Huna Bulletin 52

Letter Bulletin

April 1, 1951

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.


This is a “letter bulletin” to a large extent, even if only a few of your letters can be used in our limited space. I have on hand, with special parts marked with my red pencil, enough letter material to make a book of excellent comments on Huna, on experiments with its use and with reports on healing attempts and results. Personal experiences which would be fascinating reading, have reluctantly been put aside because they do not bear directly on our testing of Huna as a philosophy and as a set of methods not yet fully understood.

It would be a pleasure to be able to give the full name and address of the writer of each letter and to tell interesting things about him or her, but, I am very sorry to have to say, in an organization such as ours, we attract a certain number of inconsiderate individuals who inevitably take advantage of others. I will not go into this further, but am sure that the majority of the HRAs – who are more than considerate in every way – will understand.

THE “WALL OF PROTECTION” project was begun right after Christmas when TMHG prayer actions were requested for fighting men and their loved ones who could be hurt badly by the consequences of battle wounds, capture or death.

Most of the men were still in training. Some, as fliers, were exposed to additional training dangers. One young HRA, son of my very good friend HRA H.C., of California, arrived in Korea some time ago. He has an exceptional background and understands Huna better than will most young men in the Services. His is the first letter from the battle zones and is of much interest because it shows deep thoughtfulness and gives us such a reaction to our prayer work as we dream of having. Here are parts of the letter.

LETTER from HRA Bill C. “Dad passes on all the bulletins to me and I am getting caught up on what I missed last Fall. But, over here, it is quite hard to do any serious thinking. Hard to concentrate on any one thing when the tent has ten other noisy men in it, and a couple of radios. The idea of the Wall of Protection around a person is intriguing.

I’ve felt a time or two since I’ve been here, that something more than my usual fool’s luck was keeping me from harm. Wish I had the space here to put down some of my ideas on the relativity of right and wrong: what may be right to us is a perfectly natural wrong to one so taught. The differences in social structures and moral character between the ancient Hawaiians and ourselves will bear this out. But would this have any influence on the higher logics of the Aumakuas, or not? One would think not, but how could one tell?

Please, no answer is requested. Just keep up the good work.”

(The Open Letter was sent to Bill with the request that he pass it around and get us a reaction from the other lads if possible. More will be said in later bulletins about this.) (Date line was March 13th at Kumchon. Cigbo was so royally remembered that he has been meowing excited bugle calls in his box and purring, “Forhead march!”)

You may not have seen in the papers an AP dispatch of March 17th from Korea telling how seven rifle bullets struck Cpl. Samuel Brockes without injuring him when he ran from a tank to cover in a rice paddy. Bullets struck four times on his shovel, once on his canteen, once on an ammunition clip and once on his helmet. “I’m sitting on God’s right hand,” he remarked. Evidently he believes in prayer – and with very good reason, indeed. (I am greatly encouraged by the response to the Open Letter already, even though the time has been too short for a full response. Our “Wall ” work may turn out to be a great Service if enough of the men can understand the simple version of Huna given in the instructions for making the Huna-type prayer.)


The Kii Pohaku’s back was revealed in a picture obtained at the big Sydney, Australia museum through the kindness of Mr. McCarthy, part of whose article was quoted in the Birthday Bulletin when the Kii picture was sent out. HRA S.L., advanced student and good friend, is responsible for the new picture and for a letter of details about the little stone image and similar ones – the latter illustrated by clever little pen sketches.

Nothing very new was added to the little known already of the image, but the letter says, “Mr. McCarthy is of the opinion that the curved (‘J’ shaped) nose is not curved at all, but that the curve seen is the mouth and that the nose is straight. The round hole below the nose is on the figure’s chin …. Whilst discussing it with Mr. McCarthy, he pointed out what he had not seen before, (presumably in the pictures and not on the actual image) and that was that the figure appeared to be a central figure with a figure sitting on either side. If you look carefully on either side you will see hips, legs, etc. If this is so, it would give the trinity, which might be of some significance. Mr. McCarthy also informed me that there [is] a very much better stone in the Chicago Natural History Museum, and a similar one in the British Museum.”

In the article accompanying the pictures (taken from a museum publication), it is suggested that this class of images had been used in crude [mortar] and pestle sets for grinding small things like earth pigments in lumps. The conjecture was made that the umbilicus was so large, deep and prominent because it had been ground out by long use. In my own scant study of the umbilical significance, I found in Werner Wolff’s book on Easter Island (Island of Death and recently reviewed in a bulletin) the picture of a small image carved from wood and with a similar large hole in front. In addition, there were photos of the backs of stone images and of natives painted for ceremonial observances. On the backs are large circles which would be about opposite in position to the umbilical holes. The circles on the back are part of other figures and in the painted back of the live person, there are three circles, one large and two smaller standing below and at the sides. I still strongly favor the idea that the symbolic cord to carry mana lay behind the carvings, with the outer significance of the cord connecting each individual with his line of ancestors.

The carvings on the back of the Kii include a set of three circles made of spiral lines and placed one above a belt line and two at the sides below. Weathering makes one indistinct at the lower left. A few other carved lines appear, the significance of which can only be guessed. Any HRA wishing to try to reproduce the image may have the illustrations on loan. Owing to very different lighting, the front of the image appears [to be] lacking the lower triangle of the reproduction we used for the bulletin.

