Huna Vistas Bulletin #92

HV78-headerNovember-December, 1969

Vivaxis, Huna-Hyphanites, and Huna Groups


FIRST OF ALL, as the Huna Vistas will be reaching you for its last issue before the holidays, here in the Americas, and well after them in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Africa, let me wish you all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and all the blessed things of a happy season when we join in the celebration of the Leading Figure in the Initiatory Drama of Secret or Huna Lore. May you be able to live up to your highest ideals during the coming year – than which, I can think of nothing finer to wish for each and every one of us.


The tests of Mrs. Nixon’s “Vivaxis” finding and “walking” in its channel, have been carefully tried out for almost two months now by myself, here at Vista, but the results have not been sufficiently noteworthy to be identified.

It may be that I have not located my Vivaxis with the angle rod, but it has swung always in the same north of east direction pointing as to the place of my birth, and I have chewed hard, and part of the time (until Mrs. Nixon wrote that it couldn’t be done that way) have pressed on my ribs to cause them to bend and make a magnetic current so that the forces of the Vivaxis could do their corrective work. The address given in the book for the publisher proved to be out of date, and a letter came saying the book had run out of print and was being reprinted by Mrs. Nixon herself. I have not learned whether or not the reprint has been finished but did learn that a smaller paperback was being planned by Mrs. Nixon, to be called Magnetically Yours, and to be had from the author at PO Box 718, Chemainus, BC, Canada. No price is set on it. The book, Vivaxis, should be ordered from VIVAXIS, at the same address. Priced at $5.25 and, by now, should be available. Mrs. Nixon talked in San Francisco recently and one of the HRAs reported hearing her give a slightly confusing account of her discoveries and of the (not confusing) benefits derived from the use of the Vivaxis “walk”. So far, I seem to be the only one of the HRAs who has really tried to find his Vivaxis and then walk back and forth in the channel, hands held out chest high in front. I was hoping to cure a slight deafness of the left ear left from Hong Kong flu last Christmas, but no results.

In her advertising sheet which Mrs. Nixon sent to me, she writes (telling of the contents of the new book, MAGNETICALLY YOURS … ) is an extension of the knowledge contained in Vivaxis, including new techniques and aids for individuals to locate their Vivaxis; especially adapted for those hampered by chest X-rays. The book explains how magnetic wave messages controlling the reflexes are relayed from the brain to the receptor cells of the motor neurons. Individual cases are described illustrating the reaction to the reflexes when magnetic wave messages are corrected; for example, the technique used to cure the suffering of a severe emphysema victim by reactivating the reflexes controlling the lungs. Other examples include the re-polarizing of nerves associated with hearing (my underline), sight and sinuses. The results have been spectacular and the knowledge holds exciting potentials for all who earnestly desire to utilize it themselves.

Mrs. Nixon has kindly offered me a review copy of the new book when it comes out. Perhaps I can find in it the thing I have done wrong. I am wondering now whether wearing shoes with composition soles might cut off the radiation from the earth or something detrimental. There must have been results all along the way of her experiments to encourage Mrs.Nixon to keep on exploring. I feel that her findings would be a great general help if we can learn to make use of them.

HRA Dorothea M., of California, has not tested VIVAXIS herself, but has some interesting comments to make. I quote. “Has it occurred to you that anywhere one stands is in a direct line with one’s birthplace, since the earth is a globe? In the course of a day’s activities one is certainly many times facing in that particular direction. The idea of walking back and forth in that particular line with ‘expectations’ sounds greatly like a variety of other terms: self-suggestion, faith healing, prayer of any kind, etc., etc. The emotions connected with any of these: interest, enthusiasm, faith, belief in results, anticipation, excitement, etc., reach the subconscious or Aunihipili and the creative energies of the Aumakua, perhaps, drawing them by magnetism –  whatever that is –  to accomplish the purpose expected. The principles are the same – only the terminology differs – whether we call it Huna, Christianity, Science or Vivaxis, etc.

