Huna Vistas Bulletin #74

HV64-headerOctober-November, 1966

The Ha Rite, Tarot, Psychic Healing & Seances


IMPORTANT WORK WITH THE HA RITE is being done by various HRAs and the reports are such that I urge all of you who can to run some tests. You will recall that the HA Rite is one upon which much stress is laid by the secret teaching in the Four Gospels – these teachings being uncovered by decoding the outer version of the supposedly historic life and work of the God-man, Jesus. The code word, HA, means four or forty or any larger number, even four hundred. It also means “to breath with force”, and so we see that heavier breathing to accumulate mana is the basis of this Prayer Rite, and that the breathing may be done in a matter of four complete breaths, then a momentary pause, and then a repetition. The repetition may be carried on and on, the belief being that if the Aumakua is given enough mana to work with, it can swiftly bring about or materialize the answer to the prayer, the latter being a steadily held mental picture of the desired condition. (Excluding with great care from the picture the present condition which is NOT wanted.) The mental picture is called the “seed” in the CODE, and even if it be as small as a mustard seed, it can be “watered” by the steady sending of mana in the HA Rite and so made to “grow” into something much desired. If there is such a thing as the “Prayer of Miracles”, the Ha Rite prayer is the best candidate for the honor.

HRA DELARUE, who lives in France, and who has been very much engaged in testing Huna prayer methods, had difficulty at first in making contact with the Aumakua, but through the use of the HA Rite method, contact has been made with ease. (A short time ago he has written saying he could not make the contact and get his prayers through. At that time, as he had been reared a Catholic, I suggested that he try a “Novena” series of prayers to see if his Aunihipili might respond better in doing its part. He used his pendulum as a means of communication with his Aunihipili, and in a letter just in, reports “I asked my George if he would like to make a novena, but although I was a Catholic when young, he would not. So I went on praying and accumulating and sending mana.” It worked well in time, and he continues, “I do this longer and longer and feel in contact. Now I am sure I shall succeed in my big demonstration of the truth. I tried making long accumulating drills, and as I practiced using the pendulum before reading your books, and as my wife is a dowser, I drew a sector or half circle, marking it off into units of degrees to make 100. I measured the mana charges with the pendulum on the sector, finding that I am regularly at 32 degrees. When I accumulated mana for 2 or 3 minutes I reached 50 or 60. My mental convention was that 100 degrees would be the maximum of force one can reach. But when I reached 20 minutes of accumulating, I reached 100. My pendulum said to me I had to stop and begin sending the mana then to my High Self. Two or three days later, it said to me I could go on accumulating mana. And then, more rapidly every day, the pendulum reached a point largely beyond 100 (going around the sector and making a full circle of it in effect, pointing to a place opposite the 30 or 40 degree mark. He still made the contact at the higher charge of mana and sent the force as before). I now make four remarks:

  1. “I often remain at 80 degrees charge, even after sending mana. (It would appear that the return flow often sent by the High Selves remained active in him.)
  2. “When I am at 32 degrees (his normal), I reach a high degree much more rapidly.
  3. “I feel enthusiastic and in good form, and everything is better and better in my life.
  4. “Perhaps this very large surcharge of mana was able to unblock my path?” (I would guess that it had much to do with it, but that the cooperation of the Aunihipili was of equal importance in getting the mana sent along the aka cord to the Aumakua. mfl)

The method used in accumulating the mana surcharge was described in the letter as one in which the arms are slowly raised to a position in which they are fully extended upward while drawing in the breath. The breath is then released while the arms are being lowered and the body bent forward with the head below the belt level. (He asked whether he should bend his knees in lowering the head. There is no set rule or method covering this. The physical movements are mainly useful as a fine physical stimulus to convince the Aunihipili that something definite is being done and to get it to cooperate. I once used the method advocated by Baron Ferson, that of spreading the arms wide at the sides and parting the legs as much as conveniently possible while making the mental effort to collect “magnetism”… At present I do not use motions or postures – just sit quietly in my chair  and take the deeper breaths in series of four while commanding the Aunihipili to accumulate the surcharge. If I wish to check on the size of the surcharge, I take up my pendulum and the Aunihipili causes it to swing to fit the size of the charge. The swing is a circle and if it is a very large and strong one, that is my convention for a full charge. By checking in advance with the pendulum to learn the size and strength of the circle which the Aunihipili gives to indicate one’s normal charge, one can, by comparison, decide when the circle swings indicate a large or larger or largest charge.

