Huna Bulletin 24

Radiation of the Brain and the Mind

January 1, 1950

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


The news here at the Study is topped by the happy word from our good friend, HRA Meade Layne, that his appeal for financial aid for ROUND ROBIN and BSRA releases met with a generous and loyal response so that he will be able to carry on for us. And it IS for US. He does not labor so tirelessly just to furnish himself with amusement. This is his Service – and may we all continue to be greatly aided by it for a long time to come.

More happy and important news from the same source came in the form of a new BSRA release. This time HRA Edward S. Schultz, whose articles in ROUND ROBIN have always been of such interest and importance. This mimeo book is PREVISIONAL ATOMIC RESEARCH and is a most excellent work to follow HRA John Hilliard’s book released a month earlier. This new release is reviewed at length in this bulletin. The author is to be congratulated warmly for his fine insight, and we HRAs are to be congratulated on the splendid scholarship being shown by our members. Between Borderland Sciences Research Associates and Huna Research Associates, I am convinced that we include practically all of the best students of the materials of our small but greatly important field.

While HRA Margaret Gaddis’ new book, just off the Planograph printing presses, does not cover the materials of the psycho-religious field, it is so important to the task of living that engages all of us, that all of us need to know that it is available. It bears the title of HOW TO SAVE $1,000 A YEAR AT HOME (And Have Fun Doing It).

It is illustrated with line drawings, often five to a page, and is a fascinating book on how to do almost everything that can be done in or around the home – and how to do it better and cheaper. It is filled with the addresses of places where one can get endless things to do with at a better price, or get instructions and free bulletins and books. The section dealing with the family feeding gives no end of valuable information as to food and health values in foods, not only telling what to serve but where to get such things as the new “meat stretcher” developed during the last war to meet the demand for a complete meal for less than a dime per person. Spend a dollar and 8¢ for postage for this book and begin saving your $1,000. Send your order to the author at The Franconia, Winona Lake, Ind.

HRA Mrs. A.H. Savage also has a book just out. It is on the things of our special field, but was written before the information on Huna was discovered by Mrs. Savage in her research. I have not yet had the opportunity to review this promising work.

HRA Wing Anderson will soon have ready for release a new set of records for use in sleep suggestion. I understand that these are a greatly improved set for relaxation, then for health, wealth and happiness aims. He is sending me a set for testing after transferring the sound to wire for my outfit. For information, address him at 2208 West 11th St., Los Angeles 6, Calif. (Not me, please. I value any report on the use of Sleep Suggestion that comes in, but have not had time as yet to give special attention to this specialized work.)

LOOKING BACKWARD, we can count many accomplishments in the year just passed. Our TMHG work has become established on a firm footing and we have found that much good can come from our telepathic work together. We have also found that, in certain cases, no help is obtained. This checks exactly with the theory of the na kahuna – the theory that where (1) a complex is to blame and it is not removed, or (2) where a request demands that others be forced to requested actions, the results [of which] may be difficult to obtain.

GROUP HEALING EFFORTS demonstrated rather conclusively that a surcharge of mana could be administered through direct contact via the hands, or by telepathic projection. Excellent results were had with some who were treated, and negative results with others.

INDIVIDUAL HEALING EFFORTS by HRAs, including doctors, obtained an excellent score of good results, both where the one treated was a patient, and where self-treatment was undertaken.


A TEST FOR A MANA SURCHARGE was worked out through the use of the pendulum and has been of great assistance since June in measuring the mana and learning of its movements, as in the TMHG periods etc. The pendulum was also put to use as a means of getting into working contact with the Aunihipili, and through it, with the Aumakua. The results were found to depend partly on the natural ability of the experimenting HRA to use the pendulum freely. Efforts to trick the Aunihipili into disclosing its fixations have not been very successful, but much has been learned about the Aunihipili and how to work with it.

