HV Newsletter #5 – Winter, 1973

Huna Vistas Newsletters


Dr. E. Otha Wingo, Research Editor
126 Camellia Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA


Dolly Ware, F.H.F., Curator
1501 Thomas Place Fort Worth, TX 76107 USA



CigboBirthdayFebruary 1973 marks the TWENTY-FIFTH anniversary for CIGBO, HRA Cigar Box “kitty”. Although Huna Research Associates was organized, as far as I can determine, in 1945, it was not until February 1948 that the first regular Bulletin was sent out. As is Cigbo’s “customb”, he sends to each HRA a Brirthday Presink. Among the old, old stencils from Max’s study was a one-page article on “The Kahea” (call for help) prayer. The original stencil was cut May 4, 1961, and the deterioration of the fibre caused the ink to leak through. This is therefore sent as a memento as well as for the informative article contained on the page.


A warm thank you for the lovely Christmas cards, notes and letters during the holidays. Auntie Wild Cat says she and Cigbo agreed that holidays can be hollow days, holy days or holly daze and maybe a little bit of both for all of us. I am wishing for each HRA the most blessed and spiritual new year ever as we continue to grow in Huna light, uncovering more and deeper truths.

Glad tidings of good news! Our own Dr. E. Otha Wingo sent the very first copy of his scholarly new book, LATIN PUNCTUATION IN THE CLASSICAL AGE to the MFL Library. Such a scholar our Otha is! The book is bound in a shiny, sea-foam green with white lettering. It is most attractive, consisting of 166 pages and published by Mouton in the Netherlands. Quoting, ”E. A. Lowe, editor of the monumental work, Codices Latini Antiquiores, said that the history of punctuation in Latin manuscripts was a chapter still to be written. This book is that chapter. Although most classicists have assumed that no system of punctuation existed, Dr. Wingo, who studied under the eminent scholar, Revilo P. Oliver of the University of Illinois, has shown in this book that such authors as Cicero, Sallust, and Livy used marks of punctuation in their writing.” Otha’s unique and valuable book is published by Mouton & Co., The Hague, Netherlands. In our next Newsletter we’re hoping to have them available for interested HRA’s. I am giving one in Otha’s honor to our high school library. Others may want to do the same. Congratulations, Otha!

Long time HRA Helen Roberts has recently moved from New York to Florida and sent her collection of Huna books and bulletins to the Library. It was a real treasure trove. We are trying to get as complete a collection as possible of all the old bulletins, interim newsletters, “tinned” letters, Cigbo letters, etc., for the Library. Let us know if you have anything that might not already be in the Library.

Frank E. McConnell has done a painstaking amount of work on the relationship between span of birthdays and the happiness or unhappiness as related to marriages. We hope to have more specific information soon. Thanks, Frank, from all of us.

We have thought that some pertinent quotes from Max Freedom Long would be appropriate and from time to time either Otha or I will select “MAXisms” — or ”MAXims” — for the Newsletters. It’s my time first.


Some of the cutest writings were the “tinned” (mimeographed) letters or Cigbo letters. The following letter was used by Max many years ago and was included in the collection sent by Helen Roberts:

“Dear HRA and friend: “The news here this week is hardly as exciting as last week when we had one of Cigbo’s “earth cakes,” but I am not complaining, very naturally, and am thankful that the after-shocks from the quake have been gentle and have been gradually getting weaker and weaker.

“I rigged a crude seismograph in a corner of the study, consisting of a heavy roll of lead foil with a pencil protruding from the bottom of it — the roll being suspended from the ceiling by a wire, and the tip of the pencil just touching a sheet of paper laid on the cement floor. The idea is that the inertia of the heavy roll makes it resist movement transferred through the wire, with the result that it stands still while the floor and paper move with the quake, causing the tip of the pencil to draw marks to record the size of the quake, if not its duration.

