Huna Vistas Bulletin #95

HV78-headerMay-June, 1970

Hearing From the HRAs


THE RECEPTION OF THE LAST HUNA VISTAS has been enthusiastic on the whole.

One long time HRA was impatient with the material, What Jesus Taught In Secret, as we have covered this going and coming for several years. She asked me not to send her any more of this kind of material. Some very appreciative letters have arrived, with two HRAs most pleased to have additional light thrown on Christianity and the mystery teaching that lies behind the Four Gospels. I gather the idea that most HRAs consider the pace too fast, and would like to see me spread out the material and present things with more detail until the readers become slightly more acquainted with the newness of things. Some misconception has resulted, and one good HRA wrote, “I am so glad you take a stand for the reality of Jesus as a person. The belief that Jesus really lived is still changing people’s lives.” I admit that I have, as I said I would in the bulletin, handled the reality of Jesus without bringing up the question of the actuality of the man as a living human. I think we are all anxious to try to build on the faith which prospective readers might bring to the religion which we are setting forth as the teaching behind the outer teaching. There will be time enough for the readers to answer the question of “reality” for themselves after seeing what is being offered. It must be remembered that I may be quite wrong in my conclusion that Jesus is only the leading actor in a great mystery drama of initiation.

So far, I have had no reaction from anyone of Christian background and beliefs who has been brought to read the bulletin. I gave one of the bulletins to a very promising younger man, a Catholic, and asked him to call me up and let me know how he reacted. He happened to be a postal worker who delivered a load of books to me and was curious about what I put into my books. I responded happily by offering him the bulletin and a very brief explanation of the research angle, only later learning that he was a Catholic. I could, of course, still hear from him, but I hardly expect to after almost a month.

The Portland Group has responded with much enthusiasm to my call for help in testing the piece. They called for 35 more copies of the bulletin and have planned a meeting, with some forty people invited to attend, most of them youngish, and mostly of Christian backgrounds. If there is a report in on the outcome of the experiment before I finish cutting the stencils, I will give it. The group has had sheets mimeographed asking for age, sex, and reaction to the material. The results should be enlightening, to say the least. One group member asked for 5 copies of the bulletin to mail to her friends whom she thinks might have their interest kindled. Several copies have been sent to HRAs desiring duplicates, and a few have asked for multiple copies without saying what they intended to do with them. A NEW GROUP IN SPARKS, NEVADA, near Reno, has been started and the tapes have been sent. In fact, Reno and Las Vegas both seem to be showing unusual interest in Huna. In San Francisco a small group of friends have the Short Talk tape lectures and will soon get started.

OTHER GROUPS ARE ACTIVE. William Glover has sent in two rewrites made up from my longer lectures, these are No. V and VI, and run just 30 minutes. I have put the rewrites on tapes and HRA Glover tells me that while the original group has disbanded, owing to people moving away and interest being lost for one reason or other, he now has three new groups about to get started, and will use the new writes of the tapes with them. (He also might tape his telling of the Huna Story of Creation, second installment, as told to his small daughter, who calls this “The God Story”, and who loves it above all other stories. This first story of the series can be duplicated for anyone who wishes a copy.)

IN AUSTRALIA, a group is getting started, and gives promise of at last doing well. In New Zealand, the tape lectures have been duplicated and passed around so that Huna is gradually getting known and friends also share my books with others. No word has been had from the Eva Becker Group near New York for some weeks. This is the center of a most interesting experimental school in which well qualified teachers started last Fall to teach acting, music and related subjects. Plays dealing with Huna were also to be staged by students. So far as I know, the regular group activities had to be dropped because the leaders were all too busy with the school. I hope one day to have good news of the project.

William Boone reports two Huna groups working in La Mesa, near San Diego. HRA Boone gives much spare time to helping others get rid of obsessions and fixations, and the reports I get from HRAs who have been helped, or whose friends have been helped, are most gratifying.

