Huna Vistas Bulletin #90

HV78-headerJuly-August, 1969

Huna Groups & the Lecture Tapes


THE SHORT TALK TAPE LECTURES have been receiving a fine reception, I am happy to report. They are written out on stencils ahead of time, with a page left for questions and answers. I ask a question, which I think will be enlightening in terms of what has been said in the lecture, and then answer it. This sets the pace for group discussion, and has received much praise. The lecture, written out, has to be read instead of talked off the cuff, and I thought this might lose in ease of delivery, but it seems not to do so. At least the listeners do not fall asleep, and the interest holds for the full length of the tape. Should the more serious students feel that the lecture only touches on points, and all too briefly, they can then demand and get the full 45-minute tapes. I am thinking of the last tape out as July 1st comes and the Huna Vistas swing into work. I have just sent out Short Talk No. 9 to the Eva Becker group in Long Beach New York, and it gives very scant instructions for administering self-suggestion, but in the longer tapes, the No. II lecture is very full and complete.

In the last Huna Vistas, I was a little discouraged by the lack of response of the several groups where the longer tapes had been sent, but since then I have had letters urging me not to be downhearted, and praising the Short Talk tapes as just what was needed to get and hold the interest of those new to Huna. Four good groups have been formed and have reported in nicely, while the lesser groups have at least kept alive in most cases. And, the individual HRAs who have had the tapes for their own listening and perhaps to play to a few friends, have been universally enthusiastic. It would seem that my books are read and later, thoughts turn to a number of other things while the main points of Huna become dim. The lectures serve a fine purpose in bringing the whole of the scattered Huna bits back together and into sharp focus so that interest is renewed and fresh efforts are being made to put Huna to use.

Tapes and the Short Talk lectures with their TRANSCRIPTIONS are now in such form and supply that I can begin to send them out on loan to groups and individual HRAs. In these I do not ask that people accept Huna or adopt the hurtless way of life…. I just present Huna in condensed form on a take-it-or-leave-it basis, and the new listener seems to like this freedom from being urged to join up. Later they can, if interested, ask about the organization and having a part in it.

ENGLAND MAY ALSO HAVE A HUNA GROUP. A letter received June 11th from Mrs. Constance Riant, of Cambridge House, High Street, Old Portsmouth, England, Telephone Portsmouth 24060, says, “My husband and I are esoteric healers and have become extremely interested in the Huna Lore. We find that we can integrate the two teachings with excellent results.

“We would like very much to meet any people in this area – or indeed anywhere on the South Coast – who either practice Huna or would like to discuss it with other interested persons. Have you any knowledge of likely people with whom we may make contact?

“We would also like to keep abreast of any further information on the subject of Huna. Would you please inform me if you issue regular leaflets, pamphlets, etc? We are at the moment using Growing Into Light and I have passed the book to those of our Group whom we feel are ready to take its teaching – I would even like to lecture on it when I am more sure of all it means. Have you any objections, or any ideas to give me in this direction? I should be very grateful for your advice and any literature you could send me, other than the book advertisements in the end of your book. If any money is involved please notify me and I will send by return mail. Yours Sincerely, Constance Riant”

I have written at length to Mrs. Riant and told her of the efforts being made here to get groups going, also telling her of the tapes and offering a free set of my books for the group. I also told her I would run her letter in the Huna Vistas and urge any of the English HRAs to write to her, even if they could not get down to visit the group. We have a few HRAs scattered far and wide over England, and it would be ever so good if we could get them together by letter. I do not have their permission to give out their names, but here is a chance for them to make themselves known and perhaps get into touch with other HRAs. Mrs. Riant is to be greatly thanked for giving this first possibility of getting into contact with each other. My books sell steadily in England, and I am sure that there are many who have not written to me, but who would welcome an opportunity to talk Huna to someone. Drop her a line. She may be too busy to answer, but at least let her know you are there and approve what she is doing. If one is in need of healing, this might be the looked for place to find it.

