Huna Vistas Bulletin #77

HV64-headerMay-June, 1967

Man: Prehistoric and Current


ONE OF THE MOST FASCINATING THINGS in our research work with Huna has been the discovery of the ancient lore of the union of the male and female Auhanes to “graduate” and join to become a new Aumakua. You will recall, if you have followed the course of the bulletins or have read my book, The Huna Code in Religions, that this has been the great goal laid out as the reward for living in the Four Gospels as well as in Buddhism. It is the next logical step in the life and reincarnation cycle for the advanced student. I stated some time ago that, for me, here was a belief which I had accepted with joy and with the  cessation of questioning, and a number of you have happily joined with me in setting this down as one of the firm foundation blocks of the Huna which we have worked so hard to recover.

Like the seeing of the “light” in certain stages of development, we have, from time to time, the added confirmation given by others who have had the mystical experience of “seeing the Light” in one form or other.

Added weight is given to confirmation when it comes from someone who, it may safely be said, had written of his experiences without first having heard of our experiences, especially as I related my own in my first book , Secret Science Behind Miracles. That being the case, it is with especial significance to us that we read of the experience of Howell S. Vincent in his book, LIGHTED PASSAGE, which was published some years ago.

One of the good HRAs who had just recently come across this book, copied out passages and sent them to me in case I had not seen them – and I had not, although I had other books by the same author collecting dust on my shelves. I take the reviewer’s liberty of quoting:

“I was very much awake but completely relaxed. Like a stroke of lightning the vision came, unexpectedly and unheralded. As a vision it endured for only a fraction of a second but its effect abides with me even in writing out this testimony. The intensity of the physical light accompanying this spiritual vision was tempered to the full capacity of my physical eyes, for they could just endure the brilliant flash without pain or blur or blinding.

“Beyond this physical seeing, and even more real than it, I experienced a spiritual sense of awareness that was similar to sight. I sensed a dazzling white light that enveloped my whole being and permeated every cell of my body. It was warm and gracious and filled me with indescribable peace, calm and satisfaction.

“I could discern no form with my eyes, but my spirit knew that the spiritual light had a form that merged with my physical body, a perfect complement interpenetrating each limb and organ and cell. This light form did not give me a sense of a quality of otherness; it was not something or somebody apart from me. The experience of inter-penetrating contact was not strange or startling to me. The form was not foreign to my being; it was rather a familiar, well remembered self, that I had lost for ages, and now having contacted, I recognized her to be my soul.

“This is not fiction and above all it is not a love story; it is far more intimate than that and it is universal in its application and interest, so that every love story, every love experience in the world between any two people is only an outward shadow of the integration of the soul and the spirit of any human being within that being’s unapproachable sanctuary where no other being can enter.

“This is the experience of an individual all alone, within his innermost self, with no second party present or interested. It is a man’s soul in him integrating with his spirit within him. The fact that this man’s soul is feminine and his spirit masculine and that they are integrating and will finally fuse into soul-spirit unity within his being, is of vital importance to you, for it is a statement of your own case. Your soul and your spirit are of opposite genders and your one problem in this life is to set your own house in order by integrating soul and spirit. as one individual you.

“I had no doubt: I knew with my inner consciousness that this was my soul and that my soul is feminine, more superbly feminine in every quality than anyone I have known. In my spirit I recognized this feminine divinity to be my own celestial counterpart self. Permeated with her presence, I knew that she, my soul, and the ‘I AM’ of me are one and the same ‘I AM’. My spirit rested in the joy of fulfillment. Months later this experience was verified in verbal form when poetry welled up from some source within my innermost being.

She came to me, my Soul resplendent,
Her glory all around flowed over and beneath me,
Pierced me through, and through and through.
She spoke to me as we had spoken
Within ourself before the birth of time.
She spoke without words, arrived without motion.
Trembling with joy I recognized and understood;
For she and her words are one with me, eternally.
A moment thus, then she was gone.

“No soul incarnates, but he or she, as the case may be, watches over his or her counterpart spirit during its incarnation and draws it back from its pilgrimage into reintegrated divine life, enriched with the carnate consciousness created on its journey through experience.

