HV Newsletter #9 – Winter, 1973

Huna Vistas Newsletters


Dr. E. Otha Wingo, Research Editor
126 Camellia Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA


Dolly Ware, F.H.F., Curator
1501 Thomas Place Fort Worth, TX 76107 USA




One of the “big news” items is the acquisition of a reconditioned offset printing press. These are very rarely to be found, as I discovered at once when I set about looking for one two years ago, in anticipation of our many HRA reprint projects. When I went into the A.B. Dick dealer’s store the other day, my eyes immediately fell upon this used offset press and I started inquiring about the price. The budget really could not stand the shock of such a purchase, but I immediately started asking for Guidance to see if we could take advantage of this opportunity. Fortunately, I had the weekend to work on it and think about it. I definitely felt Guidance was involved in the way the opportunity “chanced” to come to me. So, I struck out on a venture of faith and made the deal to purchase the printing press. Not least in the consideration was the fact that the cost of having our projects printed downtown has DOUBLED since last year. Cigbo (the HRA “kitty” & junior-grade “sprinter” in his own right) is setting up a special corner of his Cigar Box for any donations that HRAs may want to send in for the Printing Press Project. New/Boss and Cigbo are learning the very different techniques involved in offset printing, as compared with mimeographing. Lots of fun (and lots of work) — but in the long run will save lots of time and money for all HRAs (as printing projects cost less and can be priced at more moderate levels). Already New Boss has made a lighted composing table, so that the Huna Vistas Newsletter can be set up and prepared for the printing press. (First an offset plate must be made, and for most of the reprints a photographic negative must be made and from this a thin metal plate etched for use on the press and this we do not have equipment to do and so will have it done downtown.) Because of the paper shortage, we are taking advantage of every special deal we can get on extra supplies of paper, not only for the Newsletter, but for a large number of HRA reprints which are in the planning stage. (Remember that donations to the printing press fund, as well as any other donations are tax-exempt through the non-profit status of the Huna Fellowship.)



On the weekend of January 19-20, I flew to Des Moines and was the guest of our HRA member, Mary Jo Gulden, and her husband, “Doc” Gulden, who is an osteopathic physician. They live in Ames. Doc and Mary Jo had just returned from Hawaii and so I enjoyed some firsthand impressions about their visit and learned some important things as well.

In Ames, there is a study group which meets monthly, and since they had decided to investigate Huna, the meeting was arranged to coincide with my visit. This is a very distinguished group of men and women from the surrounding area. I was delighted to meet and visit with Fay and Mary Clark, who have the Hiawatha Publ. Co. in Perry. They knew Max for a number of years and it was good to hear some of their personal accounts of visits with him. Dr. D.H. Schuster is a remarkable man whose head is popping with ideas for research. He teaches experimental psychology, and computer science, and electrical engineering at Iowa State University.

He was introduced to Huna twenty-five years ago when SSBM was published and has used and experimented with Huna concepts ever since. Both he and the Clarks are members of HRA, and we can expect to hear more from them in the future. On Sunday evening, I gave a lecture on Huna at the First United Methodist Church of Ankeny, sponsored by Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship. The pastor of this church and regional SFF leader is the Rev. M.E. Weston. He and his wife have been acquainted with Huna for some sixteen years.

An unplanned event took place before the scheduled lecture. When I first arrived, I noticed a beautiful pipe organ in the sanctuary and inquired immediately about the possibility of playing it a bit before time for the lecture. After some searching a key was found and I settled down for a while to play some of my favorite organ pieces — thinking that everyone coming to the lecture would first go to the coffee and book room and later come to the lecture room. When I checked the time, I discovered that it was one minute until time to begin. I closed up the organ and found to my surprise that everyone had heard the sound of the organ from another part of the building and had come into the auditorium to listen!


Dane, Christopher, THE OCCULT IN THE ORIENT (Popular Library, New York, 1974), 190 pp., 95¢. Hidden within this collection of “bizarre tales from the mysterious East” (for the most part, familiar from other publications and none too impressive) is a section devoted to summarizing basic Huna ideas and the work of Max Freedom Long. Five very short chapters, totaling 27 pages, are used to talk of Max’s discovery of the Huna Code and of a number of Huna methods, including healing techniques. The summary is well done and Mr. Dane has condensed a great deal of information into these pages. He gives Dolly’s address for the Huna Vistas Newsletter, and it is hoped that many inquiries will result from the reading of this book. In fact, I saw the book recently at a local bookstore, but did not look closely at it, until a reader sent an inquiry and prompted me to buy it. Look for it in your bookstore, and in addition to the Huna section, you might find another interesting story or so to read.

