Huna Bulletin 88

The “Will” ~ “Optimum State” ~ Memory

Oct. 15, 1952



KUDA BUX, who uses “eyeless sight” and who fire-walks, as mentioned in the last Bulletin, seems to be traveling most of his time and giving exhibitions of his trained psychic powers. However, HRA Edward S. Schultz, of Buffalo, N.Y., will try to make contact with him and see if we can interest him in the HRA efforts and get his help in such matters as he may see fit to discuss with us. It would be very interesting to run tests on his signature written at the beginning of his training, say around 15, and as of today. The Biometer might show some interesting changes in the will or personality pattern or the reading in degrees of the brain radiation.

THE BRAIN RADIATIONS OF HYPNOTISTS, by the way, are very interesting because they give the “will” pattern reading of the perfect will. Most people have a “will pattern” which Dr. Brunler classified as less than perfect. Let me illustrate the manner in which the pendulum moves over the plate of the Bovis Biometer (which I have on loan through the kindness of HRA Dr. Hanoka, of Buffalo, Missouri). The arrows show the direction of the swing.


The diamond-shaped plate on the Bovis Biometer is the exact size shown above [Probably not, editor 5/27/2010] and has lines printed to show exact horizontal, vertical or diagonal swings. These line are not shown in the drawings, but the movement of the pendulum is shown as approximately over the lines when a “pattern” reading is taken.

A. This shows the perfect up-and-down “will” swing which indicates the trained will or ability to concentrate on a given thought or mental picture, as in suggesting “sleep, sleep, sleep” in hypnosis. The circle, also shown on this illustration, indicates the second movement of the pendulum in giving the nature of the person, whether “constructive” or ” destructive.” A perfect and large clockwise circle swing indicates the good and constructive and honest person.
B. The second diagram shows the typical clockwise leaning (to the top right side) of the average intelligent person who has not taken time to train himself in concentration. (Check the statements of Kuda Bux in Bulletin 87, concerning his long training in this particular.) The circle, it will be noted, is not perfectly round, but is ovoid, but still clockwise. This is not the average because there is much variation in size and shape of the circle as the pendulum outlines it. A large circle, such as is illustrated here, would indicate a strong constructive urge but possible failings in putting the best of intentions into practical use.
C. The third diagram shows the “V” type of “will” pattern which is most often found in individuals who have reading in the lower brain radiation degree levels. They cannot make up their minds and stick to their decisions. They “will” to good and then to “bad.” They can be influenced too easily by those they like or trust, and may be influenced for bad as well as good. One leg of the “V” may be longer than the other. (A peculiarity of the “V” pattern is to be noted, in that the pendulum usually makes this pattern with its swing over a signature written in ink on a check or over paper money. For this reason I have found a signature on a check not at all reliable for Biometric testing.) The circle illustrated in this diagram is just one of many kinds which may appear. This one is clockwise and indicates a generally constructive nature, but it is flattened and this shows imperfect realization of the good intentions. It could be tilted up to one side – to the right, still good, but to the left, not so good. People with little of the constructive or destructive in their nature often show a very tiny and weak swing, sometimes none at all.
D. This diagram shows what Dr. Brunler described as the “destructive” pattern of both will and purpose or inner nature. The prisons are filled with men and women having this combination of the counter¨clockwise “will” pattern and the “destructive” counter-clockwise circle, although the circle will seldom be perfect unless the one owning that pattern is a very clever and very bad criminal

THE PATTERN CAN BE CHANGED with practice and effort to make the “will” reading more perfect and the circle more what it should be. However, Dr. Brunler found that to change from the general counterclockwise to the clockwise, was so difficult that it was seldom accomplished. The brain radiation reading may increase up to six degrees, we are told, but the average growth in this respect is from one to three degrees.

