Huna Bulletin 74

The Huna Laboratory

March 15, 1952

For Huna Research Associates
Covering the experimental approach to the use of Huna in HUNA
and related religious and psychological fields.
From Max Freedom Long
P.O. Box 2867, Hollywood Station, Los Angeles 28, California, U.S.A.


HRA C.L. of Omaha writes, “When I tried kneeling prayer, I found the position forced bodily tension, and that this interfered with the signals both ways, as it were. I use clasped hands, standing  [and] I get a terrific charge back usually (after making contact with the Aumakua), but it is different from the jolt when contacting and sending – cooler and quieter.”

HRA Mrs. W.A. reports from San Francisco, “Regarding the experiment with the position to be taken during prayer, I think each one must try to find the best position for himself. For me, the best position is facing north, hand out and up – a small dish of water to dip my fingers into and brush a drop or two across my face to impress the Aunihipili. I use the synchronization of the Aunihipili and Aumakua at the base of the spine as taught by the Theosophical Society – also have to believe.”

HRA Mrs. B.R.B., visiting this winter in California writes, “Did you know that Verne Cameron states (small book on the Aurameter, soon to be released by Meade Layne Publications, San Diego), that there seems to be a great step-up in the energy flow detectable with the Aurameter when, at prayer, the one offering the prayer stands with hands outstretched and palms turned UPWARD?”

HRA Mrs. A.F. of Central California, reported that she had long since found kneeling unnecessary and that she did not have to take a special position or follow a special ritual of any kind to get answers to her prayers. My comment on this is that she is one of the fortunate few. Most of us have fixations of some kind and belong to the great majority – to those who need a method that will help get around or past the fixations or a method furnishing a physical stimulus to trigger the Aunihipili into proper action – to get it to reach out to complete the contact with the Aumakua.

HRA T.A.L. of Los Angeles writes, “The receipt of your letter prompted me to make still another change in my prayer routine (described in a recent Bulletin), due to your suggestion that I watch for any message from the Aumakua, sent via the Aunihipili in the form of SYMBOLS. The experimental change I am making is to ask, at the end of my kneeling prayer, that symbols be shown to me in the surface of the tumbler of water which I use, instead of, as formerly, in a dream. Later, when I retire, I ask for the messages via dreams. I will let you know how I come out.”

COMMENT: As we are organized for research and experimentation as well as for the mutual good, we can give and get through the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group work (daily at 3 and 7 o’clock). It is of considerable importance that we consider new things as we come upon them, and try out variations of methods when such variations appear promising, even to a slight degree. Reports on experiments and speculative conclusions arrive in every mail and are studied with close interest, often tested. My thanks for reports.

A LETTER ON PRAYER came in recently from a stranger, now an HRA. “I have had your book for several years and have desired so deeply to know how to call the power of the Aumakua into action. Always, I prayed, ‘Show me the highest light.’ For years I have experienced the shower of radiation entering the top of my head, and pouring down my arms – and I have used this visitation to heal, with heart warming results. When I read your book I felt so familiar with the gifts of kahunas, like a reminder of truths learned from out of the sea of mind.”

The tradition in India has been that the serpent forces rose along the spine and left the body at the top of the head, on their way to some not-too-definite goal. Our HRA experience does not bear out this idea at all. We all seem to have our own personal actions and reactions. This is as it should be, if we understand Huna correctly on the point concerning the nature of aka when filled with mana. Such a combination seems then to draw on the intelligence of the Aunihipili and to obey directions as if alive and conscious. The return flow of mana from the Aumakua could not be less subject to direction or it would be lost instead of making a direct return – a return which is felt by different HRAs in different parts of the body. Nor do the glands in head or body seem to be involved as was supposed by those writing on older lore borrowed from the India of the period when physiology and glands were things still undreamed of.


HRA F.I.H. of Davis, Calif. writes, “Don’t let that cat cut me off. Give him this five. This time I am going to mark my calendar to remind me when another five is due to be sent. Maybe I’m not working too much with Huna, but I want to know what’s doing, because someone is going to find out what makes us tick one of these days. If you never did any more than keep us informed regarding the work, it would be a wonderful service. I can dig up more than I have been, so if you get stuck and need more, just let me have a line and I will help make your troubles a little smaller anyhow.”