“So far the quakes have been too small to register, the rig being set up after the heavier shakes were over, but Cigbo gets down from his shelf frequently and watches the pencil tip intently for minutes at a time. I suspect the rascal of hoping that a large enough quake will come to make the seismograph work excitingly. (When he is back on his shelf he scratches from one to two minutes in his box, then while resting, gazes hopefully out of the window into the sky — looking for ‘frying sausages’, he says.)

“Speaking of prophets, (not the kind like Cigbo), did I ever tell you that they were called makaulas by the kahunas? The term has a whole list of other meanings, and the root words of which it is composed give meanings which tell a lot about what makes a real prophet. We learn that one must have a contact with the aka cord or through it with the High Self. One must have rid himself of his fixations, and one must have the High Self come down, symbolically, to alight as a bird or spirit or divine influence to give the vision of the future. The freedom from fixations is suggested by the root, kau, which means to tempt as with food, to snare a bird (fixation symbol), and to crucify, (symbol of suffering from fixations and having them removed). Here is a list of root meanings as taken from my dictionary. You can find in them much more concerning the making of a prophet.

“Ma-kau-la: a prophet.
Ma: to be accustomed to do certain things (prophesy?)
Ma: by means of kau-la: a cord or rope (symbol of aka cord to High Self), to tremble with dread, fear or terror, (Trembling accompanies the draining off of fixations, so the E-Therapy boys find.), to be ready or prepared and ready to furnish something (mana?), to have reverence (for High Self?)
Kau:  to hang, to crucify, to tempt as with food, to snare birds, to desire something, set one’s face or desire or direct one’s desire, to light down on one, as a bird, spirit or divine influence, to put something in a designated place, especially a high place to rest upon, to resist, a season or time or a place.

“See just how it is done? (Cigbo says he doesn’t.) Anyway, best alohas, M.F.L.”

Now, a warm welcome to all new HRA’s. I am always happy to answer any nutrition or diet question and will research any other Huna material you need or want.

May there be a spring in your step and a spring in your heart as you jump from the Huna springboard into a real Spiritual growth as we enter the spring season.

SPECTRUM is a new magazine by a new organization, PSI ASSOCIATES (PSI stands for Paranormal Scientific Investigations), HRA Joan O’Connell, Editor, is a well-known writer on UFO’s. The director is Ramona A. Clark, PO Box 50605, Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 32250. (Write for information, or send $4 for a year’s membership, which includes the quarterly publication.)

The first issue generously gives space in the announcement page to list both the Library and the HRA address. All sorts of unusual things are investigated and reported on.

THE STUDY IS BUSTLING with activity since a large shipment of equipment and printed items from Max’s estate arrived in Cape Girardeau. Max had arranged for the things belonging to HRA to be used for the continued work of the organization. After much delay, such things as the IBM typewriter, mimeograph machine, and huge paper cutter are now in daily use at the Study. “Huna angel” (as Max always called her) Dolly Ware made it possible to ship them by a very generous gift to Cigbo. Alice and George Dashiell worked hard in arranging for packing and shipping, literally digging into the storerooms to find everything needed for the HRA work. Among the printed items are many HUNA VISTAS–not complete sets, it seems–but the later issues are in plentiful supply. Also, a good supply of paper, ink, stencils, etc. are here, ready to be put to use. It is a joy to work with many of the things which Max used so many years. — E.O.W.


by Serge V. King
(New HRA Serge V. King, of Los Angeles, Calif., is a writer and is interested in professional research in parapsychology. He writes: I attended the two-day seminar given by the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine on Healing at UCLA. It was a tremendous experience. There were many excellent lectures as well as slides of Kirlian photography of healing energy transferred from one person to another. As far as I was concerned the whole conference was a confirmation of the HUNA concept.” Serge conducts many experiments along the line of mana. Here is an article he wrote for this Newsletter. E.O.W.)

Wilhelm Reich is a name well known to psychologists, although the great majority of these have rejected his teachings. He was a student of Freud who, like Adler, Jung and Stekel, found he could no longer work within Freud’s limitations. A true scientist, he followed wherever his theories and discoveries led — and they led quite a long way from what is usually considered the realm of psychology. Shortly before his death in 1957 he was working on such things as weather control, the curing of cancer, and an energy system for intergalactic travel, all as an out­ growth of his psychological studies.