Eastcott, Michal J., THE SILENT PATH — An Introduction to Meditation (Samuel Weiser, N.Y., 1969), $2.75, 166 pp. (bibliography and. index). “The path of meditation can well be compared with the long stillness before daybreak. There is frequently nothing to mark it but a quietly increasing light.” This is a beautifully written guide to meditation, which combines a lyric prose with down to earth practicality. It is quotable on almost every page. With many of basic Huna concepts, the author expresses himself like an artist painting a picture. “As the spider spins out of its own substance the thread it will proceed along, so we, through meditation, build our pathway out of our own consciousness. It must, therefore, be an inner, silent, secret path which we carve out for ourselves.” But there are also specific suggestions that help the reader as he begins a quiet time for meditation and for alleviating many of the problems and distractions which plague the early attempts at meditation. Many times the author could have illuminated the reasons for some of the problems and greatly clarified his explanations by the introduction of basic Huna Principles, but in spite of repeated statements resembling Huna concepts, he is evidently unfamiliar with Huna. HRAs will readily fill in these “gaps” and make the correlations. I have quoted above from the first page. Now I shall conclude with a sentence from the last: “When all is said and done, it is only when something deep within us calls out that we must explore this path, cries out for union with the Higher Self so loudly that we have to pay attention, that we really set ourselves to steady meditation and the disciplines of the inner path.”



Fernand Delarue has just written to report that his combined translation of SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES and SECRET SCIENCE AT WORK, on which he has been working for many months, is nearing completion. Max had long ago given him permission to translate the Huna books into French. He wrote last spring, “I have been searching for years to find a publisher for a translation of Max’s books. Impossible; it is too dear. But a few days ago I happened to meet the best publisher for this sort of book. He refused to publish translations, which are perhaps, he said, too technical for the average French reader spoiled by the T.V. and the narrow-mindedness of the universities. But he asked me to write one book (300 pages) from the two (SSBM and SSAW). If I succeed in making a book of vivid interest, easy to read and captivating but also serious and scientific, then he will accept publishing it. The venture is difficult and will need many months of lasting work, but this work will be a very exciting and useful one. I intend to begin next summer.” M. Delarue now has written that he did indeed begin the work of translating a compendium volume from the two Huna books, has been working month after month on it, and it is now nearly ready! “As the publisher is a very important one, I suppose there will be lots of questions and interest about it and Huna (I give your address and mention HRA, of course). And I hope it will then be valuable to translate your own correspondence course into French.”

This is good news and will solve the problem of finding readily the Huna books in France and other French-speaking countries. What we will have is virtually a new book from our own HRA Fernand Delarue, but based on Max’s original research.

I have immediately written Fernand our thanks and appreciation and will send him a copy of LETTERS ON HUNA, the HRA correspondence course on the fundamentals of Huna psychology, with the proper changes to make it read like a book when put into the French language.

INQUIRIES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES concerning the translating of Huna information into their languages have been received. Efforts are being made to arrange publication of the books in England, translations into Polish, Greek, and Portuguese. More will be reported on these exciting and important developments.

Leslie Cross, Manchester, England: “As a lecturer in electrical engineering science at a technical college, I know exactly what pressures are on you. You must have tremendous energy to do your job and fulfill your duties as director of the H.R.A. also… I am now going through MFL’s books again as I intend to make a thorough study of them, my intention being to make notes and finally produce a system of training and development along the lines of the Kahunas. At the moment, my main interest is in the healing aspect and after reading Mr. Long’s books I am convinced that the answers to many of the world’s problems in the treatment of illness lie in the Kahuna methods. You will be interested to know that in the book PATTERNS OF HEALTH by Dr. Aubrey Westlake, he refers to the Kahuna system and its efficacy… I know personally of two of his patients, and his success rate is very high.”

