINT OF SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES, our basic Huna book, is about to be ordered, and this time it will be of the original larger size. There will also be added a fine index which has been made up as a labor of love by HRA Dr. Wheeler in England. (He has also provided an index for the new printing of SSAW.) As Kosmon Press, original publisher of SSBM did not wish to reprint the book, the proprietor, good friend and HRA, Wing Anderson, agreed to sell to the new Huna Research Publications company the rights and plates. The new printing will come out under the new imprint, therefore, and will be sold by H.R.Pubs. along side SSAW and at the same price, $4. Other titles will be added from time to time if world conditions permit.

THE FLYING SAUCER SITUATION, by the by, while getting more and more publicity in book releases, has not progressed a whit beyond HRA Meade Layne’s early prognostications given in ROUND ROBIN when he first scooped the journalistic world by giving out the information that (1) genuine saucer-etheric-space ships had been seen and their reality proven, and (2) that they were not something which could be explained in terms of anything then produced by earthly means.


Many ask my opinion by letter on this subject. Many also ask what I think of the published reports that saucer men have landed and talked with the living. Many ask whether we can believe the things the spirits tell us through various mediums, such as that the saucers come from other planets, are harmless, are vindictive, plan to help or to conquer us, etc.

My answer is that I am convinced by now that saucers are often real, but that from what I read of saucer men contacting the living and saying things to them, my feeling is that men so far advanced as to be able to come in saucers should have something better than presently reported to say to us. As to the spirits and their conflicting statements, I find little that I feel is sufficiently reliable to cause me to say that one spirit is right and all the rest wrong. Averaging them and their statements to get a general dictum on the saucers, I go along more or less with Meade Layne’s cautious approach in which he is willing to admit that almost any of the explanations may be right in some degree, and that the best guess seems to be that the saucers and globes and other “ships” are far more likely to be something out of the “etheric” levels of being than from the earth.

Also that it is not too hard to believe that materialization such as we have long observed taking place in seances may be the mechanism used for the production of saucers and for their sudden fading out. When a saucer man actually speaks up and tells us something better than I could personally make up out of whole cloth were I of a mind to do so, I will then, and only then, begin to sit up and take notice. We of the good earth can speak enough piffle to fill our variegated earthly needs without calling on men able to materialize saucers in space to add to our bombast. Of course, this is just one man’s personal set of opinions and tentative conclusions.

I may be quite mistaken, and the saucer men may this very year be landing to talk piffle to their selected earth people. They might even be saying something of vast importance and be pledging their listeners to utter secrecy – but it does seem that at least a word or two of definite and advanced sense might be let out to fill the waiting ears of an anxious world. Think what it would mean to the Reds to have word that the saucers would not intervene no matter what use was made of force, or to us if we could be assured that should the new bombs be used, the saucer people would at once step in and defend the “right,” stating which these were, Reds, Yellows, Browns, Blacks, Whites, Pinks, Republicans or Democrats.

Sometimes, I must confess, I get a little bit tired of saucers. They seem so inadequate, some way or other. It would seem that at the very least, they could make a few good campaign promises, even if they failed to remember them later. One consolation, however, is that the army and navy have at long last stopped pretending that they think all the saucers seen and reported the world around are “spots before the eyes.” Blessed be even that slight concession to veracity – even if “we, the people,” should be lied to for our own supposed good.


A letter was sent to me not long ago saying that I had “arbitrarily dissolved the HRA” – at least putting it on vacation status – and discontinued the twice-a month Bulletins without consulting the members of the HRA and asking what they wanted. I stand convicted. I did just that, of course, after saying in several Bulletins that we were closing down for various reasons. Perhaps I should, even if very belatedly, invite those HRAs who might be interested in doing so, to take over the job of producing the Bulletins, answering the letters necessary to its continued publication, and otherwise care for details of study, reporting and financing. I had thought of this angle for some time before taking it upon myself to act as I did. I could see my way in so far as getting plenty of articles to be used, but what I could not figure out was who would pass on which articles were to be used, act as editor, and then get out the Bulletin.