“At the first my mind was startled to learn that my soul was feminine. To my mind’s inquiry there welled up, into its outer consciousness, full assurance from my spirit and soul deep within my inner consciousness. This assurance took immediate word form briefly, as follows:

“Two complements, merging, form a whole. Two identicals, because they have the same form, cannot merge. Since they cannot occupy the same space together as two complements do, they remain as two.

“Further, the complete integration of the mind depends upon the merging of the soul and spirit. These are the two complements from which the mind emerges. The harmony produced by blending the difference between the soul and its fully complementary spirit is the music which men call mind.

“This my mind accepted, and from that hour my mind has rejoiced in the femininity of my soul, its mother, as much as in the masculinity of my spirit, its father.

MY COMMENT. We have no difficulty recognizing in Author Howell Vincent’s glowing account of his split second vision, the two things that the kahunas of old were at great pains to preserve for us in code in the Four Gospels which were four versions of their great initiatory Mystery Play.

Also, those of us who have been through Theosophy and the standard beliefs of India, will have no difficulty in seeing the presence of the great misconception which grew up in Indian lore after the Huna secrets of the meaning of the “LIGHT” and of the “GRADUATION” of two Auhanes into one Aumakua was lost. The misconception failed to travel from India to mix with Hebrew ideas or with the sadly distorted outer version of the Christian Mystery Plays.

In India the great preachment gradually became that there were TWO selves and only two. These were the one ordinarily living in the man, and the Aumakua living above him in some mystic way as an “overself”. One was told that the one and only thing worth striving for was the INTEGRATION of these TWO selves to cause them to blend and become CNE. “Oneness” became the slogan and fetish. As the lower self was thought to be impure, especially in its love for a mate, then it was trumpeted from the pages of Holy Books that one must “kill out desire” and finally become pure enough to join, as a lower self, with the Higher Self. It followed that, as the Higher Self was part and parcel of the Universal Self or God Concept, the union of the low and High ended with the “dewdrop slipping into the shining sea.” In other words, the united pair of selves joined the ocean of Divine Self and lost its individuality with vast and unending joy. It was a rather strange reward for the accomplishment of the”selflessness” of Yoga and the purity of all Hinduism – to say nothing of the same idea of “purity” which did travel to the Near East and enter as a freely accepted contamination of what had before that not been quite so bad. The curse was placed on human love and sex relations and the poor long suffering women were branded EVIL – a necessary evil for as long as it took to rear a family and keep the world turning, but aside from that, just evil in its worst form – “evil in skirts”.

From the original Huna teachings which had filtered into Greece and India at a very early date, the idea of the three selves of man was clear enough. The Greeks spoke of the animal self in addition to the mind self. In Yoga, in its early day when it contained hardly anything but coded Huna, the traces of the belief in three selves were enduring. But with the gradual failure of the Huna system of passing on the secret by way of initiation or teacher-to-pupil transmission by word of mouth, the masses, with their uninformed priests, gradually came to have only the two self idea, and to concoct the fiction of the UNION of the low and the High. Into the pottage of misinformation was poured exaggerated ideas of endless reincarnations and of Karma which was all but impossible to live down, for even to desire to be free of Karma and to attain UNION with one’s Aumakua was desire, the very essence of the evil art of trying to lift oneself by one’s bootstraps from one level to the next. The human animal man is prone to invent himself more foolish obstacles while hatching religious philosophies than one could shake a stick at in a long time.

The “misconceptions” borrowed from India and the anti-sex element in early and late sects of Christianity, have even invaded the weak, bigoted and smelly temple of modern Psychology. The neo-psychologists also carry the smell, and for $25, paid in advance, you can attend “classes” all over the land and be taught “INTEGRATION”

If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from a really bad case of obsession and land in the psycho ward of a mental hospital, the “split personalities” composing your mental quota may be treated to “shock” to try to weld or integrate them. In the old days they administered “shock” treatment by stoning the obsessed – and with about as good end results.