“Man’s mind – whatever that is – seems to be his one instrument of creativity. He conceives an idea, a new terminology, and Presto! He ‘knows’ the answer, especially these days when he can write a book or get a following and earn a living.

“This is all very necessary – don’t think I am being cynical – I am not. I fully recognize the need for ‘search’ whether it is called ‘re’search or otherwise. I also recognize the need for individual experience ‘experimentation’ in trying out new ideas to ‘prove’ them or otherwise. Our minds need that useful exercise.

“Science has left us no doubt that the universe is a total of thousands of kinds of energies, so organized and so intermingled and interrelated as to produce all our small minds can conceive or imagine  – and much more. The search goes on. Man’s mind keeps expanding, a little at a time [for] a life time. Our seeming ‘new’ discoveries keep us enthused, ever searching , for Truth, which is for each man what he ‘knows’ up to now. The future vista is endless …..

“And so I sit and think: ‘Every atom of my body thrills with life’ and can feel the thrill go through me; ‘Life flows through me like a river’, and can feel the flowing; ‘Within me is all knowledge’, and can my brain not feel the hum, even though facts don’t necessarily become humanly conscious? But there comes a feeling of Oneness with everything, a ‘universality’, which is really what I have been expressing in this letter!

“Since we each have a different Vivaxis we, of course, respond with differences to everything! I’ll be fascinated to hear of your progress. May your ‘Charlie horses’ and X-ray damage disappear!”

I might say that a few days ago I broke off a tooth and had to have the root extracted. The dentist insisted on an X-ray, so have been doing my walk to take away any new ill effects. My neighbor, who irrigates and cares for the place for me, observed my activities with the angle rod while hunting for my Vivaxis and, naturally, wanted to know what was going on. I tried to explain in terms of waves and magnetisms and such things, then suggested that he might have been X-rayed at some time and have some left over effects. Perhaps he might like to find his own Vivaxis and begin to walk his channel to correct trouble. He listened carefully, then pulled his wallet from his pocket and produced a small card which said in effect, “In case of accident, do NOT X-ray this man. He has had all the radiation he can stand.” My friend is a retired Navy Chief Pharmacist Mate, and I was at once all out to have him try Vivaxis and get rid of his galloping Charley horses. I was sure he must be falling apart. But he smiled tolerantly and shook his head. “You try it out, Max, and let’s see if if does anything for you, first,” he said. So, was my golden opportunity lost. Of course, he complains of nothing, and so isn’t as good a subject as he might otherwise be. As a matter of fact, he is extremely on the fit side.

HRA Dorothea M, having pundited so well for us, has added a lighter touch by enclosing a little poem. It is so delightful that I pass it on herewith.


My little soul
Is oft quite droll
And has itself great fun.
It flies with birds.
Or hops with frogs
And gambols in the sun.
It feels just like a daisy
Nodding it’s little head,
Or sips the nectar from a flower,
Or sleeps in a baby’s bed.
It flows with sap inside a tree,
Or digs into the ground.
Whatever it sees, it wants to be
And has the wit profound
To identify with all that is
It seems to get around
I sit and watch it at its play
And feel my heart expand.
It’s a bit like being Peter Pan
In the Never Never Land!


Thanks so much Dorothy. There’s a world of deep philosophy in your amusing “little soul”. When we have such a vast and complicated Universe to live in, it is very relaxing to just be little and ONE with the things about us.

I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that I have suddenly realized that Huna must be mixed with other creeds, techniques, beliefs, superstitions and what have we if it is to be normal and survive. As Dorothy M. has just told us, the human mind (whatever that is) is not satisfied with standing still. It wants to have a gander at all the things that are offered and will, despite my wild cries of objection, continue to mix Huna with anything and everything that appears on the horizon, or has long since appeared.