Jim Egan, reports that the Thetis Island Group is going strong, and that two members had friends who were treated by HRA Boone and were helped, one staying helped, but the other having slipped back into his former contact with an obsessing spirit. HRA Egan’s report was made on the tape I had sent with another group report on it, and his recorder failed to erase the first voice, so I cannot send it out as a dub, although it is very interesting. Fortunately, the Egan recording was a little stronger than my dub, and it is possible to make out the louder voice over the other, that of HRA Glover. The Canadian group is mainly interested in healing, and efforts to get them to experiment with the Aunihipili and try to teach the box trick and the use of the pendulum in P.A. readings have left the members cold. Most of them, I am told, are of the older group or age level, with a strong ingredient of Spiritualists.

THE TIME CHANGE IS HERE AGAIN for the Telepathic. Mutual Healing Group, and we are now on daylight saving time for the summer. I sit at 3 and 7 daily and do my best to call down Help and Guidance for those who request it. Many join in regularly and send me mana to pass on the the Great Company of Aumakuas with my invocations. The results are often excellent, although I send the names on to HRA Boone when there is a P.A. reading of spirit botheration to be contended with, or some strong fixations. This week one of the HRAs living in Canada, wrote, “Again – as happened so many times before – within minutes of dropping my (request) letter into the post box to you, things took a decided turn for the better. What is it, Max? How come just getting your letter posted is so important? I agree this sounds superstitious and like ‘Popery’ but it has happened several times, too often not to have something behind it.” This call was part of a complicated case in which HRA Boone has been helping greatly. I had the signature of the writer and of her husband in the TMHG collection, and had been working on both twice a day. So, when she wrote her request for Help, the very fact that she put it into writing seems to have set the Aumakuas and their forces to work. Prayer is worship in Huna, the highest form of devotion to the Aumakuas, who hover [over] us and are only too glad to Help if we but do our part. In the language of the Huna Code, “to worship” is hoo ano ano, which from the roots means “to make a strong or doubled SEED”, and the secret behind this is that when the Auhane has made the thought-form of the desired condition, and has given it to the Aunihipili to “double” the strength of the “seed” before sending it with mana to the Aumakuas, the three selves are brought together into fine working contact. Huna differs from all other systems in that we learn through it to pray in a very special manner. Our prayers are not “breathless” ones, as were those of the early Missionaries who surprised the Hawaiians when, without accumulating mana, stopping long to get their prayer pictures just right, and then making the proper approach to the Aumakuas, they raised a hand and started with no preparation to ask for what they wanted. Ha oli, as I have often reminded you, means, “breathless” and is the name given the white people by the Hawaiians. Remember, no breathing to accumulate mana, no sending of a powerful of “seed” to the Aumakua to be grown to a “reality” for you. Also, remember, “No HURT: no SIN.” Take a few minutes out each day, and worship your Utterly Trustworthy Parental Spirit – or, just think lovingly of the Father-Mother and make it a little gift of mana while picturing your life being Guided by its superior wisdom and superior power, if you have supplied it with mana.

“DEAR MAX”, writes HRA C.E. Saunders of Peachland, B.C., Canada: “I have a ‘viewing screen’. This is a large sheet of white cardboard hung up behind my work table – and on it I see those I treat – much easier than trying to see them in a crystal ball. I have been listening to your 6th and 7th tape lectures before sending them over to the group at Oliver. And I have been trying to make sense out of the Huna Three Separate Selves idea, and the answer just won’t come out right. Here is the problem: (a) The Aunihipili has all the memories and emotions, (b) Graduation (from Auhane to become a Aumakua) comes and the Auhane goes up to be an Aumakua, but has no memories or emotions. (c) The Aunihipili moves up to be an Auhane, but apparently ditches all its past memories and starts off with a new Aunihipili who has no memories at all????

“We learn that ALL LIFE and ALL BEING is ONE, then why not ALL SUBCONSCIOUS MIND? It seems to me that to say Huna contains ALL that is of value in ALL religions is sticking your neck out altogether too far. Man has developed through the ages, and the Cosmic did not tip out ALL of Truth into the laps of the kahunas, but gives us more, as we are able to receive it! As regards the matter of NO HURT – that was part of my code of ethics long before I ever heard of HUNA.

“When doing P.A. readings, it should be possible to learn what line of endeavor is best suited for a youngster – be it art, music, healing, science or what have you. Aloha, C.E. Saunders.”

I COMMENT: HRA Saunders is a Huna-hyphenate after my own heart. He experiments, does very well with his healing ministrations, and raises questions which may help round out the Huna System as I have tried to put it together from the very old pieces picked up all the way from ancient Egypt to later Polynesia.