Author Vincent apparently knew nothing of Huna, but he had a wonderful experience, saw the “Light” and in addition, seems to have had a preview type of experience in which he entered the state of “graduation” or union with the true Auhane mate for an instant – an instant of sensing that loomed as a lifetime in his memory. It was inevitable that he thought what he had touched and blended with was a female part of himself, for it could have been nothing else if the contact is what it appears to have been.

Of course, having been grounded in the misconceptions of later India, it was inevitable that he come to believe that he, as the lower soul self, had met with and blended with the higher “spirit” self of his own unit. To his enduring credit it must be said that he did not let the dogma of “woman as the sinful temptress” throw him, and was able to keep turning over and over in his mind all the angles of his great experience, finally finding a way of sorts to keep the Aumakua idea but get in the idea of femininity and the intended mate – even if only a precious soul spirit bit was to be salvaged. One has to smile at his eagerness to remove his experience from the level of ordinary love between man and woman. He may well have known such a love and felt the woes that beset the lovers because of their Aunihipilis and their animal approach to “love”. The love of the Auhane is a fragile thing. at its best, and when blasted by the explosive Aunihipili and its dynamite of emotions, it often vanishes into thin air. But the dream of the true mate seems to have followed every child of Adam into the first incarnation, and battered and bruised as we may be in the battles for the love of the dream, the dream itself endures and endures.

I, for one, live by, with, and for the hope of that “Graduation” and “Union”. I am most grateful to Mr. Vincent for sharing with us his vision as a confirmation of the visions of so many of the rest of us.

ON THE LONG WAY UP, and as a preliminary to the final great day of our Graduation, we need very much to get help to enable us to (1) know that there is an Aumakua, and (2) how to keep the thoughts turning on its verity until we make the needed open contact and are rewarded by that final personal proof of verity – by being allowed to see the LIGHT of the Aumakua.

There are a number of excellent books to be had at present, all helpful, even if the Aumakua is called by a confusing number of names. It starts out as “God” and “Universal Mind”, but gradually comes closer and becomes individualized so that, in the end, the seeker finds the LIGHT a very near, dear and personal god.

A new book by one of the Huna Research Associates, who has lectured and taught in this part of the field for some years, has just been published. It is titled, THERE IS A TIDE. 83 pages, hard cover, for $2.50 (add 15 cents postage) from Vantage Press, 120 W. 31st St., New York, N. Y., 10001. The writer is HRA Renee Iaaus of California. The book was written before she had found Huna, but is filled with little stories of the way the Aumakua (call it what you will) has responded to calls of all kinds for Help in her own life and in the lives of the many whom she has taught and helped to realize that there was such a source of Help and how to get into touch with it on a working basis. It Is an inspiring and inspired book dealing with, “The One Presence, All Power, All Intelligence … Universal Intelligence”, etc. Read from this book daily and continue to “Grow Into Light”.

BEHOLD I LIVE is the title of a book by a newer HRA, Lucy Chauncy Bridges. 186 pages, $4.75. Regency Press, Ltd., 43 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.1. This is a charming account of the life of the author as a girl on a sugar plantation in Demerara, British Guiana. She was sent to England to school, and eventually married and lived in England. At about the time of the death of her husband (to a lesser extent before that time) she had become interested in Spiritualism and from messages received through a medium, was convinced that her mother had survived and was a living spirit on “the other side”. The bulk of the book deals with the many seances of various kinds which she attended down the years, with pages of messages from spirits, these ranging from simple matters to interesting discussions of life as a spirit, of reincarnation and of religion and science. The assembled messages make up an excellent cross section of the things said during the present half of the century by the discarnate, high and low. Spirit and New Thought types of healing are discussed, and Karma is not missed by the communicators in their statements and speculations. If you have not had the opportunity to sit in on a series of the best seances, here is a fine collection of them in printed form ready for your consideration. Here is also a vivid picture of the life of the writer and her England and friends … friends on both sides of the veil.

