Huna Vistas Bulletin #78

HV78-headerJuly-August, 1967

Is Science Catching Up With Huna?


IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE that I am able to announce that at very long suffering last, the HRAs are to have a proper heading for their bulletin! Thanks to the great kindness of the artist husband of new HRA N. McG. of Canada, we have a proper and delightful “mast head”, first made into a “cut” from the original drawing, then copied electronically onto a film stencil which will run on the faithful HRA mimeograph. From here on each and every one of us fly first class, red carpet, with style …. instead of having to put up with the often criticized doodle art of MFL. One other artist HRA sent in a drawing a few years ago for a top piece, but it was too elaborate for our stencil use. (He will be much pleased to see what has been accomplished, and his teeth will not have to turn each time he opens an envelope containing an H.V.) Cheers for our side! CHEERS!

THE FILIPINO HEALERS HAVE NOT VANISHED as they were supposed to do after the great television expose few months ago in which it was proven forever and a day that their healing work was all fraud, sleight of hand and trickery.

One of our questioning HRAs suspected that the medical doctors were either willfully or accidentally wrong in their conclusions. Moreover, he was in dire need of some first class spirit healing himself. Leaving his home in Mexico, he flew down to investigate, and found that Tony had completed the building of a clinic and that there were eight Filipino healers on call to minister to rich and poor.

He took a treatment from each of the eight, watching with greatest care to see that there was no trickery. Knowing his Huna as he does, he was ready to accept the use of “mat and demat” spirit methods of performing operations. Tony was the first to operate, and he undertook to correct the most pressing trouble – a growth in the bladder which the American doctors had wished to cut out, but who admitted that such an operation is very dangerous. (The HRA tried all the known cancer cures, including the grape fasts. I did my best in the TMHG to call down healing for him, but the growth became larger and larger.)

Fully awake and with head raised to enable him to keep careful watch he observed while Tony opened him up with a sweep of his hand. He was invited to feel with his fingers, and found the opening right into the bladder, where he could feel the growth. Tony then took hold of the tumor and pulled so that, as he explained, he could draw out the roots. A strong pulling sensation resulted. Then out came the growth, with roots eight or nine inches long, looking like strings made of the white of egg – several roots. The growth was irregular in shape and as large as a duck egg. It was covered by a strong membrane, dark red in color. The incision was at once completely closed, leaving no scar. Very little blood was seen. He had ten operations in all, performed by the various healers, including Blanchi, Terte and Gonzales. A kidney stone and a stomach ulcer were removed, blood thinned out, heavy mucus removed from the lungs, and his entire physical condition checked and put in good shape. He will return later to take his wife down for cataracts to be removed.

He found that most of the healers spoke English, and so told them about Huna and how it explained best of all the way spirits worked to heal through living mediums. They showed interest, and he is sending down sets of my books to  them. Good missionary work!

FATE MAGAZINE, in the current issue (August, 1967), has an excellent article on the way Joe Pyne handled his expose (of the Filipino healers in a now famous TV interview). The article is by Harold Sherman, who investigated the work of the healers and wrote an excellent book about them. He tells how Pyne works to discredit those he interviews, amusing his audience by making those he interviews look to be cranks or fools in many cases. In Mr. Sherman’s article he quotes at length from a booklet written by the woman interviewed on the show. She told a very evidential story of a most amazing healing, but her facts were questioned and the actual healing almost brushed aside.

The reaction has set in strongly, and I think we will hear more and more of these spiritualistic healers and their work. Sherman says that a little trickery may be used, but that there can be no question that many miraculous cures have been brought about by the various healers. There are now eight of them at work, and Tony has finished building a good clinic in which they can treat patients who flock to them more and more. (At this writing, Tony is here in U.S.A. traveling about and visiting friends, but not demonstrating his healing skill.) (Rumor is that he was informed by the Consul for the Philippines here in the States that he had been ordered to leave the country in 24 hours, but that he had elected to stay and see what would happen. This has the makings of a story, and if I hear more about it before I finish cutting the stencils for this H.V., I will report.)

SPEAKING OF ADS IN FATE, many of the HRAs see FATE and I keep getting letters asking me about ads in magazine offering books or information on HUNA. Clark Wilkerson, (whose usual ad does not appear in the current issue), advertises himself as a kahuna. and offers a series of books giving information on Huna. He repeats what I have offered in my books, but adds his own ideas and some rather surprising information said to have been given by spirits from Venus. Anyone can claim to be a kahuna, as the title is applicable to anyone skilled in any trade or art. Whether he offers healing in any way, I do not know.