HUNA AT WORK is reported in a letter just arrived from HRA M.S. of Washington state. I quote a part. “I owe you much for the miracle working of Huna. A few months ago I used it to reduce a strangulated hernia for my husband. Huna came to the rescue when all physical efforts – manipulation and warmth – failed and emergency surgery was ordered. Instead of occupying a hospital bed the next morning, my husband was out hoeing his garden with not even tenderness at the site of the torn belly muscles. I did not fare so well. Under the stress of the situation I forgot to ask for a return of mana and was nearly three weeks recovering my spent strength. Even so, the cost to me was as nothing compared to the good achieved for J. At his age – 77 – surgery would have handicapped him for weeks or months, put a mortgage on our home and generally created problems. It happened before Medicare went into effect.” I comment that with so many reports from HRAs coming in to tell of similar Help and Guidance, I fear we are of “too little faith”.


“Ever since I got your beautiful reply to my request for prayers for my friend R.B., I have wanted to express my deepest gratitude. I have been working (with the TMHG) at the appointed hours. Many times my feeling of contact with the Force of Love was unbelievable. I have had no outer contact with the person for whom we are praying and his problems, therefore cannot tell as to what effect our efforts are manifesting, but my whole inner feeling has changed and it is wonderful. I am eternally grateful to you.” (Signed H.L.)

I comment, that here we have an excellent example of the many benefits that may come when we begin making regular contacts with the Aumakua and the Great Company of Aumakuas who are attracted to our group by the TMHG activities and the sending of mana to be used for general good. I have long since found that by keeping a daily contact with my Aumakua, I get frequent Help and Guidance in daily living,  often having Protection or the lessening of a blow that might otherwise have been very bad indeed. I have learned to listen to “hunches” when they come. Only last week I felt the sudden urge to make a date with my dentist and the following night my closest friend developed a wisdom tooth difficulty of the first order …. so, I was able to give the date to my friend for an extraction. The interesting thing here was that the dentist we both use was just on the verge of leaving for a vacation of three weeks and had I not had the appointment to relinquish, my friend would have had to try to find a strange dentist and get help …. which might have been very painfully delayed. For my dental need, a moment in the chair to grind a sharp edge from a chipped tooth was sufficient and was handled between times. The Aumakuas are endlessly wise and kind and helpful if we will only let them take their proper parts in living our lives.

A “Famous Quote”  was sent to me in a clipping by an HRA last week. It fits the situation with Huna so neatly that I must pass it on. Here it is: “There are two ways of being fooled. One is to believe something that isn’t so. The other is to refuse to believe something that IS so.” No comment needed. But the other day one of the HRAs who had been hoarding her Huna Vistas against a rainy day, ran into such a day and started to read them. She didn’t read far when she threw them in the stove and sat down to write me a letter. In it she said that she had not read my new book but had discovered from the bulletins that I had denied the fact that Jesus had died to save the world and had said that salvation through Him was not true and necessary. Would I please cancel her membership at once. I sadly took her name from the list. In the HRA our rule is to leave all questions and decisions open at both ends. We permit – aye, insist – that each of us shall be allowed to believe or disbelieve as it pleases her or him, AND tolerantly allow the other fellow the same privilege. The HRA is no place for those who have closed their minds and thrown the key away so that there is no chance of an unlocking  in this incarnation. When we cease to be ready to examine new material and evidence, we belong in some church.

THE BATTLE TO PREVENT CHANGES OF BELIEF wages with full fury, of course, outside the snug walls of the HRA. The gentlemen who have managed to get possession of the original and still later “Dead Sea Scrolls” belong as a majority to the Church of Rome, and every effort is being made to prevent outsiders from getting copies of the material to translate. There is a growing uproar over this entirely unwarranted attitude, and the suspicion grows that the reason for playing dogs in the manger is that evidence has been found that would strongly tend to discredit the historicity of the New Testament.