While most religions are based upon Divine revelation or on a book which has been inherited and the contents of which have come to be believed, I fear Huna lacks both these sources. While I have not paused to repeat between every paragraph of what I have written, the warning that I may be dead wrong in my conclusions, I have hoped to remind the reader often enough to prevent my book, say a century from now, from becoming “Holy Writ”. I stand corrected  whenever anyone delights me by thinking carefully about what I have set down, and bringing up a question.

When, as I see the Huna beliefs, the Auhane Graduates to become an Aumakua, then the Aunihipili becomes a new Auhane. From the animal level arrives a new Aunihipili. So, the man starts with a clean slate, he has no memories of a past incarnation as a human being, but as a savage man he may dream of being a tiger or ape or dog. Most of us do not remember what we did in past incarnations as it is, so I see little difficulty. The new Aumakua, which knows all that has gone before by a strange process of mentation quite foreign to the Aunihipilis, will furnish the Guidance for the Three self man. I see no objection to this way of considering the evolutionary process.

The belief that ALL LIFE and ALL BEING merges into a “ONE” may be very right, but for a time there seems to be separation into stones, trees, mullygrubs and man. The ultimate evolution may end with all life being drawn back into the Cosmic, but to my way of thinking, that is not of the “here and now” but of the distant future. HRA Saunders asks, “why not ALL SUBCONSCIOUS MINDS?” I suppose that would answer the problem of there being three selves. or, we could have all life belonging to the conscious mind level, or to that of the Aumakuas or of the still higher beings, even God. It might make things simpler to think about, but then we would still have all the problems left which Huna seems to me to explain.

I still think that Huna DOES contain ALL that is of real value in any religion. To my way of figuring things, the “Cosmic” poured just as much of the “Truth” into the laps of the kahunas as into the laps of other founders of religious systems. Of course, I have to qualify the statement by saying that as a privileged Huna-hyphenate, I claim the same privilege as the others of the breed (may its tribe increase), and toss out all the ideas that seem to me to be less than the “Truth”. For instance, I consider the idea of a Universal Subconscious not as good as that of a Universal Mind which would include all forms and levels of consciousness. I refuse stoutly to accept the revelations of Joseph Smith through his gold tablets and his version of “Truth” as set down in the Book of Mormon. Huna is an excellent system and I recommend it to all HRAs. Accept what seems rational and good and true, also what may help one in living a happy, healthful and helpful life.

And finally, if HRA Saunders can find in a P.A. reading the natural talents of a youngster and help the parents to guide the child into a fitting occupation, more power to him. I can’t do it, although I have tried several times. Each to his own gifts, say I, and happy be the individual who finds a Service fitted to his personal psychic or other talent. Yes, the idea of NO HURT seems to be slightly older than my first book. The early Egyptians had also in some way discovered it.

ONE OF OUR AUSTRALIAN HRAs reported that he had tried out VIVAXIS and, with a friend, had found the friend’s Vivaxis at the top of a small hill, also that the vision of a king sitting on the top of the hill was seen by his companion in the adventure. He reports no healing and that he had a feeling that the method was one which his own experience with it prompted him to say that he had quite finished with it. He suggested that we have more P.A. readings reported in the Huna Vistas, and particularly asked for more information on the methods used by HRA William Boone for clearing away fixations and spirit influences from people, either at first hand or by means of the aka thread contact to be had from signatures or pictures of those asking for his help.

I wrote to Mr. Boone and asked for an article or description covering his work and his methods. He was generously obliging, and here is his reply:


Max has asked me to write something about the technique of removing the obsessing entities and fixation blocks.

First, I must say that I am only the medium through which the Aumakua’s power acts, as I frequently find that certain entities are too strong for my individual psychic strength to handle, and that I must ask the Aumakua’s help, which is always promptly forthcoming. I always offer a good surcharge of mana to the Aumakuas before attempting exorcisms.

I have been asked by different people if it is possible for me to instruct others to do the same work, and the only answer I can give is that those with certain psychic abilities may be able to do the work, but only by making the effort can they ever know. Help will come to them as the work is done. In my case, my “George” gave me a rapid training in the use of the pendulum for locating and determining the nature of entities, the number and kind of fixation blocks, the two Lower Selves’ degree of development, their natures and problems, etc.