AURAMETER IS OFFERED FOR RENT. HRA Mrs. Jean West, who is my correspondent for the Fresno Group, writes that they have purchased an AURAMETER from Vern Cameron, famous dowser and maker of the instrument, and that it is a jewel. She offers it on a rental basis to other HRAs who may wish to test their skills. Write directly to her for information at 4419 Gertrude Dr., Freemont, Ca., 94536. She reports that the several members have been attending Harry Aron’s Hypnotic Seminar and have not had a chance recently to meet and play the Short Talk tapes, but wants them all sent along to have in hand. She writes, “I have so much to tell you that it will take a week.” I have too little information on this group. They have a meeting hall and the core of the membership have all taken hypnotic training. They have plans to buy some land in Oregon and build a center one day in which to use their hypnotic skills along with Huna healing methods. Perhaps they can regress people to pick up past lives. Who knows? I take it the other members of the group are not hypnotists but are gathered in to learn about Huna and to get worked on for healing. In one of of her letters she mentioned in passing a healing session with mana being accumulated and healing efforts made – all with the room darkened and a candle lighted to represent and keep the members always reminded of the Aumakua. In their group she says they have a medium also, and in her recent letter she asks me to recommend a book on mediumship. Libraries are filled with books written thru mediums telling what spirits have said, but directions for developing mediumship are not easy to find,   possibly because there are few ways to reach this end other than to find a place where a good medium is (also difficult to find these days) and to “sit for development” hoping to be assigned a good guide spirit and to avoid obsession by a bad or evil spirit. I know of two books in which men or spirits have tried to tell how they work on their side and cooperate in healing with the medium. Perhaps I had better pause here and review the two books mentioned.


A Guide to Spirit Healing, by Harry Edwards, famous English healer. (Spiritualist Press, Ltd., 48 Old Bailey, London, E. C. 4, England. No price given.) We read, “The desire to heal is natural, and a talent may go with it. Generally speaking, all who ‘feel’ for those who suffer and have a desire to help them possess the healing potential. There are a few people who are what is termed ‘natural healers’, in the same way that others may be naturally inclined towards music, mathematics, etc.

“Within the Spiritualist movement, there are two main divisions in the method of healing, those who work under trance and those who heal while possessing their normal reasoning powers. With those who work in trance, the spirit guide takes possession of the mind of the healer and works through him. In these cases, a period of development is necessary to bring the personal healing guide within his orbit. There are thousands of churches and home development circles in which people sit to develop their healing and psychic gifts in this way. Whichever way the healer chooses to work, the healer’s first objective is the obtaining of a sense of affinity with the healing spirit guide.

“As man can direct physical force, so it requires a spirit mind to direct a spirit force, for it belongs to the spirit realm and not to earth. So it is with the spirit healing forces, every act of healing demands independent, intellectual direction. (No attention is given to direct healing with mana. mfl.) This is easily demonstrated. With an individual healer, one witnesses healing of a widely divergent character, the restoring of an unbalanced mind, the dispersal of a growth and the correction of sight and hearing. Obviously a different quality of healing force is necessary in the three examples just mentioned.

“To apply the right quality of healing force in its correct strength to a given human disharmony, intelligent direction is needed. As man has never possessed this knowledge, it cannot exist in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the repository of experience. Because it has never known the way to motivate the spirit forces, the human mind cannot be responsible for the application and discrimination of these forces. The act of healing which produces a change within the physical body, demands not only the knowledge of how to manipulate the metaphysical forces but also how to coordinate them with the physical forces that govern the human anatomy.

“Let us remember from the foregoing that we can act only as receivers of the healing forces, which are then transmitted to the patient and that no human act can produce the healing result. A medium possesses a spirit body (Aumakua? mfl). So does every other person, though the psychic potential may be dormant. (The Aunihipili is much involved in all psychic sensitivity. mfl)

(Page 63) “Seated facing the patient, the healer prepares himself for attunement. He forgets his surroundings, the patient, everything, indeed, as he allows his spirit self (my underline. mfl) to become in the ascendant, for which his previous training has prepared him. (Sounds as though he were speaking of the Aumakua, not of a spirit guide.) When he feels that this condition has been obtained, he must then ‘blend’ himself with the patient. A good way to do this is to hold the patient’s hands, to bring about a sense of ‘oneness’ between them…

“… Like can only attract like. The spirit force flows through the healer’s spirit organization, so closely allied to his physical body, and through him to the patient’s spirit body and then to the patient’s physical body.” (Note the implication that the shadowy bodies of the patient are perhaps first healed, then the physical.)