I am doubly pleased to hear of Mr. Cross’s plans for research into Huna methods, and the reference to Dr. Westlake’s book and of his current successful practice is most welcome. If you have early copies of Huna Vistas, you will find the lengthy review of Dr. Westlake’s book by Max Freedom Long, along with discussions and correspondence between Dr. Westlake and Max. (The issues are 29.8; 30.1; 35.1,4; 36.8; 37.10; 40.4; 60.8; 82.5.) The book has been reprinted in Berkeley and London by Shambhala Publications in a quality paperback edition, at $2.95, and may be ordered from HRA if you are unable to obtain it locally (allow at least three weeks, since we do not stock copies). This second edition has an added chapter describing the actual therapeutic patterns that were experimented with and discussed in the text, but did not appear in the first edition. Dr. Westlake points out that practical application has brought about many changes and simplifications in the original designs, but the chapter is a valuable addition to the book.

A.J. Horsey, of Australia, has reported some valuable research in which he has been busily engaged. He writes: “My own interest in MFL and Huna came as a logical outcome of a sequence of studies covering the whole spectrum of writings, reports, etc. in the field of Psi phenomena. Of these, Huna comes closest to providing a unifying principle — yet still leaves many blank areas. For instance: what happens to the dramatic powers of the low self when it moves up the evolutionary scale to middle-self status? I shall be most interested to study more of the writings of MFL to see if he followed up this and similar questions, and to compare his information with my own. My involvement in these studies stemmed from a curious experience some seven years ago, when, going my own way, minding my own business, a lifetime agnostic, what was subsequently identifiable as my High Self commanded my attention and offered a task. As a result of this, I can now offer a complex of theories and principles which purport to provide a framework into which all the recorded phenomena of evidence fits. Into this framework Huna fits very well indeed. I can find no other example of a pattern offering such total sense and am working on the assumption that certain aspects represent new knowledge offered to us at this point of time for a definite and specific purpose. A skeletal outline has been prepared for appraisal and offered to centres which are interested in such phenomena. The outline, entitled “The Philosophy of Balance,” comprises four hours of taped discourse supported by some 20 explanatory drawings. One of these seeks to elucidate the problem of low self in Huna and extends MFL’s picture of the system quite dramatically.”

Any contribution to our stock of knowledge and understanding is of utmost interest to Huna Research Associates and I have written Mr. Horsey that we do want to examine his outline.

Sheila Conway, our vigorous co­worker in Toronto, Canada. “This has to be an extremely quick note as I am struggling to get off on the bus to an outside university — what do you know! ANOTHER university requesting Huna. Last night I started off the second semester in Huna at Trent U. in a place called Peterborough, Ontario. Last week I began the second semester in Huna at York U., Toronto. This time it’s off to a place called Guelph, to its university there, to begin a new session in Huna. This one is actually our second time together but the first go round was spent on straight parapsychology with Huna inevitably creeping in more and more. Now the word has spread and the request is for more of Huna.”



With the resurgence of interest in the unexplained phenomena, whether called “Magic” or “Occult” or whatever, it is refreshing to have the moderate and reasonable view of Huna psychology as a frame of reference in examining not only the phenomena, but the entire structure of man’s make-up, and therefore the natural and normal functioning of the psyche. Max Freedom Long used the word magic in the title of his first book, RECOVERING THE ANCIENT MAGIC, but he carefully defined the word as he used it, “All the efforts to bring about changes without the use of the ordinary means known to men in general and to Science in its own field fall under the classification of MAGIC.” Another definition is “the art of causing changes in consciousness at will.” It will be noted at once that no reference is made to forcing “supernatural” being’s to do one’s will, being in league with “the Devil” or otherwise invoking some extra-personal “spirit.”

In the older series of research reports, published under the title, HRA BULLETINS, Dr. Long presented a summary of so-called “magical” practices in light of Huna concepts, written in his usual inimitable style, with just a touch of humor combined with some serious and very practical instructions. This article, subtitled, “A complete ‘course’ In one lesson,” will be reprinted here exactly as it appeared in HRA Bulletin 110.3-7 – EOW

TO LEARN TO BECOME A MAGICIAN you will need to learn to use some of your native talents which you may not as yet have taken time to develop. There are several of these talents. Men and women have demonstrated them all about us. Hardly anyone lacks latent psychic abilities which may be trained and made to work in the performance of magical operations. Telepathy is so easy to develop that many use it without training. Ability to sense the presence of the beloved “dead” is very common, and many have excellent mediumistic powers which could enable them to perform that part of healing magic which depends largely on spirit aid.