Several editors might act, of course, even if scattered around the land, all keeping touch with a top editor by letter. Lists of corresponding editors might, I suppose, be given in the Bulletins, each to be addressed by the writers of letters according to the particular department represented by individual editors. A business manager would have to be appointed to handle the books and funds, but the appointment would have to be made by a board of directors which would have to be established, preferably by election. Lastly, funds would have to be raised to cover the expense of the publication. In small ventures of this kind someone has to be appointed to beg day and night and to keep on begging, so that funds can be raised to keep up with the necessary expenses.

Who wants to take over and try to form a Huna Bulletin team to start the Bulletins coming out more frequently? I’ll act as communications center, if there are those who would like to have a try at it, putting everyone into touch with the others and standing by to try to see that something practical is planned. (Above all we would have to avoid those writers of ten-page letters who would delight in taking over all the space in the Bulletin to grind their own axes – usually axes not at all related to Huna.)

THE MIMEOGRAPHING OF THE BULLETIN could be done here at the Study, as before, providing that we could get local HRA volunteers to cut the stencils and run the sheets, assemble, fold, stuff and so on – then address and stamp envelopes which had already been printed, and finally, cart the boxes of Bulletins off to the post office.

Our old mimeograph which Cigbo and I managed to get by trading cameras and things in a continuous swapping spree, broke down so badly that it was beyond reasonable repair, and was traded in on a better used machine. Cigbo says to tell you he “sighned on the dotty line” for it to the tune of $425, less $50 for the broken-down one, then bought a new $8 roller for same, and some day will get its broken gear wheel replaced. He also wishes to say that anyone who feels he or she JUST MUST send in something to go into the cigar box, is welcome to do so. On the other hand, loud and musical purrrrs of thanks are offered to all the good friends who have already sent in gifts to help with the buying of the mimeograph, materials for the Bulletins, stamps, and for the purchase of the many old and new books needed for the continuation of the study of the basic Huna now being uncovered in the Gnostic, Mystery and other literatures. Studies are also being carried on in the realms of Theosophical materials, the Vedas, and the several revealed (by spirits) teachings, of which there are a surprising number.

THIS BRINGS UP STILL ANOTHER QUESTION, that of whether or not I have been too arbitrary in deciding what angles of the Huna research I should take up, and upon which sets of materials I should report first in writing new books, large or small. As you all know, we ran into the discovery of basic Huna underlying the teachings attributed to Jesus, and found back of Old Testament prophetic utterances, to say nothing of the creation story. It seemed to me that there could be little or no question but that this find was of first importance in a world which is nominally Christian. I also, I must confess, had a great desire to get on with this branch of research in order to see what might be revealed. The new book, SSAW, as you know, was the result, and, as I have said in the Bulletins, many of the HRAs were not at all pleased with the direction the work had been given by me. I believe that a majority were with me in this interest, but I may be wrong.


Here is your chance to offer me your guidance. At the present time many write asking for a book which could be used as a source of daily Huna readings – these aimed at keeping one thinking on Huna and related lines, and offering a source of inspiration and encouragement. It would also contain bits of practical information and suggestions as to exercises which might help progress along Huna lines.

A few have been very anxious that a book be written giving more break-downs of the Huna or hidden meanings behind Biblical writings.

My own inclination is such that it includes, among other projects, a completion of the general survey of the Gnostic and Mystery writings which are presently available in translation. This study is already uncovering much more of the Huna basis of the ancient days, and will perhaps give us more information of great practical value. A first book could be made short and simple. It could be followed at some later period by a large and heavily documented book going at the matter from many angles.

The need for a good text on the Biometer is much in demand, but would be useless unless a Biometer could be had at the same time. The Cameron version of the Bovis Biometer might be put into production if enough of them could be sold. The English Aura Biometer which I received two months ago works very well for the things for which it was designed, but needs changes and additions to allow readings to be taken which would resemble those of Dr. Oscar Brunler.