(He continues to say the healer may place a hand over the heart and another hand over the part to be healed to make a “circuit” of force. The sense of “oneness” with the patient is very important. The “positive” hand is the one over the heart and the negative over the part to be healed as the “terminal” of the circuit.)

“The hand may move as if dispersing matter or erasing pain, and may be used in movement to denote or express this, as if ‘wiping away’ the ill condition.”

(The element of suggestion inevitably creeps into the method, and is good as a way of directing the flow of force or mana and setting it to work.)

(Page 92) “Let all of us engage in healing co-operate. As co-operation exists in the spirit realm, it should also be achieved here.” (He speaks of ‘healing bands’ of spirits, perhaps a little like our kahunas spoke of the Great Company of Aumakuas. mfl) It is a happy thought that healing guides work together in harmony, and we should learn our lessons from these great individuals.”

There is much more in the book of value to aspiring spiritual healers. THE MEDIUMSHIP OF ARNOLD CLARE, by the same author, Harry Edwards, is probably out of print, but inquiry might be made of Stuart & Watkins, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross, W.C.2, England for a new or used copy of this or the other book reviewed.

This book is largely a report on the mediumship of Arnold Clare, what he did in producing materializations, ectoplasm (with photos) and diagrams, also very interesting and provocative things which the spirit guide, Peter, had to say about life and its mechanics and physics. Much of what Peter says reminds us of Huna with various names for various things. He speaks of gossamer threads which extend in all directions and which center in the living man; of the “etheric moulds” which roughly match our aka bodies; of vital forces resembling our concept of the three manas. He speaks of the “trinity of man’s make up, the triune constituting his physical body, his soul body and his spirit.” The physical seems dominated by our Aunihipili. The spirit appears to be the Aumakua, and the mind not given a place as the Auhane. He speaks of “zones of supply” which seem to match the aka bodies in a way, but in trying to get his beliefs across to his listeners, he is not too straight line or satisfactory. He says animals are overlooked by an “over soul” and are different from men in that we have a “Polarized” or dual intelligence and individuality, the implication being that we have Aunihipilis and Auhanes, the Aunihipili of the animal world and with an over soul, perhaps. His “polarization” that gives humans individuality might also include the male and female halves into which Huna says the One is divided until graduation to the Aumakua level. He has considerable to say of the value of “rhythmic breathing” to get “etheric vitality”, which may be our mana, as well as oxygen. It is all provocative, as well as of great interest, almost telling what one wants to know. Let me quote from a summary given of the guide’s statements by the author on page 125.

(An “auric” tent has been described as something that the spirits build around the medium and sitters, and inside this tent they can control forces and work.) “The Guide in control creates the conditions necessary for the phenomena to be manifested. These conditions are an extension of the auric field of the medium. It is composed of the aura pertinent to the physical body and is misty silver in color and (b) the auric atmosphere that is limitless in extent: a storehouse of electric energy which belongs to the soul body and is subject to pull from each condition. To create séance conditions, the auric field is controlled and concentrated into the area within which the phenomena are to be created, like an umbrella or tent.”