This is as it should be, I have come to realize. I NOW JOIN THE HUNA HYPHENATES, realizing that I have been one for a long time  –  perhaps from the very first day I decided to look into the secrets of the kahunas. I had dreamed of PURE HUNA, and had been long convinced that in Huna we had the best and, by all tokens, the only real explanations for psychic science, Psychology, the Psychology of MAN after death, and all the rest. I thought that Huna covered the field so very, very well that there should be no need for further delving, unless it be to look now and then at new offerings and measure their short comings in terms of Huna. But at last I am mellowed. We have not yet found the key to instant and unfailing healing, which has been the hoped for goal. We are little better off, healing wise, than the average Science of…. advocate, and are far behind the Spiritistos of the Philippines, Brazil, parts of England, and where else they may be found. It now seems that the spirits of the deceased must be coaxed to help us through their chosen mediums if we are to have PSYCHIC SURGERY and all the healing that is so well verified and so loudly denied by the doctors who do not care to have this kind of competition.

Yes, I am now a fully admitted Huna-hyphenate:  Spiritualist-Theosophist-New Thoughter-Unity-Vivaxis, and whatever you wish to offer. I was tossed out on my ear by the local Theosophists in Honolulu long years ago when I questioned the utter and infallible dictum of Mrs. Besant, to say nothing of the later disgraced Leadbeater. My taped lectures were denied a hearing in the Lodge in Sydney and also in Vancouver, Canada, recently. That is sad and regrettable. They are very backward to refuse to become hyphenates as Blavatsky and fellow founders commanded. But WE are now beyond that littleness and have expanded. NOW Huna will go ahead in a grand way to invite and to include all the cults and isms in the catalog.

The only thing that I ask (on bended knee) is that when you mix such things as “Positive Thinking” and Huna, you SPECIFY that this is a borrowing and name your book or man instead of claiming the system as original to Huna. Don’t borrow names and phrases unless you give credit where credit is due. Don’t say “Huna teaches TRUTH”, and have in mind the New Thought or Unity type of idea.

Try to keep Huna and the other cults in separate baskets, but have as many “Baskets of Wisdom” as suits your fancy. We are all “Metaphysical Tramps” and will remain so as we keep investigating, tasting, trying, accepting, discarding and otherwise messing around with the materials of this cluttered field.

Measure everything you come across in terms of Huna and its three manas, three selves and three aka bodies. Hunt in each cult system for something that will answer the questions a knowledge of those 9 elements will answer. If you are interested in Psychic Science, you will see that nothing, no NOTHING, will answer all the problems except the Huna elements and explain man in the seance rooms with his spirit communicators or obsessions and such, or man after death as a spirit. But “half a loaf is better than no loaf at all”. If you can’t accept the three manas, stay with “vital force” and “vibrations.” They will answer a third of the questions. If the idea of the aka or shadowy bodies and thought-forms is by far too unscientific for you, then forget them and teach a fraction of Huna. But don’t, in all conscience, advertise that you are teaching ALL of Huna. Admit that you are teaching only a fraction of the ancient system. Then, perhaps later on, you can venture to tell your friends about the things you have taken it upon yourself to deny them.


The few new Groups which have been formed are having a wonderful time mixing Huna and whatever the leader may have as his hyphenate pet belief. It is doing no harm, and many are being exposed to Huna in such part as may be. I had a fine long visit by phone with Pat Brawand of the second Huna Group at Portland, Oregon, the other evening. They teach all of Huna, but have been attending classes in self-hypnosis and recently, some strange teaching which claims much healing and which includes (so I gathered) much lining up with the north while sleeping or being treated, even holding rolls of toilet paper under bent knees and elbows while observing directional force flows, something like the Vivaxis flow. I cheered them on. See everything, hear it all. Keep Huna wide open and investigate all the strange and new things. A person well grounded in Huna will come to no harm, and there is always the long chance that someone will come along who can teach instant healing – even by some other name. This group has also been having a most interesting time attending seances and watching mediums and psychics at work. If they do not get a well-rounded education on all lines of “Metaphysics”, it will not be their fault. Meantime, they use Huna as best they cam. Pat told me that her husband continues to use it very successfully to get various things. (He is a man after my own heart.)