In this article we shall only be concerned with the relation of Reich’s theory of muscular armor to the esoteric doctrine of “chakras” or energy centers in the physical and astral bodies. There will also be some mention of similarities in the properties of the “bio-energy” of Reich and mana.

To begin with, a brief review of the esoteric doctrines might be worthwhile. In the yogic tradition, the life force enters the body at the medulla oblongata, is polarized and automatically directed by the “third eye” down the spine to the various psychic centers where it is altered in frequency to take care of the bodily needs. Starting at the bottom of the spine, these centers are:

  1. The coccygeal plexus, located at the base of the spine and serving the pelvic region;
  2. The sacral plexus, located a few inches higher and concerned with the maintenance of fluid balance
  3. The lumbar plexus, opposite the navel and connected with the solar plexus; it deals with both physical and psychic heat
  4. The dorsal plexus, located between the shoulder blades and connected to the cardiac nerves, concerned with the movement of the vital airs of the body
  5. The cervical plexus, opposite the throat, concerned with the ether balance
  6. The “Third Eye” center between the eyebrows which automatically controls the life forces
  7. The mid-brain, acting as a storage area and battery for the life force of the body.

Another tradition relates these centers to the base of the spine, the navel, the spleen, the heart, the throat, the third eye, and the top of the head. Still another is the endocrine system, starting with the gonads, Lyden’s cells, the adrenals, the thymus, the thyroid, the pineal, and the pituitary. All of these traditions hold that on the astral level these centers regulate the activity of cosmic energy as it concerns the human spirit. Control over the direction of this energy is sought by concentrating thought on the areas and seeking to cause the energy to flow freely between them. As the centers are activated or opened the energy can actually be felt as a moving current. The result is a freeing of spirit, psychic abilities, and illumination.

Unfortunately, the task of opening these centers is often very difficult. More unfortunate still, the results are not what is usually expected. The release of the energy also seems to release deeply buried complexes of the type which Max Freedom Long so frequently wrote about. The fact is that many people cannot handle the content of what is released. It may frighten them into foreswearing all work on the occult, or it may lead them into a misapplication of the energy that was released when the complex was broken up.

By this time you are probably wondering where Reich fits into all this. Reich was somewhat familiar with Yoga, whose otherworldly philosophy (as he understood it) he rejected. As a scientist he refused to have anything to do with the occult (also as he understood it). Nevertheless, one of his most remarkable discoveries has a direct bearing on the system of psychic centers we have just reviewed.

As Reich searched for the cause of neuroses in his patients he gradually came to realize that particular types of neuroses were characterized by chronic, unconscious rigidity of certain muscle groups in the patient. Relief of this tension by various massage techniques almost invariably produced a strong emotional reaction which was directly related to the neurosis under study. After this cathartic release the patient felt much better and frequently reported feeling a kind of electrical current coursing through him.

After much more study of this phenomenon, Reich was able to localize a series of typical muscle groupings which suffered from chronic rigidity in all neurotic and many apparently non-neurotic individuals. To his great surprise, these groupings, which he called muscular armor, did not follow the anatomical groupings, but were arranged in transverse segments or belts around specific areas of the body. The following list has been rearranged from the way Reich presented it. It is almost as if he purposefully mixed up the order of presentation in his own work in order to avoid any obvious relation to the occult tradition.

From the top down, the first muscle grouping encircles the area around the forehead and the eyes. Second is the area around the mouth. Third is around the neck. Fourth is around the chest. Fifth is around the solar plexus. Sixth is around the abdomen. Seventh is around the pelvis. Seven muscle groupings, seven nerve plexuses, seven endocrine glands. Reich added one more confirmation of the occult tradition without even wanting to.