In my earlier review of this book in H.V. 74, page 12, I wrote, “The efforts to explain dematerialization touched upon radiations and atoms and ethers, free and bound ethers and free and bound atoms. Not much sense can be made of it, but one gets the impression of a complicated world of Physics quite beyond the reach of the physical senses. A good illustration was given by Peter as he strove to make himself understood. “All material things,” he said, “have the ability to change under outside pressures. Ice becomes, for instance, water, and water steam. In some such way the solid substance is made into its thin form, then transported with the ‘etheric double’ (our aka body), which has not changed, and once more densified or materialized in the familiar mold so that it is back to its first form and condition.” As Peter said that neither the Guide nor the Control spirit can produce mat and demat phenomena, this leaves us only the “elementals” or nature spirits, each able to do a particular kind of work, and all supervised by the much higher Nature Spirit or perhaps the “Group Soul”. The force used in the work is said to be of a kind still unknown to our men of science, and we might guess that it was the High Mana in action as directed by High Nature Spirits equal to the Aumakuas in evolution and using the subhuman or never human lesser nature spirits as helpers. Peter added that some simple psychic work can be done by the subconscious self of the medium, but that the ‘physical phenomena’ cannot. So there we have the little that seems known about the strange manifestations at the present time.”

THE THETIS ISLAND GROUP, NEAR VANCOUVER, B.C., Canada, is headed by two young men who are engaged in gathering and sending out marine specimens to various large Universities. In summer they work early until late, but find the time for a weekly meeting of the group of twelve and for a morning meditation. James Egan and Jack Nesbit are the gentlemen in question. They have a home on the Sound and keep six dogs, three Labrador Retrievers and three Chihuahuas, all, admittedly badly spoiled. They like all the tape lectures, long and short., and HRA Egan reported by tape on the groups activities recently. Let me see if I can transcribe parts of his report.

“Aloha Max. This is Friday evening, June 20th. …. We have an interested group, enthusiastic and all especially interested in the healing circle. We have had a number of quite marked successes in healing, nothing miraculous, I guess, and nothing in the nature of an instant healing, but we are either in the center of a remarkable set of coincidences, or we have been helping bring about some healings which I think are quite notable, considering that we are just getting started. I might say that when we were getting started, there was a great deal of discussion as to how the prayer should be formed. As you stressed, the prayers should be identical, each member of the group saying the same prayer. Many of these people are ex-Unity and they are aware of the mental aspects of healing. We finally settled upon a prayer. Actually Jack and I more or less drew it up with the aid of one of Agnes Sanford’s books. We were most impressed with some of her books on healing, particularly the HEALING LIGHT. Whether she knows it or not, she’s practicing Huna, of course, and we finally settled on a prayer which goes as follows: We say, Heavenly Father, we hold these children of God up to your Light – now by Children of God I mean those for whom we are praying for healing – if it is just an individual, we say this Child of God up to the Light. Then we give thanks because we know that they are perfected in spirit, mind and body, according to Thy will. We put in according to Thy will so that the Aumakua could bring about the healing in whatever way He saw fit. In other words we are not asking the Aumakua to cure in any specific fashion. The healing may take place through the direct intervention of the Aumakua, or He may nudge the person into reading a magazine article in which a new treatment is mentioned. There have been one or two cases of this kind, one, for example, where a man in Victoria had been suffering from a peculiar ailment that they had not been able to properly diagnose. The main symptom was excessive nosebleeds and sometimes it would take hours to stop them. We started these prayers for him and immediately he began to feel somewhat better. He and his wife and another couple decided that they were going out for one evening, and they did, and in the middle of the evening this gentleman took a nose bleed and was whisked off to the hospital in very, very bad shape. While they were in the process of working for him, a doctor happened to drop in and heard from this man’s doctor the story of his illness, and the visiting doctor said, ‘Have you heard about this new treatment, so and so?’ The doctor said no he hadn’t, and they did try it, and almost over night the ailment cleared up. So we feel that this could very well be an intervention by the Aumakua.

“In another case – whether to attribute this healing entirely to the group – but anyway we had a call from a lady whose grandchild had been taken to the hospital in Vancouver suffering from what was later diagnosed as osteomyelitis. This was on a Sunday. She knew of our interest in Huna and phoned us and asked for a prayer or something. So Jack and I made a prayer on Sunday night and again on Monday. We have a half hour of prayer and meditation every morning so on Monday morning and Tuesday morning we made prayers. Then on the Wednesday night I asked the group to make a special prayer for the child along with other prayers for people we have on the list. To make a long story short, between us, either with the group or Jack and I alone – but anyway instead of what might have been a good many weeks, and in some cases months, in a hospital with bone scrapings and heaven only knows what, the child was only in the hospital for four days, when he was completely well and could come home. His case had been diagnosed by three specialists, so there was not much chance but that it was what they had called it. The doctors said they had never seen anyone respond so quickly and therefore maybe we may reasonably assume that the healing was due to our efforts.”