The usual practice when such material is found is to have it photographed and to allow qualified or even disinterested parties to buy sets of the photographs to inspect or to use in making their own translations. The suspicions have been fanned strongly by a lecturer at Manchester University in England, John Marco Allegro, who wrote an article printed in August Harper’s Magazine in which he gives it as his opinion that the reason for sitting on the Scrolls material is, at least in part, the fear that if others were allowed to translate the Hebraic and Aramaic documents they might find something contrary to accepted Christian beliefs. He accuses the men of ignorance and inability to make proper translations because of their refusal to admit anything contrary to their pre-set ideas of what the Scrolls relate. He goes on to point out the fact that there is growing evidence that Christianity had its roots in the Essenes and was not unique at all. He finds that many words and terms, as well as titles known and used by the Essenes, have been paraphrased or wrongly translated in the Four Gospels. For example, “Cephas” the nickname given to Pet is a word used by the Essenes to describe a man with ability to look into men’s faces and read their minds. Through this ability he was able to recognize Jesus as the the expected Messiah. Peter is also designated as the “Inspector, overseer”, and one functioning as a person in similar office did among the Essenes. In the Gospels he was the administrator and it was he who handled the community money and generally managed affairs. (An excellent comment on these things may be found in Fate Magazine for November in Curtis Fuller’s “I See by the Papers” department.)

As might be expected, the accusations have brought excited and angry articles crying “T’ain’t So!” and defending the gentlemen who occupy the manger by saying that they are simply taking proper care that unqualified gentlemen do not get at the material and make improper translations. Last week I came across a three column article by a professor in one of our Christian colleges here in California, in which an elaborate defense was attempted without giving much of an idea what the accusations were or why a defense was so necessary.

MY GUESS, for what it might be worth, is that in the unpublished Scrolls there have been found versions of the Christian Initiatory Drama antedating the supposed year of birth assigned to Jesus. It could even be that the material was written in the Huna Code even more openly and perhaps with comments by the writers to say that could the story be decoded, it would reveal the hidden teachings of the characters taking part in the drama. I smile at the thought that efforts to decode such writings may have thrown the keepers of the ancient writings into no end of a tizzy. Perhaps we had better keep our “laughing rooms” swept out against the day when some such situation comes to light. Meantime, with more and more students raising their voices in protest of the witholding of the priceless material, the manger may become a most uncomfortable place for the present keepers. It is a sad day when a great religion believed in by men and women of many lands dare not be allowed to face openly the threat of additions or changes in the supposed “facts” upon which it is based. None so blind as those who refuse to see, and none so crafty as the old priests whose position, authority and even livelihood depend on preventing any and all changes in dogmas or basic beliefs which acted as foundation stones. Our Dr. Martin Larson, whose book, RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT, has given us such invaluable insight into the materials of Christianity, is doing his best to get at the refused material. If they know who he is, how they must fear his ability and candor!

BACK TO THE TAROT AND THE KABALA we go after getting sidetracked by a number of things. When my book, The Huna Code in Religion, was written, I said in it that I found no code in the Kabala. This brought a prompt objection from two HRAs who knew both Kabala and Tarot far better than I did at the time. I at once reported the mistake in the H.V., explaining that the writers of the Kabala, apparently, had lost the knowledge of the Huna Code and of the language which is needed to understand it. However, when I had my attention called to the right parts of the Kabala, I was able to see at once that they had done their best to make a new code and to embody it in the “Tree” so that the same 10 elements of the man were described. (Three selves, three shadowy bodies, three mana grades, plus the physical body.)

“GEMATRIA”, or a new code made by giving Hebrew letters (in the alphabet) numerical values,  and then giving the numbers special meanings, also perhaps putting these numbers and Hebrew letters on the Tarot Cards, makes it now possible that the knowledge of the Huna Code language had not been lost to some of the later initiates. (We do not know just how or when the numbers and letters came to be placed on the Tarot Cards, but in many of the sets now current, both appear, and in some of the texts there are special meanings given.)

HRA BESS NEEPER, of California, who has seen at once that the Code knowledge was hidden carefully in the Kabala and the Tarot Cards, is my mentor in this part of the field. Some months ago she sent me a preliminary study of what she had found, but at the time I was too much engaged to get more than a glance, at it. Now, however, I have had time for a good look, and am amazed at the implications brought forth by her charts and explanation. She wrote at the time, “This is what I see of the Kahunas’ three selves spelled out in the symbolism of the Tarot and in parts of the Qabalah. Now do you want to write another book?”