After his discovery of the muscular armor, Reich began to pay more and more attention to the flow of “current” that his patients reported when the muscles were relaxed. From this he evolved a theory of an actual energy flow which he first took to be electrical in nature and later realized he had stumbled onto something else entirely. This something he called orgone energy and found that it operated not only in the human organism, but also in all of nature. In humans, a free flowing of this energy is essential to psychic and physical health, but this flow is all too frequently blocked by our own belts of muscular armor.

Of particular interest to those trying to rid themselves of complexes and open their psychic centers may be Reich’s finding that he could not begin the relaxation work by starting on the pelvic musculature. It was necessary to start at the head and gradually work downward. Release of the pelvic muscles was considered crucial, since a blockage of sexual expression also effectively blocked the flow of life force. But it was necessary for the energy to begin flowing downward before it could flow back up and therefore the upper muscle belts had to be freed first. Interestingly enough, one of the most effective techniques Reich developed for releasing the upper belts was deep breathing exercises.

There is much, much more that could be said about the relation between Reich’s discoveries in his clinic and laboratories and the various occult traditions of cosmic energy. Only a few more will be related here, and the interested reader can refer to the writings of Reich himself if he wishes. For one thing, Reich found that his bio­energy could be willfully directed. So can mana. He found that it could be accumulated and used for healing. So can mana. He found that it could be accumulated in objects without the use of a human agent, that a concentration of it has a dehydrating effect, that when statically concentrated it causes disease, that it can be used to fertilize the soil, break up and form clouds, cause a tanning of the body, and many other things. Can mana?

It should be obvious that what Reich calls cosmic orgone energy is the same as what we call mana. It should be equally obvious that we have many more discoveries of our own to make. Perhaps this brief introduction to Reich will give additional incentive to other HRA’s.

(A note on the use of the word “occult.” There is a general misunderstanding of what is meant when this word is used and because of this confusion, occult has taken on undue opprobrium. Occult basically means hidden or secret, and refers to teachings given to an inner circle of disciples, who are able to understand because of their special training. Jesus had such a group. He frequently spoke to the multitudes in parables — and then explained the deeper (inner, or esoteric) meaning to the disciples. A good deal of the current misunderstanding is caused by the popular magazine articles which lump everything together under the occult — wlth always graphic emphasis on witchcraft and particularly Satanism. Maybe esoteric would be a better word, but that too can be misunderstood. Huna, of course, is the Hawaiian word for “secret.” But Huna has no secrets and therefore is not an occult system. Huna can best be described as a system of psychology — or as Max termed it, a psycho-religious system. Of course the occult tradition refers to the universal cosmic laws of life, open to all, not only understood by too few because they are ignored, but also because they are thought, for some odd reason, to be beneath the dignity of “modern” scientists to investigate. –E.O.W.)

HUNA has been mentioned in three recent publications:

  • PSYCHIC OBSERVER (Dec. 1972/Jan. 1973 issue) had an eight-page article, “HUNA MAGIC, Secret of the Ages,” which turned out to be one of Max’s taped lectures. The Missouri address of HRA was given, and as a result over two dozen inquiries have been received and literature sent out. Of these four have become HRA’s. The entire issue is devoted to Psychic Healing, so it is good that Huna was included, presumably by HRA Margaret R. Moum, an associate editor of the magazine.
  • Los Angeles HERALD-EXAMINER (Jan.9, 1973) in its “Answer Line” gives brief mention of Huna and MFL in answer to a reader’s inquiry. The Vista, Calif, address was given, but Lana M. Fine of Los Angeles, who sent me the clipping, sent the newspaper the correct address and a few inquiries have come in from that.
  • A recent issue of a new publication, OCCULT COMMENTARY, has a single page article on “A Brief History of Huna, ” brief indeed! It stops at 1921. Alice Dashiel sent me the page.

All such clippings and notices should be sent here to the Study, so that our records and archives may be complete, and so that I will know the source of information when inquiries are received. Many do not state where the address was seen. Our continued research into Huna principles will require the cooperation of all members. If you see a good book that throws light on our study, either send me a copy on loan or for the library, or at least mention the name and author so that I may order it. Your thoughts and experiences are always a welcome addition to the research data. – E.O.W.