The Church of St. Michael runs an ad on page 118 of the current FATE in which is offered a book titled “HUNA”, priced at $3.75 and billed as “A new book on teachings of the the kahunas.”  The people of this organization have two HRAs in the group and accept Huna as their basic psycho-religious belief. To the things I set forth in my books, they add information received from their spirit communicators. I have seen only a small section of the book as it was in the making, and no review copy was sent for the H. V. I can only say that spirits never agree on what they teach, so one must take their teachings with due allowance for the source. Should you wish to purchase a copy of this book, the address is P.O. Box 495, West Covina, Calif. 91790. Rev. William King is pastor.

IT IS INEVITABLE that Huna will eventually become “church”. It is too good and too complete a system to go unnoticed by those who wish to organize a church and have something to teach and preach aside from the fare that is offered in the big church organizations.

The other day I received the tape recording of a strange and rather impressive ordination ceremony which took place in the Church of Basic Truth in Phoenix, Arizona. The Founder and pastor is Rev. George Hepker, (HRA), whom I have done my best to discourage in his effort to make a Huna church. I contend that until we can do healing of a swift and high order, we are not ready to have churches – if then. Rev. Hepker was of the opinion that the healing they do via spiritualism, prayer and perhaps with a bit of suggestion thrown in, is already plenty good enough. He has repeatedly reported good healing through his circle, and may have something better than I am inclined to think.

The ordination was done with a member of the Phoenix church standing in as proxy for a gentleman in Florida (who just last month joined the HRA), and who had been taught through a surprisingly good course of lessons the basics of Huna as I have rounded them up in my books – my books being pointed to as the standard texts and source of Huna information. A really searching examination is given each of the students who take the course and apply for ordination in the Church of Basic Truth. In the taped ceremony, there were two excellent speakers who laid down the basic beliefs of Huna very neatly, and then read the famous passages in the Gospel of Mark which has been used in churches for almost two thousand years in sending out missionaries into the field to convert the heathen. The passages were beautifully read (or recited from memory) and very impressive, although nothing was said of the fact that the words were those of a leading character in a great Mystery Drama of initiation instead of the words of a living and historic Jesus.

I sent the tape on to the new minister, almost reluctantly, wondering whether or not from the present small beginnings, there might rise a “church” structure of beauty and healing value eventually HRA Hepker wrote that the venture was financially a failure so far, that they had lost their place of meeting and had gone on vacation for the summer. To make things worse, robbers had broken in and stolen his tape recorder.

It is interesting to note that in the Mark and Luke versions of the Great Mystery Drama, there is no code used when the eleven. disciples who remained after the resurrection (Luke 9:2 before the Crucifixion) were sent without purse or script to preach the Gospel. However, no matter how out of place or how written in spuriously by those who copied the Drama scripts, the fact remains that devout Christians down the centuries have responded to the call. Hardly a week passes but that I am visited by Mormon missionaries bent on following the orders of so long ago in order that they may win for themselves a place in heaven …. or Jehovah’s Witnesses arrive trained and armed to argue any question of religion and to prove that Genesis is the actual Word of God which disproves all modern theories of evolution and geology. One of the good HRAs sent me their booklet the other day to show what a good job they had done to disprove the theory of evolution – and I must say that the arguments for the direct creation of man are very convincing as well as are the arguments tending to show that the creation of the world could not have come more than 6,000 years ago, all just as laid down in the Bible. To me the tragedy is that so much honest and sincere (even if misguided) effort is wasted. For what earthly difference does it make to one’s inner growth, manners or morals, whether Evolution is a fact or not or whether the earth was created so short a time ago? The “salvation” that is preached is something so selfish that it is shocking when closely examined. Taken literally, and from the external and wrong teachings of the Gospels, cum Paul, we have the  few struggling to save themselves in the first place, and the converts in the second – while, together, they consign all the outsiders to a most unkind fate of complete, endless and utter damnation. (Mark 16:16 .”…… but he that believeth not shall be damned.”)