One of the HRAs visiting the William Boone group phoned to tell me he was surprised to find that Huna was being taught but that there were items of other systems also. I had not attended a meeting or known too much about the fine Group, but HRA Boone’s healing work at a distance or at first hand has been most successful in handling obsessions and complexes. I am all for anything that may help explain Huna.

William Glover’s Group has elected to reduce Huna to its simplest form and to present it as another and perhaps superior kind of “Positive Thinking”. But they are getting good results, and that is important. They can always go back and pick up for examination the things left out at first.

Eva Becker’s Group in Long Beach, New York, is the prize example of what we are talking about. Her Group has remained almost entirely a discussion unit, with Huna and the Short Talks edged in sidewise when the general discussions would permit. She wanted, however, to include the young people in the work, and to this end has brought into the group hypnotists and dramatic teachers with the plan to open a general school where anything and everything is to be taught and Huna introduced where there is a chance. She and the  new “faculty” which she had gathered, advertised in the Long Beach newspapers to say that a school would be opened with classes in art, music, drama, dancing, voice, lighting, makeup, writing and costume design. It is a most ambitious program, with tuition to be charged, a proper housing rented, and everything set to go off with the start of the Fall Season. She hopes to see plays written, some including Huna elements if possible, then staged. I have not yet heard how the project went at the start, but do hope that it made a good beginning and is going full swing. Eva has two very talented daughters, so I understand, who are already well along in their theatrical training. One, at least, has played the past summer in stock. (I may have word on the progress before I finish the cutting of the stencils for this issue of the Huna Vistas, and if I do, I will add a note to let you know what has happened.)

The Group in New Zealand is teaching almost straight Huna, and is gradually expanding its scope, lending out the tapes even in other cities. HRA Dora Jensen is the very able leader. She has come up through the New Thought school of thinking, but lives in a land where they used to have kahunas and where the old lore is still often discussed. She also publishes a very interesting little magazine called “Summit” and is much engaged in healing activities.

In South Africa, HRA Faith Johnson is trying hard to get a group started, and so far, has mostly women members. These meet in the afternoon because of the danger of being abroad after dark, the race and crime question being very similar to what we have in US.A these days. The men who are interested in Huna, but who work days, have so far not been organized into a group, but that may also come, now a start has been made and the tapes and transcriptions are in hand.

Australia is still not quite organized. Gaye Meridan, long a good HRA, has given much of her time and has gone to much trouble trying to get the first group started. She got the tapes and contacted some of the very seasoned HRAs, but they knew all about Huna and were not interested in forming a group. Several other contacts have been made, and judging from a letter just received, there is an excellent prospect of getting a start.

Some correspondence has been started in England, and a group may get started there after Christmas when the proposed leader has finished moving and has become settled. Unfortunately, no other HRAs are close by, but the contact by letter is an encouraging item.

Other progress is being made as the tapes are being played here and there and Huna is being discussed. Some of the groups have not been heard of for some time, and may have become inactive. Others are on the point of getting started, and several new HRAs have been welcomed, some getting the tapes for their own listening, some the back issues of the Huna Vistas to help them catch up. HRA Erick Askew of the Los Angeles region, tells me a most interesting story. He borrowed the first two long tapes for a Unity minister friend, and the minister was much enthused over the material, so sent it on to his father, who is likewise a Unity minister. But, as it turned out, his father had discovered Huna for himself and by now has all my books. However, he was happy to hear the tapes. I have just sent on the next four tapes, and Eric thinks that in a short time he will try to form a group. He, by the way, is from New Zealand, and knows more than most of the kahunas of that part of Polynesia.

HRA Dr. E.E. Rogers, of No. Burnby, B.C., Canada, writes that he is continuing to have good success in his use of Huna in his personal life and in restoring aberrated people to rational thinking and behavior. He has come up through the school of Dianetics and has made his basic approach from that direction. He writes “In Dianetics and psychotherapy in general, since I have been commencing the sessions with Huna breathing and a final request to the Aumakua of the patient, (and his own), to guide and supervise the session, I have been able to accomplish in a very few sessions what otherwise used to take many and much more time.