I see that the tape takes more space than I had planned to use – and there is a delightful part of it still not transcribed, so I will give highlights.

Other healing results are very satisfactory, if not spectacular. Tapes are listened to and discussed and often replayed. A MOST INTERESTING AND POSSIBLY SIGNIFICANT THING WAS REPORTED. Jack asked his Aunihipili via the pendulum whether the mana sent to the Aumakua with the prayers was getting delivered, and got a reply that made him doubt that it was. Next day it occurred to him to ask whether the dogs were getting the mana, and the answer was that the three Chihuahuas were the culprits. The dogs were shut up in another part of the house after that at prayer time, and the Aunihipili reported that the mana was then being delivered safely. HRA Egan said that some Theosophists will not keep pets because of the loss of vital force to them. Spiritualists usually will not allow a pet dog or cat to enter the séance room. I comment that this is something new to me, but that I think it possible and suggest that one ask one’s Aunihipili if there is a loss of mana when generating and sending it to the Aumakua. The pets may not be the only ones who take the mana. Spirits may be attracted to the scene when mana is being accumulated and help themselves. One might make a mental picture of being surrounded by a protecting wall to block out these mana thieves. We know full well of persons who sap our vitality on visiting them and who leave us tired if not exhausted while they are filled with animation. The tradition of vampirism is very old and may have a modicum of truth in it.

I am much pleased with the progress made by the Thetis Island Group and believe they are off to a good start on a sound footing. My greetings to the Group.

REPORT FROM THE LONG BEACH, N.Y. GROUP. The address of Mrs. Jack Becker, who is the group leader, is 323 West Pine St., Long Beach, N.Y. 11561 for any of you who may wish to get into the activities there. HRA Mrs. Becker reports that they are enthusiastic over the new Short Talk length of tape lectures and especially the question and answer part, also that the members join in the discussions. She has interested Mr. Keith Ayling of BEYOND magazine and he has attended a meeting and may give us some publicity, even to publishing an article on Huna and the groups.

A SECOND GROUP is being started in New York City proper, for those who find it too difficult to get all the way down Long Island to Long Beach. Mrs. B. will also lead it for the start. They are looking for a home for the meetings also in Brooklyn, and may soon have a third group there. They have about six prospective members for this group. Groups seem to have to meet in homes at least for the start, and later, when a healing circle is formed, it may be necessary to keep it small, but with healing being offered to the public, a larger place may have to be rented. It may be necessary to charge a membership fee to have a kitty into which to dip for expenses, and confine healing ministrations to actual members and their relatives. With expanding groups another thing will have to be done, and this is to segregate those wishing to come in, and start them several at a time playing the first tapes to them and explaining Huna so that they can catch up without holding back older groups. I have been doing my best to supply the Short Talks and have four reels, A, B, C, and D done with 9 talks now. Some of the things touched on are not treated fully enough to do much good, but the longer tapes can later be played by the ones really interested. For instance, the tape D-9 lecture on the use of self-suggestion is just a teaser and needs the regular lecture No. 11 to give details. The books, of course, may be and should be read by serious students. (I can supply groups with a set of lending books. Many of Mrs. Becker’s group buys the books from her – she gets a 25% group discount.)

I will be happy to have a tape report from any of the groups, and with their permission, can dub off copies and send to other groups, as I have done with the taped report from Thetis Island and Jim Egan. His dubbed tape has been sent to HRA Becker for her group.