These ivory statuettes, or ikons, are the ones sent to Max in I960 by George and Helen Sandwith. I am indebted to HRA Lana M. Fine for sending me this picture, which Max had included with Huna Vistas No. 12 (August, 1960) as a special “sprize” from Cigbo. I had not seen the picture, although I did see the statuettes on the long altar table in the Library. Max had described the healing picture, painted by Mrs. Kingsley Tarpey of London, and brought to him personally by the Sandwiths. George Sandwith told Max about an ikon over 400 years old which had been given him by Ethiopian friends. It was through that ikon of carved wood that the Sandwiths learned of Huna and became HRA’s. Max continues (H.V.12.8): “It was proposed that an effort to make new ikons should be made, and the Spirit of the Sandwith Ikon (to give her a name), gave the directions, saying elephant ivory was best, and that small statuettes carved in ivory would be good. One, and then another such statuettes were found, cleansed ceremonially, placed beside the Sandwith ikon for a time, and, finally, were declared to have been changed to make them receptive centers of contact through which two newly appointed spirit helpers, male and female, would come to us and exert their healing powers. HRA Sandwith sensed or saw the spirits, describing one as dark and formerly alive in Ethiopia. This is the female spirit. The male is a former man of India, and appears in ragged dress as if he had been a holy man of some mendicant order. Unfortunately, I am not psychic and I cannot see or sense either spirit. However, I have welcomed these ikons in good faith, and touch them and try to place mana in them for the healing uses of the spirits. Both ikons were tested with the Cameron Aurameter and found to have force beams rising from the tops of their heads. They, like the reproduction of the healing picture, may act as a physical stimulus to help the low self make the telepathic contact with me acting as the CENTER for the work. Try the pictures out and let me know what you may discover concerning them.”

I am very pleased that I can include the picture of these ivory ikons or statuettes, not only for their historical value to HRA’s who might have read of them, but also for any possible healing benefits that yet might be found in using the picture as a focal point of meditation. Whether or not any spirit or spiritual value may be attached to them, they are lovely as art objects and you will be able to see close up these statuettes which have been very small in the pictures from the Max Freedom Long Library and Museum in Fort Worth.


(When Marge Wein, 20 Erskin Drive, Venice, Florida 33595 described to me in a tape-recorded “letter” her own artistic method of representing the three selves of Huna, I asked her to share this with all the HRA’s and so she transcribed it for the Newsletter. Again we see emphasized the importance of impressing upon the low self the principles of Huna by any graphic means, especially one that has personal significance for us. Marge invites anyone to discuss Huna with her by tape — an excellent opportunity for airing some of your own ideas or to clarify your thoughts. E.O.W.)

I am one who is impressed with what I see. I get the picture easier that way. I think a lot of people would understand the Three Selves better if they used something along this line. More than likely they were like me — always getting the three selves mixed up, until I personalized them in a unique way.

First I have to tell you how the idea started. I read an article in the UNITY Magazine, written by Stella Mann about “Word People.” She said, “Ideas are living things, ideas are people, by your word you give them birth; you express them out into the world. The kind of words you use will clothe them and give them personality. Ideas must be thought of as a race of people or a form of being. They are Logos.”

The next step is to picture your idea-people going out into the world as your servants, friends, representatives and business agents. Make the picture of your idea-person so vivid with color, shape and form and action that it will stay in your memory. Then form the habit of stopping many times a day and picture your “IDEA PERSON” at work. They will return to you what you think so be careful that you WANT what you are sending them for. Remember they will complete their circle and come back to you, into your life as things, conditions, emotions, new desires, new beliefs and new facts. And then Stella Mann says, “Do you think this is childish nonsense? Well don’t. Try it out for yourself.” Remember the Bible tells us to become as little children.

