Huna Bulletin 121

Concentration & Auto-Suggestion

April 1, 1957

AGAIN THE BULLETIN IS OUT EARLIER, thanks to funds accumulating faster in Cigbo’s box. His thanks and my own for helping along. We are not trying to divide your gifts into four pieces to provide for a full year of Bulletins, but are chancing sufficient income to keep the Bulletins coming the whole year through.

THE FIRST OF THE TAPE LECTURES has been transcribed and edited, thanks to the generous gift of time and effort on the part of a good HRA in Texas. The stencils have been cut and the half-hour lecture, running ten pages like this one, will be put through the mimeograph by HUNA RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS as a part of its publishing ventures. The price of this lecture is $1 post paid (add 40 sales tax if you live in California, please), but the mimeographing will not be started until we see whether or not there are any orders sent in. The announcement that the lecture series on tapes might be had, resulted in but one order, so there is no need to use up paper if the first lecture is not desired. This lecture was taped for the Sunnyvale, Calif. group in the first place, but is of general interest to any and all who lean toward Huna or who may wish a general introductory lecture to lend around for the sake of spreading the good news of the rediscovery of Huna. For real missionary work for Huna, the lecture can be supplied at a very special rate in lots of a dozen or more. You can send your order to me if you wish. (The lectures on tapes are still available.)

and several have reported good results already in getting readings from inked signatures or live thumb tips. No end of fun, and an art which will be of great value down the years, once properly learned. What is needed next is practice and the chance to compare readings so that all can get together on them or know that something is wrong in the readings which do not approach the general average of the group. So, I propose that we form within the HRA, a Biometer Club, members of which will all start as Grade Two applicants and win their standing as Grade One members only when they prove that they can make four out of five reliable readings. All who wish to join up must have a kit and have made at least a few readings (the correctness of which will not be questioned at this point). The Club will have a “Cigbo” or cigar box in which donations will be kept until used, and it is suggested that a dollar sent in with an application will be about right to pay a Vista stenographer to copy the names of all members on stencils (with the address of course) and then mail a copy of the list to each member. I will act as temporary chairman until we can organize and elect officers. We will find some way to get round robin letters started containing signatures to be read for practice. Members can write back and forth and exchange readings and experiences. (But please go easy on me, for I am already hardly able to read and answer the HRA and inquirers’ mail.)

To check with all kit owners to see whether we get the same readings has become about impossible already and so the Club is badly needed. All members who make Grade One will perhaps be allowed to have carved on their tomb stones, “Bio Club: Grade One.” Those who can’t make it will have to be satisfied with “Bio Club: Charter Member.” If you plan to get a kit and learn to use it later, apply now for membership and start getting into the swing of things. Be warned that in giving out your name and address in the list you will assume the risk of getting contact with some black sheep who may have gotten into the HRA in white garb. A very black one got in once and caused considerable trouble. Fortunately, the Biometer will pretty well tell us from the start whether a proposed member is black instead of white. (That is one of the values of the Biometer – one of the many.) If you wish me to acknowledge your application, send in a stamped and self-addressed envelop.  And remember, if you talk to outsiders about the Biometer and what you are doing with it, to say that you are trying to measure the progress of the SOUL.  It may be against the law to try to measure the mind. Also remember that you are not trying to diagnose anything other than the state of the SOUL. This is important – VERY.  Even if you qualify as a psychologist, psychiatrist or M.D., you still had better follow these instructions lest you be read out of your order for playing with something not yet in the book.

THE SEARCH FOR BASIC HUNA IN YOGA has moved one step ahead, I am happy to report. A certain Sanskrit-English dictionary has been needed to progress this very promising study so that original Yoga writings in Sanskrit may be checked for words with multiple meanings which have carried coded Huna in a fashion similar to the coded material in the Bible. Word has been received from England that such a dictionary has been located and is being rebound to make it right to send across. Cheers!

THANKS TO HRA ERNEST BATEMAN of Seattle. A file of the “Journal of  the Polynesian Historical Society” has been located at last in the library of the University of Washington and photostatic copies have been made and sent on to me reproducing pages dealing with the “Indus Seals.” These are small pieces of what appears to be hardened clay, and on each has been carved or wet-impressed a series of pictographs. The seals have been found in numbers in the ruins of ancient cities in the Indus region of India. They may date back to the bronze or even stone age. The important thing is that they resemble in the script the graven records done on wood in Easter Island. To a lesser extent, the script of early Egypt stands comparison. As the more intelligent residents of Easter Island were sent to the coast of South America as slaves, the ability to read the Easter Island script was lost.