The outer shell of the hidden wisdom which we know as Christianity, still thrives on blind belief and the promise of salvation balanced by the threat of hell. To say to a fever eyed gentleman who has knocked on one’s door, “You may urge me to live the kindly life of non-hurt, and this admonition may benefit us both because it makes for a better society in which we both can live, but it will win you not one shred of ‘Salvation’.”  To say this, would mean nothing to him. On the other hand, it is a certainty that he would not be knocking at the door were he not firmly convinced that he could win Salvation and at the same time avoid going to hell. But try this approach on any one of these eager gentlemen and see how far you get. They are deaf – completely deaf – to any single word that conflicts with their set beliefs. At bottom they care but little whether or not you are saved or go to perdition. It is to win their own “reward” that matters – that and to keep from the burning. To be good just for Good’s sake is an ideal still, unfortunately, miles beyond the mental reach of those who “have heard and answered the call”. In passing it may be well to rejoice at the progress the world has made in the past several centuries. Back in the days of the Inquisition, the refusal to be converted by anyone with missionary zeal would not have ended, as today, by a rueful departure and a breathed, “Then have it your way and go to hell.” It would have ended abruptly in  the Inquisition chambers with hell and the burning administered via a branding iron – and with no further delay!

Dear Max:

What do the cards and the Pychometric Analysis readings of Arab and Israelite leaders tell you of the possibilities of peace or war in the Middle East? Do you think the Battle of Armageddon is about due?
Regards, M.G.D.

FIRST, LET US GET RID OF ARMAGEDDON. Little or nothing has ever been found in history to fit the prophesies as given in Revelations, and Armageddon, mentioned in 16:16 is where the “seventh angel” poured out his vial of God’s wrath on the earth. If we could point with even the least hope of certainty to facts to fit the six vials previously poured out, we might sit up and take anxious notice of the possibility of the seventh vial about to be poured with a great earthquake such as was never since men were upon earth. I seem to recall some prophesy in this connection which was to the effect that the armies of the north and south were to clash by some river, and a God and his minions in conflict with the Children of Israel. Yes, here it is in Chapter 39 of Ezekiel. but it seems to have nothing to do with the vision reported in Revelations. I think that, outside the most backward Christian circles, it is now generally agreed that the prophets of the Bible were not at all interested in what would happen two or three thousand years later. Most of them already had spotted a world ending disaster which was right at hand, and would befall if the listeners did not at once take heed and do as the prophet demanded.

THE TAROT CARD RUNS for the hostilities as of June 10th, turned up the Falling Tower for the Israelis on the first run, and I at once concluded that the Arab nations would win the victory. But on making the run for the Arabs, I cut the Falling Tower for them also, so was forced to conclude that whatever the outcome, it would be almost equally disastrous all around. Poverty cards pointed to the losses in men, money and goods which the war would bring.

Then the little war stopped almost before it had begun. Israel appeared to have won a resounding victory, and from the military point of view, she had. But the territory gained was of very little value, and already cries were raised to demand that all be given back. The tourist trade which had been important to the economy of both countries had stopped abruptly and showed little signs of starting up again soon. Egypt was temporarily without the revenue from the use of the canal, and business and agriculture had suffered badly. Israel had been spending a third of her income on war preparations and would now need a large sum to replace what arms and ammunition had been used up. Egypt was still in a worse condition with all her air force put out of action, and the smaller Arab nations had lost all and gained nothing. Jordan had suddenly been saddled with the refugee burden so long carried on its territory by Israel with the help of donations from larger nations.

The cards now show little but poverty and endless squabbling and stalemate in negotiations. Egypt was already in such deep financial and population explosion difficulties that they could hardly be worse. Israel had been getting about 1-1/3 billion dollars reparation payment from Germany, but that had ceased. Business was bad, inflation was increasing, and in a year over 11,000 of its best educated and most able younger men had left for U. S. A. and Canada. A pause as I write and a cut of the cards gave the Death card for Egypt, which I read will see some basic changes being made there. And for Israel comes the VIII of Swords which is the woman, bound hand and foot and left surrounded by swords, even blindfolded, to await the coming in of the tide. It is not a pretty Tarot picture for either the Arabs or the Israelites.

HOW AND WHY DID IT HAPPEN AS IT DID? A Psychometric Analysis reading of the leaders, especially the generals, tells this story, as it did the final outcome of World War II, but with ever so much more emphasis on the higher intelligence indicated by higher degrees. All men who were tested had clockwise and constructive patterns, showing that they all were well convinced that their cause was right. For this reason I will not bother to set down the P.A. code marks for the Auhane and Aunihipili of those mentioned, but will give the degree standing. Please remember that this has been a hasty reading, often made from none too good pictures. I would much appreciate it if some of you will make your readings, and if they vary greatly from mine, let me have them so we can strike an average.