The question as to what name to use for the Becker Group has come up. She suggested MFL Seekers of Truth Alliance but I objected. I should be kept out of the tide. In my best judgment we should have a uniform name for all the groups and I suggest SECRET (HUNA) FELLOWSHIP of Long Beach, as an example. People do not know what “Huna” stands for, and “Secret” will be a translation to hold until the matter can be explained to them. A subtitle can also be used such as “Reviving the Ancient Mystery Schools” or whatever the local groups might settle upon. Or we might have something like “A Healing Ministry”.

SHORT REPORTS have come in from the William Boone group in San Diego, Calif. (841-1/2 Lemon Ave., Zone No. 92041) and they now have two meetings a week and a public lecture given by HRA Boone. I am not able to give much information but understand that they have a healing circle and get good results. (I see that the address is NOT San Diego, but on the outskirts, at La Mesa. Please excuse.) The GARDEN GROVE group near Portland, Ore., has been more or less on vacation except for the closed older group. After a while, renewed efforts will be made to continue the work with outsiders.

A REPORT MADE IN PERSON for the Glendale, Calif. group (Wm. Glover, 1216 North Isabela, Glendale, CA., 91270 to inquire) has recently been made by HRA Glover. This group is composed of young businessmen for the most part and “Bill” has two groups going now, with enough on the waiting list to start a third. They stress the use of Huna in business problems and all the affairs of life, and have had some very impressive results. They also have healing circles and I was told of three lesser instances of healing, one instant of a bad earache for a boy of 8.

HRA Glover is a very enthusiastic leader who does not believe in the aka thread or cord of the kahunas. Being an electrical engineer, he prefers to believe that the Aunihipili can send out impulses of sufficiently high frequency to account for telepathy and to send mana to the Aumakua. (He does not bother to explain how the Aunihipili can find a person for a P.A. reading from a signature or photo, which can hardly be said to be broadcasting its identifying radiations.) He found the idea put people off badly. At casual mention in the tapes it sounded too much like some ancient superstition. If it had to be brought up, it could be much later or through reading my books.

Another thing, which puts people off, was calling the selves, low, middle and High. They would accept subconscious, conscious and Superconscious as something with which they were familiar. He found also that most of them knew a little about breathing exercises, and so could get them along with the accumulation of mana and and sending it without the aka cord to the Superconscious. He also leaves out any call for prospective members to join anything or live the hurtless life, so I take it.

To have tapes that fit his needs, he has selected parts of my longer tape lectures and dubbed them off, interspersing his own explanations to make things clearer and more acceptable to the modern man or woman with a background which is blank on metaphysics. He says he has put many hours into this cut and splice to get what he wanted and needed.

Especially he cut out all reference to the CODE and to the Four Gospels and to my references to Jesus as the leading figure in a Drama of Initiation. He said he found that most of the prospective members had either definite ideas as to the divinity of Jesus and that to have it suddenly implied that he was a Drama Figure only, was too much for them. Others were not of the Christian religion and were irked, while some had rejected Christianity entirely. (He had managed to find a way to get past this in presenting Huna to a class at a Glendale church.) His idea is to give them what they can accept and absorb with ease and begin to learn to use. Later on, those who are deeply interested can read my books and get the things he has left out.

I am again impressed. Mrs. Becker convinced me that the long tapes were too long and hard to listen to, with the result that I have started and am well along with the Short Talks. NOW, Bill Glover has given me still another set of suggestions for the tapes and I will have to start all over to make them avoid the things he has found “threw” people. He argues that many people have been reading about the Power of Positive Thinking for some years and are conditioned up to a point by the teaching. He adds that most have already learned that something is lacking and that few results are obtained. Bill is a high power salesman and sees Huna as the addition that will make Positive Thinking work – and he presents it as such, trying to leave out the things that would put one off at the beginning, and to add the accumulation of mana and sending it with the prayer picture to the Superconscious. He did not say so, but I imagine he also considers thought-forms and the construction of memories from them made of aka or ectoplasmic substance, a figment of ancient superstition and makes no mention of them.