If a person does not have the overall development necessary, then the psychic ability must be developed separately. The training of the Aunihipili in the accurate and dependable use of the pendulum is the first necessity for locating and checking on the entities and the fixation blocks. Next, the ability to psychometrize must be well developed. This embraces powers of visualization and voluntary control of the attention. Strong will power and ability to concentrate, of course, is a must in the beginning for the psychic authority and control to do the work.

As for the entities who obsess the living, a large book could be written about them for they are as diversified and complex as the troubled lives of their earthly victims.

I have found that by following the methods of the kahunas, as given in Max’s books I have been helped greatly. I know that the Huna use of breathing for mana production is highly necessary. The processes are faint and I am weakened considerably unless enough mana is produced beforehand.

The aka substance from pictures or from writing leads my Aunihipili to the person’s shadow bodies, where the work is done. It is significant that I now contact and influence the Aunihipilis of a person in the same way that the kahunas used to find and restore the drowned boy to life. This technique can be used in many ways to help people on the psychic plane.

The first, and greatest, requisite is FAITH, of course. One must believe in the reality of whatever takes place, accept it, master it, and use it in a positive manner, at the same time being alert to the guidance and help of the Aumakuas, who know and who will direct us rightly when necessary.

We are using certain methods in our Huna Fellowship Group here in La Mesa, California, that can develop the psychic abilities for this work and hope to have others who can do it completely so or in part time.

We are following in the footsteps of the ancients, who were the fit instruments of the Aumakuas and their work and we will find the same guidance if we dedicate ourselves – Aunihipili and Auhane – to the principles of Huna and sincerely seek that guidance.

It has been said that  “there is no easy path to virtue”. The same is true of psychic abilities usable on this earthly plane. Sometime, somewhere work has to be done to develop them or, rather, to reactivate them. It is true, also, that certain people have psychic abilities waiting to be uncovered and will become  active when encouraged. A book, which influenced my development of the psychic abilities for this work, is In My Mind’s Eye by a professional psychic named Fred Marion. His method is called Cryptesthesia, crypto meaning “hidden”. He used Huna methods without being aware of it, even to the taking of deep mana breaths before beginning work. He could contact the Aunihipilis of people through their writing or photographs and receive impressions and images of a meaningful nature concerning the life and problems of the person. At one time, he idly picked up a photo of an acrobat friend and perceived a warning of great danger which saved the man from falling from a defective trapeze. (Note: Crypto is a most interesting root word. It has the additional meaning of – in cryptogram – a “hidden or concealed” writing. mfl.)

The nature of psychic abilities, or gifts, are such as to cause the same ability to express itself in many and varied ways in different people. It seems that each person is directed into different ways of service according to prevalent tendencies in the person’s overall consciousness. Nothing can be predicted – no course can be mapped out with certainty. People can only develop and go in their own peculiar path of growth and work at what they find before them. It seems that there is more of a falling into the work we do rather than the deliberate selection of what we do. Everyone should strive to awaken or strive to develop latent psychic powers, for this is the ultimate state of being which man is collectively evolving toward and must have for achieving high spiritual growth and the powers we will use in the next life that we are all gravitating toward.

I will be glad to hear from anyone regarding their experiences and psychic efforts and will help them in any way possible. (Address Wm. F. Boone, 8413 1/2 Lemon Ave., La Mesa, Calif. 92041. A stamped and self-addressed envelope will be appreciated to carry back your reply. mfl.)

HRA WILLIAM BOONE’S HELP is really remarkable. I have a letter just in as I write, from a fairly new HRA who suspected that he might need some help in this part of the field and who says, “Well sir, although not overly surprised at what Mr. Boone found with me, I was none the less aghast to learn about it from one who knows, can be trusted, and knows what to do about it. Even before I received his statement of what he had found – and what he was doing about it – I was most certain that he HAD done something marvelous in my behalf. It is my consideration that this is a service that no one should do without if they are really trying to make any personal progress toward enlightenment and unfoldment. For myself, the wonder is that a person can be anywhere near rational with all that interference blocking him.” I am warmed and made happy by every good report that comes in. Perhaps we should award Mr. Boone a medal of sorts for being our first kahuna. At least he is getting many “stars in his crown”.