So far as I can learn, Gamal Abdel Nasser, as head of the Egyptians, and, I suppose, having the final say in the matter of actions taken in the war by other Arab countries in the alliance, was responsible for war plans and actions. His 339 degree reading is almost the lowest in the lot, only slightly above that of U Thant at 334, whom he was able to make order out and away the Peace Keeping Force. Nasser is in the level where we find many loud talking politicians here in this country as well as around the world. It is probable that the Russians gave him advice which he was not up to carrying through. Also, King Hussein of Jordan was of little help, his degree reading being 335. The average Egyptian and Arab soldier stood far lower than the average soldier on the opposing side, reading from pictures of each.

With Nasser having the last word, presumably, on planning the war which he constantly threatened, and standing to give the final orders to his chiefs of staff as well as decide on general policy, the Arabs had about a 339 degree start. On the other hand, Israel had a much better man as head of policy making: Premier Levi Eshkol of 366 degrees. He might have been the weak link, but he took the advice of his chief of staff, Maj. General Itzak Rabin who reads at 385, and they appointed to lead the attacks the seasoned Moshe Dayan who is still smarter, at 388. Little wonder the strategy was brilliant and the execution perfect. Under their poor leadership, the Arab side didn’t have a chance. (Syria’s Pres. Attassi reads 342 degrees.)

WHO WILL WIN THE PEACE? Looking at the readings of the men who will have a say in answering this question, we find a wide range of P.A. degree standings. In the United Nations, Kosygan at 358 faced Israel’s Abba Eban at 373. At home, Russia’s Pres. Podgorny at 355 faced Israel’s Premier Levi Eshkol at 366.

Standing on the side lines are the leading men of the larger nations, all of whom have a stake in the peace that may or may not be made. On the Russian side the best man they have in terms of degrees is their Ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Dobrynin at 377, if he can get into the act. It is to be expected that if Nazzer appoints a man to represent Egypt and the Arab nations, he will select someone of his own degree standing, or even lower. We have President Johnson at 373 urging sanity and a just peace already. De Gaulle, of France at 372 will probably be of a similar opinion. Our Secretary of State, who will have to carry the main burden of our part in the task is Dean Rusk, an able man at 374. If he asks the opinion on the military situation in the Middle East of Secretary of War McNamara, he will have the advice of a 377 degree man. Another able man who may make himself heard is the new president of India, Zakir Husain at 373, a Muslim, but noted for his fair judgments and good intentions. Of one thing we can be more than certain, and this is that the Arab side will continue to play the mule to the bitter end, and perhaps be appeased only slightly if allowed into the oat bin. Having had to deal with this Arab characteristic for so long, it is possible that Israel will take the line of “havers keepers”, and refuse this time to obey U.N. orders and pull back its advanced lines.

Meantime, with the world financial situation none too good, the plight of the embattled smaller nations might have a very bad effect on world economy. At the worst we could see the big nations taking sides bitterly, and everyone going more or less broke while the “teeming millions” who could have lived fatly on what the little war cost, going hungry. One is made to wonder how long the animal in man will prevail and make for war to gain territory instead of joining forces to make the most of the limited territory now available for cultivation. If the very worst overtakes Uncle Samuel, he just might have to stop spending billions trying to set a pair of men on the moon and get back at least their bones.

IF YOU ARE WITHIN RADIO LISTENING DISTANCE OF SAN FRANCISCO, this will interest you. HRA Robert McLellan writes: “I am now director of the California Society for Psychical Study, Inc., and recent developments in the field have been most interesting. I have taken part in some radio broadcasts, panel discussion groups etc., and events have led to my being given a program on radio KCBS of my own. It will last from 7:30 P.M. to 11 P.M. every Saturday night. The main interest will be in the experiments in psychometry. The radio audience will participate, of course, by phoning in questions. Experiments will be made between a psychometrist at the studio and listeners at a distance. I would like to quote liberally from your books and refer to your first two books particularly. I will state that no one should consider himself a student in the field of psychical science until he has fully understood the beautiful concept that you have so diligently analyzed in your study of the kahunas of Hawaii. The reason I have been so deeply interested by Huna is that, of all the stated philosophies and religions, Huna seems closest to my own fundamental beliefs as determined by my own research, mostly in hypnotism.” (I must try to see if my radio will bring in the San Francisco program, for it sounds like a very interesting project. mfl.)

