Huna Vistas Bulletin #81

HV78-headerJanuary-February, 1968

Psychic Healing & Kathryn Kuhlman


THE ANNUAL TAROT CARD PREDICTIONS are in order, now that we begin a new year. For some time the cards have (as I have reported, often to the annoyance of some who dislike the cards and the use of them in this manner) predicted for me that we would not win the war in Vietnam and that the end was not yet in sight. This ran contrary to the Dixon prediction of an early end and was a prediction NOT welcomed. But the cards were right and remain so up to the moment of this writing (Jan. 12, ’68).

THIS TIME, the cards make a radical change in the way they run for the question of “Will the war soon end?” I will not set down the cards whose meanings I read, but simply say that it would appear that, at the request of a religious leader, possibly the Pope at Rome, the bombing of North Vietnam will be stopped and an offer made for a peaceful settlement. I am surprised to see that the cards fall in a way to show that everything suddenly becomes friendly. Concessions are made on both sides and all is “brought under the law” again. Oddly enough, the South Vietnam governmental heads seem to hold their power or even increase it under the new agreements. Uncle Sam will be most generous in funds to rebuild the North. There may be some friendly offices involving Russia or Red China. The picture of the strange and mixed conditions is not yet very clear, but I am making the guess that by the end of the summer things will be well on the way to an end. March should see a definite start in the efforts to begin negotiating. With so many Cup cards turning up in this “run”, it would appear that a surprisingly friendly atmosphere will prevail, hard as that is to believe at the moment. The money angle in the “run” makes it look as if we are about to try again to buy over Reds with cash.

OUR MONEY FUTURE IN U.S.A. seems a little brighter as the cards fall for the year ahead. Not long ago I found and reported to you a strange thing in the cards. It appeared that something would go badly wrong with us financially and that Russia would in some way help us out. In the present card indications, I believe that the aid to be given by Russia is not in terms of money but of example. Russia long ago went off the GOLD STANDARD, and set an arbitrary value for its currency. If one wanted to trade with Russia, one accepted that currency at the artificial value or there was no deal. So far the Russian money has kept a very level value in world markets. On the other hand, the Gold Standard nations have had ups and downs and gold manipulation as well as inflation.

THE COLORED REVOLT against unfair conditions in U.S.A. provides a significant “run”. The revolt is clearly indicated, then a period of delay in setting about improving bad conditions. Much money is spent and the efforts made are made in good faith, a small start being made in the right direction. But the cards show the efforts too little and the direction poor. The year ends sadly with the Five of Pentacles. turning up. This card shows the crippled child and his ragged mother passing in the cold and snow outside a church whose lighted window hides the ease and wealth of the congregation inside. It is to be hoped that with the Vietnam war ended, we can do far more to better conditions for the never  privileged. One can only pray that wise guidance will prevent such new outbursts of rebellion that the white majority will rise up to strike back.

CANADA, AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, all have rather good cards for the year, with new industries developing in the first two, and a period of progress and general prosperity arriving in the latter. SOUTH AFRICA begins to do better as the white and colored citizens become more tolerant and try harder to cooperate in the various new governmental and farming activities. Still far to go, and education is the great need in rural parts. SOUTH AMERICA has ups and down, some sudden changes, mostly waste motion and marking time.

THE WORLD POPULATION EXPLOSION was simply cut for, and the Falling Tower came up. That is not very encouraging.

THE HUNA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES cut brings up the Nine of Cups, “the “Teacher”, and from this I take it that our work must include teaching others a little of the basics of the ancient Huna system as we have come to know it.


It is that his generous offer stands to allow us to purchase his new book, ESSENE HERITAGE, FROM HIM FOR AN EXTENDED TIME AT THE SPECIAL BELOW COST RATE. $3.00 for one copy, or two copies for $5.00, postpaid. (Dealer price is $4.95.) Send your order directly to Dr. Larson at 4108 East Stanford Dr., Phoenix, Arizona 85018. He may also have copies of his earlier and equally wonderful book, Religion of the Occident for you. Inquire.