In a March letter, HRA Charles Kenn sent a newspaper clipping with a photographic reproduction of a large stone recently given close study in Hawaii. On it are carved lines which were chalked for the picture-taking and which seem to resemble in many ways the odd carvings found in Easter Island and other parts of the Pacific. It begins to look to me as if the early Polynesians had come earlier, spread farther, and traveled more extensively in both Atlantic and Pacific than has been supposed. The evidence accumulating to show that they possessed a form of writing resembling that of early Egypt, makes one wonder whether or not the Polynesians were in the South Pacific a very long time – thus accounting for the loss of the use of the writing in later times. (Except, perhaps, in Easter Island.)

Charles continues his careful study of all things Hawaiian, and material for books continues to accumulate in his hands. He gives in his letters to me much information on language roots and word meanings, frequently pointing out meanings in other Polynesian dialects which may add to the meanings of the Hawaiian dictionaries or correct them. In this work, he has often the assistance of older and very learned Hawaiian scholars. Constant thanks are due in this direction from us all.

OF THE KII POHAKU, HRA Mrs. S.D.B. writes, “I don’t know for sure, but somehow little Kii Pohaku is a very good physical stimulus for me – her droll eyes and odd little smile give me such a friendly feeling. Difficult to explain. Things are looking up. Our problems are working out – thanks to you, really. The bulletins are of increasing value to me personally, and your Open Letter is most remarkable! How did you do it? Little Johnny was thrilled by the lucky piece Cigbo sent him on his birthday, and rock throwing being what it is, he has had almost daily reason for following Cigbo’s instructions to turn the lucky piece over in his pocket and recite the saving magic formula of, ‘Meadow to all that,’ when the going gets tough.” (My little friend, Johnny, with the inward sight of childhood, knows Cigbo to be very real. He visited me recently and asked at once to see Cigbo. I got down the cigar box, palmed Cigbo’s tiny bell, and we opened the box lid. It happened to be one of Cigbo’s very busy and invisible days as his box was empty except for his tinseled paper nest and silver dollar nest egg. Each time the lid was closed, he could be heard – if one placed a small ear on the top of the box – scratching industriously and tinkling his tiny bell. In passing, I may say that I hardly know whether Cigbo is more real to Johnny or to me. HRA S.A.P. warned me in a letter from New Jersey that even a thought-form Cigbo might become very real on the aka level of things, a delightful idea to contemplate.)


Speaking of images, we tend to associate those cut from stone with the earliest civilizations, but it is quite possible that at the time stone images were being made in one part of the world, races in other parts had already advanced to the making of pottery images. In a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, Lowell Harmer tells how a German, Waldemar Julsrud, long resident in Mexico, has for several years been instrumental in uncovering, at Acambaro, thousands of pottery figurines of men, familiar animals, and DINOSAURS – the kind with the very long neck and tail, and the kind with the great spinal plates as well as a kind shown with the body of a man in either side of its massive jaws. Men are depicted attacking the great beasts. In addition there are skulls and bones of “ape like men” and a number of large pottery masks depicting human faces NOT “ape-like” at all.

Large, straight noses are shown on the faces of the masks. The eyes are not Mongoloid and the mouths not Negroid. A striking characteristic, however, and one which ties them to the Easter Island images, is to be found in the big long ears. One of the pottery figures shown in the illustrations for the article is that of a man seated on the ground and with elbows on knees and fists under chin. The umbilicus is almost as large and out of proportion as in our Kii or the old wooden image from Easter Island. There is a round hat with a band and a circle in the front. Arms and ankles have decorative bands around them. The ears are very large and long. The large triangle, point down, shown in the picture of our Kii, is well duplicated to give the body of the sitting figure a broad-pointed end.

These thousands of assorted figurines and masks were found just a few feet below the present ground level and with roughly squared stones supposed to have been used in building. Mr. Julsrud runs a hardware store in the neighborhood and hires a Mexican and his son to do the digging. A number of pits have been opened and the author of the article watched seven assorted figurines unearthed while there. The amazing discovery has such revolutionary implications that the authorities on anthropological matters have so far hesitated to cast more than a few glances in this direction. If the early pottery makers reproduced animals which they observed in life about them, as all primitive races presently known have done, there is no escape from the conclusion that men lived as early as the age of the dinosaur. They must have seen them in the flesh and not just in skeletal remains, as we have done.

The dinosaurs, judging by the geological age of the strata in which their bones have been found, lived a hundred million years ago while, according to various calculations, man has been known on earth only for one-half of one paltry million years. Two feeble efforts have been made to discredit this amazing discovery and the conclusions to which it leads. One is the accusation that perhaps the discoverer has great wealth and has been able to spend vast sums having the figurines made, aged and planted – which the situation itself proves to be impossible. The second excuse, and one more popular, is that in this part of the world the dinosaurs might have escaped extinction for 99½ millions years after the rest of their kind had vanished from the earth.