Comment: Cigbo loves this kind of “Uncle” and says he would never dream of cutting him off, especially now that he knows where he could take his dish to get it filled if the milk supply failed here at the Study.


HRA A.B.C. of  Texas writes, “You’ve mentioned several times the need of a laboratory where you might give all your time to research work and necessary pioneering along various lines. It has occurred to me that, possibly others have already suggested a pooling of resources garnered from other HRAs like myself over the world. It would probably take a much larger headquarters than you now have – say an acre out near the suburbs which could be reached readily by bus – and it would also require help getting out the Bulletins and doing other things, so that you could spend your time in research and experimenting (with selected people)…  and hand on to us the benefits of the labors. Have you ever approached HRAs with the idea of obtaining ‘Charter Members’ of such a Headquarters Lab Organization? Once a start was made – regular dues and so on – initiation fees etc. I’d like to go on record as favoring such an idea, and would be pleased to contribute $1,000 as my part as a Charter Member. Let me know your reaction to the idea.”

Comment: I was amazed to know that any HRA was both able and willing to make such an offer. Anyone else wish to be heard from?


The response was less than expected, but of those in the armed services for whom prayers have been made to establish the “wall,” not one has yet been injured. One went down with a big plane that crashed, but was one of the few who were able to “walk away.” This work has now been combined with the TMHG and comes in with the prayer for world peace – just following it.


Dr. Brunler shared his lecture platform with me on the evening of March 5th, and we took fifteen minute turns addressing his research group members. I brought up points in Huna, and he followed by discussing them in terms of dielectric radiation, his own findings, and scientific discoveries in general. Dr. Brunler was still far from being over the very severe bout with poisoning incurred at the time of potentizing chemical fertilizers in solution for a friend. His wife, Dr. Grace Calver-Brunler, made a rather striking demonstration of the workability of Huna by accumulating a heavy surcharge of mana while Dr. Brunler spoke, and by giving it to him through her right hand when he sat down with face pale and vitality lowered. She was shortly able to call attention to the return of color to his face – making at the same time a short explanation, and praising the Huna methods. I was delighted to find two HRAs in the audience, one brand new, whom I had never met, and who turned out to be delightful; the other, a dear friend as well as a member of HRA from its first month. The audience was made up of exceptionally fine students in the psycho-religious and radiation fields. Much interest was shown in Huna.

FIRE-WALKING AND HANDLING was explained by Dr. Brunler as a matter of quickening the rate of vibration in the flesh to match that of the flames or coals or hot stones. The control of such vibratory rates, as I suggested to the audience, is, in so far as we can discover, accomplished by some form of mental action. In one of the older Bulletins I passed on the report of a white man who was taught by the fire-handling Indians of a small Southern California tribe, to hold large live coals on the palms of his hands. The mind was focused on the palms and the order was given, with imagination in full play, that the palms become “hotter and hotter and hotter,” and eventually they became so hot that coals could be picked up and held. I was unable to find out whether the hands felt actually hot to the touch of a spectator or not at the time, or whether they remained at an ordinary temperature but still had their vibratory rate raised to the point of high heat by the action of mind.

Whether the mind of the Aunihipili was the one which actually did the raising of the rate, is not known, but it seems that this is very probably the case. The Aunihipili works silently behind the scenes to do so many things in the body and with the aka and aka-mana extensions, as in telepathy and contact with the Aumakua (if Huna is correctly understood at this point). It is even more probable that the Aunihipili may enlist the aid of the Aumakua or entities of that level of consciousness in causing the protective change in vibrations, granting that changing the vibratory rate is the correct explanation.

We are closing in rapidly in England and over  here on the secret of dielectric radiation and electronics. I am encouraged to believe, and if we had our Huna Lab, I can just see tests being planned and daily practice taken while this fire immunity clue to the great mystery of vibration and radiation was followed through.

Men of scientific leanings are still, for the most part, thinking in terms of machine-made vibratory rates. These may be vibrations set up in electricity, or light or sound or denser substances such as gases, liquids, living combinations of these in protoplasm or flesh and bone. It has been postulated that thought is a matter of producing a certain rate of vibration in something of an electrical nature, and that variations in the rate may cause the variations in the type of thought.

