Huna Bulletin 81

Research on E-Therapy & Healing with Love

July 1, 1952


[This has been asked by] a new HRA in a recent letter. This may not be too clear to other HRAs.

The answer is that we are, at this point in the HRA work, trying to find out a lot more about the fixation-complex-sin blockage and about the various ways to be used to find the blockages and clear them out. In addition to the recent survey given in the Bulletin of various systems and practices which we wish to investigate and test as best we can with our limited facilities (lacking a Huna Laboratory), we are searching in the Bible for those places where Huna is secreted in code and symbols, expecting to find information on these matters. This expectation is justified by the fact that we have already found definite proofs to show that the blockings were not only known but were considered the greatest barrier in the way of living the full or normal life. This is a part of our research aimed at testing Huna, learning more about it and about elements, forces and states of consciousness which may help us understand Huna better, or which may enlighten us in any way concerning the materials of the psycho-religious field. In this search, we cannot overlook and push aside any measuring device using psychic ability as part of the instrument, as in the cases of the Aurameter, the Biometer and the electronics instruments which depend on a rubbing block or similar unit offering psychic control. All HRAs are or should be engaged, as time and ability and inclination allow, in some branch of investigation or testing of their own choice – and many are so engaged and are reporting their findings. Nothing of promise is overlooked if we can help it.

HUNA GUIDES OUR RESEARCH because it gives us the only known system which was complete and rounded out so that it provides not only a philosophy, a religion and an all inclusive psychology of man alive and also dead, but which presents to us a practical method of integrating the many elements and using them in healing and in bringing about changes in conditions affecting us or our friends and loved ones.

No other system has combined the knowledge of three selves, three grades of vital force or other things such as the aka bodies and the aka thought-forms. These things are found in other systems, one here, one there, but never all together and clearly presented in their relation to each other. But Huna does not limit us in any way. We have no crystallized and hampering dogmas. Everything is grist to our mill and we compare, test, correct and change when and as we find it good to do so. Without this attitude, our research would end up in a series of blind ends.

One of the greatest hindrances of human progress is and has been the mental laziness of man combined with his greedy fear of losing the advantage to be had by resisting change. In Egypt we can see this trait of reaction and conservatism and fear at its worst. The people clung to the old way of doing and believing with a death grip, resisting all change and invention for century after century. Today, half the world is trying to go back to “the good old days and ways” while the other half is madly trying to force change. Wars, invasions of more progressive peoples or of people with better inventions, such as were once embodied in the horse and the wheel. Revolution inside a community has resulted only when the old conditions of life became changed by inventions or new mental and/or physical conditions – most often things pressed on the community from outside.

Because of modern transportation and communication methods, the world becomes a single community, and the advent of machinery – allowing one man to produce for ten – has forced revolution on a world scale. Changes in the psycho-religious field have been lagging, but they are on the way. There can be no stability in the other fields where progress has been made unless the old philosophies and religions and sciences of human relations and reactions are improved to furnish a background to fit the new conditions of life. Huna offers a system tried and perfected through centuries and centuries. Its doctrine of the hurtless mode of life now assumes vast importance – even more than in the time of Jesus, when that master kahuna restated the doctrine or when it was taught in India and China. Our effort to do hurt in the international struggle of the moment can only end in disaster for both sides. A way back to hurtlessness must be found, and we are doing our part. Some of us do not realize the importance of this part, or the fact that Huna, in our hands, stands as the peak attainment in this field. It is the world’s most extended point of exploration on the pioneer fringe of the study of man himself – a study upon which all else rests if there is to be the New Age of which we dream.

THE RELIGION OF TOMORROW must be universal so that all men can agree on what it teaches. In order to merit such agreement, it must be stripped of all dogma and be made to rest on (l) what we can prove through psychology of an advanced order or such psychic science as can be verified, and (2) what can be proved accurate because it will work.