I find in the ESSENE HERITAGE a wealth of new and delightful information. The footnotes are a rich mine in themselves. For instance, on pages 110-112, there is a footnote covering most of two pages; it deals with a Scroll found in Cave 4 of the Essene writings and bears the title of” Levi”. This was a Copper Scroll and one of the number upon which the committee is sitting to prevent, apparently, its context from leaking out. It may contain something too “radical” in terms of Orthodoxy.

Of this Scroll Dr. Larson writes, “All attempts by the present writer to learn the contents of the various ‘Levi’ fragments or to obtain a photograph of ‘Levi’ 14 have been fruitless. Even Professor John M. Allegro of Manchester University, England, who unrolled, deciphered and published the Copper Scroll and who was a member of an international team of scholars given the task of piecing together, editing, and publishing other Essene documents, is now not even permitted to inspect the ‘Levi’ fragments or other scriptures from the Caves. Only one small fragment of ‘Levi’ has been released; this was published by J.T. Milik in the Review Biblique, LXII (1955) p. 398. Enough material to fill two large volumes was found in Cave 4 alone in 1952. Why is no one permitted even so much as to inspect all this material? Would it establish once and for all that the ‘Testament’ interpolations are Essene additions and that the career of Jesus was substantially parallel to that of his Essene predecessor?

“Even though the fragment published by Milik belongs to the base portion of ‘The Testaments’ and is extremely short, it is, nevertheless of decisive importance. In 1908, R.H. Charles published the ‘Greek Versions of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs’, including about a dozen MSS., all in Greek, of which some are only short fragments. Among the texts published by Charles in 1908, there is a fragment from ‘Levi’ known as the Athos MS. It was translated into English by M. R. James and is published in the Lost Apocryphia of the Old Testament, 1920, pp. 19-20.

“The fragment from ‘Levi’ 2, published by Milik is in the original Aramaic of which the Athos MS. is a Greek translation.” (After giving more information concerning the fragment, Dr. Larson presents, in three parallel columns, three different translations to show the variations. The center column on page 111 is what fascinates me with its possible inclusion of a bit of the coded Huna. I will quote the first part and comment on words which suggest the use of the code. mfl.)

“Then did I wash my garments and cleanse them in pure water, and I washed myself wholly in living water. And I made all my ways straight. Then lifted I up mine eyes and my face to heaven and opened my mouth and spake, and spread out the fingers of my hands unto the truth before the holy (plural). And I prayed …… (The prayer that follows is the ordinary one such as is met in Jewish scriptures.)

Comment: If we translate the passage into Hawaiian in order to get the words of the Code which have the multiple meanings and were used in coding Huna into the Four Gospels, we have before us a very neat and complete description of the way to get ready and to deliver a Huna type prayer. First comes the open or general idea of cleansing oneself before making a prayer. But in the word kala, for “cleanse” (using the Hawaiian) we have the meaning of “restore the Light” or cleanse the Aunihipili of its guilt sense so that it will not hesitate to make contact on order with the Aumakua.

“Wash”, as used in the opening of the passage, is holoi which means to make an artificial pond such as might be done in order to plant taro. Ibis is the “washing” that enters into the baptismal practices of the kahunas, and which survives in Christianity as a baptism ceremony. It is also found in the use of “holy water” and the sprinkling of such blessed water over the congregation or anything to be cleansed or sanctified. “Wash” is used in the code very often instead of ha, which stands in word combinations for the HA Rite of the of heavier breathing – four to forty deeper breaths. Both words are used in the code to indicate the accumulation of mana in preparation for the act of making the aka cord contact with the Aumakua and sending the thought-forms of the prayer.

“Garments”, which are said to be washed, give us the code words lole komo, the first of which not only means. a garment, but “to alter or change one thing into another.” The Garments can be looked upon as the situation surrounding the one who is making the prayer. He prays to work with his Aumakua to “alter or change” that situation. The second word, komo, means “to enter into”, as a finger entering a ring, or a person entering into a garment  – or, in the code sense, the making of the contact with the Aumakua and causing the mana and the thought-forms of the prayer to “enter into” the shadowy body of the Parental Spirit pair.