A book on the use of the pendulum for dowsing and other purposes needs to be written from the Huna and aka thread angle. There are a number of books in English and French which contain good material for such a book if time could be taken to sift and sort the ideas of assorted writers. The mimeo book on the Cameron Aurameter, which also gives information of general interest in an unexplored corner of the field, is already available through ROUND ROBIN, as announced in an earlier Bulletin. ($3 plus Calif. sales tax for Californians, post paid, if still in print. Autographed copies may be had from HRA Verne Cameron direct. Address him at Box S-218 Grand Ave, Elsinore, Calif. Round Robin, 3524 Adams San, Diego 16, Calif.)

A POLYNESIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY is something I long to have assembled and published. It should have also an English-Polynesian dictionary to go with it, and a fair outline of the grammar of the Islands and their six main dialects. This would give the serious students the opportunity to make studies for themselves of all the Bible materials as well as of the Gnostic and Mystery writings in which Huna symbology appears or in which the inner meaning of words can be seen by translating paragraphs into one or more of the Polynesian dialects (all of which are very similar on the whole). The legislature in Hawaii has appropriated money for a new Hawaiian-English dictionary, which is a good step ahead. It should be ready in a year or so, and if we could add to it a list of words and roots with the Huna meanings stressed, the problem would be partly solved. A reprinting of the big MAORI COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY by Tregear would be of great value, of course, as it covers several Polynesian dialects. The Hawaiian, of course, is the best and most inclusive when it comes to Huna terms. For my money the offset reproduction of the 1865 Andrews Hawaiian-English Dictionary would be best for a beginning, even if it is not complete and fully accurate by modern standards. Charlie Kenn, in Hawaii, tells me he hopes to assemble a mass of material dealing with the lore of kahunas, and to publish it as an encyclopedia of the subject. He also has assembled a long list of words used mainly by kahunasor by those discussing their beliefs and practices. The publication of the books mentioned above depends largely on whether or not there might be buyers enough to absorb a small edition at prices ranging from $12 to $50 a copy. Would you like to speak up in favor of books like this? If so, drop me a line and I will start a list. Or, if you are not interested in the dictionary project, you might like to let me know your preference in the matter of the other types of books which have been discussed above.

A NOVEL IDEA, but one that might work for us, is to write and print Huna studies of the materials of various books of value. For instance, the three volume set of books by G.R.S. Mead, THRICE GREATEST HERMES, is available in reprints once more. It would be impractical to try to quote enough from this set of books to give the reader a good idea of the origin and meaning of this literature, as so skillfully presented by Mead. And, as a digest of the materials from the Huna point of view would be of slight use without long quotations …    well, why not make the comment, pointing to pages and paragraphs instead of quoting them, then arrange to sell the original books and the Huna comment book together in a package deal? This could be done with any valuable book now in print, and might be just the answer to the problem of showing the relation of Huna to other great systems of thought and belief.

I would dearly love to be able to add Huna commentaries to the excellent commentaries of Charles Johnston covering the YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI (now in reprint by John M. Watkins, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London W.C.2, England@ 7/6 plus about 15¢ more for postage. $1.10 sent by postal money order to the firm just named should get this book, or add a quarter more to make sure. With the exchange so much in the favor of the U.S.A. just now, books published in England are wonderful bargains. Another little book which certainly should have a commentary made on it giving the Huna data, is THE GNOSIS OF THE LIGHT, by Rev. F. Lamplugh, also published by Watkins. $2 should bring this one post paid. Or, write for listings on Gnostic-Mystery books.)

BOOKS PRESENTLY UNDER STUDY may be of interest to many of you. As some of these are out of print, it may be well to look for them at your nearest library, if it is a large one. I have been gathering these books, new and used, from a number of dealers. Those out of print will have a * placed after them.


Pistis Sophia, a Gnostic Miscellany. Translations from the Coptic and Greek, with many comments, 325 pages.

Thrice Greatest Hermes, in three volumes, translation of the source materials and much comment and comparison.