In the matter of “eating companions” and obsessions, large or small, or the P.A. readings, I did not get to this part in our luncheon discussion, but I suppose these also went down the drain in so far as the newly arrived group members are concerned. I must confess that the idea has stopped some in my time and frightened others. However, it is a large part of Huna understanding and needs, as I see it, to be included some time in the presentation of Huna. His introduction to the kahunas leaves out the kahunas as far as possible and cuts out all possible details.

Bill has promised to make dubs of his cut and splice tapes and send them to me. It might just be that these can be listened to, but I have my doubts about new Short Talk Tapes to [be] started over to conform – but if they go on and on, perhaps at the end they could bring in the things which have been left out in the presentation. We shall see. Bill also has big ideas for the expansion of the work, but so far, nothing definite has been settled upon. His phone number is 246-9835 for anyone in the Glendale, Burbank or Pasadena area to call evenings to ask about the group activities.

A MUCH APPRECIATED LETTER OF APPRECIATION has come from one of the first Huna Research associates, Mrs. Basil Sutton, of Brisbane, Australia. I have heard from her now and then all through the years, and value her as a dearest friend. She seems to have sensed my slight discouragement and at the end of a very helpful letter about the Short Tapes – and commending them – she writes:

“This leads me to the real reason for this letter, which is to tell you how much I owe to you and Huna. I always think that you have been my chief guide in life these many long years, finding Huna and your first book changed all my previous thinking.

“Yesterday, when I picked up your first book as I so often do, the one given me by Lul Gardo, dead these many years – and all marked around the margins by her penciled notes in Russian, it came over me with a rush that I must write and thank you, especially for the very long chapter III and its Case 33, about Realization, and to tell you that I close my daily meditation with the prayer words, AUM-Aum-a Ua Noe… Hele wale akua Ia. I also love Case 51 and your Comment. (These refer to my first book, Recovering the Ancient Magic, which had a short life in England before the Blitz burned what was left of the stock. Perhaps some day I can check to see what was taken out of this book to go into SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES and what was left out, as was Case 33 – which she suggests might go into tapes and so made available.)

Such letters warm my heart and take me back to the days when Mrs. Sutton had the first group in Australia, but it was torn apart by argument and strife.

TAPES ARE OUT FOR SEVERAL SMALL GROUPS where a few friends listen to them and have discussions. I hope that some of these will develop into groups eventually. Meantime, they are doing a good work in helping spread the knowledge of Huna. They are not forgotten, even if not mentioned in the list of larger groups.


Several books have been sent in for review since the last issue of the Huna Vistas. First to arrive was not sent by the publisher, but borrowed. It is titled Kahunas, the Black and White Magicians of Hawaii. This 112-page soft cover is nicely illustrated by drawings, and is by Sibley S. Morrill (who also acts as “Editor and Publisher”, P.O. Box 24, San Francisco, Ca. No price is given.) The book is a collection of stories of the killing exploits of the bad kahunas, and I find nothing to say that they were “white magicians”. Perhaps I have overlooked some reference to their healing activities. Morrill writes one story of a child killed with the death prayer as revenge taken on the parents. He also seems to have written the foreword. The other articles tell the story of the night marches of ghostly chiefs and their followers, and of a white man who disbelieved and went to investigate and was found dead. It is authored by Shadrach Minor, whoever he may be. Then Dean Lipton has an article on fire-walking in which he mentions my studies of the practice.

The valuable part of the book, to me at least, are three excellent accounts taken from papers read before the Hawaiian Historical Society or the Royal Hawaiian Board of Education. All give information on the native beliefs and practices, often with the original prayers in Hawaiian, but all dealing with the “black” side of the kahuna magic, sad to say. It is good to have this scarce material brought together under one cover for the use of the better students. (I wrote, ordering three copies of the book some time ago, but have had no response so far.)

THE PSYCHIC READER, by Martin Ebon, given as editor, is published by the World Publishing Co., 110 East 59th St., New York, N.Y. 10022, at $4.95. This is a hard cover book, nicely done. 226 pages. It is a compilation of articles by various authors, and these cover the general field of Psychic happenings very entertainingly, giving the facts but seldom trying to explain anything. Of the 25 well-written articles, one was especially interesting. It is a study of Sirhan Sirhan, the man who killed Robert Kennedy, and who, oddly enough, was an avid student of Theosophy. In his prison cell he had a copy of Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine. My P.A. reading of Sirhan showed strong fixations, but not obsession. There was no indication of insanity. A very strange and tragic case of ingrown hates. A good book for one’s occult library.