“Pure” as in the “pure water” to be used for the cleansing, is maemae. This word also means “to wither, to dry out”. The water that dries out of a plant is the code symbol of mana. Evidently the users of the code in this passage were very anxious to get the mana meaning across to the initiate reader, for the word for it garment – lole – also has the secondary meaning of “to be weary” or to be tired, symbolized in other associated root words as “withered”. This is a rather important point to be considered. The draining of a large charge of mana from a person may leave him “withered”, or “weak” or “tired”. (In my own experience, sitting as I do in the TMHG in which a series of prayers are made for different HRAs, I often am so depleted of mana that I can hardly stay awake. It is probable that the mediums in their seances often have their mana supply so lowered by visiting spirits that they fall into a trance deeper than sleep.) It is interesting to consider the code word for “shame” (such as is caused by a sense of guilt). This is hila hila, and in it the root word hi means “to drain away as water”, and indicates the lack of mana to send to the la root in the word, or “Light”, standing for the Aumakua. A code word for “sin” or “guilt” is he wa, which has the code meaning of “to miss the way or mark,” and indicates the fact that the mana was missent when an attempt was made to send it to the Aumakua. It might have been stolen by evil spirits, or the Aunihipili, because of its “shame”, may refuse to reach out to contact the Aumakua. The root wa in hewa, means also “a space between two things” and this “space” is that between the Aunihipili in the body and the Aumakua at the far end of the connecting aka cord. The “water” becomes “pure” only when it is mana sent to and accepted by the Aumakua. As high mana it can then be used by the Aumakua to make what may be thought of as a spiritual cleansing of the man. In our passage we have, “I washed myself wholly in living water. “Wholly” is loa, which also means “to extend or make indefinitely long”, giving us the ideal code word to stand for the act of using the aka cord to serve as a means of contacting the Aumakua. “Living” water is the Aumakua grade of the mana. The root here is found in o la, “life or “to live”, la always pointing to the Aumakua. The root o in the full word means, “to call for a thing desired, as in prayer”, so the inner meanings of “water of life” are rich in terms of Huna and the code.

“I made all my ways straight,” codes the opening of the aka cord to the Aumakua, and this points indirectly to the cleansing processes. In Huna, a “crooked” way or path indicates an aka cord which cannot be used for the Aumakua contact. It must be made straight. We find the same phrases used in Isaiah, who gives every evidence of having been a kahuna and one engaged in coding what he had to say.

The “fingers” which were “spread” with the hands unto the “truth”, are also code, for fingers are mana mana, and when the fingers. are spread or divided, the mana is divided with the Aumakua. The “truth” is oiaio, having the peculiar stressing of the fact that this is the “real” truth, and hinting that there are two kinds, one more “real” than the other. The kahunas seemed to consider the “truth” as it is decided upon by the Auhane, subject to human errors in judgment and observation, while the “Truth” of the Aumakua is a “direct knowing” and so is perfect – the more real or real real truth.

“…before the holy (plural)” reads the fragment, and this is very evidential. The Jews prayed largely to Jehovah, the one  unit male God, but in the inner teachings there seems little doubt that the dual nature of the Aumakua was recognized as Male/Female, and so the plural form of the word for “holy” was used. This codes the fact that the Aumakua was the one to be addressed in making the prayer after the secret or Huna manner.

Read for yourself these footnotes and others. Read and watch for treasures.

While looking for treasures, go back with me for a moment to a point which was made by Dr. Larson on page 169, item 21 of the list of beliefs similar in the teachings of the Essenes and later Christians. This item reads: “The practice of healing by exorcising evil spirits, which are believed to be the cause of all mental and physical diseases or afflictions.”

While the belief in obsession was prominent, the Gospels also contain stories which tell of healing in words of the Code. “Thy sins be forgiven you,” says Jesus, “Go and sin no more.” This tells us, if we consider the various code words in the several accounts of this lesser type of healing, that the sins or guilts lodged in the Aunihipili, or the shame caused by the memory of evil deeds prevented the sick person from making his own free contact with his Aumakua, the result being that, if prayers were said, they did not reach the Aumakua. The Aunihipili needed to be cleansed of the guilt feelings, and when this was done, normal contact with the Aumakua was restored and healing resulted. This angle was certainly coded into the Gospels, and I should imagine was fully known to the initiates of the Essenes.