The Doctrine of the Subtile Body in Western Tradition, a smaller book giving the comparison of Western ideas with those of India which Theosophy has popularized by degrees.

The Gnostic John the Baptizer, selections from the Mandaean John-Book and excerpts from similar early sources, 136 Pgs.

Echoes from the Gnosis, originally a set of several small books. In my present collection are: The Mysteries of Mithra, The Wedding Song of Wisdom, and Vol I of The Chaldaean Oracles.

The World Mystery Comparative Studies in General Theosophy, all presented against the Christian-Gnostic literatures.

Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, 625 pages of translations from Gnostic source literatures and much scholarly comment. The current price is $30, if a copy can be found.

The Gospel and the Gospels, dealing with the “higher and lower criticism.” Dated 1902, but still covers basic points.

Did Jesus Live 100 Years B.C? a study of Christian origins.

Quests Old and New, this covers the beliefs of ancient races from China through India and on to the Near East, ends by examining Bergson’s Intuitionism and Eucken’s Activism.

Quest (magazine) Reprint Series No.II. The Sacred Dance in Christendom. One of the few works on this general subject. (Dr. John H. Manas, good friend of Huna, has in print a booklet, “The Dance,” covering Greek and other ancient dance traditions, also dealing with the psychology and value of dancing in modern life. Also other good books. Address the Pythagorean Society, 152 West 42nd St., New York 18, N.Y.)

THE BIBLE IN INDIA, Louis Jacolliot, translated from the French, 187 pgs, presents much interesting material in an effort to show “Hindoo Origin of the Hebrew and Christian Revelation.”

CAREER OF RELIGIOUS IDEAS, by Hudson Tuttle. A frontal attack on organized religion, with a reasoning effort to show just what religion should be in its pure state. (This little book was the gift of Occult Sciences Library Service, 2643 North 33rd St., Philadelphia 32, Penn., where many used books are to be found as well as all the late ones in print.)

THE LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE AND THE FORGOTTEN BOOKS OF EDEN, World Publishing Co. These books, which are not included in the Bible as we know it, are mainly various similar versions of the same accounts, or “visions” etc. Little of the Mystery Gnosis tangle of symbols and “levels” and “spheres” pointing directly at Huna “Secret” lore is contained here.

COPTIC GNOSTIC TREATISE, Baynes, (may still be in print), gives photo reproductions of Coptic originals from the Codex Brucianus, together with the translation and restoration.

THE BOOK OF ENOCH by R.H. Charles (1952) This is another of the many books written from 200 to 400 A.D., giving variations of accounts covered in the accepted Bible.

EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY by W. Max Muller. A study of the growth of Egyptian beliefs with many reproductions of representations of the gods. 441 pages of valuable reference material. (I have also obtained Volumes I and IV of the COLLECTED WORKS OF F. Max MULLER, (not W. Max) done with the same careful attention to details and sources, these dealing with Oriental languages, comparative mythology and a number of other subjects of much interest to the student of comparative religion.)

YOGA FOR THE WEST, by Felix Guyot, translated from the French. This is a very sane treatment of yoga and brings the practices into line with modern living. Discusses general theory.

THE DHAMMAPADA by Radhakrishnan, Oxford University Press, 1950, one of the best books of the Buddhist canonical collection, with excellent notes and commentary. Especially valuable in giving the original and possible variations of word meanings.

CHALDEAN MAGIC by Lenormant (Gift of one of the English HRAs). This contains much source material with careful comparative studies. Two other books sent as part of the same gift are: Tantrick Yoga, by Marques-Riviere, and Ancient Egypt Speaks, by Hulme and Wood, in which the medium, Rosemary, gave way to Lady Nona who could speak the language of ancient Egypt. A classic.

THE PSYCHIC STREAM by Arthur Findlay, 1200 pages. In this rather slow-moving big book much good material is to be found on the sources of religious beliefs and practices. The author does his best to prove that mediumistic contact with spirits provided the central point of inspiration in all great religions.