During the year, contact with experienced and expert users of the pendulum has been made and much assistance from them has been obtained for promoting our exploratory and experimental work with Huna. Dr. Oscar Brunler, now located in Los Angeles, has been especially helpful and has allowed the free and full use of his lectures and findings, also of his speculative materials.

THE BULLETINS, early in the year, grew from four pages to eight, and from a single issue to two issues each month. Three Basic Instruction Lessons in the experimental approach to Huna were made ready, as was a unit of the same size covering the TMHG work. Back bulletins were set in order and made available to the new HRAs in sets.

Fire-walking was investigated at first hand in Honolulu by a newly joined HRA, Charles W. Kenn (recently elected a Fellow of the Huna Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding accomplishment) and his report on his findings was printed in booklet form. From this study, it became clear that no major rite or action of mind or mana had been overlooked in the present stage of the efforts to complete the synthesis of the ancient Huna system. In addition to the study off fire-walking from the inside, much very valuable work has been done by way of gathering and setting in comparative positions a mass of contradictory and confusing recorded information covering the na kahuna and the Polynesians in general. This material will be made available to the HRAs and to the general public in full book form, probably within two years. It will include the fire-walking report and additional material on the history of the rite.

GROUP WORK, by the end of the year had made no gain. The work of groups continues to be hampered by lack of finances sufficient to provide rented meeting places and by the lack of a fully developed program (with available printed instruction and texts) of experimentation. CLASS WORK has been replaced largely by individual study and the bulletins and the material contained in them. Personal instructions by letters from me here at the study have been scant because time allowed for little more than the production of the bulletins. No public lectures were given on Huna during the year so far as has been reported.

HRA MEMBERSHIP, at the end of the year, stands at about 350. This shows a small but steady growth. During the year about a hundred members have been placed on the inactive list.

While actual HRA membership has increased but little, the spread of the information covering the Huna system and our work has been continuous. At the first of the year very few libraries had copies of SSBM. Now it is available in many of the larger ones and in a few rental libraries.

LOOKING FORWARD into the year 1950, the prospect appears very bright for our work of restoring the ancient “True Light” of the na kahuna.

In the past month we have been joined by a young man of great physical vitality who has natural healing ability and several years of successful use of it behind him. He has found in Huna the explanation of many things, and is now beginning tests under my observation on individuals in need of healing aid. He is HRA Ted W. and I think we will be speaking of him often in the bulletins. He has a vital force that makes the measuring pendulum swing almost straight out. His own use of the pendulum, although he has just begun it, is already remarkable. With it he has made a remarkable score of correct predictions covering minor events in his daily work.

Also, in the past month, we have begun a most fascinating and promising approach to the Huna meanings to be found in the ancient Egyptian writings and in the basic meanings of the glyphs used in such writings. It is still too early to be able to say what we may uncover in this corner of the field, but it is already apparent that there was a closer tie than we supposed between Old Egypt and the ancestors of the Polynesians.

Equally exciting is the finding of a book – formerly overlooked in my studies – showing that some Polynesians, the Maoris in particular, had a form of writing. It has been preserved in the decorative lines of their carving and decorations, certain lines and figures serving to embody a complicated set of ideas (as a sentence), while others stand for a single idea or name. In this and the Egyptian material, we are suddenly confronted by a new and most exciting haystack in which to hunt for the needle we seek. The book is, Maori Symbolism. The author is Ettie Rout, a New Zealand woman. You may be able to find a copy in your library or used book shop.

The glyphs which the elderly Maoris used as mnemonic, or memory-helping, signs have individual characteristics, but here and there may be recognized a sign that is common to the early Egyptian writing, or to the characters used in Mayan inscriptions found in Mexico and Central America. For some reason, the glyphs on the tablets found on Easter Island do not fall properly into line, although the Maori old men read from their record an account of early Polynesian migrations from the Americas to Easter Island, and thence to other parts of the Pacific.

Col. James Churchward, in his books on “Mu” as the lost homeland of all men, also fails to make the Easter Island writing fit in with the supposedly original Mu writing which traveled the world around with the colonies between sixteen and twenty thousand years ago, according to his calculations.