Let me report the latest on the method. Mrs. Nixon, who discovered it and has written two books on her system, has recently given up treating people and has organized a corporation in Canada. The corporation, I suppose, is to take over the work load and it is soliciting funds in the way of gifts, but for what purpose the funds are to be used, the paper I saw did not say. Meantime, Mrs. Nixon has been traveling about giving seminars in which she has taught her methods to those wishing to be given intensive instruction.

HRAs Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sorin, of Northern California, were down Vista way a short time ago and told me of their experience in taking the seminar training from Mrs. Nixon. As they both use the pendulum expertly and are both interested in Vivaxis and Huna and all such matters, they were able to give me considerable information and even to demonstrate the use of the two angle wires in finding one’s Vivaxis. They reported some excellent results for at least one woman in the class who was put into line with her Vivaxis and depolarized. Their own cases gave less positive results, but they felt that they had been helped at least to some extent.

The angle wires they showed me are made of wire about the thickness of that found in coat hangers as they are sent out by the cleaners, but the wires were made from welding rods, and each was sharpened to a point at the end that is held downward. They let me make a photocopy of the typed notes Ralph had taken while attending the seminar. He knows what they mean, and we can get the general drift from them, short as they are. I will reproduce a few of them for you in case your interest in Vivaxis still continues. (I confess that I haven’t gotten around to making a second series of tests with my shoes off, shame on Cigbo – who takes the blame for almost anything that I toss in his small direction, faithful Kat that he is.)


  • Always walk with head level at all times, everywhere.
  • Practice on receptors, do not press.
  • Close eyes to keep from picking up other rays.
  • If too many receptors on head are out, means a mental case.
  • Check brain receptors at one time, others at another time.
  • It is best to be above elevation of Vivaxis when checking.
  • Check yourself, head down, counting, one wire – if no receptor is out.
  • Do not sleep in your channel.
  • Sit on bed, if wire goes round and round, use another bed.
  • Liver receptor on inside of elbow too.
  • Keep spine straight when testing.
  • To check another, he shuts eyes out of channel, check top of head then back of head. 
  • Center of top of head is center of magnetism, rod goes one way one side, then the other way 2nd side. 
  • Always stimulate with head down, repeat multiplication tables, to keep out others. 
  • When polarizing head be sure to do feet too, bringing disturbance down. 
  • Correcting thyroid, do head and feet, do not touch thyroid. 
  • If points check on cheek bones they will also be straight back on rear of head. 
  • For a cold, polarize only three times three hours apart – swallow, breathe deeply. 
  • The one doing the testing must know where his Vivaxis is located and stay out of it. 
  • There will be a difference if one is above or below Vivaxis. 
  • Also if hand is above or below eyes – X-rays must be out first. 
  • Everything must be reasoned, not memorized. 
  • To get the channel of another, have head level, touch one ear and body fluids, cross over, head down then check other side. Do not press, barely touch.
  • When polarizing colds be sure to swallow saliva for throat stimulation, breathe deeply through nose. 
  • Normal when wires go one way on one side, the other way on the other side of the body. 
  • Center of magnetic influence, the point of the nose, wire points then reverses. 
  • Brain receptors out, get in channel, eyes shut, tell eyes to move backwards and sideways, stop at count of four, move 90 degrees, another 90, all four points. 
  • Always stand higher than the one being checked.

There is another page of notes, but this will give you an idea of the many things that must be done or not done. It sounds as though Mrs. Nixon had worked out a system that grows steadily more complicated, and I fear that everything I did was wrong, and probably will be wrong if I continue without first having taken her special course at first hand.

GREAT NEWS: Riley Hansard Crabb, head of the Borderland Research Associates, editor of their journal, and student whose long and varied studies in the occult and psychological field deserve at least a doctorate for him, has taken time from his busy life of lecturing, writing and traveling to put together a lecture on the kahunas and their lore. I have just had the pleasure of listening to his new lecture as given in San Francisco before an audience gathered under the auspices of Fritzi Armstrong at her Metaphysical Center, and I am told that the lecture was greatly applauded. (I listened to a tape.)