THE PATTERN READING should be of great value in all work of the type being undertaken in psychoanalysis, E Therapy, Eidetics or Dianetics. (Or “Scientology” as L. Ron Hubbard – now “Dr. Hubbard” in all the mentions of him in the Scientology literature to come out of Phoenix, Arizona  has renamed what was once called by him, “Dianetics.”) While the Brain Radiation degree reading should not make a great difference in deciding whether or not a person (“pre-clear”) was a proper candidate for help or “processing,” it would tell the “auditor” or “guide” or “observer” or “analyst” the general level of intelligence of the one to be worked upon. The Pattern, on the other hand, would indicate how far off the ideal or normal the pre-clear might be, and, by repeating the reading test from time to time, progress could be checked. Our friends of the Eidetic Foundation (252 Mershon St., Fairhope, Ala.), who have been most helpful and ready to run lab tests on Huna lines and to give us the benefit of their growing research program and experience, have had several of the staff there read for their present patterns, and will check betimes as they progress further into the “optimum” or fully normal and perfected state.

THE “OPTIMUM” STATE was first postulated by L.Ron Hubbard in his book, DIANETICS. He also spoke of it as a state in which one was “clear” of all compulsions, neuroses and psychoses, also of all repressions and psycho-somatic ills. However, it was not enough for a person to be normal, with a normal memory and a normal ability to think rationally. Mr. Hubbard pointed to the fact that, under hypnosis, a subject might be caused to “regress” in time and to relive a past event with all the physical sensations “revivified” or brought to life and lived over exactly as during the event itself, but without the actual muscular action, vision, smell and so on – only with a form of complete remembering and reliving of the sensations.

THIS SENSORY MEMORY, in addition to the ordinary memory of the event, in which sight, taste, smell ,etc., are recalled but not actually and vividly re-experienced in full time sequence, was pronounced to be of value in reaching a “clear” state, and while hypnosis was not to be used to get back this recall, the auditor sat beside the pre-clear lying on the couch, and mentally “pushed” to get him to develop the ability to make the sensory type of “return” as well as the usual return in ordinary memory.

MEMORY RESIDENT IN EACH CELL was postulated to account for the full sensory recall and reliving of an event. As recall seemed to go back to the moment of conception, it was then postulated that memory was full and complete in the sensory level even in the sperm and ovum cells. Soon the new recall led back into former incarnations, where no cells with sensory memories were to be found, and the theory bogged down more or less.

HOWEVER, TO BECOME “OPTIMUM,” it still seems to be agreed in the Dianetic offshoot schools of belief and practice, that one must develop ability to recall and relive any and every incident from conception forward, using this combined cell-mind type of memory and revivification to bring to the surface any abnormal mental impression or reaction to such impressions. Once the “aberrational” material was successfully recalled and subjected to the rationalization process, it became normal as a memory and ceased to stand in the way of becoming “cleared.”

RON HOWES, FAMED AS ONE OF THE OPTIMUM CLEARS, has been discussed in the literature which has accumulated around Dianetics, and his augmented mental abilities affirmed. In a letter addressed to “all optimun and pre-optimum humans,” some months ago, he gave the primary steps needed to create an “optimum race.” He wrote in Basic English, and it is interesting to see if the way he writes and the things said show the superiority of one who has attained the optimum condition.

He wrote: “The primary step in the production of an optimum race is the invention of a higher tone reality. To be optimum, this reality must have self-corrective machinery determined by firm, dynamic goals. The inventor of a suitable reality is forced by the race life-cause and assisted by race-intelligence to communicate the invention.” He went on to give other “steps,” the (again I quote) “fourth step is establishment of true communication among all groups and units of the race. Race dynamics insure the integrated results of all steps.” (And now comes the greatest exhibition of an optimum’s ability of which I have as yet heard.) “To aid in the progress necessary for application of the above principles, certain mechanical features may be brought into use. Since the second month, tenth day, of this year, there has been in existence a field of psycho-mechanical structure. This field is directional and can be beamed through an area three thousand miles in radius. The source of the field will stand unknown. The field produces the following. (1). Amplification of causative factors in the race. (2). Temporary enrichment of mind-reality applied to desire and need, (and) (3). Communication enhancement among units of the race.”