STEP 1. DEVELOPING THE HYPNOTIC WILL. Begin at once to learn to use hypnotism, Mesmerism and the two in combination. To do this you will begin at once to practice accumulating mana surcharges. When you can accumulate a very large surcharge, you can then begin practicing to learn Mesmerism, which is causing the mana surcharge to flow through your hands or along your line of vision into a subject, carrying with it well made mental pictures or thought-form-clusters (which you will have made ready in advance by the use of your “will.”) If your mana, which is the vital force of the body, is sufficiently accumulated and is discharged strongly into the subject, it will overpower the low self in him and force him to accept the mental pictures as his own, then to react to them. Healing magic is performed in this way. The subject can be made to relax, to sleep, and so on. If the shock of mana is sufficient, and the thought-form-cluster made with enough power, it can break up and replace complexes in the low self of the subject. If there are spirits fastened to the subject, and if he has been brought to turn over a new leaf so that he will refuse to respond to the promptings of the spirits, they may be driven out of him and hypnotically commanded to stay away, after first being broken away by the Mesmeric shock of the mana you have projected. Be warned that if you project a surcharge and hurtful mental pictures to or at a subject, and these fail to be accepted by his low self, or are blocked from action by his High Self or by his spirit friends who may be watching over him, the force and the mental picture will rebound, often with greatly increased power, and lodge in your own low self, making it the victim. Use the evil eye or spell-casting methods at your peril. Also be warned that all about you are witting and unwitting magicians who may be consciously or unconsciously projecting mana and mental images at you — weak or strong, good or bad. Begin at once to practice becoming hurtless and helpful in your every thought and deed. Learn to radiate good and helpful and loving thoughts and do ail you can to do good.

In this way you will soon build a permanent wall of radiation around you which will act as a great magnet, of which you are the center. It will attract the good by its positive pole and repel the bad. If you suspect that many bad thought-form-clusters of sickness, bad luck, etc., or many spirits of an evil nature, are already bothering you from former projections against you by magicians, or because you have been bad enough to attract to yourself equally bad spirits, begin at once to use this affirmation frequently, “GOOD, GOOD, GOOD! I AM good. I think only good and helpful thoughts. I do good and reject all hurtful deeds. I try to find and throw out daily any thoughts of hate, anger, greed, jealousy, and the like. I now prove my unwavering determination to swing completely over to the side of GOOD, by DOING some good deed, no matter how small, before continuing my day’s activities.”

The aspiring magician will do well to remember that most of his or her daily tasks are performed to help others to some degree. If each task is approached and blessed as a SERVICE or a good deed lovingly done for others, the good will be true coin of the realm.

STEP 2. This is a continuation of the step you learned to take earlier. After you have become proficient in the use of the Mesmeric force or low mana, begin to strengthen your middle self WILL, or the mana-mana. You must first take on a fair surcharge of low mana because, without this being present in your body, the middle self cannot get enough of it to make up a batch of strong WILL power. This power is developed by daily use of exercises in holding your mind and full attention on something for as long as you are able. Make a mental picture of the face of a loved one and hold it before your mind’s eye without allowing the face to change any way. When it “slips” and begins to change or fade, rest a minute or two. Accumulate a little more mana, and try again. Keep a watch by you and note how long you can hold mental pictures. At first you may find a few seconds your limit. When you have practiced daily for several years, you will be able to hold the low self to the task for as long as five minutes, and will by then have developed will power strong enough to create by a few minutes of this concentrated attention on a mental picture, POWERFUL THOUGHT-FORM-CLUSTERS which can be projected by the Mesmeric method described in STEP 1. If you wish to know whether you have a strong will now, test with the Biometer, (note: This refers to the scale used for psychometric analysis readings, described in MFL’s book, PSYCHOMETRIC ANALYSIS and the accompanying scale for measuring vital force. EOW.) Tests made at intervals will show whether your practice is getting results. Be warned that if you develop your hypnotic or middle self WILL without at the same time developing the ability to become GOOD and BETTER day by day, you will soon have a very badly unbalanced Biometric pattern and it will begin to cause you much moral breakdown and trouble. (Some imitation magicians — those not having been trained thoroughly in Huna — use hypnotism openly. Beware of these unless you have obtained their signature, written with their own pen and with ink, and have tested it on the Biometer to learn whether they are “black” or “white” magicians, The “black” will show a perfect will pattern but almost no personality circle, or, if a circle shows, it will be counterclockwise and usually far from round.) In your own work as a budding magician, avoid the use of hypnotic suggestion as something apart from the Mesmeric element. Use Mesmerism as in STEP 1. with the hypnotic will simply as an adjunct to aid in creating the very strong mental picture of the GOOD condition which you wish to implant powerfully in the low self of those whom you help and heal. Never admit that you are a magician, just say that you have “a natural gift for healing and will be happy to try to use it if the ones needing help will turn over a new leaf, etc.”