If the great age of these figurines is heavily discounted, it will still give us time to include in its span the risings and sinkings of the fabled Mu and Atlantean continents. It would allow for several glacial periods, and for “Worlds In Collision” types of disasters in which brushes with meteors may have caused vast changes in the earth structure and climate (such as Ignatius Donnelly described and went far to prove in his 1884 book, Ragnarok, the Age of Fire and Gravel, and which he wrote after his classical book giving the proofs of the existence of an Atlantean center from which spread advanced civilization).

In the light of such vast additions to the life span of mankind, our study of Huna origins becomes greatly expanded. The puzzling elements in Huna now suggest combinations of lunar, stellar and solar cults. Given this much greater antiquity, we may be allowed to guess that the original Huna system came down to us in such a way that it absorbed elements from the various cults and cultures. Conversely, by discarding these elements, we may get to the pure Huna eventually.


Knowing how fascinating Donnelly’s RAGNABOK has been to me and to a number of HRAs, I am going to declare a slight holiday from Huna, as such, for the moment and pass on some of the fascinating facts and speculations furnished by this old but brilliant study which has not yet been accepted by reluctant “science,” but which has not yet been replaced or refuted in large measure.

Donnelly became suspicious of the theory that in the ice ages the boulders, non-rounded rocks, gravel and clay, had been deposited by melting ice or floating icebergs melting in shallow seas supposed to have covered presently very high and dry lands. He visited the ends of glaciers in various parts of the world and found that in melting, they deposited little or no clay. The rocks they dropped were usually rounded and were seldom marked with grooves. On the other hand, the great “drift” deposits covering half the earth were composed of clay, irregular rocks tending to triangular corners, and usually bearing grooves.

From legends gathered from many races, he pieced together the story of a great catastrophe in ancient times which had, with each race, the same general details of a happening which had all the earmarks of a comet side-swiping the earth.

The head of the comet struck the Great Lakes, indenting the ground surface so that at the lake bottoms the same strata are found one on top of the other as away from the lakes. The vast holes were just pushed into the earth by the impact. What became of the head of the comet which made the holes, is uncertain as the holes were left as empty as the great meteor crater in Arizona. The holes later filled with water and some surface wash.

The vast tail of the comet was composed of boulders, irregularly shaped rocks, gravel and clay, the latter being fine dust that made clay when compacted by water. There was great heat caused as the tail of the comet swept across the upturned side of the world and the “drift” materials were deposited with strange snowdrift-like formations over mountains and plains and seas, covering the eastern half of the Americas and the western half of Europe and lands in line to the south. (In parts of Ohio, he relates, at a depth of over a hundred feet, when a well was dug down through the great layer of “drift,” a clay figure of a human form was discovered, proving that the drift had covered a plain where men had lived.)

The legends all tell of the poisonous gases and the heat that struck suddenly, of people taking shelter in caves. Of the impact breaking the trap-rocks and allowing internal fire and lava to burst forth. The heat turned vast quantities of water to steam and the sky was darkened. While the earth was cleft open and lands rose and fell, deluges of rain came down. The reactions in the atmosphere and perhaps of the tilted poles of earth, brought the cold and the vast fields of ice. Very few on the stricken side of the earth were able to survive, and these mostly in high places near the tropics.

Wells put down in the Mississippi Valley indicate that there may have been successive drift deposits. Above a coin found at a depth of 114 feet were the following: Soil, 2 feet, mottled clay, 18 feet, bright-green clay, 8 feet, hard purplish clay, 8 feet, dark vegetable matter, 4 feet, blue clay, 44 feet, yellow clay, 17 feet, soil, 3 feet. (There is much more, but this will suffice to outline the theory.)


This is the title of a beautifully printed little book by HRA Lawrence E. Gaylor of Nevada. The front page inscription reads, “To Max Freedom Long with every best wish for the Huna Research Associates.” So you see, it’s for all of us. Here is a bit from page 15:

Be to thyself
What the world
Needs from you;
Reflect the Divine
Like the grey skies
Or blue.

Then wilt thy progress
In life be begun;
Then shalt thou discover
Thy place in the sun;
Then shalt thy hands
The infinity seize,
Like the rivers and the mountains,
The earth and the trees.

HRA Rev. Dr. HJJ of Illinois, gently chides me for certain of my attitudes. He writes, ” … and from different angles, the same object appears to be different. Truth is somewhat on the same order. That is why we have so many cults. Each person presents the Truth as it appears to him. Each may present a different angle of Truth, but that does not mean that one is right and the other wrong. I mention this because I see you are making the mistake of taking it for granted that all these others are mistaken and that Huna is the whole thing. Each one has some good and it is that good that we must try to recognize. Various teachings may fail to get results for you, but they may get results for others,.” I stand corrected and readily agree that a sincere presentation by a sincere person, regardless of the advocated doctrine, carries value. My quarrel is with the commercialism – to call it by a mild name – which prompts wolves in sheep’s clothing to promise to ……. but need I say more?