I never heard what, if anything, happened following the creation of this “field” by its unidentified creator, but that is how an optimum lays it on the line for the other optimums or not-yet optimums. The goal and the benefits to be had upon reaching the goal, once loudly included corrections of mental and physical health, I believe. Now, little mention is made of these features, but one is supposed to desire even more greatly to reach the completely “cleared” state.

“NOW ITS UP TO YOU,” says an ad in the new “Journal of Scientology” put out by the revised Hubbard Center in Arizona. (Subscription rates, $2.50 per year. Address 1405 No. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona.) The ad in question shows what the pre-optimum can do to approach the desirable state. They offer access to sixty lectures on tapes by Dr. Hubbard, with fifty texts to study. In addition, one can have 100 hours of supervised co-auditing with the Mathison Electropsychometers, and enjoy the benefits of the use of the newest techniques “from Effort to Black and White.”


Dr. L. Ron Hubbard is pleased to announce in the latest issue of the new journal. He writes that qualified engineers, in addition to himself, have observed the energy, measured its flow, observed it in its isolated state (!), and have invented a very simple new technique which in about 25 hours will enable the individual to get a startling manifestation, if I read the article correctly. Those further advanced in Scientology may make the grade in as little as two hours of special processing. It is further reported that some pre-clears have been burned by the energy, and that care must be taken to ground anyone when the energy is to be utilized in whatever way attempted. It is said that the energy is an AC flow and that it is of very high frequency. The matter is made clear and simple in this paragraph.

“The energy source is also the awareness of awareness unit of being and is considered by himself to be himself.” Of course, this possibly could be typographical error, but it seems not to be. It is quite possible that to one familar with the new terms used in Scientology this makes a very complete and convincing explanation of where the energy of life comes from. The similarity of this “first time” discovered energy to the mana of Huna, is suggested in the statement in the article that it can be conducted from body to body (as is also done in the Eeman circuits) and that it can be increased by the use of the proper technique so that there is danger, if the subject is not grounded, of destroying some vital part of his being. The “serpent fires” of Theosophy were said to be made up of life energies generated by special techniques, but, if not very properly controlled, apt to burn out one’s brain or otherwise ruin the one arousing the forces and allowing them to rise along the spine.

THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT OF “CELL MEMORY,” so far as I have been able to learn, was proposed by our own  HRA L.E. Feman, of England, first printed in 1929. Mr. Eeman was a flyer in World War 1 and was hospitalized, because of injuries, over a period of some time. As doctors failed to cure him and bring an injured shoulder back into action, he began to study himself and his muscles, also his conscious and subconscious reactions. Eventually, he discovered that a complex was causing the shoulder trouble. He found that there were areas of muscular tension which indicated subconscious complex knots, and that he could work from muscle tensions back into the subconscious and bring up the incident which caused the complex to form, enabling him to rationalize it. The shoulder was released and restored.

But he did not stop there. He followed through in his mental exploration of his subconscious as it was found resident in his body, and learned a method of relaxation and of using his powers of internal observation. He gradually became able to observe the bodily reactions to mental pictures of such things as running, walking, seeing colors, feeling heat or cold or warm sunshine. It is a long and fascinating story. In the end he was able to recall vividly and relive practically any memory of physical experience. In his book (Chap.9, page 183) he passed on a question which at the same time gave some of his basic findings. I quote:

“If it is a fact that self-suggestion is absolutely indispensable before any conscious action of any kind can take place, why do people find it so terribly difficult to accept that the same law may hold good for all subconscious actions? Why do they find it much easier to accept by implication that unconscious actions just happen without any intelligent or intelligible force having any say in the matter?