FOR LETTERS, NUMBERS AND CARD SIGNIFICANCES, Bess has used the book by Paul Foster Case, The Tarot, which is excellent for this purpose as he had assembled in it everything anyone had ever suggested as belonging to the various cards. In this study only the Major Tarot is used, and these may be laid out for inspection as the charts are considered. They are (the ones used), Nos. 0, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16. The three selves are taken up in turn, using their names in the Code language (Hawaiian) Aumakua; for the Aumakua or Holy Parental Dual Spirit, the (a)uhan of Auhane, the “conscious mind” self; and (a)unihipili for the Aunihipili or “subconscious mind” self. As in the selecting of appropriate meanings from the several given in the dictionary for each word, the several meanings given for each card which corresponds with one of the letters may be selected as best. The letters of the names are to be read down on the chart to spell the name. First comes the letter in the English form, then the Hebrew counterpart, then the Card with its meanings following at the right. The name of each self has been placed at the top as divided into root parts which are used to get at the whole or general meaning by adding the meanings of each part, just as will be done in adding the meanings of the cards and applying them to the concept of that particular “self”.

The Tarot pack in use by Bess was that of Paul Case, but the Pamela Smith Waite pack may also be used although the letters and signs differ from those of the other pack when not left out entirely. The Paul Case attribution of meanings includes several ideas borrowed from Theosophy which may not fit too well.


Letter number and card Tarot Card Meanings
A Aleph
FOOL. Ox. No-thing. Source of Life; breath-mana-Light. (Waite gives the meaning, “State of first emanation”. mfl).
U (V) Vau
HIEROPHANT. Nail. Akasha, played on by Sound and Vibration. Conjunction “and”. (Perhaps the aka substance as a whole, conducting mana and housing units of consciousness as “selves”, but particularly the aka of the Aumakua. m)
M Mem
HANGED MAN. Water. A “Mother” letter … cosmic self-surrender, change of vibratory direction.
A Aleph
FOOL. Ox. No-thing. The rootless root of manifestation.
K Kaph
WHEEL. Closed hand. Embodiment. The Wheel of Manifestation. Kingdom of Law in action.
U Vau
HIEROPHANT. Nail. “And”: coordination; Akasha; Intuition.
A Aleph
FOOL. No-thing. Life-Breath; the Bridge, Fool, the created. Manifestation.


Bess comments on the above: “Here you have the story of Creation. AU, the unknown, immeasurable, unfathomable, infinite, eternal Source which decides to play a game. He issues forth a sound, a vibration, which spreads and grows, filling and vitalizing a portion of Cosmos with Force, breath, Light, Sound, Color, and so on. MA, the mother part of the Great Parent molds into form the Creative Idea, and we are off to a start. A, Aleph, sets the pattern, forms the Cosmic Egg, and Creation is begun. K, the creative hand holds and molds that portion of the Akasha to be used, forms and shapes it, and the Wheel of a New Manifestation is begun. U (V) coordinates, and by sound and vibration mediates the Plan, sets it on earth in its intuitive capacities, and with the final…  A, the Superconscious Fool is completed and set on earth to work his way out and up. Mana, the Breath of Life, is the Bridge and manifested earth is his playground. He and Earth are the “Created”.

“If you read these letters in reverse, you get the individual “Path of Redemption”, and the joining with the “opposite” could well take place on the Middle A, the Middle or Mind-Love Self. “

Middle Self, the “conscious mind” self. (‘Uhane)

Letter number and card Tarot Card Meanings
A Aleph
FOOL. No-thing. The superconscious Life Breath is the foundation of Self-consciousness. Here you have the answer to why the “A” was dropped from ‘Uhane; the human mind does not want to acknowledge its spiritual base.
U Vau
HIEROPHANT. Nail. Akasha, played on by Sound and Vibration, resulting in intuitive prodding of the humanmind.
H Heh
EMPEROR. Window. Reason, vision, sight, order, the ability and need to organize thought into workable form. (Maybe he is helping me now to make me (Bess) understand his name of ‘Uhane.)
A Aleph
FOOL. No nothing. Life-Breath in its form of Prana-Mana, and its “in touch” through meditation and cognition which gives the power and skill to use the mental activities and influences of …
N Nun
DEATH. Fish. … the fish to transform, catch and change the Imaginative Intelligence into productive channels. Did you ever try to catch a fish? Bait, quiet, and perseverance. “I die daily” from the radical to the universal, and the Fish = swims in Cosmic Water.
E Yod
HERMIT. Touch. The result is the union of separate elements within the self-consciousness, and the conclusions of the Hermetic Operation. Thought is born, the images in the unconscious are given form and expression, and now the human can go back and pick up the Aleph which he dropped in his pride and self conceit.


UNI HI PI LIThe subconscious, or Natural Human Self.