“I do not make the mistake that the psychiatrists make of computing what is to be run, but leave it wide open to the Aumakuas and their tools, the Aunihipilis. In this way I am not, like the psychiatrists, running my own case, and the pertinent and destructive incidents are reached quickly and without irrelevant material wasting time and efficiency.

“At present I have a man and wife who know you and your books. Both came to me for therapy less than two weeks ago and both are leaving tomorrow with none of the mental or emotional problems they came with. This can not be done, I am sure – at least I have never heard of such fast results – without the inclusion of the spiritual aspect, done in the Huna manner, in the procedure.

“I thought this information might be of value to you, or to someone who knows clinical psychotherapy and also Huna principles. Contrary to many cults, patients should know that self-clearing, or clearing by amateurs is not possible, and may make a case worse. In the realm of real science, which this is, there is no substitute for knowledge and for experience.”

Thanks Dr. Rogers for sharing your experience with us. This would make the advocates of Scientology most displeased.

HRA MRS. EVA SCOTT, of Vancouver, Canada, writes: “You will be glad to know that after my initial trouble with trying to introduce Huna (via the tapes) to the Theosophical Society here in Vancouver, they have requested a lecture and this is to be given next Sunday. It will have a pretty good attendance as we have the Sunday meeting open to the public and there will be at least 50 there and of course this will help to spread the tidings! I will take my Huna Code in Religions along and will try to answer questions.”

Cheers! The closed doors are beginning to open. Good work, HRA Scott.

THE HUNA GROUP IN SAN JOSE, CALIF., leader Jean West, has meetings, but the reports I get are of such a nature that I do not know where the meetings are held or at what time or what is being done. Mrs. West may be reached by mail at 4419 Gertrude Drive, Fremont, Calif. 94538. Recently she became acquainted with a Hawaiian who seems to have claimed that he knew all about Huna, but who refused to share his knowledge. If he is like the many I have run into in my time, what he knows and keeps secret might not be helpful to us in learning to do instant or even slow healing of a superior nature. I have run down so many of these people in my time with disappointing results that I no longer have much hope of finding a real Huna initiate in the flesh. I think this group meets on Tuesday nights and have their own meeting place. They go in for all the hyphenate things from Spiritualism to hypnosis.

NEW HRA OLIVER THOMAS, of La Crescenta, Calif., writes: “My special field of interest is Alcoholics Anonymous.. I have been active in regular local meetings and institutional work with AA and have not had a drink since my first meeting ten years ago. Today, young people in their late teens and early twenties are coming to the program and working it successfully. They have usually been heavy users of  ‘pills’ and narcotics, as well as alcohol. Though they arrive ‘quite bent out of shape’ as individuals, it is amazing how fast they grow on the program which is basically spiritual.

“The fundamental trust of AA is that of turning one’s life and guidance over to a ‘Higher Power’ of one’s own understanding; self-analysis of character defects and asking one’s Higher Power to help correct same, making amends and ‘no hurt’ plus serving others by ‘carrying the message’ to others still suffering.

“It is easy to speculate that some or many with this type of daily living philosophy might benefit from Huna. For several years I have pondered the inability of some who seemingly make a strong effort to grasp AA as a program, to get whatever it takes to maintain sobriety. The book, Alcoholics Anonymous, which is the only recognized authority on AA, suggests that these individuals are unable to be honest with themselves. While this can apparently be true from a psychological viewpoint, I suspect the possibility of ‘eating companions’ being responsible for the lack of initial success as well as the drastic personality swings and depressions of those who are successful in staying dry ………..”