The lecture, which was given on April 24th, begins with a survey of the news of the day from the papers, and comments on the growing restlessness in the U.S.A. these days, perhaps brought about by cosmic influences and certainly being observed by the Flying Saucer and other invisibles. From this present day field he moves with easy grace into the Hawaii which I loved and left in 1933. He came a little later and lived there longer than I did, observing the remaining kahunas and their work, and telling of the healings performed by a native Hawaiian woman who appeared after my time. He spoke of the Flying Gods of Old Hawaii, and suggested that some of these might have been UFO’s, telling the story of a ball of fire which followed power lines in Manoa Valley and dimmed the lights for several seconds during a lecture which he was giving before the Theosophical Society members at the time. He, by the way, was president of this society in Honolulu for a number of years, and one sees the coloring his Theosophical knowledge often gives his comments and conclusions. I also came up through this school and feel that it is the finest training possible for one attempting to understand the kahunas and what they did and why.

The late and loved Daddy Bray was active as the last of the kahunas in the days under discussion, with Dr. Pluharich and others filling out the picture. But the lecture reaches back much farther to make a start, and a picture is drawn which is almost more than filled by the very large Hawaiian queen who visited the Missionaries, modestly dressed in nothing, and who later led her people in a day of grand house cleaning in which the then corrupt temple kahunas were deposed, the idols burned, and the temple platforms more or less taken apart.

Soon striking his stride, Riley gets down to the serious business of describing kahuna uses of what we call “magic” and divide into BLACK AND WHITE. He tells of a paper read by an early Theosophist and later published, in which he describes how the black magicians among the kahunas went about making an Aunihipili which would then obey his orders as an “elemental” and go to do his bidding in killing people, gathering information and so on. While this information is incomplete and shows that the writer was not aware of the fact that only the subconscious selves could be so captured and controlled by hypnotic suggestion, the story is interesting.

The tape is completed with some excellent chanting in which Riley shows a surprising proficiency, and in which Daddy Bray chants a blessing with great fervor and feeling. A good example of the line at  a time or prompted chant is given, and Mr. Crabb manages to follow it for a time before having to drop out. There are also some of the old favorite Hawaiian songs, and the listener is left with a fine sense of beauty despite all the difficulties and dangers touched upon in the lecture. It is to be hoped that this is only the first of a long series of lectures on the ways of the kahunas of yesterday, and that audiences accustomed to expect slightly different subject matter from earlier lectures, will swing over into the part of the field where so much is still to be explored. The tape, “White and Black Magic in Hawaii” by Riley Hansard Crabb is to be had directly from him, tax and postage paid, and orders should be placed with him at P.O. Box 548, Vista, CA., 92083, and your check should be made out for $4. 50. Send to him direct, not thru me, please.

DID THIS POET KNOW HUNA? One of the good HRAs sent me the following poem from Unity’s DAILY WORD. It is untitled, but by R.H. Grenville. I underscore the sections that suggest Huna.

In meditation, as I thought about
The substance of which all that is, was made,
And tried to picture it, my mind took fire with joy.
My soul was awed, but unafraid,
Each drop a spark, each spark a living thing
I was immersed in gladness like a tide,
And each transformed cell began to sing
For rapture and for wonder. Then a voice
Spoke gently in the region of my heart:
“Of all that is prepared, thou hast but seen
The fragment of a fragment’s smallest part.
Try not to stretch your mind to My Mind’s measure;
But seek to match your purpose to My will,
And whatsoever vessel your faith brings Me,
I will fill. “

A very lovely meditation verse at any rate, and we are reminded that “All Truth is one.”


The three astronauts who went up with the ill-fated Apollo 13 make good subjects as their pictures may be found in many magazines and newspapers. I read from the April 24th issue of LIFE magazine. Lovell has a degree reading of 377, Haise of 370, and Swigert of 368. All have clockwise leaning will patterns at about 12:30 on the chart face, showing great “‘will” or concentration power and drive. All have good round clockwise Aunihipili circles. No sign of fixations or obsessions. A most exceptional set of very good and intelligent men.

Fidel Castro, of Cuba gives an interesting reading of 294 degrees, well below the 330 level at which people begin to grasp abstractions. He has a V will pattern, and his Aunihipili circle is a thin circle with its axis leaning to 11 o’clock. We can expect little good for Cuba under such a man.