Recent experiments have resulted in a test method by which defects in the brain structure or functioning may be located and treated. When the skull is opened behind the ear, and the surface of the exposed brain is touched with the end of a slightly charged wire, the stimulation causes the patient to make muscular movements, see things that are not there, or recall memories in such a vivid fashion that the scenes of the past begin to unfold a in a dream which contains all the sensory impressions to make it seem entirely real in terms of time and space.

The fact that mild electric currents may flow into the brain tissues and set a train of memories moving in dream formation, has caused the postulation that thought and memory are connected in some way with electricity. The brain waves produced by the action of the brain points in the same direction.

However, the thing that controls the electrical energy (or mana?) in creating the memory units, and then, at a later time, is active in directing some form of electrical stimulation at such units to give recall of a memory unit or chain of associated units – that thing, must be consciousness in one form or another.

Efforts to formulate an explanation of such control actions in terms of a purely mechanical set of actions and reactions in the brain and the linking nerves of the sensory or sympathetic system, become bogged down very quickly. The complications of a purely mechanical system baffle even the hardy purblind “Behaviorists” who will have none of the theory that consciousness comes ahead of the construction of bodily tissues, and shout their doctrine that all consciousness is the result of interaction between parts of the tissues or between the entire living creature and its external surroundings. The part played by the glands in animal bodies to effect thinking, emotions and moods, has been loudly preached, but nothing is said about the inevitable “first cause” in the organism which must be there to stimulate the glands.

Memory deposits in brain tissues do not show even under the most powerful microscope. Moreover, the spirits of the dead, or even the phantoms of the living who go off on astral travels, take the memories with them. This points directly to the Huna belief that memories are made of aka substance and are stored in the aka body, the latter, during all moments of consciousness in the body, being inside the structure, matching cell for cell in its penetration. It follows that, when parts of the body or brain are injured in any way, the aka counterpart cannot use them, and there results some imperfection of thought or sensory or muscular action.


Mentioned in the last Bulletin, with the slightly sour remark that there just might be something in such instruments, [the electronic bug-chasing machine] has been heard from again – from three quarters. If we had our Huna Lab, we would lease a machine from its inventor up San Francisco way and conduct some experiments along related Huna lines.

I am told that the instrument is similar to the radionics instruments used by some doctors for diagnosis and later treatment, but that the radiation rates of various insecticides are determined first to decide what kills insects of certain kinds most efficiently. Next, the instrument is set to produce and broadcast artificial radiations of the same nature and is aimed at the insects in the plot selected for treatment.

I am told that the favorite demonstration is one in which the rays or radiations are aimed at a tree infested with web worms, and that a spectacular rain of dead worms quickly results. This is most convincing, but when it is explained that the instrument has enough intelligence to observe the picture taken from the air of particular fields, and to confine its treatment to those seen in the picture, I immediately turn to Huna for a better explanation in terms of the aka-mana of the operator projected as an extruded miniature brain of sorts – connected to the brain of the operator by an aka thread – and furnishing the directing unit of consciousness which seems absolutely necessary. The idea that the photographic image, deposited in silver on a base of gelatin and paper, could act as a screen and directive of radiations to send the radiations to exact parts of the landscape, is enough to make any physicist begin to tear his hair. I have not learned as yet whether it takes men of certain natural abilities to operate the instruments successfully, as seems to be the case with radionics instruments of a similar nature, but my guess is that this will turn out to be a fact. If it does, it will put even more weight behind the assumption that the consciousness of the operator furnishes the element of directive consciousness.


HRA FMH, DC, PhC, writes: “Dear Max: The last paragraph in Bulletin 73, reading ‘Who radiates what to whom and how?’ is old stuff to those who know how to use ‘Radio Therapy.’ Remember I’ve mentioned it several times to you? And I still say you are missing a BIG bet if you don’t come and see us. Plants, animals, humans etc. can all be treated with this method, plus lots of other wonderful things it does. It’s really right up your alley, so many questions that are puzzling you could now be answered so fast you’d have the thrill of a lifetime. Nuff said, it is your move. Sincerest best wishes, FMH”

Comment: My time is so painfully full that I can’t get away from the Study long enough to accept this tempting invitation. Perhaps some HRA living in this end of the woods, and who has time, might contact me and arrange to substitute in the investigation, then write all the answers out for us and the world to read in the Bulletin. Of course, if we had our Huna Lab, and a bit of money to use, we might be able to get the men who issue such invitations to bring their instruments, assist in putting them through various tests, and then help postulate answers or formulate new questions still to be answered. Producing results with such instruments seems far easier than explaining “Who radiates what to whom and how?” But still….