Say these words aloud: “All that the Father has is mine,” and see your little being perfectly formed, watch her or him grow; she is so tiny and perfectly formed; you can see all her features, you will know she is a living being; she is your word made flesh, just as you are a Word of God made flesh. This tiny being will be like you, have the same powers you have but in a spiritual form. Picture her as rising into the air in your imagination as she goes out to do your bidding. She will become invisible, mingle with the light and then travel on the invisible rays that fill all space.

That is about what I read, some in Stella Mann’s words and expressions, the rest in mine. When she spoke of the tiny being it brought to mind a plastic V/2 inch Mermaid that was served to me hanging on the side of a cocktail glass by her outstretched arms. I’ve had it around all these years, hanging on the side of an incense burner bowl. Right away she became the picture of my low self or subconscious mind, and I named her ANNIE (which is my middle name). That is how I gave birth to Huna Annie. Then on a trip to Ft. Myers, Fla., I saw a display of three-inch mermaids and purchased them to represent my Three Selves.

I put my creation in a large cut glass bowl, which I had filled almost to the top with Somay, a product which hardens. On top of this I arranged the three mermaids, each one higher than the other. I have them sitting among rocks, some of which I brought home with me from Georgia. At the rear of the arrangement there is some green foliage (a tree or bush), so that it is easy to imagine they are at the seashore.

To make each mermaid individual with no chance of mistaking one for the other, I painted the hair of the middle self a sort of red, earth color. That’s me, Margie, the ego. The hair of the low self is painted yellow; she is Annie, the subconscious. Of course, yellow represents the Light of Knowledge turning to Wisdom. The mermaid who is the High Self has her hair and tail painted with gold paint, representing the “Great Light or the Father Within.”

Above the green foliage in the background is a flying White Dove (on a thin wire], meaning that if the High Self needs extra help to get a prayer answered, it could go along the Aka Cord and fly away to the Universal God Power for the answer. For added color I have sprinkled half-inch colored flat beads among the rocks which represent the emotions, such as green for healing, red for energy, yellow for knowledge, pink for love, blue for spiritual light.

As I look at my arrangement, in my mind I say, “Margie (middle self) ask Annie (low self) to take a gift of Mana of Love to the High Self.” Mentally talking to these Mermaids is better than talking to myself, because we’ve been brainwashed to believe that when you talk to yourself the “men in white coats” will come and get you.

One needs not use mermaids, of course. It can be three of anything, such as three bells. Be sure to make them individual, so that they are distinguishable at a glance, even if moved. A friend of mine uses three round, metal and glass objects about four inches around with a Sun in the center and that represents her middle self; a flower for the low self; while the High Self is represented by a Butterfly, ready to fly away for more help if needed. These three symbols are attached to the wall. Use your imagination for the three objects that will best represent your own three selves.

I would like to talk to anyone interested in Huna on tape or cassette. Send one.
–Marge Wein


lynnandericLYNN (9) and ERIC (7) are shown here addressing envelopes for this issue of the Newsletter. This is the addressing machine which Max acquired in 1948 and it works beautifully. Not only have Lynn and Eric helped with the addressing, but have given many hours of their time to folding papers which are to accompany the Newsletter, or in collating the books and booklets which are being reprinted. All of this would cost a great deal if farmed out to the print shop. So we do it ourselves — and all the family pitch in to help. This makes Cigbo happy — for he can watch everybody work or snooze in his Cigar Box (the one sent from Max’s study!). Later a picture of the younger brother, Vincent (4), will be included. All three have beautiful red hair.


The many informative letters are very much appreciated and I am pleased to share some of them with you. We can all benefit from the experiences, ideas, and questions which you send in. It always helps when you indicate that no reply is necessary — although I find it hard to resist acknowledging your letter in some way. Cigbo reminds you to throw in an extra stamp or two and that will help to make his Cigar-Box scratching easier. But by all means keep writing.  E.O.W.