Bobby Seale, the negro whose trial has been much in the news, and who says, “We must civilize white America,” is hardly the man one would expect to accomplish much. His degree is only 260, although his will and personality circle are on the clockwise side and we see that he means well.

What makes a famous musician? Yehudi Menuhin may furnish the answer. He reads only 340 degrees, but has a will swing at 12:30, indicating great determination and ability to stick to his work. However, the real secret of his success may be found in his Aumakua reading of 560 degrees – very high. He may have a strong element of inspiration to help along in his performances.

What makes a great showman? P.T. Barnum, who managed to start “The Greatest Show on Earth” in the early days of the circus in America, reads 345 degrees and is clockwise and normally good. The level of from 340 to 350 is one in which we find many men who have fine business ability and who can enjoy a touch of the psychic insight of the 350 mediumistic level.

BACK ISSUES OF THE HUNA VISTAS are again available alter quite a struggle and the re-cutting of a number of stencils. They are bound in soft covers to open flat. Books I, II, and III contain 25 issues each, but Book IV, only from 76 thru 94, but with the early part of the Huna Stories for Children and the Transcript of the 9 Short Talk tapes. If the set is wanted with  the Index up to issue 89, please ask for it to be included. The price is $7 the book, while the stock lasts. Much material not found in the regular books has been included in the bulletins, and through them one can trace the slow progress of our research from step to step.

HUNA WORKS FOR A FRIEND who never has belonged to the HRA. She writes:

“All these years, ever since 1954 when I read your books and joined the Becks and their New York City Group, I have used the Huna method of healing with great success. Did you know that for a few years I worked with a doctor in Manhattan doing absent healing? I am really best at this. What I term telepathic healing. I seem to be able to see the very inside of any given situation whether the problem be physical or psychical. This led me into some very strange areas of healing and some variations on the Huna theme. For one, I became an exorcist somewhere along the line. I used the usual method of taking in vital force with the total Aunihipili cooperation and then tuned into the ‘patient’. Then I contacted the patient’s Aumakua and sometimes had to create a very strong link on the Aumakua level between myself and whoever I was healing. But mainly, I was given two helpers in the ether, years ago, and they assisted and sometimes were away ahead of me, but it seems as though I provide the link, and that without my mana or force, not much could be done. In any case, I have been successful at healing. I do not do this professionally, but I have received some handsome checks from several people in gratitude ……..”

I COMMENT: This is a fine confirmation of the fact that mana must be accumulated and sent to the Aumakua or made available to “helpers in the ether” to give them the needed power to work well on this dense level of living. I think we have just begun to realize how important this sending of mana really is. And, of course, there can be no telepathic contact without the aka thread or cord, the “web of the spider” which binds all together and makes communication possible. Lastly, no force or mana acting along the aka threads could have meaning or be effective were it not for the INTELLECT guiding the action from all levels. Whether it is the Auhane giving the mental picture to the Aunihipili to deliver to the Aumakua, or to spirit healers called upon to help. All have to have the direction of MIND to be effective. Only Huna, of all healing systems, includes all three elements and presents the information as to their use. Healing demands close team work on the part of the three selves, and the use of the three grades of vital force and the contact means of the shadowy threads. This cannot be too often repeated. No mana, no healing. No aka thread contact, no healing. No MIND to direct the work of the mana, NO HEALING. Ordinary prayer or affirmation is a hit and miss method. We have outgrown that. We are ready to breathe life and power into both prayers and our affirmations of “healing, here and now.”

HRA E.D., writes from Alabama, “I thought your March-April Huna Vistas was just the greatest of them all, and I certainly like the idea of incorporating the ‘Secret’ in a paperback for newsstand distribution. I am going to give this ‘Vista’ away and would appreciate your sending me a replacement. Also, your Transcriptions of the Short Talks is deeply appreciated.”