When we are given the complete and final explanation and series of demonstrations via the instruments used in “Radio Therapy,” we will still have to investigate the very similar healing results which are produced without an instrument of any kind. I am thinking of the excellent score of healing results obtained by HRA Rev. Jessie Curl and others like her who heal with the supposed aid of disincarnate spirits and the forces made available to them. I am also thinking of the less spectacular results obtained by at least three HRAs who work without benefit of known spirits of the human kind, but who lay on hands and pray, the healing score again running higher by far than “mathematical chance of normal recovery.” To this list must be added those several HRAs who simply lay on a hand or hands, and direct into an ailing friend the thoughts of healing and the mana of strengthening. Of these several, some treat plants and pets with success. Lastly, there are a large number of HRAs who work regularly at 3 and 7 each day in the Telepathic Mutual Healing Group, working with prayer, the manas and visualizations of the desired conditions for themselves or others – working across miles of distance, and with sufficiently good results that letters keep coming in to report success.


At least in my feverish imagination as I consider the way projects bob up to be added to the list of things to be brought into the laboratory for research and experimentation. An acre seems already too small. Perhaps we should spread the funds which we may have coming in, simply renting a big old ranch with housing fitted for the needs of a dude ranch. If we rented, instead of purchasing property, we could spread the funds over several projects which were slightly related (as wouldn’t they all be!) and perhaps finish off the work in the matter of a year.

DIANETICS and related systems such as E-THERAPY would come in for an important share of the Lab activities because of the pressing need to find the best possible way to integrate the Aumakua and aka-mana factors and come away with the answer to finding and clearing away fixations which block the path of free and normal intercourse with the Aumakua. Evidence seems to be accumulating to show that when such normal intercourse is re-established, the healing of body, mind, purse and social tangles begins at once as the individual swings automatically into full cooperative living in which each of the three selves does its share of the work without hindrance – this working condition being the great goal of Huna effort.

NORMAL CONDITIONS,  in the respect just mentioned, may be thought of as  the first great goal. The second goal is one which humanity and our present world order is struggling to reach. This is a restoration of the normal in the matter of biological or living conditions. The thing we call “NATURE” has its normal of living conditions. It uses drastic methods to control the excessive growth of any one group of creatures, be they insects, animals or men. We have stopped the plagues and famines which normally kept human population growth in check to match the living room and food supplies available. As we are now about to restore the normal intercourse between the selves in the individual, we will eventually be forced to find a way to restore a normal relationship between man and the world which must feed him.

It seems that, what with the atom bomb here and the hydrogen bomb on the way, we will be forced very soon to give up war and what exterminatory value it may have, provided, of course, that we do not exterminate all forms of life on the globe by some rash action or accident. The day is definitely past when surplus populations can expand into empty lands or invade them and throw out the space native population. We may never have another Hitler or Mussolini who urges the swift increase in the birthrate to produce more soldiers to permit the conquest of the lands held by weaker peoples. We read that the Russians have told the Chinese leaders that some way must be found to reduce the number of Chinese by at least 70 million. The greatest single problem in Japan today is that of over population, now that they cannot make war and move into the lands of those they conquer.

I have received a letter from a friend who has been visiting India, in which she tells me that nothing can be done to help the people there in more than a small and temporary way. The pressure of growing population is at the bursting point. She writes sadly, “The only answer seems to be the old one of the centuries, famine and plague.”