The kahunas of Hawaii did not perform the rite of the external washing, as final evidence that sin had been forgiven, until fully convinced that the patient had made amends for hurts done others and had in this way, himself, gotten rid of his knowledge of guilt and the shame of the misdeeds. I have gone into this matter at length in my book, Secret Science Behind Miracles. While the Gospel accounts of the act of forgiving the sins of the ill are seldom made to include any act on the part of the patient, there is some evidence that the kahuna rite was known and used. Jesus sent one man to bathe in the pool of Siloam when the spirit “troubled the waters”. In this account, if we had the right words in the original to inspect, we might find a coded indication of the kala or cleansing process of the kahunas.

PROGRESS REPORT: The slow work of investigating to see if there is a code used in the writings of the learned author of THE SERPENT POWER, Judge Woodruffe (as mentioned in H.V. 80), goes on. With the advice of one HRA and the financial help of another, I have procured a primer and a grammar of Sanskrit. A friend in Hawaii mentioned the name of a professor in the University there who might help me, and in answer to my letter, he gave excellent advice and told me of a different Sanskrit/English dictionary – one in which it is not so VERY difficult to find the words one wishes to test for multiple or code meanings. I have sent to my “book pro” to see if he can locate a new or used copy for me. So far, I have found no speck of evidence to support the statement of Bromley that such a code was used, but I could still be wrong. He gave no hint as to the nature of the code, and I may well be barking up the wrong tree. If/when I find anything, I’ll let you know. Meantime you can boast, if you wish, that we of the HRA have in our midst a Sanskrit scholar – at least one who has so far managed to memorize almost half the Sanskrit alphabet. The old timers did a fine job of messing up their script and writing to keep upstarts like myself from running off with secrets.

SHORT BOOK REVIEW. An Outline of the Principles and Concepts of the New Metaphysics, by J.J. Williams was sent in for review. It is the first of a series of pamphlet size mimeo books and starts, I take it, a “course” which is to be offered by The Society of Metaphysicians, Ltd., Archers’ Court, Hastings, Sussex, England. The approach is a refreshing one in which the “beyond physics” and the “Physical physicas” which can be seen and tested, are made to stand as a single unit. Efforts are made to classify such knowledge as we have in this field and to find governing laws. If interested, inquire.

PSYCHIC TOOTH EXTRACTION too is reported in the Philippines. A clipping sent from an American paper quotes the manager of the branch of a great U.S.A. drug firm’s Island activities, Dr. P. L. Katibak, 56 (M.D.) as saying that he had taken a chance on a Filipino faith healer who does bare handed dentistry. He had a bad tooth that had to come out, and the healer reached into his mouth with bare fingers, and causing no pain at all, pulled out the tooth.

THE PSYCHIC SURGERY still goes on, but under increasing difficulties. Not long ago a Detroit steel worker who had been healed, brought down 116 others who sought similar healing. Tony and his friends met them when the plane landed and told them that the authorities were planning arrests at his home base, so, loading the patients into some 20 waiting cars, he had them driven through the night to a small beach town. There, through the night, always watching for the agents bent on making arrests, such psychic surgery and healing as was possible under the circumstances was performed. Harold Sherman was awaiting the arrival of the plane with a few of his friends, and had planned to make elaborate colored motion pictures of the operations, but could get nothing. However, someone got a few still pictures of three of the ones who were healed of “incurable” conditions. The agent who was acting for the local medical and federal authorities stated openly that it made no difference at all whether the healings were genuine or not, and that all healers who were caught treating patients would be jailed for practicing medicine without a license. No one was caught that night, but the healers appear now to be reduced to a state in which they have to work, if they can, under most trying conditions. Too bad they can’t all move over to Mexico to practice. Below the border from San Diego, the Mexican doctors, mostly M.D.s, give all the unorthodox cancer treatments, and practice medicine and surgery in a manner that makes the U.S.A. Medical Association see red. I take it that psychic surgery would be allowed, but I may be wrong on that point. Meantime, should you plan on flying down to see Tony and his fellow healers in the Philippines, better find out in advance what conditions must be met and how to meet them. The ones desiring healing are not jailed, I understand, but the healers who bootleg a few miracles do so under a constant threat of arrest.