Today there has ceased to be an “authority” who can say, “This is so because I say it is so.” The only authority which all men will recognize is scientific proof. Today ethics have been tossed aside by the “Big Lie.” The world will again have to learn the lesson that has been relearned in every age: that if men will not speak the truth and live up to their promises, the only possible way to bring order is to fight until one group of liars has killed, imprisoned or enslaved the other to render it unable to break its “Big Lie” promises. Hitler thought he had found a bright new weapon when he used the lie to gain advantage in a world still pledged to truth. Russia and China have learned nothing from what happened to Hitler. In the business world, with the coming of cheap printing, the advertisers who used the “Big Lie” cashed in at the expense of the truthful advertisers for a time, but it backfired so that the public began to refuse to believe “anything they saw in the papers” and advertisers had to ask the government to make laws against the liars. The world is on the way to becoming a big business concern, and it cannot do business successfully unless the standard of ethics is again accepted by all. A dogma which cannot stand the test of practical demonstration in religion is a form of “Big Lie” today, and the priests and preachers who insist on the acceptance of dogmas are sharing the fate of the lying advertisers – their churches are becoming empty as the new generation finds them out. Politicians, but why go into that?


Research on “E-Therapy” has been carried out in the last few months by two HRAs. Here is the report and some interesting comments on other phases of our work.

“I can’t thank you enough for the Kitselman book, E-Therapy. Our tests were successful. It has been a tremendous help to me. I am less frustrated and have completely lost my missionary urge. Now I quietly go about my daily duties with less strain and tiring found that at least 98% of my fixations came from the period of my life prior to the age of seven, and many of them were prenatal. [Blank] did not benefit as much as I did. He is more reticent

“Your comments in the Bulletins concerning Huna and the Bible are such a joy to me. I can hardly wait for fuller information, but realize that there is a lot of research work still to be done. Keep up the good work.”

NOTE: If my Biometer reading is correct on the signature of the above letter, the writer (whose initials are not used because of the personal nature of the report), has improved her Biometric “pattern” and has raised her former reading in degrees Biometric by seven points – a most exciting matter in itself, as Dr. Brunler, whose reading system is followed, found little or no advance in the degree reading for years on end for most people, and such advances as were seen, came nearly always through great mental suffering.

A GREAT SERVICE is being performed by Dee and Bill Swygard, (1370 N.W. 86th St., Miami 47, Fla.) publishers of the small magazines, “THE ARC LIGHT,” giving all the latest developments and ideas on Dianetics and results obtained, and “PLUS & MINUS” giving information on “E-Therapy” and non-Dianetics systems. (Each $6 a year. Sample copies gladly sent for 25¢ in stamps, I understand, of either one.) They have been kind enough to exchange their journals with us for the HRA Bulletin, so I am able to keep sharp watch through their eyes on the swift developments as various new angles of therapy develop.

Bill, in “ARC LIGHT” of May 1, says, “It is quite obvious to us, who contact so many who are interested and disinterested in Dianetics, that the vocabulary is strangling the life out of the Art. Try to explain to anyone, in or out of Dianetics, the term, ‘Lambda,’ its relation and significance in Dianetics. To us, Dianetics means to think through. Lambda gets in our way. This and several hundred other ‘terms’ are getting in the way of progress in Dianetics. We are going to ask our contributors to cut ‘terms’ to a minimum. If they are necessary, then they should be explained in context or footnote).”

Cheers and congratulations! That nail needed to be hit right on the head the very day L. Ron sat down and took pen in hand to write his original book. I’ve been in and out of the pitfalls with Huna and its legitimate “terms” from the language of kahunas, but have found that in making terms one must at least use English, and try hard to make the English coinages suggest the meaning of the “term”: as “low self” for the Aunihipili. Now the new reader of these fine magazines will have a chance to know what the writer is trying to say, and Bill and Dee promise us a variety of writers will be given a chance to be heard no matter which of the warring factions they happen to favor.

Dee, in June 5th, “PLUS AND MINUS,” gives HRA A.L. Kitselman a free hand to come back at those who have jumped on him in other publications, and to tell in no uncertain words just where he and “E-Therapy” stand and what he thinks of Mr. Hubbard’s system and its presentation to the public. He remarks, in beginning to explain his position, “Dianetics was originally presented as a lay therapy, something any intelligent reader could do, but the Dianetics of 1952 has become a therapy for professionals in which degrees are offered.”

In the same issue, Dee gives us, on the front page, a letter from a mother who tells in a simple and delightful way of how she heard of E-Therapy, but didn’t read about it, and how, with such slight information as she had, she found that she could begin work at once to try to help her son, aged eight and suffering with a bad case of eczema which several doctors had failed to help. They said it was something to which he was allergic, but could not learn what.