HRA L.Z.A., good student and a writer whose fiction many of us enjoy, comments in a recent letter, “I continue to find the bulletins most inspiring – look forward to them eagerly each two weeks. I had rather an interesting demonstration of the power of low mana the other day. My mother was quite ill with the flu, very weak. We wanted to move her and bathe her, but since my sister and I had both strained our backs doing this, we did not know how we were going to carry out the project. So I said, ‘I’m going to give you a charge of mana.’ I then stood in front of her – she was sitting in a chair – went through some breathing exercises which I have found best for raising my vibrations, for a few minutes, then went over and placed my hands on her knees. I commanded the low mana to enter her body, and said, ‘Now you are charged with mana.’ I left the room to prepare the bath. What was my surprise, a moment later, to see her enter the bathroom almost on my heels. I asked if she got up by herself and she said, ‘Yes.’ I asked her how she felt when she did it and she said, ‘I just felt strong enough to get up.’ I might say that, before this, for several days she had not been able to lift herself at all from a chair without help. It had taken two of us, one on each arm. Neither could she walk. Yet, with the charge of mana, she did both very easily. The ‘charge’ seemed to last at least until the bathing was finished and she returned to bed and fell asleep. How much longer it may have lasted, I cannot tell.”

(With the letter came also a number of sheets representing a considerable labor of love. The sheets contained a very excellent digest of the beliefs and customs of the Plateau Indians and makes available to me ‘important materials for study’ and comparison – materials which in my crowded days I would not have had time to hunt down and put in order for myself.


This comes from HRA Mrs. R.M. “I have tried to write you, but somehow found it hard to put into words all my thanks to you (and TMHG) for the help with R. His periods of loss of control, etc., have entirely stopped. For over a month now there have been no attacks. He isn’t entirely well, but the other things are minor, and now he is really on the road to health again. I believe your prayers and telepathic treatments have been successful. Will you thank for me all those who have helped so generously?


News averages much more encouraging. Thanks to all of you who have sent in dreams and the reply of “George” when, upon awakening, he was asked what the dreams meant. HRA Mrs. C.L. writes, “I was standing in a park … A man dressed in grey, with a grey fedora, suddenly appeared and said to me, ‘If we can get through these years to come, there will not be another disaster until the seventies. I awoke and asked ‘George’ to let me have the meaning of ‘these years to come.’ The answer was – ‘the next two or three years.’ He gave me also the understanding that the formality of signing a peace with the North Koreans will not be effected, but that a cessation of fire will materialize.”

The communicating spirits of the Mark Probert seances, as reported in a BSRA release just in from HRA Meade Layne at San Diego, shows the same trend. Whereas, earlier in the Korean War period, the spirits predicted very serious troubles soon to come, they now say that world conditions are much improved and the outlook is for no major outbreak in the near future. Let’s work harder than ever on our prayer actions for world peace, both in and out of the usual TMHG periods. Few as we are in number, it may just be that the mana-power we keep sending to the Aumakuas may be the deciding factor amidst a world of men and women praying in the many ways for the coming of peace.

(Keep your dreams coming in, please.)


GUIDANCE often comes when we have asked for it and then have let go and are mechanically doing something – the mind not engaged and so left open for “George” to pass on to us the Guidance received from the Aumakuas. This was the experience of HRA C.E. in Atlanta this month. She had asked repeatedly for Guidance in finding a proper house to buy for a home. She relates, ” … I was just idling and a strong thought suddenly came that we belonged in the West end as though someone else was speaking through me. I asked my husband to get the afternoon off on the third day so we could go to find the house and buy it. We saw the house, just what I had asked for even to big front and back yards and trees and arranged so that we could make part of it into a rental.”

THE ESP EXERCISES WITH THE LITTLE BOXES (described in Bulletin 7), are being tried out in a small new group led by HRA Mrs. R.L.S., who made a wonderful recovery through the use of Huna earlier this year. She writes, “Are the box exercises only for ESP development, or for something in addition?” The thing “in addition” is a gradual development of direct acquaintance with the Aunihipili as a separate entity and an individual well worth one’s understanding, love, and patient training. I have never been able to put into words the thing I have come to sense and to be aware of in my own “George.” (He is “Big Max” to me because he runs the body which I share as a permanent guest. “I-Max” is my Aumakua, and I contact him better when I call for him that way, but I-Maxine is always there also, and I am constantly saying, “Thank you Father. Thank you Mother.” when the thrilling news comes of answered requests for help for friends in the TMHG or elsewhere.)

The six little similar cardboard boxes, each with a trinket inside and out of sight, are often placed on a stand in my bedroom for weeks at a time. Night or morning, as time and inclination allows, I mix the boxes, and say cheerfully, “Well, Big Max, how are you working today? Let’s see what you can do with the boxes.” Then we select a box, look at it or just hold the fingers of one hand near it, and wait to see if the aka machinery is functioning and the impression comes of the trinket inside. We laugh and joke and have fun over the successes and also the mistakes. I can’t quite describe the relation that has developed, the mutual awareness and feeling that each of us has rights, desires, privileges, dislikes, etc,

GOOD NEWS OF GREGG’S PROGRESS keeps being sent by his mother, HRA N.B. The down swings become less and the up swings greater. On March 16th she wrote, “Be thrilled – Gregg has had a marvelous week.” And I was thrilled, and want you all to share my happiness. Keep working for him. Aside from all personal feelings for the young man, he is our major test case in the field of sanity. There is contact two or three times a week through his mother and father, both of whom understand exceptionally well the Huna theories and methods.