There is a mass of fascinating material before us, and the work and opinions of many authors to study and sift. It is my expectation that in the year ahead we may find in this material the hidden psycho-religious secrets of the na kahuna and discover new clues to the practical application of the ancient lore.

Dr. Brunler, now that he knows what we are doing in our Huna testing and exploration, may be able to assist us greatly. He is constantly making new discoveries in various lines and his background of information and experience is remarkable. A few days before Dr. Einstein announced his discovery of a new theory of gravity, Dr. Brunler told me that he had just discovered new facts about gravity which amazed him and was causing him to revamp all his previous concepts covering the subject. A letter today from an HRA who has sick oranges in her orchard, tells me that he has diagnosed the trouble with his pendulum and is engaged in treating a certain common chemical fertilizer to greatly increase its dielectric radiation – a very small amount thus treated will then be used around the trees to see if he has solved the problem. If he has, it will mean much to orange growers all through California.

During the past two years we have watched for the possible finding of a kahuna who might return to us in spirit form through a seance and help us to a fuller understanding of Huna. About six possible communicators have been reported by HRAs, among them Mark Probert. But in each case, the spirits failed to make good. My feeling is that most of them were of the usual variety of pretenders so often met in this way. However, we just may find one who is genuine if we keep watching. The latest spirit “kahuna” to appear comes through automatic writing done in one of our Wisconsin groups and shows a definite knowledge of one of the several Polynesian dialects. He also speaks English and promises to give us needed information. Several sheets of the writing, mostly in run-together words and sentences, have been rushed to Charlie Kenn in Honolulu for his inspection and possible translation. I gathered from my hasty study of the writing that the spirit, and perhaps some associate spirits, date back to Babylonia, with perhaps incarnations as monks in some period or other.

Yes, we have made excellent progress so far and it looks very promising for the work in the time ahead. Almost anything wonderful might happen – who can tell? MFL


(Published as a 24 page mimeo book by BSRA under the direction of Meade Layne. Price post paid $1.10. Address BSRA, 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif. Uniform with the Mark P. Seance Reports etc.

HRA Edward S. Schultz has a splendid study background and a most unusual talent, both of which he has brought to bear for some years in a professional practice in which he has had to pass on the validity and practicality of a steady stream of inventions, theories and speculations. Everything has been grist in his mental mill, and the spread of his interests is most unusual. He lives in a swirl of books, scientific journals, letters and question marks. But, he has a rare and delightful ability to tell the most profound and complicated things in simple and understandable terms. Of course, the reader must be familiar with the modern terms and ideas which come up for discussion in these seven articles.

Article 1, “Electrical Power Direct from Matter” is a most interesting brief survey of the work already done with the use of atomic energy and a prediction covering the probable future uses which can and will be made of this new tool which threatens to make war too dangerous to tolerate and to revolutionize our lives by giving us unlimited power with which to reclaim desert lands and do many other things. “…The problem of living room on our planet would largely be solved and international tensions eased. Agriculture, especially in the far northern and southern lands, would be revolutionized.”

Article 2 deals with the problem of finding ways to explode very small amounts of Uranium 235 or Plutonium. He writes, “… it being held that this lower limit (of the size of the exploding unit) is governed by ‘multiplication factor-K’… There will be re-examination of the roles played by other radiation products co-emitted with the neutrons, and these are likely to be put to work to augment neutron multiplication. The strategic use of Beryllium, or its equivalent, as a particle transformer, is not ruled out. More of the sum total of the radioactive and fission energies, now going to waste in terms of alpha, beta, gamma and other radiations, will be utilized to increase factor-K.”

Article 3 deals with a new “Potent Tool of Research,” of which I had never heard before. This new tool, he suggests, is a dual one to be used with Einstein’s law of the equivalence of mass and energy. “Max Planck’s constant is a worthy candidate of this role. It has done a great deal in extending the frontiers of scientific logic. However, consideration is suggested of the observation by Gustave le Bon in his ‘Evolution of Matter’ as the most valuable tool of analytic logic: The forces of the universe are only known to us in reality, by disturbances in equilibrium. The state of equilibrium constitutes the limit by which we can no longer follow them.”