Letter number and card Tarot Card Meanings
U Vau
HIEROPHANT. Nail. Hearing, intuition, played on by the forces super and self consciousness, and the desires of humanity wakes a sub intelligence which opens up to the influence of growth and Akasha.
N Nun
DEATH. Fish. With the drive of Akasha in the earth plane comes motion, change, transformation, and constant touch with influences of the kingdoms of earth.
I Yod
HERMIT. Open hand. The “open hand” grasps and clings to nature’s influences, produces touch and coition, and the formation of subconsciousness on earth.
H Heh
EMPEROR. Window. A window is opened in the subconsciousness, Light penetrates, and reason,vision, sight, the Cosmic Order is available on request.
I Yod
HERMIT. Open hand. Still not satisfied, the subconscious drives on, completion being its aim.
P Peh 16 MOUTH. Tower. False knowledge is destroyed by the lightning flash on Babel, confusing the speech and replacing it with inspiration and perception.
I Yod
HERMIT. Open hand. Yod still begs for more of the Intelligence of the Will, prudence, wisdom, and the end is in sight.
L Lamed
JUSTICE. Oxhead. Equilibration, Karma, knowing by doing, faithful, constant, confident Subconsciousness, the third partner of a human Self, brings a balanced personality, only waiting for …
I Yod
HERMIT. Open hand. Yod’s approval and constant reach to bring about the attainment of all three selves into a complete and perfect Self.


BESS MAKES NO ADDITIONAL COMMENT, but with the alphabet partly given and the varied meanings attached to each letter, number and card, we can easily see the method used to select the right ideas to fit at each step as the material is used to describe the characteristics of each of the three selves.

There are enough letters and cards given to allow us to examine for ourselves other words as used by the kahunas. For instance, we have H U N A as one of the prime words, and for a simple application of the keys we might say that we start with the Emperor, and “window”, the great ruler opening the window of insight, then comes Hierophant to expound and initiate from the occult side instead of the material. Death, promptly gives us reincarnation and the movement, from lower or fish levels upward from the animal or Aunihipili level to the mental or Auhane and on to the Spiritual level of the Aumakua. The “fish” is the symbol of water and so of the manas involved. Aleph, the card of the Fool and the watchful Aumakua, may be considered the start of the unit of evolution or the repetition of reincarnations in which the Aumakua is dragged into material life by the necessity of getting growth experience for the pair of Aunihipilis. If we take the word, KA Huna, we repeat in the K for the WHEEL card the symbol of reincarnations. With a little of the fine intuition used by Bess Neeper, the additional meanings to be brought out of the Huna vocabulary offers great possibilities. Try your hand at mana and aka? “M” for “water” is perfect to start one off on mana and the “A” starting aka and giving us the FOOL and no-thing, can represent the seeming nothingness of the aka substance perfectly. LA for “light” or the Aumakua seems most significant when we begin to search for Aumakua characteristics in the card meanings. Remember that the Huna language has only the vowels native to it and that the consonants may need substitutions as in the case of “U” for Vau. More study is indicated to get all the meat from this nut which HRA Bess has cracked so delightfully for us.

NO NEW NEWS ON TONY, the Filipino psychic healer and surgeon, has come in at the time I write this. I saw a copy of a letter he had written in which he said that his visit to California had been cut short by “certain difficulties” which had arisen. He also said that most of his time had been spent visiting friends and relatives here. Since the visit, much publicity has been given to the work in books and lectures, with colored still and motion pictures showing just what was done.

The sudden burst of excitement caused by the healing activities of Tony, Terte and their fellows reminds me of the way interest in Spiritism grew with a great rush in America a little over a hundred years ago. Some have ventured the opinion that the first outburst of interest should have ended by a world conviction of the truth of “Survival”, but the men of “Science” refused to go along. Now we may have been treated to another fine and spectacular show to give backward Materialists a fresh opportunity to come into the fold of Believers. Unfortunately, Tony seems to have no desire to convince doubters. He refused to see the representative of a great Eastern medical school who had gone to Manila to offer Tony the chance to come over and work under test conditions. After the way these healers have been chased from pillar to post by the medical doctors in Manila, it may well be that there will never come a time when a proper investigational body will get to work. Of course, we may at any time see other mediums come along with similar powers and abilities who will be willing to undergo investigation under strict test conditions.