Helping others to turn over a new leaf and to become ready to be heal­ed is the GOOD DEED at its best. Remember this always. TELEPATHIC OR PROJECTED MAGICAL HEALING is an important part of this work. Contact must be established with the one to be helped. A hand shake will string an aka thread between you which will make it possible for your low self to make contact at any time. Or the low self can follow the aka thread that is fastened to a signature written in ink. This contact is telepathic in its nature, and you can send with Mesmeric force a mental picture of healing which has been constructed through the use of your WILL. Practice will enable you to become more and more powerful as you go along. Also, results build up slowly if the magical treatment is repeated over and over.

STEP 3. RUBBING ALADDIN’S LAMP. No magician should be without a good Aladdin’s Lamp. Go to a junk shop at once and buy one. Take it home and accumulate as large a surcharge of mana as you can. Then build up your will to a high point of concentration and create a mental picture of what you wish to have the Genie of the Lamp do for you when you rub the lamp and he appears to do your bidding.

Millions of people, in the past twenty centuries, may have rubbed a Lamp without getting the slightest response. Their trouble has been that they did not know that the “oil” needed to fill this type of Lamp is not oil at all, but is a large surcharge of mana. So build up your surcharge, make your mental image, and then rub your Lamp. If you do not have a Lamp, remember that it is only a symbol — the symbol of LIGHT. Just think of a genie who embodies all the goodness and so all the LIGHT you can imagine. Then rub something. Rub your hands together and affirm: “I am now calling to the Spirit of Light who remains ever aware of me and ever ready to come to me at my request when I fill myself full of the mana which is the force or oil which enables the Lamp of the Light to become lighted and cast its rays down to enlighten me on this darkened level of being. I affirm with full faith that I now believe that my call has been heard and that the Spirit of Light above me has come and stands ready to receive the oil to be used for helping and guiding and illuminating me and those whom I will help. I now send flowing upward along the connecting shadowy cord a strong flow of mana. With it I send my carefully and powerfully constructed mental picture of the condition which I ask be brought about.” Many aspiring students have given up at this point because they could not see the Spirit of Light. This is greatly to be regretted, for the Spirit is always there and will always accept the oil and begin shedding helpful light. A daily replenishing of the Light which stands before the al­tar of your Innermost Being, may be needed if the request you make demands much magical work. All experienced magicians know that the instant and complete performance of a task by a Spirit of the Lamp is possible only at rare intervals. They are content to work for many days to get the full task completed.

Be warned, at this point, that if you attempt to use the magic of the Lamp without first purifying yourself with many lustrations and fumigations, drawings of signs and magical circles about you, there will be grave danger that you will evoke the spirit of a dead person — a spirit just as uncleansed and tainted with evil as you may happen to be. If you are greedy and plan selfish gain, the spirit may be equally so and may take your surcharge of mana and turn to bite the hand that feeds it. Keep in mind the fact that all fumigations, incense burning, washings, and rituals of cleansing are, just like the “oil” and the “Lamp,” merely symbolic. These things, when read about by a magician in a book of instructions, tell him that a cleansing of his thoughts and heart is indicated. Go back to STEP 1 and check what was revealed to you concerning GOOD. Down the centuries magicians have written out their knowledge in the form of “evocations” and “incantations,” also “invocations.” Invariably, they have veiled the inner meanings. For this reason the student must take care not to be caught in the foolish trap in which so many have been caught. In the semi-secret orders in Europe and America, even today, they are drawing magic circles, performing strange physical rites, making fumigations, compounding absurd mixtures of frog’s eyes and the leaves of plants gathered in a cemetery on the night of a full moon — and so on. Rare books containing rituals and formulae bring hundreds of dollars, and men and women gather to study and to try to use them, always ending with nothing accomplished.