Even if one does not grasp all that is said in these articles, it provides a most intriguing glimpse into a strange new world that is being born in our laboratories and in scrawled figures on paper. MFL


In Bulletin No. 23 we had Dr. Brunler’s explanation that there were life-giving radiations from the earth that were picked up at points on the feet and legs and fed into organs of the body. From another “soul-mind” source, a different set of radiations were picked up through the brain or upper part of the body (no definite pick-up points were given) and were fed into the organs to balance the radiations from the earth. If the radiations from below or above are cut off, the health is endangered.

Most of us are familiar with the theory that earth vibrations get cut off by some stoppage of the pick-up on toes, feet and limbs, and with the attempts to use massage and manipulation to open up these collecting centers. (Dr. Brunler also tells in his lectures of using white and colored lights for the same purpose with success.)

What is of greatest interest in our Huna exploration is Dr. Brunler’s conclusion that there is a radiating force from the “soul” as well as from the earth, and that these two must flow freely in our bodies to keep us in normal health.

Dr. Brunler tells us that mental and emotional upsets act to cut off the “soul” mental or upper radiations. This checks with the fact widely known that much illness is caused by such disturbing elements. In Huna, we divide the “soul” as used here and get the Auhane and the Aumakua. Indications of both may be seen in Dr. Brunler’s effort to explain in the old and familiar terms where the upper radiations come from. He says:

“Before dealing with the two interlocking forces which are the cause of life, I must point out that I do believe that we have a soul, and that our soul – the “I AM” – uses the earthly body of flesh as its instrument to operate on this terrestrial plane. We have therefore to consider two factors – the soul and the body, or mind and matter. What animates matter – our body? The mind, the will, the spirit behind it. What is mind? It is not matter, but an intangible force of vibrating energy.”

In Huna we attribute the “will” to the Auhane, as we do the ability to use the higher form of logic. For the element of “spirit” we have the Aumakua, from which the na kahuna believed that a form of force or “mana” radiated or flowed down (along the connecting aka cord) to play some part in man’s work of living. It is quite possible, in my opinion, that we will one day learn to recognize two forms of radiation in the force now known to come into the body from a higher level than that of the earth.

Returning to this matter later in his lecture, Dr. Brunler says, “Mind and matter, body and soul, earth and spirit are a whole and act as forces of equal strength in a sound and healthy body. The mind and the radiations caused by the mind are the dominating factors, and the earth radiations, or the absorption of the rays from the earth, are governed to a great extent by our mind.”

Our practice, borrowed from the na kahuna, of collecting a surcharge of mana by an action of mind, may be one in which we consciously draw in more of the radiations from outside sources. We might even be tempted to think that all the needs of the body could be supplied in this way and the intake of food and drink avoided – as sometimes has been suggested – but in actual practice we find that force alone is not enough. We need matter in the form of food.

And, if we follow the line of thought suggested by Huna as well as by Dr. Brunler, we must add the third element as the control factor: CONSCIOUSNESS in one or more states or levels. That gives us our trinity of matter, force and consciousness. Add to this the thing that is not real in itself, space-time, and we have a working basis. Dr. Brunler makes for us a new division of matter by adding ether to the accepted classification of “solid, liquid and gaseous.” Ether is described as the basic material from which all other matter is formed when acted on by force to set it into motion at given rates. The rate of motion in units of ether are controlled by consciousness – or we may say by the vague and impersonal thing “Law.” (One of the finest lectures in the series covers this angle when he deals with “THE ATOM.”)