THE CHILDREN WORKED SOME MIRACLES THRU PRAYER, reports HRA G.R.H. of Texas. In a letter she writes, “For what it is worth you might find this interesting: Some 21 years ago I had charge of a group of children from 2 years to 12 years, boys and girls. It was ‘The Children’s Church of a very small Assembly of God Church, and we met for 45 minutes every Sunday evening while the adults had their pre-service meetings. I was supposed to teach the children how to pray. The difficulty was met this way: I told them to pray for something they could put into one word, then cup their hands as if they were holding it; when all had named their desire, I named the Name of Jesus over the cupped hands until I felt my own hands lifted as if a weight were removed. The children had to pray for the same thing until they received it, they could not change back and forth, and miracles took place – a pony, music lessons, a wrist watch, an accordion! Soon they were praying for the healing of other church members. You see, the Name of Jesus was the one consciousness we had in common, the children and me. Huna has explained to me what happened!” (I comment: The name of Jesus is the call to a higher consciousness, and as there is no other place for prayer, mana and thought pictures to go, all must go to the Aumakua. The “Name of Jesus” has put people into touch with their own Aumakuas century after century and prayers have been answered times without number. mfl)

ENLIGHTENMENT AND CONVICTION CAN COME WITH DREAMS. HRA K.P.L. of Ohio tells me in a letter that she has for some years recorded dreams which to her seemed significant. She describes this one as follows:

“Shortly after retiring and just between wakefulness and slumber, in spite of the fact that the room was in total darkness, I saw a figure standing at the foot of my bed. It was a very tall figure, attired in a beautiful long velvet robe of a rich indigo shade, with a beautiful gold cord about the waist.

“As I looked into the figure’s face, I saw that the hair was pure white and very thick. The figure and visage gave no indication of age, but rather had the appearance of being strong, virile and ageless. The eyes seemed to fairly blaze as they returned my gaze.

“I was awe stricken but not frightened. I felt as if my very soul was exposed to the eyes as they gazed into mine. No thought of mine could be concealed from those probing eyes. I also was aware that words were unnecessary between us, as we seemed to communicate by thought. I had a feeling of confidence and trust; a feeling that all was well, an expectant feeling of impending good coming to me, as if I were to receive the gratification of a long yearned for desire.

“A wonderful vibrant feeling of strength seemed to come to me from this figure and I had the feeling that a terrific magnetism from it was slowly and irrevocably drawing us together. I felt that we would merge together and be one. As we drew closer and closer together, the thought occurred to me that I was face to face with my ‘other self’. I felt that I had at last met a beloved, someone from whom I had long been parted.

“At last I fell asleep with a marvelous feeling of harmony within me. I felt protected, confident, and ‘knew’ that nothing in the outer world could ever destroy me, a feeling that the soul was deathless. The details of this vision remain as vivid today as they were that night. Ever since, I have felt this ‘self’ to be so close as to be part of me and that it looks upon me with great love and understanding, and I am conscious of a great love in response to it. Many times I have drawn upon the consciousness of this ‘other self’ for protection, comfort and consolation. Of course, I know that no one can interpret such an experience for another and it is impossible to find words to really convey one’s thoughts, feeling and emotions when relating such experiences.”

I COMMENT: This dream has elements of both the seeing of the Aumakua as a part of one’s own self, and of the seeing of the Beloved. Because I have ventured to tell of my vision of the wonderful brown man in my earliest book, and how he accepted me to his heart with a long look, and of seeing the Beloved coming toward me, I have now and then a letter from an HRA or even a stranger, sharing the similar visions which have come to the writers. On the other hand, I have letters from those who have read of these “seeings” and who long to experience visions of their own to tell them without slightest doubt that these two entities are for each of us. We do not know just how to begin courting these visions which bring such a sense of love and joy and verity. They seem to come as by themselves and at a time which is unpredictable. But that men and women have had such visions is undeniable, and not only in our times, but in times long past. We do not know how long ago the phrase, “Search for the Beloved” was coined with the special meaning of the search for the one and only mate intended from the beginning. The search for the Master, as the Aumakua, has been symbolized for a long time in India where the physical Master is sought, but where the Master in Spirit is not forgotten. We read, “When the pupil is ready, the Master APPEARS.” We might change or add to that dictum the similar fact that, “When the lover is ready, the Beloved appears.” Exercises aimed at making one ready for both experiences have been worked out, and we have Meditation, Contemplation and Concentration as well as the use of Affirmations. We have the sterner discipline of denials, fasting and selfless service. The Mystics, on the other hand, teach that such visions come not from anything we do or fail to do, but because of the boundless GRACE or kindness of the Divine Self in deigning to bless the individual with the visions. One who has been the recipient of such Grace is left with a conviction that never weakens – the conviction that some time, some place, a full and lasting contact will be made with the Aumakua and that the Beloved will be found. For me there is one further step – after finding the Beloved, comes UNION, and then the actual becoming a new Aumakua. Once having seen this prospect clearly outlined in the ancient and very secret lore of Huna, I remain in a state of endless expectation. In this is the real meaning of the outer promise of “Heaven”. In the delay or loss of the opportunity lies all the “hell” that could ever await the laggard. My task is to learn to love perfectly and enough. It is to learn to be “utterly trustworthy” – this being the mark of the Aumakua under any and all conditions. Some see the Aumakua, as I once did, just as a white light that is all pervading and heatless – without source or expressed meaning or purpose. Some see the Beloved in strange guise, but there is never a mistake in the identity. The Aunihipili, who paves the way for all such Majesty and Beauty to come, seems often to add its dream touch, and the Aumakua may appear robed and in the flesh. Or the Beloved may appear with a funny little hat with a bent feather,  but endlessly dear.