UNEXPECTED RESULTS were reported by HRA Mrs. J.W.H. On March 8th she wrote from Chicago, “This is my first letter since I received my set of the bulletins. Since beginning my study of them I have become able to see out of my right eye, which I had not seen out of for twenty-six years. I desire to be a great healer and to be able to do worthwhile service for the world (her “map” to go into the TMHG). I am constantly being surprised and delighted by letters telling of healing that has come to someone after reading about Huna in my book or after reading some of the bulletins. It would seem that with the sudden grasping of the facts of the Aumakuas the door swings silently open for help to be given. Perhaps some experience such as this was behind the statement made long ago, “You shall know the truth, and it shall set you free.”

A LETTER TO CIGBO came on March 11th from one of his “estra good” friends, “Uncle” HRA L.K., who lives in Colorado. He wrote, “And speaking of a Huna Research Center, I note with interest that boss mentioned in the bullingtons that he was unable to find anything sub-urban yet, and had about given it up, at least for the present. As and when my finances permit, I would like to help boss to aquire a real Research Center, a laboratory where gifted HRAs could go and stay as they had time, and where they could exchange ideas and experiment and promote the work perhaps faster than can be done by isolated individuals. A place that is quiet and peaceful, and where those who are interested can dig into Huna from every angle, tooth and nail and with no holds barred.” Cigbo (to say nothing of “boss”) requests very special prayer actions for HRA L.K. and his swift and great success in his subdividing and building projects.

SPIRIT ATTACKS are all too real at times. HRA G.W.P. writes of his difficulties, ” … not knowing what to do regarding the spirit activities, I asked for protection at the time (a time described in an earlier letter in which physical manifestations of the bedding-snatching variety were reported). While there has not been any more action of any kind, there are times when a feeling pervades that they are near. At these times, even the cat won’t stay, preferring to go to the hen house.” (The sovereign remedy in such cases is to refuse to become frightened, to take it easy and make a call to the Aumakua for protection.)


Dear Friend,
For three years, my friends and I have been experimenting with the methods of prayer found in a recently rediscovered and very ancient system of thought, belief and practice which had no name, but was always spoken of by the initiates who knew it, as “THE SECRET”. The system was based on religious knowledge and psychology. It appears to be the “Strong meat” which Jesus reportedly reserved for his disciples – a secret lore covering the ways of getting miraculous healing results through a certain method of making and delivering prayers.

This letter is for our fighting men and their loved ones. It is to explain in the fewest possible words just how to use the new prayer methods. It is to teach the man endangered in war to pray in the best possible manner for protection from all forms of danger. It is to teach the loved ones at home how to pray for the safety of the ones at the front or on the sea or in the air.

The customary methods of making prayers need not be changed. What they need is to have a few things added to methods now in use. We all know of the miraculous answers to prayer recorded in World Wars I and II. There can be no question about the protection that can be called down by prayer. All that need concern us is the matter of being more CERTAIN that the prayer will get the desired results.

While the ancient system of which I speak was not a part of Christianity – because it was developed and lost long before Jesus lived and taught – there is so much of it thinly hidden in Christian teachings that this presentation can best be made in terms of the New Testament. Of course, it can be applied by people of any faith.  Its inner and secret teachings may be found in all great religions if one knows what to look for.

(For those who remain behind while a loved one goes to fight for our liberties, a full account of the ancient system may be found in my book, SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES, should more complete information be desired.)

I think that most of you who are new to “THE SECRET” will find little difficulty in understanding the fact that “As above, so below” applies to the trinity of God in the highest reaches of conscious being, the “Three In One”, and, on the other hand., to us who are “created in His own likeness” on the human levels of consciousness. Man is made up of three “selves”, the conscious mind self, the subconscious mind self and a Superconscious Mind Self which we know as the Guardian Angel, of which every man, woman and child, without exception, has one. Modern psychology recognizes the first two selves, but is still puzzling over the third because it is not something to be taken into the laboratory.

The Guardian Angel or Aumakua, is much older and wiser than the other two selves, being able to see and shape the future. All three selves are going through the school of life. We might say that the subconscious is in the grade school, the conscious self in high school and the Aumakua in college. Jesus spoke of the Aumakua as the “Father” and of himself as the “Son”. This was a veiling of the secret lore and has not been clearly understood until now. Jesus taught, “The Father and I are one.” He disclosed the fact that all the miracles which he performed were made possible by the action of the Father. The secret of why and how was given only to the disciples. Jesus also taught that all prayers to the Highest Being in the Universe, GOD, must be sent through the Father, or in the name of Jesus as ONE WITH THE FATHER, which amounted to the same thing. What I wish to tell you is that in the “SECRET” we have found the how and why of this. We cannot pray directly to Ultimate God, whose very nature is beyond our comprehension, so we must send our prayers to our Aumakua and depend on its greater wisdom to know how to forward them on to the next higher levels of Beings when necessary. (Yes, there are many levels of conscious Beings between the Aumakua and Ultimate God, and all are triune in their nature. But, because these are quite beyond the reach or comprehension of men, Jesus had little to say of them. He knew that in so far as men were concerned, the thing of greatest importance was that they learn to know and to work with the “Father” Aumakua.)