A matter of much interest, which is not touched on in the lecture on THE RADIATIONS OF THE EARTH AND OF THE MIND, was brought up during an evening of discussion. It seems that not all of the radiations from the earth are good for us. Dr. Brunler told of the fact that almost everyone who worked for long mining clay for china making in two different European locations, died of cancer. Eventually he discovered, through the use of the pendulum, the fact that there was a very strong and unusual radiation coming from the clay beds. Periods of exposure to these were shortened, and those already afflicted were removed to safe places to recover.

He told of a number of instances in which, during his practice in England, medical men failed to understand the cause of disorders, but the pendulum showed a harmful radiation. Radiations rising from a flow of water under the ground, and well below the foundations of one old mansion, were found to be causing the son of the family to go into a strange state resembling catalepsy. When the young man moved his quarters to another wing of the house, all was well with him.

In England and France it has been customary for some years to test with the pendulum to see whether harmful radiations of various kinds may be rising under living or working quarters. In his lecture, he touches on the problem of insulation against earth radiations, saying:

“You may ask: ‘Can we insulate ourselves against the radiations of the earth?’ Yes, to a limited extent. You can carry out your own experiments by testing the field and the antenna in your feet and legs. (He was addressing men who use the pendulum.) Rubber soles have an insulating effect, and various materials, such as felt, cork and fur, reduce the intake of earth radiations into our body.” (Reducing the good vibrations as well as the harmful no doubt.)

In the light of these discoveries, it seems that the famous Kneipp was not quite such an incredible fool as his contemporaries believed him to be when he maintained that we draw vitalizing forces from the earth into our bodies and that the vitality of his patients increased a hundred per cent by making them walk barefooted over the dew-covered grass in the early hours of the morning.

”Endless are the examples which I could give you (to prove that the earth radiations are real and necessary) but this is not a lecture on medical discoveries. Let me return to the pendulum and radiations. We know that when we go with the pendulum over the legs or feet it gives a straight-line movement, and if there is a disturbance in any part of our anatomy (represented by the part being used in the pendulum test) then the pendulum rotates. You will now see why it rotates at certain points, and wherever such a disturbance in the flow of currents can be discovered you can easily determine the organ which is affected and check up that with the pendulum.



“‘How do these earth currents flow through the body? Is the blood the carrier of radiations, or are they carried through the etheric body? Endless are the questions which arise and a long way of labor lies before us until we can give answers to all the problems.”

Huna gives us the three aka bodies of the three selves.


The top circle represents the soul mind radiation. It reaches down and makes an overlapping zone with the circle of earth radiations. The sacral center is in the middle of zone.

The solar plexus is a mid-point of measure. Note line A-A passes from eye to big toe level. Lungs and lower bowels are equally distant from the solar plexus and organs or points at equal distances from the solar plexus are connected and if one is off normal it affects the other. Thus a sore spot on the inside of the big toe near the nail indicates trouble for the eye on the opposite side of the head.

In a similar way, in a man, the thyroid and the gonads are at equal distances and their conditions react on each other.

The liver acts as a control center and, if off normal, has a harmful effect on the heart, lungs and intestines. Also pancreas, spleen, pituitary. kidneys. blood, head etc.

A tender spot on arms or legs or feet may indicate a lack of radiation pick-up for the organ represented, which may lie at an equal distance from plexus center. Tests over the sore spots may be made with a pendulum. If it swings in a circle, it indicates a sick organ to correspond. Try rubbing, exposure to light. (Dr. Brunler worked out a complete system for the right colors of light to be used for various inactive points at one time. The list was not given in the lectures.) For a sore shoulder, look for a sore spot on the leg on the opposite side of the body and also treat the sore spot if found. That, I take it, is the way to go about using this information in our experimental approach to the materials of this part of the field. Dr. Brunler says, “We can establish and check up on any disorder in our body by testing the earth-radiation pick-up points in our feet and by observation of any visible disorder in the face, eyes, arms and hands.”

More will be given in the bulletins about the atoms and the ether.

YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS AND LETTERS were greatly appreciated and helped warm me and encourage Cigbo. Thanks to all of you, best in this 1950.

Max Freedom Long

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