TONY NEWS has come in again and I hear that he decided’ to take the easy way out and leave at once for his home in the Philippines. I am left wondering just why he was ordered home and by whom – aside from the Consul. Might be that they had been watching and found that he had slipped in a healing for someone who could not go to visit his clinic. I have just had a letter from one of the Arizona HRAs in which I am told of the case of an Arizona man of eighty who spent $1,000 going to Tony to get treatment for hernia and eyes. Tony is said to have told him, after the treatment, that he was cured, but to have advised him to continue to wear his hernia truss. The eyes were no better, and apparently the healing didn’t “take” in either point of need. One that old may be hard to heal, as the kahunas found in their healing practice when King Kamehameha grew very old and ill. One might also ask whether or not the spirit doctors who cut things out so neatly, might have lacked training in “graft” operations for hernia, or for restoring sight when no cataracts were at fault. To restore failing sight caused by nerve trouble may be too difficult even for these spirits. Too bad it is so far to go to get the uncertain treatments. One would not feel so done in if treatment was close at hand and the donation was not large. If we had a little sanity in our governing bodies and tolerance on the part of the doctors, we might be able to look into spirit healing in a proper way and make the most of it, while avoiding it where it is lacking.

THE JAMES KIDD trial is going on slowly in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., to see if anyone can fulfill the ponderous requirements of the law, and prove to its satisfaction that man has a “soul” that survives at death. Kidd left some $250,000 to be given anyone who could offer acceptable “scientific” proof in a court of law that there was such a “soul”.

Several individuals and organizations have already presented their proofs of the verity of the soul, but many more remain to be heard, and the trial promises to drag out well into the Fall. Psychical Research angles are being used by most of the hopefuls who have hired legal assistance and are presenting their cases. The proofs of spirit return and of  the verity of reincarnation are well presented. The proof of reincarnation through “Life Readings”, given by psychics with or without the aid of hypnosis, are being offered by some.

One rather amusing difficulty is to find in the “law” a proper definition of “soul”, and various ones of the contestants have included in their pleas their own definitions, making them as nearly “scientific” as they can in the face of the fact that, from its very nature, “science” denies the verity of anything that cannot be got into the lab and tested and retested endlessly in material terms. On the other hand, science will not accept even “life” as a fact if it has to admit that units of living organisms have self consciousness. When this cathop came up, some HRAs urged me to have a try at giving proof of the soul via Huna beliefs, but I had to bow out. I could tell all sorts of stories to try to prove that men have a surviving part, but in legal terms I couldn’t prove that I was not the world’s prize liar. I leave our case to the jury, which is YOU. And, if the jury could find time to go down and watch the Filipino healers at work, we might ask Tony just WHAT it is that helps him cut out gizzards so neatly. I fear that Mr. Kidd was kidding someone when he made his will and baited it with his worldly goods as he did.

Another aspect of this absurd “trial” which appeals to me when I go into my laughing room daily, is the fact that in courts we have to swear by God and the Bible, and that the existence of the first and the verity of the second has never been proven in any court of law – or recognized as even a possibility in the Sacred Cow circles of science. How silly can we get …. and remain?

THE STORIES FOR CHILDREN (with the basics of Huna and Huna lessons added), have been progressing as time allowed. Several of
the HRAs wrote in to ask to be placed on the “Story List” so that they would be sent each installment as it was made ready, and now fifteen, are on the list, some with children upon whom to test the stories, some just because they are interested for one reason or another. The MSS now has in it 72 sheets. The yarns recently gave my own special system of teaching beginners to swim, the lessons being held in a large beaver pond in the garden, and by Mr. Beaver, assisted by Father and Mother.