If the student has seen such books, and there are many of them, dating from the times of early Egypt on, be warned that the long repetition of invocations with the exact pronunciation of Names of Power and Words of Power are quite useless to the uninitiated. The magicians of all ages have piled one absurdity upon another in their writings, all for the purpose of causing the greedy outsider to waste his time, if he is that foolish, trying to perform rites which cannot be performed, and to learn to recite unpronounceable “names” without number. The famous “Seventy-two names of God,” are part of this blind. So are the endless names given to supposed gods and demons and spirits, good or bad. Look behind this veil of secrecy for the three elements which are symbolized in all true magic and alchemy. Watch for the veiled mention of the three selves and of their three mana forces. Watch for the inner cleansing rather than the outer.

You can call a spirit, be it bright and good and helpful, or bad and strong and dangerous, provided you have made a contact with it and so have established an aka thread along which you can send a telepathic call — a flow of mana with the picture of its hearing and coming to you. But just to know the name of a spirit and to speak it, is a waste of time. There may be a thousand spirits bearing that same name, and besides, with no contact already made, your call will be empty. Be warned, however, that if some spirit happens to be near, be it good or bad, it may hear and accept the call, taking all you have to offer, if it is bad, and perhaps in the end taking your body away from you. Evil spirits may remain bound to the earth for centuries, and may become most wise in the matter of doing evil for and against the living magician who is even a fraction as evil.

You have read of “sympathetic magic” in which like produces like — a sprinkling of water causing a rain, and the pouring out of an oblation of wine to the gods bringing an outpouring of good things to you in return. This is also a blind to veil away the ignorant. Like brings like only when a powerfully constructed mental picture is presented with much mana to the Spirit of Light so that on this likeness the Spirit may construct for you a reality. The old fertility rites supposed to bring increase in crops and flocks were of use only if they served to picture the desired things and to furnish through emotion some mana to empower the gods.

STEP 4. AMULETS, AKA WALLS OF PROTECTION, ETC. Having told you that all drawing of magic or ritual circles, pentagrams and things belongs to the outer or symbolic side of magic, it needs to be said that a few physical things can be used by the magician as points around which to build mental pictures or images with a mixture of aka substance, thought forms and mana.

TO MAKE A RABBIT’S FOOT EFFECTIVE, for instance, it is not enough to preserve such a foot and carry it on your person. The foot must be gazed upon and concentrated upon a few minutes each day for a number of days, and the student must picture the foot as a center about which he is building layers, day after day, of that plaster made of thought, mana and aka substance. As all mental pictures are made of these three ingredients, and as a mental picture is as enduring as any strong memory (which is, in actuality, constructed of these three elements), the picture of a radiating center of GOOD surrounding the foot of the rabbit soon becomes a very real thing. But the foot must be encased in thoughts of GOOD for all, not just for its owner, or it will be valueless. This is a secret which few know. To become a center which will attract good and ward off evil, the foot must be used in connection with the bringing of good to others as well as to the owner, and it must be used when possible to ward off or remove evil in the same way.

Any object, lucky piece or amulet may be treated in the same way. Shrines are centers into which GOOD has been poured in this way by a saint or magician and made strong and enduring to radiate back to the worshiper all the good he radiates to it in worship. Such a center may be filled daily with fresh mana, and the good spirits may be invited to come to it daily to obtain enough mana to give them power to perform good deeds on the mental and physical levels. Like birds coming to refresh themselves in the bird bath in your garden, and then going to clear out hurtful insects, so the good spirits will soon begin to come, taking the water of mana and looking to see what requests you have left with the mana for them to fulfill. Your requests are mental pictures of things you desire the spirit friends to bring about if they can. Pour a mana surcharge into your magic center, along with the mental pictures of good conditions desired for yourself and friends. The spirits will soon be coming daily to take the mana and to assist. But try not to disappoint them by forgetting to leave mana and good requests for them daily, otherwise they will soon scatter and go elsewhere.