On the other hand, we must not forget that the healers often claim cures, and accept donations in payment, when no healing has taken place. Or, the healing may appear complete for a day or two, then vanish while all the former symptoms reappear. A scheme was suggested in fun for the Filipino healers. It was to get the Tourist Bureau over there to hush up the medicos, then throw them a sop by making a rule that all outsiders who come down as tourists to be healed, must first have a complete check by a licensed M.D. before going on to the psychic healers. Also, the psychic healers would be regulated so that their claims were reduced to fit the facts, and their fees put on a regular scale, as 10 pesos to remove not over an ounce of kidney stones or a tumor weighing no more than five pounds. But we should not jest. The world is filled with suffering people for whom the doctors can do nothing, and their needs and hopes are nothing less than tragic. In the name of Mercy, they should be allowed to get the help of the psychic healers if they can. (In fairness to the English medicos, it must be said that they have not used their B.M.A. or the laws to stop the psychic healers in their country. Of course, the healing has not been too extensive and spectacular. Planes loaded with Americans are not arriving as in the Philippines. Could it be that the British men of medicine are a little more civilized and merciful that elsewhere? When Tony was here in California, he was warned to get out at once, or be given the full treatment reserved for the unlicensed. He lingered not upon his leave taking, I am told.)


PERHAPS THE ANSWER TO INSTANT HEALING lies in some way in our better use of the manas. HRA V.J.M. in Canada often sends me books as gifts or on loan, and one on loan this week is The Unexplained, by Allen Spraggett, former minister and for some time the writer of a column which often has gotten syndication in the papers here and there. Like Ruth Montgomery (who recently reported the instant healing of broken bones by a kahuna in Tahiti and who wrote a best seller book about Mrs. Dixon and her prophesies), he has written a book covering many unexplained psychic matters. In one chapter he tells in some detail of the healing work done by Kathryn Kuhlman of Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A.

Some of the HRAs have attended healing services and have watched this gifted Christian minister perform her miracles of healing. They have reported to me from time to time, but one important point was left out or else I overlooked it – a point that seems to me very important to us in our long study of instant healing and our search for the understanding of the methods used by the kahunas of yesterday.

Let me quote bits from the book, starting with page 171. (At the meetings), “The sick are very much in evidence. They come on crutches, in wheelchairs, wearing braces, leaning on canes, in stretchers. The blind, the deaf, the arthritic, the cancer victims, the congenitally deformed – they are all here seeking their miracle.

“At precisely 11:30 Kathryn Kuhlman appears on the platform, a slim figure in a white wool suit, moving briskly to the microphone.” (He says later that she “says she is 84”). “Her smile is vivacious. She waves to the huge congregation. Electricity seems to crackle from her.

“Instantly the congregation is on its feet, bursting into spontaneous applause that swells to a tumult. This is a demonstration of their love for the evangelist. The ovation ceases abruptly as Miss Kuhlman plunges into a fervid prayer: ‘We promise, Father, to give you all the praise, all the glory for what is about to happen in this place. Pour out your power on us. For Jesus’ sake ……..

“Then she swings into a lively hymn – ‘Oh, how I love Jesus’ – and the congregation joins in. The singing is spirited, emotional. Already a powerful groundswell of feeling is rising. Some of the congregation are quietly weeping. But there is no hysteria.

“Suddenly the Power falls. I saw Miss Kuhlman flash a finger at a woman in a striped dress sitting in the front row. (The woman is healed of arthritis.) …….. Suddenly, in the service, a man’s body began to vibrate as if he had touched a live wire. In a matter of moments he was standing unsupported. Incredibly, in those moments his face appeared to have gained flesh that filled out the hollow cheeks.

“The sequel: I saw this man in the next miracle service, one week later. He obviously had gained a lot of weight -he said twenty five pounds –  looked well, and demonstrated his fitness by doing vigorous push ups in the aisle. He said that since his healing he had eaten ravenously and had the digestion of a sword swallower …….