HRA BLANCHE B., of California, now visiting in the East, reports that one of her younger friends to whom she sent a copy of my SSBM, wrote that the idea of the death prayer and the hypnotic control of separated Aunihipilis had frightened her greatly and she wanted no more to do with Huna. This reaction has been noted, sad to say, at various times from different people. They do not read the book well enough to learn that the last of the death prayer kahunas has long been dead and the danger to one is no longer present. They simply panic and throw up their hands. However, in reading the account of the life of Jesus as given in the Code filled Gospels, they see no threat at all to themselves in the mention of the “devils” who were driven from people by Jesus. These evil and obsessing spirits are just as prevalent now as in the Gospel days, and can do just as much damage. Charles Mansen, leader of the Hippie “Family” who is being tried now in Los Angeles on multiple murder charges, along with his hypnotized associates, is a fine example of “devil” obsession. His P.A. reading gives a 350 degree level making him naturally mediumistic and so inviting spirit influence or obsession. His will pattern is entirely on the 11 o’clock or bad side of the chart face, and his Aunihipili circle is bad, being counterclockwise. That he is a powerful hypnotist is indicated by a powerful will swing at 12 o’clock. I am wondering just how I can handle the “casting out of devils” part of the story of Jesus without danger of frightening people who are already prone to such fright. One walks with great care and must have great sympathy and understanding. Such fright is very serious for those who suffer from it.

REPORTS OF REACTIONS TO THE JESUS TAUGHT IN SECRET BULLETIN have come by now. The Portland Group had a rather poor attendance at their first meeting, but got some of the report sheets filled in and sent them to me. One young man, a divinity student, rejected the whole idea out of hand and affirmed his belief that “Jesus is God”, which ended the matter in so far as he is concerned. His mother and sister were almost as positive, quoting Acts and Pauline verses at me. This was about the reaction expected by the leader of the group, who said she could almost see the “curtain being drawn down” before the presentation was even begun. But, on the other hand, the general reaction from the others was enthusiastic and they wanted to know more.

A “straight A” student in the University at Austin, Texas, was delighted with the presentation and tried it on some of her friends, reporting general interest and the desire to know more.

One young lady of 12, daughter of a college professor, wrote me a very nice letter, surprisingly adult, saying that she understood everything with ease, and that she would like to know more. Her P.A. degree was 372, so her understanding is to be taken for granted, even at her tender age. She said she was much surprised and had never heard anything of the kind before. This is the kind of person who needs Huna and whom we hope to reach. Very soon I shall begin work on the book and start hunting for a publisher. I think we are on the right track and can do a great Service. (No word from my Catholic acquaintance as yet.)

THE SECRET OF “GRADUATION” is very old and Gerald Massey traces it bark to very early Egypt. He wrote: “With Egyptians the soul was of both sexes. The divine being as Ptah, Atum, or Osiris, was of a biune nature. Hence Ptah and Osiris are portrayed as male and female in one image, and the one prototypal soul was discreted as human in the two sexes. In passing through Amenta (or heaven, mfl) the human soul is represented as the male accompanied by the female, the wife, sister or some other female as supplemental to the male. This soul, divided into the two halves of sex, was united again in establishing an eternal soul. The soul was divided into Adam and Eve, the typical two sexes of the Hebrew legend. Adam was Atum in the original mythos. Tefnut (Eve) was not cut out of the side of Shu, (Adam) but she was depicted as the hinder half of the lion with Shu the fore part. Atum was the lion as representative of the soul or force. The soul that lived forever was held to be established for eternity by the female being blended with the male.” (We might add that at the end of a number of incarnations, this final blending of the two parts does not take place – only in the last stage or final incarnation when “two become One” and the graduation into an Aumakua takes place. So, we have the “Father” in Christian literature, with no Mother, for the Mother has blended into the Father.) (The Sphinx was a monument to GRADUATION.)

“In Africa, Melanesia and other parts, “continues Massey, “the women will volunteer to be strangled at the funeral of their husbands, or buried alive in their graves.” (In India, up to modern times it was the custom for the wife to mount the funeral pyre and allow herself to be burned with the husband. We see how old truths are warped as they travel abroad and become meaningless for the most part. The followers of Joseph Smith have a “sealing” ceremony in their temples, and a woman may get herself sealed to any man of her choice, even if other women are sealed to him. In this way she is supposed to partake in a soul – a soul which she lacks otherwise. But try to explain “Graduation” to a Latter Day Saint and see how far you get. Dogmas crystallize, and once accepted, they become fixations for most people.)

HRA EVA BECKER reports that her group near New York keeps her busy, but that she has to support the school which was started for the several arts. For the children’s dramatic class they may make a play of my Children’s Stories, with music written and little songs. Delightful project! MFL

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