“HOW DO THE HEALERS PERFORM THEIR PSYCHIC SURGERY?” This question has been asked by several HRAs recently, and all seem to agree that “mat and demat” must be the basis of the work. One Associate feels that perhaps the Aunihipili has learned the art and that spirits are not involved. I would say that in my opinion the Aunihipili is hardly advanced enough to know surgery. It might respond to suggestion and heal some of its own bodily ills, but to know that the body was to be opened, and to do what is needed to have the medium help and then actually cut out a piece and close the opening, well, that would be asking for a fine reasoning ability which we assign to the Auhane.

As Tony, Terte and our American and English healers who work on the same lines are not trained surgeons to begin with, one looks for a spirit to work through them as mediums – a spirit or group of spirits with the proper knowledge and skill. In addition to being able to diagnose the cause of trouble and to operate to correct it, the greater knowledge would have to be had, that of the dematerializing of a certain portion of the body and its rematerialization with the cuts healed instantly – healed without stitches, if you please.

It has been objected that really great healers who might be calling on the Aumakuas for help should not need to resort to surgery and that without an incision or removal of an ailing part, the thing causing the trouble could be changed inside the body from a bad state to a normal or good one, or a stone or growth simply dematerialized. The same thing may be said about the spirit surgeon who uses a living Tony as a medium in his operations. If the surgeon can mat and demat as he seems certainly to be able to do, why bother to cut out a piece or remove a stone or repair a rupture? Why not just cause it to be fixed inside the body without fuss or feathers? A healer from Atlanta named Brown seems to have his spirits working in this way through him, but then one wonders at the report that he goes through the motions of a living surgeon in the air above the body, his hands seemingly working on some part of the body lifted up to them. He appears to believe that he has a group of specialists working through him and that a diagnosis must be made ahead of time as in live medical practice. He asks his patients to come to him without breakfast for such an examination – which seems to call for the question of where the spirits lack in ability compared to the spirit doctor of Tony, who seems to hear what is said of the complaint, then go right to work to take care of it.

THE LOGICAL SOURCE OF INFORMATION in this mystery would seem to be the spirit doctors themselves, but so far as I know, none of those at work in these days of miraculous surgery seem to have explained a tiny bit of what or how or why they do this, and do that – or why they bother at all to do what they do. Tony has repeatedly offered to show one or another of his visitors how to do what he does, and Dr. Decker says that when Tony held his off hand, he could also make an incision with nothing more than a sweep of a finger above the selected spot. But if not touched by the medium, nothing happens. I would say that he is not a good enough medium to work alone or that he might lack a spirit friend willing to work through him. Thinking back to the instant healing done by the kahunas, we can be very sure that they had no spirit surgeons working through them in that early day. However, we do not know just what they did except that in healing broken bones instantly, they held the broken parts together with their hands as a rule, although the recent reports of the healing of a broken bone for a nurse in a hospital in the South Seas does not include setting her broken collar bone, and before her the native with his broken leg that was healed furnishes us only information that he was healed.

HARRY EDWARD’S BOOK, The Mediumship of Arnold Clare, published about 1942, by Rider, in England, is still the only book which I have found in which the spirit speaking through a medium has tried to give a really detailed account of how the spirits work through a medium to produce the “mat and demat” type of psychic phenomena which we suppose to be involved in the production of ectoplasm, apports and the like. In what is called “transportation”, the whole body of a person is taken from one place to another, and it is thought that this is made possible, as in apporting a fish or flower or stone, by dematerializing the body, moving it to the desired place, then materializing it.

In this book, nothing like the Tony or Terte or Brown surgery is discussed, but there is a similarity in that spirit “guides” are considered necessary for the production of such things as have been mentioned. This starts, of course, by demanding a belief in “Survival”. In the book telling of the seances, the spirits, of several “guides” are seen and frequently “Brother Paul” and “Peter” speak through the entranced medium. Materialized spirits of dead friends of the sitters at the seances frequently appeared, or spoke through the medium or were described by a guide. Often the guides spoke through a trumpet which was being levitated and carried here or there without visible support. Various objects were carried without hands about the room, in one seance a carnation being taken floating across the room, and when the lights were turned up, it was found that a heavy firescreen had also been moved and the carnation placed on one side of it while a vase with flowers from a table was neatly placed on the opposite side. Most of the materialized spirits were only visible in part, as a face or part of a profile or torso.