The boy, Tony, understood the explanation she gave of the “E” part of his mind and of how it could put ideas into his head for him to tell her, and how that might cure him. They sat down together and soon the lad was spouting stuff resembling science fiction, but which came to him through the symbol of a mail box. The eczema improved steadily and at the end of ten half-hour sessions was gone. In addition, two deformed fingers were found to be growing rapidly toward normal. The mother calls this “Thurping,” and the account of the ease and simplicity of the method and of the splendid and swift results obtained, makes one think that our Huna Aumakua is probably all “E” and able to heal and correct with ease, once given a chance to preside over the task of clearing out the “blocks in the path” which are present, call them by what “term” we will. This mother ends her account by saying that she uses “Prox-E” all the time when the children get into trouble, and that it works well.

Dee also presents a short article by Junius Adams, young Professional E Therapist, of Apt.4, 1215 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Calif., who tells of the many kinds of benefits which E-Therapy brings.

Mr. Adams was brought to call on me briefly at the Study last week by HRA Kitselman when the former was down from San Francisco for a visit. He was introduced to me as one who had developed a gift for reading the mind of the one he is trying to help, and who may not be able to get through to his own “E” for reasons which may be what we call “blocks in the path.” I asked him to see if he could get anything out of my Aunihipili, and relaxed while he tried. He turned up, bit by bit, the dream I reported either in a Bulletin or a “tinned letter,” in which I acted as engineer to drive a long slow train across a river to a station, and had my track blocked by a couch set across the rails. While trying to remove it, an engine with a single car came flying past on another track which I had not known to be there.

We did not learn from the test what the dream meant to my Aunihipili, my “E” High Self or to anyone, but it was a good test. I took his brain radiation measurement and found that he stood in the range described by Dr. Brunler as that of the good mind readers. This ability is evidently serving Mr. Adams and his clients well.

HRA Kitselman tells me he plans to make his residence soon in Nevada, forty miles above Reno, where his mother lives on beautiful Pyramid Lake and where there are cottages to accommodate visitors. It looks like the beginning of a center. Mr. Hubbard has something like a center going now in Phoenix, Arizona, with instruction and publications and a group. Other groups are working around the country and the movement is promisingly alive. This is a very good sign. Little by little, information and experience will accumulate.

HRA H.L.Z. asks a question which makes one think. In a recent letter he gave an account of his experience with 100 hours of professional auditing of the Hubbardarian brand mixed with other approaches, if I understand him rightly. He was greatly helped and got back to early psychic blocks, but now questions the necessity of having to suffer over and over and over the reliving of the original periods of bodily pain or emotional storm. He has arrived at the place where he thinks there must be some simpler and less painful method. He wondered if sleep suggestion might be of value and has rigged up an outfit and will make his own recordings for experimental purposes.


This question was brought up and speculated upon. Most of us have slept through all or parts of sermons and, if the theory of sleep suggestion is valid, we should have absorbed a conglomerate mess of suggestions of which we are entirely unaware. Some preachers have a very impressive delivery, and it would seem that they might hammer and shout home some very telling suggestive material. I have slept through many such sermons in my youth and, try as I will, I can recall no belief that seems even distantly related to the sermons as I remember them. According to theory, I should have plenty of “hell, fire, and damnation” blockings in my Aunihipili. I wonder.

CIGBO JUST REMINDS ME, from his perch on the top of his box, that I had planned to correct a place in a letter from an HRA who wrote, “Of course, being a minister’s son, you will take naturally to the Huna in the Bible,” or words to that effect. There seems to have been a slight mistake in reading something I must have written. I was not a minister’s son. I was a printer’s devil. (And Cigbo adds, “Just now devil for us HRA sprinters.”)

SPIRIT PLUS HUNA, contact or absent healing, research and experimental work has been carried on for some time by HRA Ralph E. Gardner’s group which has 11 members and calls itself “Psychic Science Circle,” a very good name, I would say. In a recent letter, Mr. Gardner writes, “We use Huna methods and will give special healings (for those who will follow the rules in a recent Bulletin concerning written requests and regular reports on results). We have written statements of a recent healing of a fibroid tumor, also a case of strangulation of the bowel, both proven by x-rays and surgeons’ examinations.” (See Pg. 8 for address.)

HRA CHARLES PITTS, another volunteer healer has a patient who wrote, “I have had some wonderful healings from and thro’ Mr. Charles Pitts of Sunnyvale, Calif.” Huna does work if we but give it a chance. When we can combine a draining off of the fixation-sins and the Huna prayer and contact treatment, there should be few failures.