“But what of the large majority who are not healed? ‘This is a mystery,’ said Miss Kuhlman gravely, (during later interview) when I put the question to  her. ‘Why do some people get converted in an evangelistic service while others don’t? There are some questions only God can answer ………”

(Page 175.) “In the Kuhlman services, a Power seems to charge the atmosphere. It appears that those who are susceptible to the Power,  perhaps on the unconscious level, if not consciously, are healed. Like the wind, which blows where it will, the Power falls where it will. Sometimes it strikes a particular section of the auditorium and a number of persons in one row, say, are healed simultaneously.

“A dramatic manifestation of this Power is the way individuals are prostrated when the evangelist lays hands on them. Or is that merely suggestion? At any rate, sometimes Miss Kuhlman calls individuals to the platform and prays for them, laying hands on them at the same time. As she touches them, down they go. So common is this occurrence that one man is designated to catch these people as they fall. Those who have had this experience describe it variously. ‘It’s like a thousand needles going through you all at once,’ said one man. Others speak of it as ‘being struck by a bolt of lightening, as if all the strength has drained out of you and you can’t stand up, a rush of cool air blows over you and the next thing you know, you’re coming to on the floor.’

“It is easy, of course, to attribute this odd phenomenon to suggestion. No doubt in some cases this is the cause. However, an acquaintance of mine who experienced the sensation – ‘It was immensely peaceful’ – is a minister with a good background in psychology. He uses hypnosis in his pastoral counseling and hence is very conscious of the power of suggestion. This fairly sophisticated witness said that what he felt when Kathryn Kuhlman laid hands on him was not purely subjective. His wife, who had had the same experience, agreed.

“Kathryn Kuhlman laughs about the phenomenon, which has been a feature of the miracle service from the beginning. ‘That’s the Power of God people feel,’ she says, ‘and when I lay hands on them, brother, they feel it!’

“The Kuhlman healings differ from hysterical remissions in one important respect: They last.

“In May 1949, Mrs. Mary Schmidt received instant healing of a massive goiter. While the congregation watched, the lump on her neck melted away. Today you can see Mrs. Schmidt at any miracle service – still minus the goiter ……….”

(The book by Allen Spraggett is published at $4.95 by The New American Library, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019, or may be found in your local book shops. 229 pages of most interesting reading and exceptionally balanced discussion of possible explanations of the “Unexplained”.)

MY COMMENT, and the very important point to which this account leads from the Huna angle, is that there is, very evidently, much mana generated by the large audience in its almost emotional state, for where there is strong emotion, the Aunihipili is heavily involved, as is the low mana which is put to use in mesmeric shock. Kathryn Kuhlman, I gather, has been a person gifted from early years with the mesmeric ability to accumulate and use the low mana… Some years ago I told in an issue of the HRA Bulletin of a man who visited Hollywood and went to some trouble to convince the local hypnotists, both amateur and professional, that there was no such thing as hypnosis – only mesmerism. He had discovered in himself at an early age the mesmeric power to put others to sleep, not by suggestion, but by mesmeric shock which knocked them unconscious when he touched them or at close range pointed or even looked at them. He demonstrated his powers several times to groups of hypnotists (who are, as a rule, almost immune to suggestion). His method was one of first accumulating a large charge of mesmeric power. This took only a few minutes of concentration. He then approached the row of seated volunteer subjects, and at a touch, a pointing or even a stare, they fell unconscious from their chairs to the floor. They recovered in a few minutes, apparently none the worse for their experience. This man did not heal, offer suggestion or do anything else of note other than prove that “sleep” could be produced by mesmerism.