Just as a center of good can be made in this way, a center of bad may be established if one is not careful. The student who makes a rabbit’s foot center with the desire to get more than he gives, is guilty of breaking the first rule of magic — that of being greedy and hurtful to the extent that he wishes to take things from others so that he may enjoy benefits. Keep cleansed yourself. Keep your center clear of all things not fully GOOD for everyone. You cannot steal and hold good things for long. Payment must eventually be made. On the other hand, one can buy almost any good thing with the coin of good thoughts accompanied by good deeds. A ’’wall of protection” can be built around yourself or a loved one in the same way with the help of the Spirit of the Light. Put only good into the WALL and it will allow only good to pass in and out through it… And so ends the lesson. Here is MAGIC for you… for the taking. –M.F.L. December 1, 1954


Wayne King, Scottsdale, Arizona: “You asked me whether or not I thought your course, which I have just finished, needed any revisions. My answer is emphatically NO. If any of your students needs personal help to understand the basics I can see where physical procedures could be demonstrated, but not to any great extent. The results of Huna are very hard to notice and perhaps some are looking for miracles. It’s good enough for me and by the time I finish my third time through your course, I am sure I will be everlastingly ready to go on with the job I chose to do before I came here — and with the help of my Higher Self and the other very close friend, my Lower Self. You have done a remarkable job, Otha, and I am sure Max is sitting on your shoulder, loving you and being very satisfied that Huna is here to stay.”

Fay Mongraw, San Jose, Calif.: “I have been so pleased with your course — your skill with language is truly apparent! The reading and meaning was easy to comprehend; I have gained insight through the lessons.

I do appreciate the fact that it is not confidential, so that my husband can read them also. Our 23-year old daughter will also benefit from these teachings. I especially want to remember to tell you this — I go to a Meditation Group on Fridays; the lady who holds it has been teaching meta­physics for 40 years. (This is where I found the first Huna book.) Anyway, I help with the healing there whenever possible. I am only a little over 5’ tall, and am usually depleted, and extremely tired for two days after­ward. Yours is the first place (or lesson) that I have ever heard of that I was told to REPLACE this energy, and I will be forever grateful!! On Wednesday evenings, I teach a group. We have an assortment of engineers and people from G.E., and Atomic Energy Div. of G.E., accountants, a truck driver, a warehouse man, a plumber, assorted students and house­wives. We tried pendulum experiments, which were great fun, and also the variations in techniques and levels of energy were so interesting. We also spoke of how you can dissipate this energy in hate or rage or frustration, or use it for good, and how to increase the energy level for good, and they all seemed to benefit from this. So your lessons again brought help to many more people.”

Miriam Cowley, Baltimore, Md.: “The lessons are wonderful! You have done a masterful job in compiling and presenting the material in such a clear and interesting way. The absorption of each lesson has done wonders for me!”

I take a bow, as Max would say, and thank each one who has written any ideas about the course. — E.O.W.


are many and varied, and much appreciated. Marion Maguire, one of the members of the first Huna study group in Australia, sent a manuscript of her book, MORE POWER TO YOU, which is a discourse on the practical use of Huna. She also sent a copy of a book by an Australian psychiatrist, RELIEF WITHOUT DRUGS, by Ainslie Meares. Jerome Eden’s latest book was sent to me by Dolly Ware. The title is PLANET IN TROUBLE, The UFO Assault on Earth. A small booklet based on Huna concepts is entitled, “Using God’s Healing Power,” and is written by Marquis McDonald of the Holistic Fellowship. Long-time HRA and helper Edward S. Schultz, has donated a rare copy of THE MAGIC BAG, by Mark Probert, and a large notebook of Inner Circle transcriptions which have been read with great inter­est. Bill Glover has donated a copy of his “Revised Lectures of MFL” based on Max’s taped lectures, and arranged for the general reader. A file copy of lectures and tapes used in a Huna course in St. Petersburg, Fla., arrived from Phyllis Corwin, who did a tremendous amount of research and work in putting these lectures together for a course at the Temple of the Living God. Esther Howarth did the workshop section of the course.

In conjunction with Phyllis’s lectures. Serge V. King, who has worked out many experiments with mana (he calls it mana-physics) sent a sample of his newly devised Manabox, which combined the concepts of orgone and mana.

Lana Fine, who keeps in very close contact as our adviser and good friend, discovered three small booklets published by Franklin Llewis, one of the first directors of the Huna Fellowship. These were issues of his little magazine, “The Impulse,” published in 1929 (under the name Franklin L. Graves). By a very strange set of circumstances, we discovered that Mr. Llewis, who is in his 90’s, had been living in the same apartment house as Lana — but we didn’t know it until after he had moved, presumably into a rest home or hospital in the Los Angeles area. We would like very much to get in contact with him for any information he might have on the early days of HRA.           