In an earlier sequence the question arose as to whether Father and Mother were black, brown, red, yellow or white. Mr. Owl, being very wise, finally found the happy answer. The children, at the age of five, are already familiar with stars and the speed of light when they are visited by a space ship and from it a flying saucer lands. They all have a very fine time and the children visit the space ship, have various adventures, and a taste of ice cream. The space ship had been sampling the various kinds of soil the world around, and in Ireland there had been stowaways, in the form of a small colony of fairies and a naughty little gremlin. They cause excitement and the gremlin, much trouble. A group of “little people” – the Menehunes – were sent for and they helped police up on the gremlin (who could not be caught because  he could dematerialize at  will). In the next installment, Mother will teach the children the art of quieting down inside and out in order to attract the fairies and to get them to show themselves, [and to] even have the little Fairy Queen touch them with her magic wand as a wonderful and lasting experience. (I am practicing a few minutes each day at the quieting art in my lower garden to try to learn just how best to attract fairies and get them to talk to me. So far, no results, and I begin to fear that one needs to be very young to learn the exact art in its fullness.) The nine year old daughter of the man who brings us our bottled water has at last ventured a comment on the stories. She sent word to me that she liked most of the things in the stories, but thought it might have been better to have Mother give birth to the six pairs of Adams and Eves in the usual manner rather than having them molded out of clay for the start. Children are sophisticated these modern days. One adult, who is the husband of the checker best known to me at our local market, sent his word of comment. He liked the earlier stories better and felt the later ones went too much to the “lessons”. My friend, the postal clerk at the post office, can give me no report on how his boy and girl like the stories, but he, himself, happily reads them by bits while having his lunch, and is always pleased to have a new installment handed to him. I feel hopeful that through the yarns I may be teaching HIM some of the good things of Huna. (That’s the old Missionary Spirit speaking.) (No progress so far in the matter of illustrations, but it is still early for that.)

THE ESSENE HERITAGE is the title of a fabulous new book by our Dr. Martin A. Larson, who did such a magnificent job of giving us the complete story of the New Testament and other religious writings in his book, THE RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT. (If you do not have a copy of it, ask me for information, but don’t miss it.) For the many of you who have come to know of the background and history of the Gospel writings through Dr. Larson’s splendid writings, the new book, which is to be ready in the Fall (and the price of which I will be announcing in the next H.V., along with instructions for purchase) is just what was needed to complete the picture and give at last the source of the Christian beliefs, the source which he is able to present with great skill by his deep study of all that we know of the writings and history of the Essenes and of the material in the Dead Sea Scrolls. (Enough of which have been released to give needed information.)

I had read several books on the Dead Sea Scrolls, but what I wanted to know about the history of the Essenes and what they came to believe evaded me. Nor did the reports on the contents of the Scrolls prove very enlightening. The result of my approach was unsatisfied confusion. I felt that there must be something very important there, but that no one had been sure what it was.

Dr. Larson, who has an amazing ability to digest encyclopedias full of data and handle it as one might with a computer which could REASON, has sorted out the old and new material and brought through a clear picture of the Essenes as they were at the several very different stages in their growth – growth that extended over a period of two hundred years or more and antedated Christianity – which Dr. Larson skillfully shows to have been given birth by the Essenes and to have been, by slow steps, brought to maturity. The period covered was one of great internal movement in that part of the world in terms of shared religious concepts.

The greatly important question of whether Jesus actually lived is given most satisfactory treatment. Dr. Larson finds it best to look upon him as a real man, even if he did make some amazing mistakes when leaving the Essene colony and going out as the “Messiah” to teach the less secret part of the beliefs. That there was a very secret part of the beliefs can no longer be doubted, and it was known that to write about i,t a secret code and cypher was used, although no samples of such writings appear to have yet divulged the inner secrets of the Order.

If Dr. Larson is correct, as I feel that he certainly is, about the beliefs and teachings of Jesus having originated in the hands of the Essenes, it seems to me that we may eventually find evidence through the coded writings that they knew and taught Huna and that the Four Gospels were four versions of the story of the initiation of Jesus. Naturally, I view the material now laid before us in such fine order with a greatly prejudiced eye. I become more and more certain that when the Essenes of the latter period were in contact with the several beliefs of that general region, they must also have been in touch with someone who taught them Huna and a dialect of what was later to be known as the language of Polynesia. Dr. Larson has pointed out the ideas borrowed from the teachings of Zoroaster, Egypt, earlier Jewish scriptures, and especially from Greece and the teachings and practices of Pythagoras, whose ideas were embodied in the communistic way of life so dear to the Essenes of the final period – the period when the Scrolls were being made up and finally hidden before the Roman drive that wiped out the center completely.