That covers the first point in the new way of making prayers. We pray to God as usual but address our prayers to Him through our own Guardian Angel. One may pray to God in the customary way, asking things in the name of Jesus, or one may address the prayers to the Guardian Angel asking that they be handed on to any other Higher Being if necessary. It makes little difference to whom our prayers are addressed for the simple reason that all prayers automatically go to the Guardian Angel or Superconscious Self.

The reason for this is that all prayer is sent by telepathy and that the Guardian Angel of each of us is the only one tuned in to pick up our telepathic prayer message. In the Bible we read of the “silver cord”. This is invisible to ordinary sight but people gifted with psychic sight have often seen silvery cords leading away from the body of a friend. Not only are we naturally tied to our Guardian Angel with a strong and unbreakable cord of this kind, but we are tied to loved ones and close friends in a similar way. The threads or cords carry our mental pictures like the wires of a telegraph, our vital force acting as the electricity needed in the process.

In recent years many experiments have been made with telepathy. It has been proven to be a fact at several universities. But a strange thing was observed from the first. Words, which are vocal symbols of things or thoughts, are far more difficult to send telepathically than mental pictures of things or conditions. The eye is the oldest and most highly developed organ of the senses and it seems to play the major part in this matter. And, this being a fact, as all books on telepathy tell us, our prayers are best sent as mental pictures. In other words, one prays best if one holds before his mind’s eye a picture of the condition which is desired to be brought about by the Guardian Angel.

For example, one might pray, “Heavenly Father – Guardian Angel – this is the condition I ask that you bring about in the future. It is a condition in which, day and night, in battle and out, I am surrounded by your protection as by a WALL OF LIGHT AND MIGHTY INVISIBLE AND INVINCIBLE PROTECTIVE POWER.”

We do not need to tell the Guardian Angel how to bring about this condition of protection under all circumstances, for it is older and vastly wiser. It knows. But in saying the words we may select to describe the circumstance and the way the protection is given, we help OURSELVES make a complete and detailed MENTAL PICTURE of what we desire and, even as we say our prayer, aloud or silently, we send that picture telepathically through the intervening space, large or small, to the Guardian Angel Self who hovers directly over us at all moments of danger, protecting and directing in a way hard for us to sense, but that is effective to the last degree.

One may picture the Guardian Angel as a shining human form standing above one with arms outstretched in protection, and with the WALL of protective Light and Power falling all around one as a cone. No matter how this is pictured, it carries the telepathic message of what is being asked in the prayer.

On the other hand, one must take great pains NOT to let fear or anxiety cause one to make during prayer a picture of the condition which may be feared, such as death, being wounded or otherwise injured. This is because of a law which we do not understand because it seems contrary to the loving action of a Guardian Angel to allow such a picture to form as a reality in the conditions of the individual’s future. It is enough to say, in this short exposition of the “SECRET”, that each human being has been given the priceless gift of FREE WILL. He is allowed to decide for himself what he will or will not do, and is thus enabled to learn by experience. The Guardian Angels are bound under this law NOT to interfere and to keep hands off of the Aunihipili and the Auhane UNLESS their help and guidance and protection is asked for through prayer.

Because of this FREE WILL, which is ours by divine edict, we, as men, blunder along and learn the hard way. We make wars on our fellow men, and often wonder why God allows such things. Knowing of the LAW of FREE WILL, we have the answer to the question.

However, all life is growth, and at some point in his growth, each human being makes the discovery that there is a HIGHER BEING above him which is wiser, kinder, more loving and more powerful, also that it can be appealed to in prayer and that, when invited to take a part in his life, can and will do so in a way that seems no less than miraculous.

One is “converted” in terms of Christianity, when one becomes aware of the actuality of the Higher Beings and their yearning love. Often the contrast between his acts and those of the loving and utterly trustworthy Guardian Angel – and even higher Beings – is so great that there follows a strong “conviction of sin” and a turn into better ways. SALVATION comes from the fact of knowing of the Guardian Angel and working with it – in this way giving all three of the triune SELVES the rightful share in living the life of the individual: Change the words Guardian Angel to the words Jesus the Christ and Savior, and you will see how this fits into all Christian teachings.

When one is caught in the wars and other desperate situations brought about by ourselves because we have used FREE WILL blindly, the “REDEMPTION” comes through the facts that Jesus taught and which the more ancient “SECRET” contained. This teaching is that only when we become aware of the Aumakua – the Superconscious, the Guardian Angel, the Christ-in-us – and begin to work with it and under its guidance, do we progress as individuals and as nations.

It makes little difference who is right and who [is] wrong when a man is caught in the blind struggle of FREE WILL war and forced to fight – to kill or be killed. All that counts in terms of growth and real progress is that the Higher Beings be recognized and the door opened by prayer to invite them to take their just parts in our lives. It may safely be left to them to adjust the entire matter of right and wrong in war – which is, in any event, something the fighting man is helpless to do anything about. One lives as kindly and humane a life as is possible while confidently leaving it to Higher Powers to adjust the spiritual values of right and wrong. On all the lower levels of life the strong devour the weak. It cannot be helped. But when we tie ourselves back, which is the literal meaning of the word “religion” to the higher levels and part of our triune being, we come under the new dispensation where love and kindness hold sway in vaster worlds.