Paul Krueger sent a beautiful copy of THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE, the issue for February, 1924, which was entirely devoted to the Hawaiian islands. It is filled with informative articles on the history and customs of early Hawaii, with magnificent illustrations, many of which are in color.

If you write a book or article, be sure to send a review copy, or if you see some bit of writing that you think would be of interest in the Huna research work, send it to the Study or at least let us know about it. We need the help of everyone in carrying on the research.

SEVERAL ARTICLES ON HUNA are scheduled to appear, or already are appearing, in magazines. Phyllis Huffman, of INNER FORUM, Boise, Idaho gave HRA good coverage in the September, 1973 issue, with pictures of Max and me side by side at the top. INNER FORUM is also running a series on Huna by reprinting my article on “Introduction to Huna.” A similar article was sent to PSYCHIC OBSERVER at the request of HRA. Margaret Mourn, an associate editor. I recently had a request for an article from another magazine, BEYOND REALITY, and this has been sent. Information about the renewed work of HRA is therefore being made available in many ways. Many more members are needed and every member is encouraged to invite friends to become HRAs.

ANOTHER METHOD OF INCREASING HRA MEMBERSHIP has been tried out on an experimental basis. Esoteric Publications, in Phoenix, Arizona, has started a cooperative mailing service, through which a single-sheet flier can be mailed to addresses of persons who have expressed interest in some way in general unexplained phenomena. A flyer was worked up and a trial run of 1000 sent just after Christmas. The results were not overwhelming, but a few new members resulted from it, and at least one student in the Huna correspondence course. But there was also another result. A former member received the flyer, and was able to contact HRA again after losing touch with us for some years. When the original “reorganization” letter was sent out in 1972, many were returned by the post office because the address was not current. Hopefully, other “lost” or “misplaced” HRAs will be able to re­new contact by seeing this flyer.


On February 1, Sir John Manolesco invited me to be the guest on his radio show in Los Angeles (KABC). Sir John and I had corresponded several years ago when he was in Canada and just about that time was making plans to come to the states. He has many honorary distinctions and academic accomplishments, has written more than a dozen books (some of which are in French and English editions), is an expert astrologer, and explores quite a wide scope of  “the unexplained” on his talk show, which is broadcast at 11p.m. for one hour. After talking about some of the areas we would like to explore on the air, a fifteen-minute segment was taped for broadcast at the beginning of the program. Then I was to go on for the “live” segment, via telephone hookup. There was a great deal of technical difficulty with the telephone lines and this part of the show was interrupted, but the fifteen-minute segment was broadcast. In it, we talked of my current course in mythology, which introduces a variety of interesting areas of the “unexplained” and now has an enrollment of 143. In speaking of the work of HRA, I was asked what connection the current organization had with the Huna Research headed by the late Max Freedom Long. When I said that they are one and the same, Sir John was very much interested and stopped to restate for his listeners the fact that they were then listening to Dr. Long’s successor and that he would be glad to send the cur­rent address of Huna Research Associates to anyone who wrote in to ask. With a potential audience of Fifteen Million (!) listeners, perhaps we will have some inquiries. Sir John also expressed the wish to have several other interviews with me on his program and I will be glad to participate.

Long-time HRA, CARL HARRIS, of San Francisco, has just donated his collection of old HRA Bulletins to the MFL Library. Many thanks, Carl. These are very much appreciated and especially so, since they have become quite rare and unobtainable. We still have inquiries from time to time as to their availability. Would be glad to hear from any other HRAs who are willing to part with either the old bulletins or later series of Huna Vistas. We are also interested in obtaining as many of Max’s “tinned” letters as possible for the Library.


We have several HRAs who are also astrologers and who are interested in the correlations of Huna with astrological symbolism. In our research for biographical information for Max Freedom Long, we have dis­covered several charts with interpretations. I would be glad to send the birth data to any astrologers who will make an astrological analysis and send it to me.

Two other lecture trips are in the planning stage, at least two additional ones are tentative. All such lectures must be worked into my teaching schedule at the University, except in the summer, when I plan to work on Huna projects.

In HUNA Light — E. Otha Wingo

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