Yes, indeed! Those who have eating companions can be spotted easily through a Psychometric Analysis reading, and those wonderful people who give their time to try to help them can be guided by this knowledge. If the person is by nature counter clockwise in his Aunihipili reading, he may be beyond help. (Our prisons are filled with this type.) But if he is a normal individual who is periodically obsessed, then the obsessing spirits need to be removed. HRA William Boone, of the La Mesa Huna Group, is doing excellent work along this line, and I have a letter just in from a gentleman who is a freelance writer who wishes to come to visit me as soon as possible and discuss his additions to the PA reading system as we now have it. HRA Boone uses such readings to locate eating companions and fixations, and then works mentally to clear the person in question. My new correspondent tells me that with a surcharge of mana he can dislodge the eating companions while letting the pendulum swing and holding the contact. He tells of how he demonstrated the reading method at a private girls’ school and that two girls went off the deep end and ran down the halls tearing off their clothes. He treated via pendulum and mana and they were immediately rescued and set right. Some years ago I knew a man who was expert with the pendulum and who treated by swinging the pendulum over the palm of the patient or over his picture or signature until the movement, whatever it might be, changed to a good and normal clockwise circle, at which time he considered the patient cured. I will try to find time for a visit with this new friend and do what I can to help him, at least with theories. He plans to do a book on the subject.

ONE OF MY RECENT FRIENDS, through correspondence, sends in additional information on “Zone Therapy” which was mentioned in HV 91 in connection with the article on Vivaxis. He writes: “We were particularly interested in your explanation of ‘Zone Therapy’. I have taken this course of instruction, or rather, study of technique in what is known as the ‘Reflex Method of Compression Massage’ in its application to the glands and kindred ailments based on Zone Therapy – ten zones – via the reflexes, in accordance with the principles as discovered and outlined by the late Wm. H. Fitzgerald, MD. Whereby the nerves of the body may be likened to an electrical system. The ability of the body to make normal contact with the electricity in the ground through the feet and from the elements or atmosphere determines the degree of power we are able to manifest in the proper functioning of these glands. Have you ever noticed when your feet are cold – you are cold and uncomfortable all over? Some day when I’m down your way I’ll give you a demonstration of that Zone Therapy and its relation to Gland Reflexes and also show you the chart of how our organs relate to the foregoing. The method has contributed largely to the excellent state of health my wife and I have been enjoying these many years past. I believe it is just as well that you do not give my name if you use this information.”

In Hollywood some years ago, when I was trying to organize a group to try out the Huna healing methods, we became “hyphenated” all the time with everything other than Huna being brought up for discussion. Among them was Zone Therapy, and one whole evening was taken up by a most well intentioned gentleman who had us all shoeless while he prodded and pressed our feet for tender points and then nearly slew us one by one, despite howls of protest. If we did not have a tender spot that showed the need of corrective massage, he soon made us one. I fear I was not too well impressed with the method. However, it may be excellent.

HRA, FHF William Boone, of the La Mesa Huna Group in Southern California, comments on my decision not to accept people for the TMHG treatment who are not HRAs. He writes: “I think you are right in drawing a line at the ones who are eligible for receiving Huna benefits. Aside from the consideration of justice to those most in need of help, who are Huna members, it is not practical to free people of obsessing entities and low self blocks when they have no connection with Huna groups or no desire to reach a state where they will remain free by reason of the low self balanced growth through Huna teachings, so that they revert to their previous state, of course, by inviting all and sundry to be helped we cannot possibly take care of them.

“As I said before, Max, I am in favor, personally, for our Group of presenting Huna as it is presented by you in Secret Science Behind Miracles. Those with the development to comprehend will accept Huna, while those who cannot will shy at it, no matter what form of presentation is offered.

“There have been two interesting cases of ‘almost instant healing’ of minor conditions by using the FRAME BALANCING TECHNIQUE mentioned to you before. It is a matter of accumulating more mana before projecting it, I find, for healing. There may be some connection between the polarization healing process you write about – the Vivaxis – and this method of Huna mana projection that I use. I find that this ‘immediate healing’ method is somewhat weakening until I accumulate more mana myself afterwards. The whole thing probably centers around the stabilizing of these vibrations concerned with a normal health condition, brought about on the stream of mana by the High Selves… Our Group is progressing in learning and enthusiasm for Huna.”