It is my hope that when we finish with wars, once and for all time – perhaps after a sharp, final struggle – and after social conditions and the inequalities caused by war and other debts have reached their explosion point and have leveled off, we may perfect a world government. Then, with the increased productive power given us by the machine, we may be able to produce a surplus that can be used to develop food resources and to begin the task of keeping down populations just as we have kept down plagues. Some of the reactionary features in religion will have to go. Despite the darker aspects, the horizon begins to brighten. Some of the grandchildren of this troubled new generation may see that Bright New World of which we dream. We already know a hundred times better than we do. That in itself is very encouraging. I am surprised and delighted, day after day, to discover how innately kind, generous and tolerant men and woman really are if only their circumstances will permit them to exert their good impulses. In all the tests which I have run on the Bovis Biometer for the radiation pattern set up by a signature, only twice have I found the counter-clockwise circle indicating the leaning toward evil instead of toward the creative good.

LADY, THE TALKING HORSE gives us another candidate for the Huna Lab. HRA Edward S. Schultz, of Buffalo, N.Y., who serves greatly by combing magazines and papers for good articles for the HRA files, sent in a fine article clipped from the March, 1952 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine entitled, “Science Tackles the Sixth Sense”

Lady, the 26-year-old mare owned and trained by Mrs. C.D. Fonda from colthood, near Richmond, Va., understands English and has psychic and mind reading powers, perhaps the power of pre-vision. She has an alphabet keyboard to use to nuzzle up letters to spell out the answers to questions put directly to her while her owner stands aside taking no part in the performance. Lady was asked to give the name of the managing editor of the Popular Mechanics magazine by a man sent to see if she could and if she was able to live up to her reputation. Lady not only was able in some way to know the very unusual name, but she was able to spell it, “Dempewolff.”

Later, she proved that she either read minds or had some form of intuitive or psychic information, when she spelled “EYES” for the man questioning her – his question being, ‘What is the name of my daughter?” But his thoughts being on the troublesome fact that she was scheduled to enter a hospital just then for an eye operation.

In the article, I failed to find evidence that Lady was able to answer questions, the answers for which were unknown to someone present.

The latter part of the article discusses, with illustrations, some of Dr. J.B. Rhine’s research experimentation in the field of ESP, also PK, the latter dealing with the control of mind over matter.

From the Huna point of view, the animals have minds very similar to the mind of the human Aunihipili, and should, therefore, have its abilities to use psychic powers below those of a predictive nature which are believed to demand a contact with the Aumakua. Of course, there is nothing to prevent a horse from making a contact with a Aumakua, say one of the “Group Soul” kind, and getting information covering the future. I suppose that if Lady could accurately predict the future, much more would have been told of this feature by the writer of the article than was told in the simple statement that she was asked whether there would be a third world war, and that she spelled out, “Yes. 1952.” Unfortunately, we will have to wait until the end of 1952 to learn whether or not the prediction was prophetic or just the reading of the mental opinions of those near her. Perhaps it should be added that a horse as smart as Lady, and one accustomed to listening to conversations and answering questions, might have her own opinions about the probable outcome of the present tense cold war situation. (I still stick to my predictive conclusions reached through our HRA dream project, that the Korean war will taper off to an end, and that no world war will follow.)

ANOTHER ARTICLE from HRA ESS, was clipped from Man To Man magazine, issue of May, 1952. It is by Leroy Thorpe and tells a number of stories of death brought about through the mysterious action of unidentified psychic powers. One story is rather startling when told against the background of the New York of the 1930s. It concerns a derelict old man who came into money and soon gave it away to other derelicts on the Bowery, so that he was again broke and hungry. In a half-starved condition, he suffered from a strange hallucination. Walking up to a “drink-wrecked bum,” he stabbed him with a scrawny finger, directly on the chest, saying, when he had attracted the man’s attention, “I’m God. You’re dead.” The man dropped dead and no one could find why. The authorities were badly worried.

“Mr. God,” as the man came to be called, had collapsed after pronouncing the death words. (He may have used all his remaining mana in one shock-blow.) He was found to be running a high fever, but when fed and rested, his hallucination vanished and he was normal again. One is reminded of the shock of mana methods used by some kahunas to clear away fixations which blocked the path and normal actions. One also remembers the strange activities of the mesmerist in Hollywood who worked himself up to a peak of mesmeric power, then stepped into a room, looked at men seated in a row and waiting, with the result that some of them fell unconscious from their chairs to the floor. The mesmerist, after the use of the force in this prodigal fashion, also showed signs of being greatly weakened, being left pale and shaken. Projected surcharges of mana-aka seem to be powerful.

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