CONFESSIONS OF A SENSITIVE by J. Cecil Maby, Brooke House, Frocester, Stonehouse, Glos. England, has been published by the author in a limited edition. The page size is larger than the usual 5×8, and the printing has been done by offset, reproducing typed pages made ready by the writer. No price is set on the volume, but $6. 50 might about cover it. Mr. Maby has been the author of many articles and several books. His work is familiar to dowsers the world over through his articles on dowsing in the journal of the British Society of Dowsers. I have long admired his learning and his efforts to find an answer in the known field of physics for the phenomena surrounding dowsing. Himself an expert dowser, he has covered the field with the greatest care and has not hesitated to look into ESP and the full range of spirit manifestations. Everything has been grist to his mill, and in his book he tells of his life and search for answers, not overlooking the possibilities in Astrology and Fortune Telling. In presenting case after case as he investigated the mixed field and experimentd or observed, he gives his reader a splendid general view of what is to be found and what has been done by way of getting explanations for what so often seems beyond explanation.. Walking through this book in the footsteps of this learned and talented man will give the less informed a fine education not to be had at a University. (So far as I can see, he has not given his attention to the Huna theory of the aka thread and the mechanisms of mana and of the actions of the three selves in dowsing from maps. But for this angle, you always have several articles on the Huna theory which have appeared from time to time in the journal of the B.S.of Dowsers.)

AFRICAN GENESIS by Robert Ardrey has been in my hands on loan for some time and has delighted me from cover to cover. (Paperback of the better sort, $1.95. Dell.) Ardrey is a playwright with some successful plays to prove it, but he became entangled in a study of the latest developments in the findings of Naturalists and Anthropologists, especially the latter. In recent years the fossil hunters, especially in South Africa have been breathing down the neck of First Man, and their breaths have become hotter and hotter.

Author Robert Ardrey, who had majored in natural sciences at the University of Chicago, was  literally dragged by his curiosity from the stage into the “diggings.”

He writes like one bent on doing a murder mystery, presenting true and false clues, dragging red herrings across the trail to barnfoozil the reader, and then coming up with a fresh corpse – figuratively one of some reactionary Anthropologist, Psychologist or other member of the reluctant clan of the “arrived” learned who have been able to appoint themselves “authorities”. He is very gentle, but has less than no mercy in jerking open the closet door and letting the skeleton fall out – the skeleton of a fine theory which had been “The Final Word” only yesterday, but which now is seen to have a lower jaw that fails to match the skull.

THE STORY BEGINS with two outsiders who weren’t even members of the Club of accepted Anthropological Poobahs. A Dr. Raymond A. Dart, who, up to his retirement in 1958 as head of the anatomy department of the University of the’Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, had sinned against all the Sacred Cows of Holy Anthropology by discovering something that simply could NOT BE. It could not be because some member of the Club in good standing as an authority had not made the discovery. More than that, the fossil he had found did not agree with the current beliefs as expressed in the official text books.

Dr. Darts sin was that he had discovered the skull of a man-ape dating back only about three quarters of a million years, but which showed every evidence of belonging to the first man, AND, that he had NOT been a docile vegetarian like he was supposed to be: he was a nasty little predator who had learned to live on red meat and who made his kill with a club – a club that was none less than the leg bone of an antelope of fair size. He had killed the docile type of ape with a whack on the head and eaten him. In a cave not far from Johannesburg, the fossil remains of this carnivorous ape man had been found, and with it a number of fossil ape skulls, all of which had been broken by blows of the leg bone – this bone leaving from the knuckle on its heavy end two dents side by side and about an inch apart. This ape had a larger brain capacity and also had changed its root chewing type of teeth for the kind better adapted to eating meat.