So far as I have been able to learn, some kahunas used mesmeric shock to break up fixations in their patients, but about this we know very little. What we do know, however, from the old accounts, is that in battle certain kahunas stood behind the battle lines and charged throwing sticks with mana. The charge held by the sticks seemed to obey orders, for when a stick was thrown so that it struck an enemy warrior, even if lightly, he was temporarily rendered unconscious. In our own experiments we have seen that mana can be stored in wood and other substances like water, and can, from the storage points, be transferred to people or even other objects of a similar nature. The pendulum is an excellent tool with which to test the size of a charge of low mana and to show where it may have moved at a command of the will (Auhane) of the experimenter. In the Kuhlman services it is to be remembered that whole rows of people seem to have been singled out and healed. Perhaps there was a high concentration of mana in that row. “Baron” Eugene Ferson used, at his course lectures, to demonstrate the characteristics of the “magnetic force” by charging himself first, then placing his hands on one chair out of a row of a dozen, charging it highly. This done, someone already known to be a good subject, was called into the room and told to walk down the row of chairs to see if one pulled her, and if it did, to sit down on it. In the demonstration which I saw, a young lady was almost violently jerked down on the magnetized chair as she walked past it. At command, the low mana charges seem to react as if alive and suggestible. They can draw or repel, as can a charge of mana in the hands of a good operator. Unconsciousness comes only when there is a very large charge let go at the subject suddenly, but we do not know to what extent the mana charge that strikes can be made to carry with it suggestion of sleep or healing or freedom from fixations or obsessional influences. My guess is that a combination of low and middle mana might be used, the one to carry the suggestion to the subject and enforce by use of the low mana the acceptance. The low mana, connected by an aka cord to the operator, would seem not to be suggestible, but to be able to take direction, possibly at the hands of the operator’s Aunihipili. The low mana may be said to be the raw force which pulls or pushes or moves objects as “PK” in action, while the middle mana is the hypnotic force directing so that the action is as desired by the operator. Ferson claimed that the magnetism which he accumulated and used could be made to make radical changes in tissues so that healing took place. This may also be the explanation of how bones, when broken, can be made to knit instantly. If this is true, the degree of healing may be thought of as increasing so that several associated tissues will respond and a whole goiter, for example, be made to go.

If there is sufficient mana available and free in the air, so to speak, or hanging ready to be taken and used in the touching aka bodies of members of a congregation, we have what amounts to a large seance circle, from which we know mana is drawn by the medium and/or spirit communicators for use, sometimes to produce healing, or to make cool breezes blow, as one person felt them blow before being put down by the Kuhlman touch. Or heat and cold may be manipulated.

In another part of his discussion of Miss Kuhlman’s work, Allen Spraggett says that she reports often “when in the spirit” or when feeling some outside influence – be it God or that of good healing spirit friends – she can hardly keep awake. This seems to be usual with the one working to heal either by contact or across an auditorium – or in the TMHG sittings reaching for contact with one half way around the world – and here we suppose there has been much mana drawn from the operator and put to use. (In my sittings I may be fighting to keep awake, when in comes a fine charge of mana from someone taking part, and I at once revive.)

According to the Huna theory, the Aumakua is the only one able to take the lower manas and use them as its high mana to bring about changes in tissues so that healing results. This theory gives the only available answer to the question of how healings are done by evangelists or the Filipino healers who do “psychic surgery”. It is apparent in the Kuhlman services that there is generated much low mana which is available for the Aumakuas or the spirit healers who may have been attracted to work at such services. These, in turn, must be in touch with their own Aumakuas and be able to get their help in the instant healing or surgery. Miss Kuhlman seems to have a fine working contact with her own Aumakua as well as with a high level of spirits, and to be a natural mesmerist and extraordinary accumulator and user of low mana. That she draws on the audience for mana, is to be supposed.

This is important to us as it helps give a clearer picture of what is needed if we are to win back to the ability to perform instant healing as did the kahunas. (This has been our goal for all the searching years.)

I tend now to conclude that the kahunas who could heal instantly were of a long line of inbred individuals, naturally psychic and naturally able, in many cases, to accumulate and use large charges of mana. That they had undergone long training goes without saying. It is known that only a few were able to attain the top rank and work without spirit help, but with the Aumakuas. Lower in rank were the kahunas who worked with the aid of spirits, and often these worked together as a team.

So, how must we work to try to duplicate the healing of the kahunas? First off, we can put to use, as we now do, the methods of slow healing, making our Huna type prayers, sending mana to the Aumakua, and presenting the thought-form pictures of the desired conditions. We know from experience that this works when conditions are right and when we do not try to violate the free will of some other person who might help if forced to do so. Secondly, we can experiment with the use of mana in accumulating the low mana in our hands and sending it into parts to be healed, asking the Aumakuas or good spirits to make healing use of the force. If we have good mesmeric ability and can evade legal tangles, we may experiment with the shock method of removing obsessional entities or fixations. Also, suggestion might be used, and for oneself, self-suggestion. The preliminary kala or cleansing before calling for healing has been neglected in our work for obvious reasons, but some day will be found very effective in opening the one to be healed to Help. For the mediumistic, the way of healing with the aid of good spirits is wide open, up to a point. This “point” is found when one, like the Filipino healers, becomes too proficient. In between is considerable room for testing and work.