“Why cannot they understand that our continuous subconscious or unconscious actions, the heart-beat, breath, circulation, digestion, only persist in virtue of the unconscious suggestion involved in the memory of their having been done before, and done in a certain way, with a given rhythm; individual memory, organic memory, cell memory?”

Mr. Eeman explained how the thought of running caused the subconscious to react as if to suggestion and to make the heart beat more rapidly, the breathing to quicken, and all the body to react in some degree as if actually engaged in running.

From this he deduced the fact that energy was produced (he decides that it is drawn in from the surrounding ether, just as is done in real, instead of imaginary, running) but was not expended except to a small degree. This left an excess of energy (much like the Huna surcharge of mana) which could then be turned into evolutionary channels of use.

This excess energy, directed by mental action, was the key to a form of conscious quickening of bodily evolution toward fullest muscular, organic or other powers and perfections. The observing and directing mind, with daily practice, came to be aware at will of the sensations inside the body which, I take it, only the subconscious ordinarily senses. It is a method by which the conscious becomes aware of the subconscious in an amazing way, and is able to train and guide it to develop the physical vehicle, and soon, to develop its latent but natural psychic powers such as those of telepathy, prevision and clairvoyance. Every part of the man is developed, and his health and sense of well being is perfect, as are his skills in such games or actions as may demand muscular development and coordination. The memory becomes perfected and includes memories of bodily actions and experiences when there is reason to recall them. The usual powers of conscious mind mentation are increased to their highest level, and, in due time, after going through a very interesting set of development steps, there comes awareness of the superconscious realm much as in Zen.

This last part of the development rests on the earlier steps, and, while not the whole of the goal, offers the most advance. We all know a degree of bodily and mental perfection, but few of us have known the awareness that opens on the next higher level of being, that of the superman, and for that reason, the greatest lure attaches itself to that part of the total goal. The implication cannot be escaped that it is, in this way, possible to make a sufficient, complete and conscious evolution in a single lifetime, and so reach the goal set before us by the Creator of life in human beings.

Whether or not the “optimum” condition includes the goals which HRA Eeman has set before us, I am not in a position to say, but one thing seems fairly clear, and that is the fact that the goals were more fully outlined, the methods of attaining them more clearly given, and the basic philosophy more perfectly fitted to match methods, than in any of the later systems in which methods are still being changed at the rate of a new “technique” a month and in which theories change even more rapidly.

I strongly recommend that any HRA who plans to make even a tentative study of the materials of the now scattered Dianetics field, begin by obtaining the book which has just been discussed ($1.30, post free), and, while ordering, a copy of CO-OPERATIVE HEALING, a later book of great value. ($2.60, post paid.) Owing to the advantage we enjoy because of the exchange rate, this is indeed a bargain value for two such important books. Address: L.E. Eeman, H.R.A., 24 Baker St., London W2, England. Say you are an HRA and ask to have your copies autographed directly to you if you plan to keep them.  (Much more will be said in the Bulletins concerning this work of discovery so ably carried out by Mr. Eeman. He has generously given permission to quote from both books, but, of course, there is no substitute for a full study of the books at first hand.)


Contained in his summary of the steps (Self and Superman, Chap. 11, pg. 206 and on), which lead from one level of consciousness to the next. I quote:

“A rough outline of what the explorer may expect to discover as he invades successive regions of the subconscious may not be out of place.

“He enters upon his voyage of exploration of the subconscious realms in the attitude of the most perfect quiescence he can achieve, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

“What then is his state of consciousness?

“At the outset, he will notice that those things which impinge on the consciousness are objective. They are things of the outside and reach him through his senses. He feels the weight of his body on the couch, the cold atmosphere, his clothes. He hears voices, noises, the traffic outside. He sees the wall, senses the passing of time. He dwells in time and space; his consciousness is nourished on relatives.