NOTE: The aim of the present study is to have a second long look at materials examined earlier and classed as different angles of beliefs. Now, since we have made the amazing discovery of Huna as the hidden and basic secret teaching behind the teachings associated with Jesus, both in and out of the canon and the Gnosis, to say nothing of the Mysteries and related sources, a general survey of all available early literatures needs to be finished to try to learn to what extent Huna influenced ancient religious origins. It may be that we will find indications of the origin of Huna itself. Considering the fact that millions have the greatest interest in the several standard religions, it would seem that any fresh light thrown on their original forms would be of lasting value. And, of course, our individual wish to know more about such matters may often be a great driving force.

OTHER NEW MIMEO BOOKS have been issued recently. If you are interested in following through on E-Therapy lines, or on lines of general comparative religion, H.R.A. Kitselman’s INSTITUTE OF INTEGRATION, 201 Clayton St., San Francisco, Calif., is issuing a series of dollar (post paid) books. Just now these have been released: WHAT INTEGRATION IS ABOUT, telling the aims of E-Therapy and discussing various angles. THE EASIEST WAY is a simple description of how to put E-Therapy to work – very good for those planning to form a group. (Both are transcriptions from lectures by Mr. Kitselman.) EFFECTIVE PRAYER, by Bud Horton, is a similar release, and can be placed safely in the hands of orthodox Christians. It is especially good for those working with children. All three books need to have a dash of Huna added.

In addition, the $5 TIME TEACHERS is also available, together with tapes of lectures. A request will bring a listing from the Institute.

THE EIDETIC FOUNDATION, headed by H.R.A. Jim Welgos, 252 Mershon, Fairhope, Ala., continues also to get out mimeo books, courses and lessons for group use, mostly written by Mr. Welgos. Recently he has sent review copies of his first two units on Bible lesson material. Lists may be had upon request.

DIANETICS-SCIENTOLOGY, L. Ron Hubbard’s line of work, continues to progress from one new technique to the next, and I have lost track of the latest changes in theory and practice. Two good friends who have recently taken the latest $800 course which I understand guarantees to make one a “clear,” will brief me and bring me up to date in about February. I note with much interest that in Scientology much less stress is being laid on the healing of bodily or mental ills, and attention is directed largely to improving the mental balance and capacity of those “processed.” The “pre-clear” now seems to be run through the mill in 30 hours, made to see where he is falling short in measuring up to set standards, and then is dismissed with the injunction to take himself very firmly in hand and bring himself up to the standards placed before him. The famous and difficult “engram” seems to be getting little of the former attention. It may be that imagined engrams are easier to handle.

ROUND ROBIN MAGAZINE and B.S.R.A. RELEASES, H.R.A. Meade Layne, the editor and head, still covers the occult’s flying saucer, metaphysical and Spiritualistic front in Mr. Layne’s own thoughtful and hopeful way. $5 per year brings frequent short releases and the ROUND ROBIN mimeo magazine every two months. In addition to the subscription price, gifts to support the work are much needed. The spirit communications of Mark Probert are given considerable attention. Many mimeo books are also available. 50¢ will bring a sample of R.R. and a listing of available publications. Address B.S.R.A., 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif. (R.R. for September-October was the best for many moons, I thought.)

THE GEORGE SANDWITHS, often mentioned in the Bulletins for their occult and other investigations in Fiji, Samoa and other Pacific Islands, recently sent me a copy of a new 20-page mimeo book which is a transcription of a lecture telling of their exciting experiences in Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. No price was given and no source was specified from which to obtain copies. Real books are promised on these subjects later.

THE MID-PACIFIC MAGAZINE has been revived in Hawaii as a quarterly, by HRA Crabb. He proposes to include some material on kahunas in each issue. $3.00 for 12 issues. P.O. Box 1513, Honolulu, Hawaii. Well printed and illustrated.

THE TMHG, our own telepathic-contact healing group, continues to function daily at 3 and 7 P.M., with many happy reports on benefits received, physical, financial, social and by way of higher Guidance in many matters. It is free and open to all.

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