CONFUCIUS SAID: “Live, delighting in non-injury.” Huna? He also said, “Do not unto others what you would not like yourself.” Another, none less than Zoroaster, said in 6,000 B.C., “That nature alone is good which shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.” Could it be that if we followed these rules very carefully, the Aumakua would be able to help us get free of our fixations? From Islam came the advice, “Overcome evil with good.” Jesus said, “Love one another.”

LOVE IN HUNA, is aloha, well or ano`ai, and from their general and root meanings we learn that Jesus really did not ask the impossible of us or ask that we try to develop an abstract love of humanity when the love of the evil and hateful individual was physically and emotionally impossible. To love the spark of Light in a hateful person is too abstract.

The roots of the three words for “love,” as found in the language of kahunas, give us a fine pointer in the probable direction of a means of finding and draining off blocks or fixations that bar the path to the Aumakua. The roots suggest that fear, located in the belly or Aunihipili, is the primary element in the fixations that block the path. These are so strong that they are symbolized as something that is burning, and that they use up the mana of the victim greatly. Love is exerted by the one who performs the rite of foot washing or helping to carry the cross. It has the basic ability to transform (root ano) the image or thought-form cluster embodying the fear. The mana of the Auhane of the helper is put to use to help the one to be treated. (In weli is the meaning of  “to branch out,” symbol of the middle mana.) The intimation is that the hidden or Huna meaning of the command to love one another (intimates, not the world of men at large, it appears) gives the method for which we search. For love, rather than money, one sets to work to help another.

Love, we learn from the roots, is made from words that may be translated, “transform fears.” The Auhane and middle mana of the helper is used, and the only way this can be done is in the form of light suggestion, as we have long suspected when considering the methods used in Dianetics. The relaxed friend has confidence and is willing to accept this slight suggestion. He believes that his Aumakua can bring up his fixed fear blockings or “mistaken ideas,” and can transform them to rationalized ideas. The suggestion that the process will now begin, sets the Aunihipili of the relaxed on to work in some way and allows the Aumakua to set to work in some way. We cannot, at present, say just how, but the experience of E-Therapy testers shows that mental pictures arise in the mind of the relaxed person and are considered or described. Something happens during this process. There may be trembling or other bodily reactions, but the fears are not brought to the surface in a painful way as a rule, if they appear at all, and the session ends with much improvement, often with healing. The command becomes, (l) Stop hurting and be kind. (2) Do unto your neighbor as you would have him do unto you, in other words help him get free of his fixations, and then let him help you, or however it is best arranged. Love is needed to establish the right confidence and rapport in this work. It is the trigger of the whole action and may be shared with the Aumakua to make possible the right kind of mana supply to use in transforming the fear-fixes. The lack of love when in the prenatal condition or in early childhood, or the hurts that cause the fear that such protective love is absent, could well be the source of the majority of the fixations. “Love casteth out fear.”


[An experiment] with special research into the use of water as an adjunct to the telepathic reception, was carried out in May and June by HRA T.A.L., his home being in Los Angeles, and HRA J.M.R., she being a resident of Madison, Wis., the latter being gifted along psychic lines, accustomed to healing work, and given to feeling a downward flow of High Mana as a sparkling shower when contacting her Aumakua. T.A.L. had demonstrated some psychic ability and had used the kahuna method of gazing into a tumbler of water as into a gazing crystal to get visual images in answer to telepathic or other projections.

The date set for the test was May 23rd, at 7 A.M. California daylight saving time. Mrs. R. wrote: “I should like to send you a healing radiation while the (telepathic contact and) current is strong.

“Of course, I may not be able to call forth a strong mediation at the appointed time, but perhaps the Aumakua will help. We might begin at seven and continue for nine minutes. You might even get a spoken message.”

The experiment was carried out on schedule, and here is part 2 of the letter of T.A.L. reporting on his reception. “Promptly at 7 A.M. I was ready, having prepared myself mentally for the message, and with the vessel filled with water. I sat passive and glanced into the vessel, awaiting the appearance of any scenes or arrival of any message. There seemed an absolute void, then, at 7:03 a scene appeared in the vessel of a lady with gray hair, light eyes, medium stature, clad in a dark jacket or maybe a vest, because the sleeves were of a light color and showed prominently, as her arms were outstretched upward in prayer supplication. She walked as though from one room to another, paused in the second room at a table, lowered her head and gazed as in deep meditation – and at the same time I became conscious of a pulsating vibration around my stomach. It lasted a full minute and within me surged the thought of release from tensions. I became very much relaxed and yawned. I could even see her lips move as if making a spoken statement, but could not sense the words. After a few minutes the action ended.