“This state may be termed objective consciousness. For a while this state endures; the subject continues to receive impressions from the outside; his perceptions merely reflect the reactions of his senses to the objective world.

“After a time the vividness and intensity of these outside messages weaken, and eventually, although the objective world still continues to act upon the subject just as before, his senses seem no longer to function, and outside all appears silence and peace.

(“There follows a period of apparent blankness, during which the subject’s consciousness does not seem to be affected by any phenomenon. This period varies in length from subject to subject, and from time to time, and its characteristics are also more or less marked.

“It is merely a period of transition – as careful observation will establish – and is occupied in the gradual transference of energy from the objective to the subjective processes.

“Under wakeful conditions, the amount of energy devoted to subjective processes is just sufficient for current needs of the system, and these processes are not carried out in a manner sufficiently vigorous to attract the subject’s attention to their performance. Moreover, the subject’s attention is generally fully occupied at such times in the observation of objective activities.

“When the objective activities are reduced and eventually cease, the energy saved is gradually transferred to subjective work. This is intensified, and gradually attracts the attention of the subject.

“When this has fully developed, the consciousness becomes exclusively engrossed in the inside sensations of the body, to the exclusion of all external perceptions. The subject has then entered the second state of consciousness, subjective consciousness.

“This is recognizable by all, although a little more care in observation and a certain determination to remain conscious are required.

“For a while this state endures; the subject continues to receive physical impressions from the inside, he becomes more and more conscious of his breathing, improving circulation and the resulting warmth; he feels this warmth spreading into parts of the body that were previously less warm although he had not been aware of the fact; he is struck by an increasing sense of glow and well being that seems to spread its beneficent action more and more deeply as the body becomes heavier and heavier. The subject then realizes that his body is asleep, and that its work is being performed extremely well although he himself has remained awake.

“As the intensity of the metabolic processes increases it tends to reach the level of power at which they appear to be outside the reach of the subject’s observation, or so one would conclude from the fact that gradually his consciousness of them completely vanishes. With his physical self, apparently, all has become silence and peace, just as a little previously, outside, all had become silence and peace.

“There follows (a second period of apparent blankness during which the subject does not seem to be affected by any phenomenon. This is merely a period of transition, and is marked by gradual transference of energy, increased in quality through rest, from satisfied physical processes to mental processes. Gradually the consciousness of the subject, which has, by now, completely lost sight of both objective and subjective physical phenomena, becomes aware of the fact that he is still AWARE, but aware of nothing physical, aware of himself, obviously, since he is aware of the fact that he is aware, and yet is aware of nothing of the body.”

When this has developed, the consciousness becomes exclusively engrossed in mutation, in the self, merely being and acting metaphysically. The subject has then entered the third state of consciousness; self or super-consciousness. “This is also recognizable by all, but all will not reach it at the first attempt. Until they do, they are at liberty to deny both its existence and its accessibility, but it were charitable to warn them that such denial will offer insurmountable obstacles to their attainment of it.

“Fierce determination to remain conscious – although, to all outside appearances, fast asleep – and great concentration are essential.

“For a while this state endures; the subject becomes more and more clearly aware of his existence as an individual, apart from his physical shell, he experiences more and more definitely what he may feel must be true contact with his self, his soul, and out of this experience he may evolve a conviction of survival after physical death which nothing will ever endanger, a certainty of the unending and untrammeled beyond.

“Gradually this state of self-consciousness, as all its predecessors, seems to elude the subject, and if he then is fortunate enough to retain his consciousness, be may enter the fourth state of consciousness: one-consciousness.

“Anyone who has ever been blessed enough merely to set foot on the threshold of this plane of consciousness is not likely ever to forget the indescribable sense of beatific revelation it engenders. We seem at one instant to be divine, to leap to understanding of things as yet undreamt, to vault in but one second the dense barriers of ages, to pierce in one fierce burst the veils of generations, and then fall by the way, dazed by the revelation, rejoicing though, beyond the force of words, that, knowing not what we have known, we should still know beyond the pangs of doubt, that in one spark we had known All.