P. KAUFMANN, Zurich, Switzerland: “In Exodus 28:1 you can read, Send to me your brother Aaron and his sons, in order that they shall be my priests… Now, the word priest is in Hebrew, HACOHEN — an exact synonym of KAHUNA. The same word is found today in many names of Israelites, such as Kohn, Cohn, Kahane, Cohen, etc. In Hebrew the vowels are not given, therefore the word above could be expressed: cohen, cahin, cahena, cahuna, or kahuna. To my knowledge, this word was never mentioned in the Bible before Exodus 28. It is therefore possible that kahuna began in those days, although it is also possible that the word later was adopted by the founders of Huna. Only an intensive study, searching elements of the Huna-system in the Old Testament and comparing them with the Huna lore could bring light into the question.”

ALBERT KALSBEEK, Honolulu, Hawaii, not long after I received HRA Kaufmann’s letter, wrote about the same thing: “The term Kahuna in Hawaiian means Priest, minister, sorcerer, expert in any profession; to act as priest or expert. (See Pukui-Elbert, 1971, p. 106). In Hebrew, Kehunna is the term used for Priesthood or Priest’s office, and the pronunciation is practically the same as Kahuna in Hawaiian. The Hebrew verb, from which the noun kohen is derived, is Kahen, and its literal translation is “to perform service”. The Hawaiian Kahunas, being “experts”, performed a wide variety of services. After the publication of my first volume, I am willing to contribute for your Newsletter an article about the Polynesian Priesthood, to show that their qualifying terms are directly derived from the Semitic languages.”

He mentioned that he already had over 800 pages of the manuscript completed! In another letter he continued: “The intriguing part of it is that Mr. Long related that the (so-called) ‘sacred language’ was unquestionably a dialect of the Polynesians of today; more specifically, similar to the modern Tahitian. From the linguistic research I have done in the last six years, it appears to me that Tahiti was one of the main centers of the dispersion of the Polynesian race. This has been substantiated by other scholars. The first two volumes of ‘my’ books will be informative and for the general reading public, but the third volume will be a ‘Comparative Vocabulary of the Polynesian and Semitic Languages, including non-Semitic words of Sumerian origin… In the first volume I trace back the original ‘Homeland’ names as mentioned in Polynesian Legends, and to give an example, I show why Hawaii is called Hawaii (Hawaiki, Savai’i, Havai’i) after the place they had come from. The interesting part about it is that some of the Urawera tribes on the North Island of New Zealand have stated that they came from Irihia and that Irihia was the same place as Hawaiki. I will show the connection and the ‘secret’ behind it. I also will show why Tahiti was so called, after the ancient Empire of the ‘Sea Kings,’ which actually extended all the way from the city of Lagash in the southern part of Babylon, all the way to Baluchistan (now called West Pakistan). I reveal why Samoa is called so, after the southern part of Babylon (now Iraq), and is still called by that same sounding name today… It will show that the Polynesian Race and their language are essentially Semitic in origin, and can be for convenience sake be called ’The Phoenicians of the Pacific.'” This sounds like a very interesting study and we’ll look forward to seeing the book in print.

I found it very informative to look again at the meanings of kahuna in the Andrews’ Hawaiian Dictionary (1865). The root means to work at one’s appointed business, or to practice one’s profession. A qualifying term was added to indicate the particular profession: e.g. kahuna lapaau, a physician (specialist in healing or curing the sick); kahuna pule, a priest (specialist in praying or conversing with some invisible being, such as a god); kahuna kalai laau, a carpenter (specialist in carving or cutting wood). When without the qualifying term, it usually meant the priest. We use the word “doctor” in a similar way. It originally meant a specialist or one learned in an area of knowledge, and referred to the scholars in a university. It was later applied to persons learned in medicine and eventually the word “doctor” became synonymous with “physician”. –k.o.w.

BETTY MARTIN, Novato, California: I firmly believe in the Secret Science for I had been in the process of being trained for over a year prior to my exposure to Huna in 1970. It helped me a great deal in the simple way the kahunas were able to grasp the Secrets. For the last year I have become a teacher in Unity Church School in San Rafael… So much of the Secret Science is being used but not called by the name of Huna.