I am most impressed by the near approach being made to instant healing. One step leads to another, and one fine day we may see healing carried on in a much better way than at present. We learn and learn and practice makes perfect.


The Gospel Renewed Anew By Jesus, Vol. 1, received by James A. Padgett. Publishers, Foundation Church of the New Birth, Inc., P.O. Box 996, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D.C., price $5.00. This book was sent me on loan by a good friend by letter, and is made up of messages from Jesus, the Disciples, Mother Mary, and a number of other famous people of Bible days. His wife also often has messages. In addition there is considerable material of an introductory nature written by Dr. Leslie R. Stone, who undertook to publish the many messages and who has been active in forming a church to continue interest.

Mr. James A. Padgett, medium through which most of the messages came, was born in 1852 in Washington, D.C. He received a good education and became a practicing lawyer. At college he came to know Prof. Joseph Salyards, who died in 1885, but who came back as a spirit communicator to give messages through Mr. Padgett, who very gradually developed his mediumistic powers until, in time, and despite much doubting and questioning, came to produce messages in automatic writing – messages that gradually became rather startling because of the spirits giving them… foremost among whom was JESUS.

In the double preface, which runs some 32 pages, we have a very revealing account of the life and development of Mr. Padget, all written by Mr. Stone. But, as his own prize offering, Mr. Stone tells of his finding his SOUL MATE, in spirit. She arrived by way of seances, identified herself, gave many messages, and was able to give two excellent spirit photographs which are reproduced in the book. One is overlaid on a picture of Mr. Stone which was taken by a Mr. Wm. Keeler. The second picture is one which shows the lady alone. She appeared as a rather young woman, brunette, and beautiful, her hair curled and curls hanging down her back. He reproduces a message received from her by Mr. Padgett. I quote: 
”I am here, Mary Kennedy.

“So believe that I am with you and let not doubt as to my existence enter into your mind for one moment. You have seen me in my photographs and while they do not show me as I really am in my condition of glory and beauty, yet they will give you some idea of how I might look if I were merely a spirit in the light.

“Give my love to Leslie and tell him that though he has a picture of me which will last for only a little while, yet he has a love that will continue with him not only through his mortal life but one that will never end in all eternity.
Goodnight with all my love, Mary.”

Dr. Stone gives us still more on the matter earlier in his preface. He says, “Before concluding I want to write about my soulmate, Mary Kennedy… I am adding photographs of Mary as she materialized in the studio of Mr. William Keller, brother of Pierre Keller, who I have said, was a slate writing medium I had met at Lily Dale. The pictures were taken in Washington, D.C., in February 1920, where I sat, and in one she appeared, poised and calm, with certain spirit lights above her head and partly across my body. Such illumination blotted out the black tie I was wearing at the time. Yes, my Mary is a glorious, living spirit of the Celestial Heavens. (This is the higher heaven where evolved spirits lived. mfl.) I have many writings through her from Mr. Padgett and more recently through an associate of mine. I hope you will enjoy the messages from her.”

Unfortunately, Dr. Stone does not tell us whether he ever knew Mary in the flesh, but I take it he did not. Nor does he say whether or not he was married at the time of her introduction, or what the relation might have been with his living wife, if he had one. From her message, which I have quoted, it is to be seen that she anticipates an “eternal” union in love on the other side, and had we her full correspondence, we might look for things to indicate a knowledge of the final UNION of Graduation which is so stressed in the secret code of the Gospels.

There have been, to my knowledge, messages given through mediums from at least two spirit communicators, each of whom claimed to be the original Jesus of the New Testament. I have forgotten the name of the other medium, but her messages were made into book form and sold with a flourish by the gentleman who founded the Silver Shirts and was jailed for a few years as a result. I like this Jesus much better. He has many more definite ideas to my way of thinking.