Dr. Dart described his find in the manner accepted by Anthropologists, in “papers”. When he was not loftily ignored, he was sneered at by Anthropological Royalty. What he claimed to have found was impossible. The text books said so. Therefore, he could have found nothing of the sort. Up near Lake Victoria, where diggings has turned up the Proconsul ape who had lived 20 million years earlier and who had seemed to be in line to father First Man, the Anthropologists held a fine meeting. Everyone who belonged to the Club the world over attended. Dart managed to get on the program for a 45 minute presentation of his fossils and to give the proofs of his deductions. The official Members ran over their time and left Dr. Dart but 15 minutes to speak. Most of the members did not listen and almost all of them refused to look at his fossils, especially at the surprising number of bone clubs and the skulls of docile apes cracked with them. One Poobah took a look and pontificated that the Dart ape had never carried all those bones into the big cave as weapons or as apart of a meal: the bones had been carried in by hyenas. Everyone was delighted to have the intruder slapped down so nicely, and everyone cheered the hyena- one fossil head and neck of which had been shown by Dart to have been killed by having a bone club so forcefully rammed down his throat that it had fractured the bones back of his throat. (A part of the exhibit promptly discounted 100%.)

But Dr. Dart and his students, who had cleaned and classified a surprising number of fossil bones of the ape man and his victims, were not so easily silenced. The name “Australopithecus”, for “Southern Ape” gradually began to become known by other outsiders. (“Australopithecus africanus” was the full title of this mortal sin.)

The second of the two men with whom the story opens, was also a rank outside nothing more important than a zoologist. His name was Robert Broom, and in a cave at Makapan, some distance north of Darts “digs”, he had made the grave mistake of finding a number of the same “impossibles” as those of Dart. He had given his ape man a different name, and was treated to the same lofty scorn as Dr. Dart. However, he made less of an outcry than Dart and continued in his white shirt and stiff collar to go fossil hunting whenever he pleased.

Into this confused picture steps Dr. L.S.B. Leakey, who is described as “another of the three wild men”, but who was a member of the Club in good standing. He and his wife, Mary, had their diggings up near Lake Victoria in Olduvai Gorge where the birthdays of the world may be seen recorded in the walls of the gorge, and where at one level the ape man fossils had been discovered. (In a recent issue of the National Geographic Magazine the findings of Dr. Leakey have been reported.)

Our author  detective, egged on by some naturalist friends in U.S.A. and in England, visited the three “wild men” and decided that all of them had the same ape man fossil bones, even if each had given his ape man a different name. But the digs of Dr. Dart were the most fabulous because of the finding of the bones used as clubs and the evidence that Ape Can’t Be Africanus was carnivorous and a hunter.

The detective was next confronted by the question of what instincts Mr. Africanus might have that we later Smart Monkeys of the 20th Century might have inherited from him.

The trails and clues led to the inspection of the very latest studies of apes and monkeys. Also birds and beasts in their native habitat instead of in some zoo where artificial conditions of life had given the naturalists very imperfect idea s of creature behavior.

The stories of the lives, loves and natures of birds and beasts make for the most delightful reading. They are also most informative. One reads of the fact that many bird flocks have a boss bird who takes a mate and together they stand at the head of “the pecking line”. They peck the next below them in standing, and in turn. They peck the next below them, until, at the end of the line are the last pecked who have no other bird to peck, so just must accept their bottom position in the social scale. The author pauses dramatically at this point to suggest that we have inherited the feeling for social standing from the lower creatures. Howler monkeys and some apes also have a form of pecking line, and despite the inroads of modern Communists, we still have a scale of social values, at least outside of Red territory, which gives full sanction to kings and beggars, the 400, and those of us who live on the wrong side of the tracks. We also have the social scale based on education, with the genuine Ph.D. Poobahs sitting farthest beyond the salt, and those who have purchased their Ph.D. for $50 from a “course” outfit sitting so far below the salt that they live under the table. The most difficult social scale to break into is the one based on wealth. This is the most democratic of all social units, however, and even without having an ancestor who hit America on the Mayflower, if you have been able to grab a lion’s share of Moolah, you are “in”.

Another trait found in creatures is that of taking possession of “territory”, and, once in possession, defending it to the last ditch. Single birds may hold a single tree against. all who come. Birds and beasts in flocks, troops, herds, colonies, or what have you, join to hold certain parcels of territory. Even some fish have this trait. It follows that man comes most naturally by his nationalism or by considering “his home his castle.” Once one has territory, he gets a mate to match in most creature bits of society. If you are a Greater Tit in England and can’t hold a tree, you get no mate. If a man, similarly unfortunate, you end in Skid Row, friendless.