HAROLD SHERMIAN’S new book, Your Mysterious Powers of ESP, is just out. The publisher is the World Publishing Co. whose address is given above, and the price is 5.95 for this large 241-page book. Mr. Sherman is the foremost exponent of telepathy, and has the distinction of being able to demonstrate what he writes about in that line. He is famous for his Thoughts Through Space in which he received, day after day, messages from Sir Hubert Wilkins who was in the far arctic on a searching trip. At times he picked up impressions of things which Sir Hubert had not yet done or had happen to him. When messages were not intentionally sent, they were picked up by apparently reading Sir Hubert’s mind. It was a most amazing feat, and one that made history. It gave ESP a great acceleration as a popular study and a do-it-yourself project. This is the 11th book in a long list, and is almost a small encyclopedia of ESP.

The book is up to date and covers Mr. Sherman’s trip to the Philippines to watch the native healers do their psychic surgery. He has found and reported a large number of cases of which I have never heard, and which would have passed me by but for his careful presentation. He comments on the progress of studies in ESP and at the back of his book gives a short set of instructions to help one learn to use telepathy and come to a better realization of God.

Mr. Sherman is the founder and president of the ESP Research Associates Foundation, centered at Little Rock, Arkansas, and, with his group, carries out experiments in the use of ESP. At the present time he is giving a seminar, replete with speakers and allowing members to get together to become acquainted.

His book is excellent browsing material, filled with many short reports from various places, and all roughly classified under chapter headings. Good to own.

MANY LIVES by Joan Grant and Denys Kelsey, (35 shilling plus postage from Helios Book Service, Ltd., 8, the Square, Toddington, Cheltenham, Glos., England.) was sent to me by HRA H.R. Ronnebeck, whose gift of the books is much appreciated. Joan Grant is to be remembered for her Winged Pharaoh and various other books and is a prolific writer about her past incarnations. Her husband, Denys Kelsey, is a psychiatrist, and they work together to try to help difficult patients whose blocks are found to come from a past life instead of the present one.

“Far memory”, she calls her memories of past lives, and in her book she scampers around from very early lives to very late ones, from male to female incarnations, and seldom with a life that does not make a good story. The female lives seem to be most adventurous while the male ones are more or less colorless and have to do with some injury or disease, fragments of which have come over and have pestered her at one time or another until the life has been recalled and the memory examined and the force in it drained off. In her work and in Dr. Kelsey’s practice, they have developed a number of confusing theories to try to explain the old memories they unearth of past life troubles brought over to cause fixations and physical disorders in the present life.

Dr. Kelsey resorts to a reincarnating personality, which may be broken into pieces and memories heavily charged with energy, which he calls “ghosts”. But, strange to say, he has run into nothing that resembles even faintly the obsession by disembodied spirits. He reports no dual or multiple personality cases, or, if he does find them in his practice, counts them as parts of the one personality which have broken off and are going on their own steam, only bothering the main personality by impressing the old memories on them as compulsions, phobias or fixations of some general kind.

Joan, in her exploration of the way man evolved, writes, “He starts with only enough energy to organize a single molecule. As the energy increases, and his experience begins to expand, he requires more complex forms through which to express them. After growing too adult to be contained by the mineral phase of existence, he enters the vegetable kingdom, and then graduates, by a series of incarnations as various species of animal, to his first incarnation as homo sapiens.

“During his first few lifetimes as a human being the whole of his personality incarnates, so he is likely to have approximately the same capacities and perceptions whether he happens to be incarnate or excarnate. But as his consciousness expands, it becomes too wide to be contained within the framework of a single personality. So the incarnate individual is now both a single personality and an integral component of his total self.” [There is more to this bulletin, but it has been lost. Ed.]

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