As the language of Huna had, we suppose, not been reduced to a written form at that time, it would be necessary to translate what was to be set down into the language used by the Essenes, probably the Aramaic or Hebrew, and possibly Greek in some cases. So, the gentlemen now sitting on the Dead Sea Scrolls and not allowing anyone a look, may have run into Hawaiian written in Hebrew characters, and be unable to understand the material. Or, perhaps they have come across the key to the code and have been confronted by Christian beliefs as Initiatory Drama, Drama such as I have outlined in my book THE HUNA CODE IN RELIGIONS.

One other possibility remains. If the “long ears” tribe of supposed Polynesians who came to Easter Island and mingled with the true Polynesians who also lived there, were not, as some think, a tribe from South America, their “Paddle Board” script and writing (which we have not yet been able to translate, but which strongly resembles the glyph writing of early Egypt) might have once been used to give the written form to a Polynesian dialect. If some of this turned up in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the custodians would be more puzzled than ever. (So far as I can learn, the “long ears” used the same language as the resident Polynesians. Otherwise, the language of the mingled tribes would later have contained foreign words galore.)

You may be wondering how, since the new book is not yet out, I have come to know what is in it. Dr. and Mrs. Larson visited me and when they saw how anxious I was to get at the material, they generously gave me a carbon copy of the MSS as made up for the printer. Very naturally, I began at once burning midnight oil in pouring over the pages. I believe the book will come out, as did THE RELIGION OF THE OCCIDENT, in a well printed soft cover form. I’ll let you know.

THEY CAN DO IT, BUT CAN THEY EXPLAIN IT? A friend sent in some quotations recently from Volume 11 of a book by Hazrat Inayat Kan, titled The Sufi Message: The Mysticism of Sound; Music; the Power of the Word; Cosmic Language. I quote:

“In ancient times healers of the East, and especially those in India, when healing a patient of any complaint of a psychological character, known either as an obsession or an effect of magic, excited the emotional nature of the patient by the emphatic rhythm of their drum and song, at the same time making the patient swing his head up and down in time with the music. This aroused his emotions and prompted him to tell the secret of his complaint which had hitherto been hidden under the cover of fear, convention, and the forms of society. The patient confessed everything to the healer under the spell produced by the rhythm, and the healer was able to discover the source of the malady.” (Page 47, at bottom.)

“There are healers there who have a particular instrument of healing on which they play, and the people go to them for healing. And by playing that instrument they arouse some special feeling which had become cold, and that deep feeling that had been buried begins to come out. It is really the old way of psychoanalysis.” (Page 144, last paragraph)

“There is a school of Sufis in the East which is called the Rafai School. Their main object is to increase the power of spirit over matter. Experiments such as eating fire or jumping into the fire or cutting the body are made in order to get power and control over matter. The secret of the whole phenomenon is that by the power of words they try to tune their body to that pitch of vibration where no fire, no cut, nothing, can touch it. Because the vibrations of their body are equal to fire, therefore the fire has no effect.” (Page 108, paragraph 3.)

IS SCIENCE CATCHING UP WITH HUNA? HRA T. C. writes, “You may be well informed on the following, however the information was of extreme interest and delight to me. My biology professor is an excellent teacher and although it is not yet in the texts, he, for the first time, this year, taught the Operon Theory developed by Messrs. Jacob and Monod, who received the Nobel Prize in 1965 for this work. Their premise was to explain how environmental changes can affect cell metabolism. Metabolism without oxygen will produce two units of energy, however in the presence of oxygen there are 38 units produced. The actual steps and chemical reactions have been put forth by these men. When this knowledge is applied to the ‘Ha Rite’ and deep breathing, it explains how the mana is made and the importance of deep breathing to insure a maximum supply of oxygen to produce a maximum amount of energy or mana.”

I COMMENT that we have discovered something of what vital force may be, but when we turn the physics over to psychology, not so much is understood. For instance, we have still to turn to the kahunas to ask what the Aunihipili, Auhane, and Aumakua, as levels or units of consciousness, do to change the vital energy before using it as mesmeric or hypnotic force, or to change physical conditions or even substances. Mana, aka, consciousness: all must be considered. MFL

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