A point not made very clear, if touched upon, by Mr. Ardrey, is that man is burdened by a few dangerous instincts not entirely inherited from the ape man as the prime ancestor. In addition to his piece of space, tree, forest or desert piece of possession, MAN, individually and as a clan or nation or even a race, has made possession out of ideas. And here is an odd thing: If the idea is a RELIGION or POLITICAL WAY OF LIFE, it is not only a territory to be defended by the individual or the race, but it is part and parcel of one’s social standing. If you allow him to do so, Man will try to force all other men to accept his religious beliefs and his politics. And, anyone not of the same beliefs on both scores is, to him, not even worthy to stand at the very end of the social pecking line.

If we class set religious and political beliefs as something added to the basic instincts, we have a better understanding of the puzzling behavior of people,who seem in other ways to have learned to use the Auhane power to reason, but are so welded to religious and political beliefs that reason is tossed out of the window when such things are at stake. The Christian looks down on all followers of other beliefs as “heathens”, and we spend millions sending missionaries to use all possible means short of war to convert the heathens. (Not too long ago, war was also proper to use.) The efforts of Republicans to convert Democrats, and reverse, is the complexed instinct unit at work in the Aunihipili of one man, or the Aunihipilis of half the U.S.A. The effort to convert or force in the political field has today reached the stage of a vast Holy War in which the Reds of half the earth are dead set on making Reds out of the rest of the world. With both sides universally frozen into one fixation or the other of instinct plus, we have a situation fraught with the most explosive danger.

Author Ardrey discusses this situation at length in his book. Looking at man as he appears to be – a creature whose whole history has to be written in terms of man as a weapon maker – we see ourselves now at the high point of weapon progress. Up to now we could wage ever larger wars and still leave enough people on enough land to keep the world going. But NOW, we have made the bombs which threaten to ruin the world while promising no victory to either side of the idea territory war of the present. History says that instincts will prevail and that we will blindly go on to the inevitable end of doing away with mankind and his livable planet.

Mr. Ardrey speculates on the problem, and hopes that even with the final Big Boom all the earth and air and water will not be so contaminated that a few can survive. He sees the danger of the mutations of the human and creature genes and the possibility that this will ruin all life or, by some happy chance, produce a superior race of men. His farthest and faintest hope is that by some miracle the contending instinctual ideologies of the present can be brought to “live and let live”. His “educated” guesses make for fascinating reading, and he tries not to be as pessimistic as the nearly hopeless situation demands. Let me quote from page 321:

“And were I to find myself among the twenty per cent of human beings to survive a contest of radiant weapons, I should much prefer to have been numbered among the victims.

“The starkest horror of the three probabilities is the partial catastrophe. The survivor will face plague unrivaled in the middle ages, and famine unknown in China’s worst seasons. Social anarchy will grip him. The peasant will be murdered by marauding bands, the city man withered by his dependance on society. Disease, hunger, predation, and suicide will decimate the five hundred million, and mutation will alter the remainder’s descendants.

“Yet a certain strange hope exists. We need not quarrel over the actuarial rates of post apocalypse insurance companies. Premiums will be high. But there is something we know of a more exact order and of far greater evolutionary significance. Any radiant catastrophe killing a presumed four fifths of the human population will induce mutations in the majority of survivors. Ninety-nine out of every one hundred mutations will be unfavorable. One will be benevolent. And here, should the second outcome provide mankind with its fate, lies evolution’s hope.

“It is the paradox of the contemporary predicament that the force we have fashioned and that can destroy our species is the same force that can produce another.

“What happens to the rest of us, the unmutated, is of small concern. Rats may eat us, or our fellow men. Mutant germs for which we have no resistance may sweep us away with diseases for which we have no names. Famine may waste us. Our predatory instinct, for which our intelligence was never a match, may now, unchecked by social patterns, drive us into ceaseless conflict until Homo sapiens becomes extinct. ………………. Man is NOT unique, and his soul represents the product of hundreds of millions of patient years of animal evolution, and he approaches his crisis not as a lost, lonely self deluded being but as a proud creature bearing in his veins the tide of all life and in his genes the scars of the ages, then sentient man, sapient at last, has a future beyond the stormiest contradictions.”