We have seen how the prayer is to be delivered telepathically to the Guardian Self. Now we must consider a very vital matter, the vital force or electrical life energy which is the driving force behind the whole mechanism of prayer and its answer.

In former years we did not know why hands were laid on those who were to be healed or who were being blessed. We did not know what the “virtue” was that left Jesus when the woman touched his robe and was healed – the “virtue” that he actually felt leave his body. Now, thanks to modern research and to the “SECRET”, we know that it was electro-vital force. We know that this force must be present and be put to use in every act of thinking, picturing and forming plans – even in remembering and dreaming. It is a force which is used by each of the three selves of man, but it is manufactured by the Aunihipili in the body, that being one of its jobs. The conscious mind self draws on this supply of vital force to get what it needs for thinking, which is, primarily, its job. And now comes something of great importance. If the Superconscious Self (Guardian Angel) is to have sufficient power to mold future conditions and to do actual protective work of a miraculous nature in response to prayers, IT ALSO MUST BE SUPPLIED WITH A GOODLY AMOUNT OF THE ELECTRO-VITAL FORCE.

Because we cannot see the Guardian Angel and because it uses a wisdom and skill which we have still to come to know and possess, we have overlooked the need for its part of the vital force drawn from the lower and denser levels of physical living. In modern Psychic Science we have excellent evidence that this is a fact, and in the “SECRET” we have much information., the most important point of which is that the vital force in the hands of the Guardian Angels can make instant changes in physical matter. Instant healing of a broken bone is an example. The broken parts of the actual bone are changed and put back in the former condition. In miracles of healing where parts of the body are changed or restored, it is the same. Always, it is actual physical matter instantly turned to nothing and as often returned to some better original state. In Psychic Science our great investigators have observed under the strictest test conditions the passage of living animals and men through walls. They have seen metal and stone objects, ice, flowers and insects – endless things – changed to an invisible form and returned to the natural form, usually after being transported from other places and passed through closed doors or walls. (Over a hundred famous men have testified to these things, but because they could not be explained, we have heard little of them in schools or journals. However, all good libraries can furnish pages of testimony in scientific verification of the phenomena.)

In Spiritualistic seances under test conditions, scientific studies have shown that so much vital force was taken from the living for this work of changing solid or living objects, that the members of the circle and the medium were often left nearly exhausted at the end of the sitting. If the training you have had makes you doubt what is being related, that is of little consequence. The important thing which is to be gotten across is the basic fact that if enough vital force is not available to the Guardian Angel, it cannot make changes in the matter on the physical level or shape circumstances except by very slow stages – as vital force can be obtained little by little. In battle, instant changes in the material of bullets or shells or flame may be necessary in forming the WALL of protection.

This brings us to the actual methods used as a vital part of prayer to supply this electro-vital force. Ordinarily, a man or woman in normal health has more vital force stored in the body than is needed. One may suddenly begin to run, and can go on for a short time on the supply already in the body, but if the exertion is to keep up, more must be made in short order. The subconscious self will do this, but it may take a few minutes to get the sugar in the blood burning in oxygen and the manufacture of the force going full blast – so that we “get our second wind”.

Fortunately, we have but to think strongly that we are making a large extra supply of vital force, and the subconscious will at once set to work to make it. We can test this action of mind by imagining ourselves getting set for a race. As we imagine we are getting set, we will find our bodies tensing and our breath quickening – more vital force being provided. There is another way we can test the amount of vital force stored in our bodies. We do not have to have the modern instruments that measure the force in body and brain in laboratories. All that is needed is a ring or other bit of material to tie to a bit of thread about four inches long to make a plumb bob or pendulum. Holding the improvised pendulum with about 3-1/2″ of thread between object and fingers, it is suspended over the free palm. Give the mental or oral command to the subconscious self to make the pendulum swing to indicate your normal charge of vital force. It will usually swing with a moderate motion. Or you can ask that it swing a number of times while you count the swings to get the number of the charge. The average number of swings has been found to run between 250 and 350. The swing is usually back-and-forth, but can be circular. Some people may not be able to get a reading, but can be read by a friend if he holds the pendulum over the palm of the one to be tested. Some are so constituted that the pendulum will not swing for them or will just keep on swinging. That only shows that the Aunihipili is not grasping the idea of the test. We all have vital force if we are alive, and can accumulate a surcharge if we can think, exert the will and instruct the subconscious self.

The subconscious will learn in surprisingly short order to accumulate a large surcharge of vital force when asked to do so. One may stand with feet spread far apart and arms  extended at the sides level with the shoulders. One begins by taking deeper breaths and saying or thinking, “I am now accumulating an extra supply of vital force and storing it in my body for use. I am filling myself with the universal life force from toes to the top of my head. I feel it tingling in my hands NOW.”

Usually a tingle will be felt in hands or elsewhere in the body. One’s sight will become keener and details at a distance will stand. out. One will be more alert mentally and able to remember or to memorize faster. One will be able to solve mental problems with numbers faster and more accurately. There are many indications. One will feel better, throw off depression and overcome fear or nervousness. The pendulum test is very good, however, as it is something all may see. After trying to accumulate a surcharge, say for two or three minutes, make the pendulum test as before and see how much stronger the swing is or how many more times it swings while you are counting.