Where the desire of the HRA is not particularly centered on healing or on bettering the individual conditions and circumstances, Huna comes into its own in a glorious way. One quietly enters into the flow of life, understanding the three selves and manas, also the fact of evolution of the selves, and THE GOAL OF FINAL GRADUATION – a shining goal worth all efforts to reach, either in the next step or after a few more incarnations. One becomes more hurtless. One becomes more willing to be helpful. One learns to LOVE selflessly so that UNION will be possible.

Perhaps we are arriving at the stage at which our knowledge of Huna is far enough advanced that it can begin to crystallize more or less. Perhaps we can now feel a little more justified in saying that we have completed the search for answers, even if the experimental work is not even well started and organization and healing remains to be realized at some future time.

REINCARNATION OF KING DAVID OR SPIRIT RETURN? In the January, 1968 issue of FATE magazine, there is an account of a boy of six in Israel who goes into trances and appears then to be under the control of the spirit of King David, who lived some 30 centuries ago, and who is believed by the Jews to be the Messiah, upon whose return, the “last days” will arrive. The parents of the boy are reported to believe that he is King David reincarnated. However, as the child goes into a trance to take on the old memories and the personality of the long dead King David, it looks more like a simple case of temporary control by the spirit.

While under this control, the boy was able to point out an unknown secret passage which had been used by King David to get into an enemy fortress and take it in the middle of the night. The fact that this passage was made known gives fine evidence of the genuineness of the information carried by the spirit, even if not complete identification as King.

The spirit seems not to realize that 3,000 years have passed and that all has changed. Speaking through the boy he urges everyone to do battle in the way he must have urged his people in ancient times. He predicts fresh war with the now enemy, apparently, without knowing that “now” is so much later. He also predicts victory, just as he did just before the recent clash with the Egyptians and Arabs. No gentle soul, the spirit wants all the enemies to be wiped out completely.

Our question is HOW, if this is actually the returned spirit of King David, he can be so unaware of the passage of such a long interval of time. Is he only an Aunihipili spirit carrying memories but lacking reason? It would seem so.

JESUS AS A THOUGHT-FORM creation and reality is suggested by HRA F.K. of Chicago. He writes: “Even if there is no evidence to support the historicity of the Master, one must remember that for many hundreds of years millions of minds have made it a practice to concentrate on the mental picture and the idea of such a person. If no such physical embodiment can be found, don’t you feel it could be surely found in the ‘Higher Dimensions’? For are we not creators in our own objective way? Do we not construct and destroy? What the millions of minds have for centuries occupied themselves with, such as the birth and death and ascension of such a Being, this cannot be entirely dismissed solely on the basis of physical evidence ………..

This brings up an interesting question. If thought-forms or mental pictures have been combined on the plane of the invisible to create a lasting entity, what would the Huna theory have to offer by way of an explanation? I am sad to say that it has little or nothing. Thought-forms, according to presently held Huna reconstructions, are creations which live only in the memories after once being formed. We can picture Jesus or the Theosophical Masters, and then recall the picture as we remember what we had formerly made, but the picture itself has no life and is no more than a tiny structure molded in the shadowy body material by the Aunihipili, and perhaps sent to be kept and remembered as a prayer picture by the Aumakua.

The same may be said of “Universal Mind” and of the popular concept of God when “made in man’s image” as He is with the less intelligent. We all love something concrete and physically real, and if given a Jesus who lives on and is with us intimately when we are children, we tend to suffer pangs when the reality is questioned. To deny that reality is always something we hesitate to do, knowing that it will cause suffering. We are breaking the loved doll or the treasured toy of a little boy. But what can we do? Certainly we cannot hide what little Light we get by the hardest “under a bushel.” How hard to break toys! MFL

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