MY TRUSTY TAROT CARDS came out at this point to stop the need for guessing and to tell us what to expect. The King of Swords turns up in each of three runs, and I take it that we will have a dominant male in the shape of a military man begin to head the “pecking line” and decide for us what we are to do and not do. The 10 of Swords comes up as usual as I think of the present war, and this is the card of stalemate. Business and generally progressive cards enter the runs then, and in all three runs, not a single Major Tarot turns up. Of particular interest is the fact that not a single card of disaster showed. My reading is that while the war in Vietnam will continue for an indefinite time, it will become a holding operation and come to no very definite end. Meantime, in the rest of the world life and business will go on about as usual, and the danger of a Big Boom war will fade as here and there the old ape man predatoriness finds outlet in small clashes. Cuts for world politics indicate a turning back from the extremes of Communism and on the other side of the picture, a steady growth in the efforts to improve Capitalistic ways with social reform. The cards show religion continuing to give ground before the ideas of men who think in terms of modern science. Cuts for China indicate a blow up of a large sort, followed by a system in which the old ways will be revived to some extent. Things will be bad for China, but the new cycle will bring something better than present ways. (Plans to put men on the moon appear to bog down and be put off so that more pressing needs for the money can be filled here and in Russia.) World money matters show trouble, but not bad enough trouble to look like going off the gold standard or having a first class inflation followed by a big bust. Huna will continue to make slow progress but give many of us great comfort and satisfaction. The effort to reach the children through the Huna in stories will make a small and slow start, but in time will be gaining in importance.

SPEAKING OF THE HUNA STORIES FOR CHILDREN, the tests so far reported on children of various ages are not too informative or conclusive. Most of the reports say that the children like the stories, but that the parents can’t tell whether or not they have absorbed any Huna from them. That is about as it should be. If we can get the children to listen to the yarns or read them, they will gradually come to understand the nature of the three selves and to realize that the ape man spirit in each of the characters caused the “talking self” to do things that were not proper. It is but a step from applying the idea to the story children to applying it to the listener or reader, especially if an older person is at hand to press the point.

IN ORDER NOT TO BORE the majority of the HRAs, I have decided not to send out any more of the mimeographed stories in place of the regular Huna Vistas. Most of you have been very patient, even if the stories did not interest you or you had no children available upon whom to test them. My warm thanks for your forbearance. On the other hand, those who may be interested or who may be testing the stories, and who wish copies of the mimeographed first draft as I get the project pushed ahead a bit at a time, have BUT TO REQUEST THE MATERIAL, and I will send it when it is readied. I plan either to cut address stencils for those who request the material, or mark existing stencils with a red spot. We shall see how many write to ask to be put on the Story List. So far the matter of illustrations is only in the discussion stage. At this writing the stories pick up with the children five years old and beginning to live their lives as might be expected. They use telepathy to talk with animals but English to talk with each other and with Father and Mother. I have decided to play the stories as nearly in keeping with what life would be for such children if, in actual life, they were being made ready to live in the wilds. They will have to be hunters but with a little planting as well. The yarns will not follow the Bible story of Adam and Eve to a greater extent than can be avoided. The old idea that the perfected spirit came down from heaven or Venus to inhabit the animal man is OUT. For our purposes, the three selves came up through the evolutionary ranks, although the first batch of Auhanes and Aumakuas, for story purposes, had to be made by divine magic as needed and added to the babies whomped up out of the clay. Nor will the Garden of Eden be a place where the brats will be perfect little ladies and gents. Nor will they get tossed out of the Garden for the sin which is never described in the Bible except in terms of a foolish discovery of nakedness. We will fix anything we wish to match our story needs – and the need to stay as close as possible to what seem to have been the conditions of primitive human life.