“What is left after that? The sense of oneness with the Infinite, the sense of at-one-ment with the true, the just, the unending, the unlimited, the sense that one is a part of that whole, and that whether it takes years or days, ages or seconds, the time will come when the consciousness of that oneness shall be our patrimony, a consummation that is worth waiting for.”

THIS GOAL RESEMBLES MORE THAT OF ZEN REALIZATION than does the more poorly defined goal of the “optimum” state. In Self and Superman, little is said of the complex and its removal, but in the later and larger book, Coperative Healing, Mr. Eeman has gone into that angle more fully, describing his methods of getting at the complex and removing it, and giving his methodology the name of “Myognosis.” In this method he depends on the clues offered by tensed muscles to point the way to the complex. The older, slower method of “free association” is avoided as less safe, rapid, specific or controllable.

HRA Rev. Jessie Curl is out of Los Angeles until about October 26th, at which time she will return and open her new office at 1515 Wilshire Blvd., Apt. 2, Girard Apts., Los Angeles 17, Calif. She reports continuing good results in her healing work done with the spirit aid of Hoo`ola, who recently has been joined, I am told, by his spirit wife. Rev. Curl may also have her own church soon. Her absent healing work continues, and she may be reached at the address just given.

THE TMHG HEALING WORK OF THE HRA has been set back an hour to conform with the return to standard time for the winter months. 3 and 7 P.M. are still the hours, seven days a week. I am very happy to be able to report that almost every mail brings some good report on the healing results. One mail recently brought four good reports. It is possible that the new plan of limiting treatments through TMHG to those who have written in at the beginning of each month, has helped by preventing waste of time and energy on requests from those HRAs who may long since have ceased to sit in at the appointed hours or to offer their share of the mana needed by the Poe Aumakua to aid us as the energy is directed to one HRA after another. It is also possible that the self-cleansing (of complexes) which I have been doing, has made me a better channel for the flow of mana and its direction. The two spirits connected with the small ivory ikons by the Sandwiths, are invited to help at all sittings, and the work is conducted facing the large healing picture so kindly sent to us by HRA Mrs. Kingsley Tarpey, of London.

THE SELF-CLEANSING METHOD which I am using consists of taking a few minutes each night (or after any period of slight upset during the day) to “forgive” or let go of and put aside any conscious or half-sensed irritation or worry, then to make contact with the Aumakua, ask that it finish the clearing away of all such things (I say, “Please forgive…”) and then relax and wait. There come a few yawns or other slight physical reactions, and all is cleansed – the state of mind being left serene. This is proving to be a most helpful and practical method, and it does not call for the help of a second person, a factor greatly in its favor.

HRA Florence E. Wilcox, 2921 Francis Ave., Los Angeles 5, Calif., would like to meet other HRAs living near her.

The new Tregear Maori Comparative Dictionary is helping turn up many new and helpful word and root meanings. I consider it the first unit of equipment in our proposed HUNA LABORATORY. A recent study brought to light the strange fact that kahunas had only the word lima to use to designate the entire arm and hand. In the following passage (Isaiah 40:10), the translators had to insert “hand” because only “arm” appeared in the original as given by a good kahuna: “Behold, the Lord God will come with strong (hand) and his ARM shall rule for him…” The secret is that the fingers were always mentioned separately by kahunas, using the word mana`mana for them which hold the secret meaning of the mana being divided between the Aunihipili and Aumakua to make the latter strong and able to “rule” or make changes on the dense physical level in answer to prayer, or on the level of the future aka pattern world as well. The passage also says, 11 …his reward is with him.” Utu, is “reward”, but the secret comes out in its secondary or Huna meaning of “to absorb water, like a sponge,” which confirms the fact that the Aumakua MUST be given its share of the low mana to enable it to work for us.

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