No matter how you stand in the matter of the historicity of Jesus, as a man who once lived in the flesh, or as the leading actor in a great Initiatory Mystery Drama, I would invite you to imagine yourself to be a spirit who had found a good medium through whom to write. You are well versed in things of the Bible, and you are very anxious to cause a revision of the Christian faiths of the day – very anxious to correct many contradictions and clear up many points of doctrine and dogma. What would you do? If you wanted to get a hearing, you might claim to be Jesus, himself, or you might try to get attention by predicting dire happenings to come. Ordinary messages which we find by the book-full get so little attention from busy people in these uncertain times, and even if you get your message across, it does not last long. Some “seeker” is bound to go hunting for a newer and more exciting message. Yes, best be Jesus and make the most of it, I say.

A CHARMING PICTURE is presented by Padgett’s messages. Jesus comes very highly recommended. He is in the higher or “Celestial” heaven, together with Dr. Stone’s soul mate, the Disciples, Paul, Moses and a number of others. The medium’s grandmother is still in the lower heavens, but she sends messages telling how wonderful Jesus appears to them on her level, and urging that he be accepted. at full face value. The impression one gets is that of seeing the highly advanced spirits descending through the lesser heavens to contact the medium and also to listen and watch at Sunday services which the medium attends, frequently making comments on what the preacher has said, and always correcting him on some point of doctrine and belief. Jesus signs himself, “Your brother and friend”. There is little in his corrected version of Christian teachings with which one cannot agree at least in part, and one gets the impression that the spirit is trying very hard to stay within the letter of the law and still inject some good common sense and some fine inspiration into Christianity as it is found in the several churches of today. He even goes so far as to praise Christian Science for some of its concepts and ideas about God. I am not sure to what extent he might praise Huna for its ideas, but feel that had he known of the ancient and original source of Christianity, he would have given it limited acceptance.

To return to my question: what would you say if you were a spirit Jesus and were asked about your divinity and the Trinity, and about the part played by the Holy Ghost? You probably would have a difficult time formulating an answer which would fit the need, but would not entirely deny the best aspects, but still would not make Jesus a part of the god head or duplicate that error for the Holy Ghost. I am filled with admiration as I read his careful answers and see how cleverly he treads between the pitfalls.

HE IS NOT DIVINE he says, but as he has a soul that can aspire to the love of God, and as he has done this, he and the “Father are one” in a soul quality which is the higher love. All through his message giving he urges that one pray to be given that divine love – given it as a gracious gift to lift one from the lesser man to the higher or Celestial level. He is not God, but an elder brother.

“THE HOLY SPIRIT is that part of God’s spirit that manifests His presence and care in conveying to men’s souls his divine love.” There are other and similar spirits, a creative spirit, a caring spirit, and the spirit who makes effective His laws, but these are quite different from the Holy Spirit mentioned in the New Testament. It bears the gift of divine love and may give it by degrees if one ‘prays long and steadily. It is indeed, a “Comforter”. At the Pentecost the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples was a giving of the divine love, and nothing more. “Much of the healing” writes Jesus, “of physical ills is caused by powers that are bestowed upon men, or some men that are not connected with or proceed from the Holy Spirit.” (This seems a little confused, as love, not men, is said to “proceed from the Holy Spirit”.) The scheme of Creation, according to Jesus, is very important in the light of what comes later. Dr. Stone explains it on page XXII.

“Human souls created by the Father, according to the messages, are duplex: they are male and female in composition and at the time of incarnation divide into their two component parts. Each thereafter in the  flesh is a complete soul as to itself. These soul mates may or may not meet and marry in the flesh, depending upon various conditions and circumstances which prevail at the time of their marriage. Soul mates, after death, eventually meet and stay together in real soul mate love, though not before a period of purification, and in accordance with their condition of soul.” (I take it reincarnation did not come into the calculation at that period, or was ignored. The period of purification would seem to take the place of experience gained by incarnating several times.)

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