A MOST ENCOURAGING REPORT on the TMHG results arrived recently. The young married daughter of one of the HRA couples had been a problem child from early years, showing three “personalities” with three different levels of intelligence. Each “personality” showed a different P.A. degree level and readings matched past performances amazingly well. Work for her was begun in the TMHG and her father undertook to explain to her to some extent the nature of her sudden changes and personality difficulties. Her mother writes:

“Helen is so well that it is almost unbelievable. She has been the Helen self every day since I last wrote (about three months earlier) and is making fine progress. She has been a compulsive eater of sweets since she was 11 and has ruined her health, teeth and complexion because of the habit. Suddenly she told me that she was determined to break the habit. She said she was like an alcoholic and had to give up candy for the rest of her life. If she eats one candy bar, she can’t stop. It’s just one sweet after another. She said, ‘Something came over me. I see everything differently now!’ And it is so true. Her attitude is so different about the children too. We have not told her about the multiple personalities because it seems to be good for her morale to think she’s doing it alone. Her feelings of guilt apparently are disappearing, so that now she feels that she deserves to be healthy and happy.

“She is now reading Overstreet’s book, The Mind Alive, and it makes sense to her.

“Thanks again for everything. Maybe it would be a good idea if you told the HRA members about this case in the H.V. This is the sort of thing you read about but don’t think could ever happen to anyone in your family. Aloha, W. “

THERE ARE THREE MORE BOOKS which I would like to recommend, while on the subject of what we should have as the material in the children’s stories. Natural Sciences have been progressing so rapidly of late years that yesterday’s texts are badly out of date. Modern writers in this field have been giving us readable and very entertaining paperback texts to help us get updated. One such book which I have enjoyed greatly is The Nature of Living Things by C. Brooke Worth and Robert K. Enders. Signet release No. P 2420. 200 pages with some drawings. $.65 on the newstands. The World of Ancient Man by I.W. Cornwall, 254 pages, nicely illustrated. Mentor. MT 668. Price $.75 ………… Frontiers of Astronomy by Fred Hoyle. 318 pages and 32 pages of good pictures. Signet. #T2309. $.75. My newstand ran out of these after the first day and has not replaced them, so you may have to ask a paperback book store to order them.

Let me give you the Naturalist’s point of view as he faces human progress. Pages 168-9 of The Nature of Living Things:

“But we have not yet tackled the big problem ourselves. How many people will the world support? We abhor wars, we fear disease, and everything possible is being done to avert conflict, preserve health. Therefore there are more of us to support from the available land above sea level. Suppose that we really ended this killing on the battlefields and that medical science discovered a cure for all ills except old age. Then we would spread and spread until the last arable acre of land had been sown with food plants. This is of course supposing also that much of the land will have been washed down to bedrock, so the hypothetical day we are mentioning may not be far away, in some respects at least ………

“Evolution will now proceed as it always has, but with man at the helm for a time. How long man chooses to be the guide is in some measure up to him, for he is privileged to use his knowledge of biology, medicine, agriculture, and engineering in a constructive way if he so decides. If man ultimately disappears, the world will be a new place. The world is always a new place. But above all, let it be remembered that what man is doing is a continued expression of evolution. His protoplasm appears to have an enhanced restlessness and vigor. Overnight he has conquered the world, and stands today in greater command than ever the most powerful reptile did. The evolution of a master species must always lead to the subjugation of the organisms against which it turns ………”

THE TMHG TIME was moved up to come an hour earlier on April 30th and to stay that way for the six months of summer or daylight saving time.

CIGBO WRITES: Dear Aunties and Uncles:

I think I got flimh  flambed by boss to the estent of two telephone lined skilliks on the green and blue and orange stamp deal, as my fur lined bathtubs are starting to shed with the warm weather. Anyway I got something, I betcha. Now I demmand cash and use it to buy stamps and stuff for bullingtons. The windfall has about stopped blowing, but terrible BIG thanks. It was nice while it lasted. Anyway, boss LOVES his skilliks and once cooked ME a fine frizzen piece of hadduck (without the quack.) Love from your very own CIGBO.


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