EDWARD S, SCHULTZ, Buffalo. N.Y., is planning to write an article on “The Keystone or Open Sesame of Huna that I believe I have discovered in Max Freedom Long’s resurrection of the ancient Huna lore.” We look forward to this very much [and hereby put in a plug for Edward to send the article soon, although I realize how very busy he is in his many activities and interests]. “The proof,” he says, “that Huna is real and workable is the wonderful fact that… thru Huna, Max was able to contact people like Dolly and yourself to carry on from where he left off. Amazing in the extreme.” Dolly and I take a bow, and agree that it is very remarkable how we have been led through Guidance to undertake the work of Huna Research Associates.

FRANK E. McCONNELL, Redlands, Calif., has sent me an intriguing manuscript based on an ancient Egyptian chart which he saw many years ago. If sufficient data can be gathered on the proposal which he has outlined, the implications can be very important for everyone involved in human relations — that’s EVERYONE. More on this later.

ENID HOFFMAN, Storrs. Conn., conducts groups and classes at the University of Conn., lectures around the country on Huna and related subjects and has taped lectures for group use.

ARLINE BRECHER, Herndon, Virginia: “I am most interested in the correspondence course in Huna mentioned in the newsletter, and since I am a professional writer by trade and have done quite a bit on para-psychological subjects, I believe I might be of some help to you in preparing such a course in a readable style… My interest in the Huna work goes back to a fortunate meeting with a friend who was a MFL devotee many years ago, and I think his books the most significant ever written, and am constantly influencing new people to read them.”

PHYLLIS CORWIN, Largo, Fla., is preparing a series of lessons or lectures to be given at the Temple of the Living God, in St. Petersburg. She ordered just about all the Huna materials available and is now busily at work on the lectures.

JAMES AND MARGARET ALLEN, of Port Credit, Ontario, Canada: We are so glad to know you are carrying on for our dear old friend Max, and may the Good Lord bless all your efforts. Max has been a very close and dear personal friend to us for many years, and we have a large collection of personal letters from him which we have prized very much.”

SILVA MIND CONTROL has been the subject of discussion in several letters. Enid Hoffman writes: “I took the Silva Mind Control Course and am very enthusiastic about it. A friend told me that Jose Silva was very familiar with Huna and many graduates have come up to speak with me after a lecture on Huna and speak of the similarity. The Instructor in Connecticut is a pupil of mine and very enthusiastic about Huna… In fact he is now in Texas, and I’m sure will tell Jose Silva of our work with Huna here.”

Diana Bills, of St. Louis writes: “Now the other big news. I have just taken the first half of the Silva Mind Control course and I know that no words will serve to express how fantastic it is. IT IS HUNA PUT TO PRACTICAL USE! I could not believe it when I got into it. This is something that deserves a very careful look. It has techniques. It is just what we have been looking for to train the Low Self and reach the High Self… These are techniques that HRA’s should be using… I recommend it without reservation. This must be distinguished from the people who are copying their methods and calling themselves by a similar name. THIS IS A MUST FOR HUNA TO EXPLORE.”

David Anderson, Montague, Mass., and Dan Punzak, Lexington, Mo. came by for a visit during the holidays. Both talked about their experiences with Silva Mind Control (and David told about his Yoga training).

I have always been impressed by the wide scope of Max Freedom Long’s investigations. We certainly wish to carry on in that tradition and keep our eyes open for new ideas and especially new techniques for putting the ideas into practice. I am of course curious about what the Mind Control people have to offer.

From the various discussions I have had, the big question I have is this: IS THIS JUST A METHOD OF SELF-SUGGESTION? I would be glad to hear the opinions and experiences of any of you who have taken the course. Particularly helpful would be more specific ideas and techniques which might be utilized in our work with Huna principles.

Remember the T.M.H.G. (Telepathic Mutual Healing Group) meditation period: 9pm CST. If you cannot join at this time, pause for a few minutes whenever you can.    If a number of you prefer a different time, we can adjust to it or have more than one period in which HRA’s around the country can join together.  –E.O.W.

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