“It has been my daily obligation to have at hand some milk to alleviate the distress caused by my stomach condition. On my way to work I was in high spirits, as I had a strong feeling of  well being and promise of its continuance because of the healing vibration which I had felt. All day Friday there was no necessity to drink milk, nor was I disturbed in any way that day as I have usually been when ‘tight’ situations develop. Since then my stomach has been quite normal, and I have been able to eat and enjoy foods that heretofore had been taboo for me.”

Mrs. R., in reply, and after expressing her pleasure and her gratitude to the Higher Beings for the healing, went on to give her check on the telepathic image seen in the water. “Your picture in the water was so true that it amazes me. Just as you described it, I walked from one room to another twice, while taking deep breaths and sending them to the top of my head as explained in SSBM – to contact the Aumakua. Then I stood beside a low table and prayed with head bowed, next raising my arms, the right hand palm down and the left hand palm upward. I felt waves of gentle radiation and knew that you were receiving a healing. Then I asked that the healing be sustained. After the healing current was sent, I endeavored to send you the message, ‘Accept thy healing.’ Apparently the Aumakua – yours – ended the picture at this point. However, I continued with the activity by pretending I WAS YOU – and walked around the room, forgetting ME – WHILE I WAS YOU IN CALIFORNIA. I walked briskly, sensing vigor, and feeling ‘well being’ – and complete release in health. I sometimes use this activity when sending healing, and find that it works! I spoke aloud and said – while I was YOU – ‘I am strong and I AM HEALED!’ Then I was back here giving thanks to the Universal Healer of ALL THAT EXISTS. Then I went about my usual duties. Your description of the ‘dark jacket with light sleeves showing’ was right. I was wearing a dark house coat and there were light sleeves showing below the dark sleeves of the coat.”

At last report, the healing was sustained. Mrs. R. mentions another healing which has lasted eight years, so the prospects are excellent for Mr. L., and he is very happy over the outcome of the experiment in all ways. This is the type of research that counts.


He says that he and his spirit communicator, the late Mr. Thomas Kat, are highly gratified by the fine reception on the part of the HRAs of his predictions.

He wishes at this point to give some of the latest predictions which have just come through.

  • (l) “That Russia will have discovered the atem bum made of hrydrogen long before we do and will set off a test esprosion over HRA Uncle Congress at 12:03 on July 7th, 1951 – or it might be 1952, as time is so hard to be sure about on the astail prane. Anyway, it will not be a very good esprosion and it won’t hurt much of anyone, but the result will be devestatink because about that time some of the Uncle Congressmen are sure to find themselves feelink all wet. This is to bee because hydrogen bums are all water when mixed with a lot of hot air – or something.”
  • (2) “That the same bee, heretofore mensioned, will have stung about half of everyone, and that half will not be happy.”
  • (3) “That all the Uncles and Aunties in Congress will soon begin to profitsigh that if the other side is erected, the world and the universki will blow up right after Nov. 4th, 1952; will blow down on Nov. 5th, and sidewise like sidewinder wrattle snakes in Arizona on Nov. 6th, and everyone get bit – two bits, four bits and even six bits if price controls are or are not tained or retained and infrasion hits everyone in the cigar box.”


  • 32. Ralph E. Gardner, 1207, 13th Ave., Greeley, Colo. Metaphysics and healing circle.
  • 33. Mrs. James Aspel, 2421 Willard Ave., Madison 4, Wis., has mediumistic ability.
  • 34. Dr. N.S. Hanoka, Buffalo, Mo., seasoned occultist.
  • 35. Riley Crabb, P.O. Box 1513, Honolulu, T.H., wide interests.
  • 36. Donald Kendall, 1629 McAllister St., San Francisco, Calif., graphology, psychic phenomena.
  • 37. Mr. and Mrs. George Sandwith, (for a month or so) c/a The Bank of New South Wales, Suva, Fiji Islands, South Pacific. Makers of the ivory ikons etc. Much investigation of a high order. MFL

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