When the tests show that one can quickly accumulate a surcharge of vital force, practice at making a complete, effective and powerful prayer-action should very quickly show results.

The prayer steps are these. (1) Decide what you want to ask for and try making a clear and complete mental picture of it. When that is done, (2) accumulate a surcharge of vital force as instructed above. There is no need to test its strength once you have learned the knack. (3) Pray to your Guardian Angel or to whomever  you are accustomed to pray (all prayers go to the same place in any case), and as you ask for a condition to be brought about, picture it in your mind. and describe it in words to help yourself make the picture. This picture will go telepathically to the Guardian Angel. (4) Say, “I am now sending to you, my Father Guardian Self, a large supply of vital force. Accept it and cleanse it. Use it as you see fit for your own purposes and to bring about the conditions I ask for and picture in my mind. Use the pictures as seeds. Use the life force I send to make them grow into material conditions on this level soon.”

This sending of force and holding of the mental picture may go on for a minute or more. Each person soon senses the length of time best suited for his own prayer-actions. (5) Give thanks that the desired condition has already been made a reality in the invisible and is soon to appear in the visible. Word your thanks and feel your joy while you make a gleaming mental picture of your own joyful face filled with gratitude. This emotion of gratitude and joy is very important as it is something in which the subconscious self takes part and finds a form of expression. If one feels a stir of emotion, that is the sure sign that the subconscious self is doing its full part in making the prayer and sending the telepathic pictures and vital force that must go to the Guardian Self. (6) Say “Amen” and end your prayer in orderly manner. Let go of it mentally and be confident that it has been properly made and will be answered. This confidence is “having faith”. Expect to see the conditions requested come about and refuse to imagine the contrary as happening.

The prayer action may be repeated after a few minutes of rest and relaxation in mind, if not in body. Even in action, one may soon be able to accumulate a surcharge and make a prayer-action swiftly. The Catholics learned long since that by praying for something every hour for a day or more (a “novena” or nine-day rite), answers were best obtained. Now we know that all depends on how much vital force can be accumulated and supplied to the Guardian Self to use in building the answer to the prayer – in bringing about the condition requested on this material level of life and action.

The secret behind all offerings in religion is that one must offer his own vital force. “Offer yourself, a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable, etc”, as we read in the veiled words of the Bible. This vital force, when in the hands of the Guardian Father Self, is the “Light” and often one sees a spread of the whitest imaginable light behind one’s eyelids when praying. It is the “Water of Life” also, and has been hidden in symbols all down the centuries, from the time when, in the far, dim past, the ancestors of the human race came to know the inner secrets of the relation of the three selves of man – the relation of man to God though the Father.

Those who can overcome their natural shyness in speaking to friends of such matters as this, can benefit greatly by joining others in making the same general prayer, such as a prayer for the safety of the squad. Once such a prayer has been discussed and a picture of the desired condition agreed upon, several men may join and silently go through the steps of the prayer while one acting as leader speaks aloud the words of the prayer in which the picture is described and the request is made for it to be brought about. The wording is not important but the picture made by all in the group must be as nearly the same as possible. In this way, the joined power of the Guardian Angels of the men of the group is shared in such a way that it can be focused in its entirety for the protection of anyone in the group who may momentarily be in the path of danger. There is great truth in the “Where two are gathered in my name …” and, with numbers, the power increases proportionately. A sincere chaplain of any faith should be able to lead this form of prayer if he is not blinded to the truth behind the newly uncovered “SECRET” method. The new way of prayer can be used in addition to any other religious observance or apart from it. It is fitted to men of any faith or of little or no religious background.

A great service can be done a friend who may not readily grasp the idea of how to make this type of prayer for himself. You may pray for him effectively, but one thing he must do for himself to the best of his ability, however slight, and this is to ask in whatever prayer he can make, that the Guardian Angel Self watching over him take a hand in his life and help in whatever way is seen best. This is the step needed under what seems to be the ironclad law of allowing the fullness of experience under FREE WILL. This is opening the door and inviting help. If the individual will request that help as best he can, his friends or loved ones at home may pray through their own Guardian Selves to HIS, asking for a WALL of protection in exactly the same way as for themselves. In this way, the men for whom prayer is strange or difficult may be brought into the group where his Guardian can work with the others, share the accumulating supply of vital force and use it for the good of all. Pray even for a man who gives reluctant consent to being prayed for. It may work miracles for him, and if he is one of your squad, prayers for him may keep the entire squad from being touched.

Those at home can also pray, and in the same way. Distance means nothing in telepathic contact, and prayer for another makes the basic thing, “church”, to multiply power. Frequent prayer gets best results. Five times a day is the way the Muslims advise us to pray. In emergencies we may pray almost “constantly” as is advised in the Bible at one place, or “without ceasing.” … Any who wish to have prayer-actions made with and for them, may send in their name to me, Max Freedom Long, P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood. Station, Los Angeles 28, Calif. There are a number in our HRA organization who will be praying for your safety on the hour at almost any hour of the day and far into the night. You fight for us, we’ll pray for you. Any person who will pray for himself will be eligible as a part in our circle of prayer. This includes the wounded who are asking for healing.
Sincerely,  Max freedom Long for HRA

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