In addition to the two guides, Brother Paul and Peter, there were several spirits of various degrees of evolution who acted as helpers. One “control” or helper, was known as “Little Peter”. He was a small boy, standing only three feet tall when materialized enough to be seen. At the opening of the seance, after an invocation and some gramophone music, he spoke through one of the trumpets and moved it with great speed here and there over the heads of the sitters and medium. It was a “dark seance” with the trumpets covered with luminous paint and square boards had also been painted with the same material and placed here and there so that a partly materialized spirit could show its face by standing close. The trumpet flashed and spun, (one or even three in a row,) but never struck a sitter in the 45 minutes during which they were in action. Little Peter, at the end of the trumpet performance and while talking to the sitters through one of the trumpets, produced as apports several coins, six made of copper and weighing nearly an ounce each. All of the coins were different, and were over a century old. Another control who often assisted with apporting and other work, was known as “Simba” . He apported a solid metal idol weighing about a quarter of a pound, also four claws from the paw of a lion, undressed and with some skin and fur still attached to them. Ectoplasm was produced or made to exude from the mouth, nose and ears of the entranced medium, Arnold Clare. This ectoplasm formed webs, cloths and long snake like forms which had changing ends making claws or fingers etc. In the ectoplasm, faces and forms often took shape and were viewed by the light of the plaques. Tubes of ectoplasm were seen to act as levers, the elbow being placed on something solid and the free end used to lift trumpets and other objects. As the seance neared its end, the gramophone was lifted and wound, a record placed on it, and it was levitated, along with its table, around the circle, touching lightly each member in turn. It was raised high or carried low, and not once did the needle slip on the record. When the record was finished, the machine was placed on its table in the center of the circle and the needle and its sound chamber properly laid back while the motor was shut off.

It is interesting to note that the seances were held under well organized control by experienced members of the Balham Psychical Research Society of London, and that all conversations were recorded while the pictures were expertly taken of many ectoplasmic extrusions. In the book are included some writing, drawing and sketches made by the spirits directly – not using the hand of a medium. Infrared photos were made as white light is not needed for these, and in most seances white light prevents materialization and the like. (We must keep in mind, however, that the psychic surgery done through Tony and Terte requires no darkened seance room and the light has been sufficient to make the ordinary color pictures, both still and with motion picture cameras.)

Peter was the spirit “guide” who answered the questions concerning the way in which psychic phenomena were produced. As we have seen, “Survival” had to be accepted as a beginning, and the point was made that all of the spirits who took part in the seance work were not of the human level. First there were the Guides, who are human and advanced in learning and reliability. They boss the show. Under them come the “Controls”, also human spirits, but less advanced. (I quote:) “Controls do not qualify for the standard of Guides and their work is completely different. Their method of control is to enter into complete possession of the physical organism of the medium, i.e. they impart directly through that organism their entire personality. The controls themselves are quite good but they are a little removed from the limits imposed upon man in the flesh. Their range of vision is very restricted, and can act only within the realms adjacent to earth.” (They are said to be less “spiritually developed” than the Guides.)

Under the Controls come the “little people” or nature spirits – “elementals”. In some respects they are like humans and they have the ability to manipulate “the natural ethers”, of which two kinds are spoken, a dense and less dense kind, but there may be several other grades of the “ethers”. (I speculate that here [we] have the aka substance as associated with spirits, with dense and fluid materials, bodies, flowers, stones, gas, air and so on. mfl.) Peter: “The same ‘little people’ can be pressed into service even for certain types of healing, but their services are not often used – only for psychic healing, and then for the ailments affecting chiefly the bony structure and deformities. You might say they are the soul of nature. A man has many complex parts, so has the soul of nature many parts working together to accomplish something far too immense for the ordinary mind to grasp. They are not left to wander aimlessly in space but are directed by superior Intelligences who press them into service according to their capabilities, with only one purpose in view, development and progress along the road of the whole realm of nature, to keep it in step and in tune with the whole life scheme of creation whilst working ever towards the perfect plan ordained by God.”

The human “aura” and its “auric field” were said to be necessary for the production of apports and psychic phenomena in general. The description given of these auric items fits the aka body of the Aunihipili, with perhaps part of that of the Auhane. Peter said: “Around the normal healthy human being there is an extension….. This etheric extension is the reservoir of physical (mana?) strength. It has no character of its own but is simply a storehouse of etheric energy used for the complete and successful working of the physical body. The nearest to this stored force that we know comparable to that used in producing action is magnetic force, but this force is of a different and stronger character.”

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