I am now taking my few free moments to study and compare the scripts – not that I expect to learn the messages of the seals or Easter Island paddle boards, but in the hope of recognizing some of the symbols which may carry Huna meanings, as do many from the early Egyptian. The Middle-Indus Seals may, in time, show us the route used in part for the spread of people closely related in culture, and as the Easter Islanders were Polynesians, this might give a clue to the spread of Huna as well.


As requested in the last Bulletin, [these reports] have been coming in surprisingly well. Nearly 2% of the HRAs responded. As was expected, many surprising things were noted by those who made the attempt to see how long they could hold a mental impression in/at their center of attention before it slipped from their mental grasp. Images of sight, taste, touch, sound and the like were tried as instructed, and the reports show that some hold one kind of image well, but not others. The unmoving and unchanging mental impression proved, as I predicted, much harder to hold than the ones which were allowed to move or run around in a small circuit which was caused to repeat itself over and over. The use of preliminary breathing or mana accumulating exercises proved that we were right in concluding that this would be very helpful. With a surcharge of vital force in hand, the Auhane can exert its “will” command over the Aunihipili more powerfully and for a longer time. Mental images, which are first made of aka substance or thought-forms, and which are at the same time given a strange something which seems to be a permanent mana charge, are much stronger, more lasting and more easily held or remembered than similar mental images made without first taking on extra mana. The mana charge built into such thought-form structures may be compared to the storage batteries which need only the addition of water to cause them to show a full charge of electricity and be ready for work.  Or we may use the comparison of size, and say that highly charged images are much larger and thus more powerful in holding themselves together and making a continuous impress on the consciousness. The fixation or complex seems to have this large mana charge or static ingredient of mana to a large extent. The image and the static mana charge remain hidden and inactive in the memory storehouse of the Aunihipili, perhaps for months or even years, but when something recalls it, and a “triggering” thought releases its energy or the pattern it contains which is capable of sudden absorption of mana from the body – well, then comes the familiar explosive reaction which overrides reason, intention and even sanity until the force is used up. Later in this Bulletin I wish to explain why I think this trick of building mana into mental images is going to be so important to us as we go into the tests and investigative phases following the preliminary testing of concentration abilities and their variations. First let us have parts of the letters giving test results. I am sorry not to have space for them all in full, for they often contain most interesting comments on other angles of Huna.

R. W. E. of California reports “Fitfully, I have experimented with the holding of attention and find you are right about the fact that an object in easy motion can be held in concentration much longer than one at rest. In these early steps, I find I can hold my favorite ring in my mind and examine it carefully, while mentally revolving it, for about ten seconds. Not good, but at least a start.”

L. E. B. of Detroit reports, “I can hold a picture about four minutes without losing my interest or having my mind wavering or wandering. Here is how I do it. I have a very small picture in color of my teacher, Dr. Thind. I first take the deep breaths and see the brilliant light coming through my feet right up to my shoulders, then see it coming into my hands, arms and head. I do this several times. Then I take several deep breaths and say to my Inner Self, ‘Store up this mana.’ I next say my Huna prayer, asking my Aumakua to help me. I take the picture then and hold it in my hands and meditate on it. It is a very tiny picture and I cannot see the features too well. But during the time I meditate on it, I can see the wrinkles in Dr. Thind’s face, his eyes and all his features rather plainly. I keep from wavering better by seeing him smile and his eyes wrinkle up. Storing up mana is very important. I have tried both ways, with and without, and find the way with the mana accumulation far the better. One also needs the help and blessing of the Aumakua.” (Note that here a moving and not a static mental image of the visual sort was used. MFL)

R. G. of Malibu reports, “When I ask my Aunihipili to show me any color, I get it, and the longer I hold it, the brighter it gets. I find that I can hold anything I wish from 20 to 45 seconds, but the things I like I can hold longest. I have trouble holding mental impressions of smell and taste, and am trying to find out why. I can memorize the figures better when I first accumulate a surcharge of mana. I know you are right. I studied Yoga about fifteen years ago, and have all the breathing exercises. I am told that out of about 500,000 persons, only one has dreams in color with sound, smell, taste and the like. I have had these dreams all my life, as real as if I were awake and with the colors even more beautiful.”

C. E. S. of Seattle reports, “One-half minute is the best I could do in holding a mental picture form. When I formed a picture of something in which I was extremely interested, or liked, I found it was very easy to hold it up to a full minute. I also found that something repulsive to me, such as a snake, could be held for a long time without effort. I can hold a color like ‘king blue’ or a greenish blue the longest of any colors, but red only half as long.”

A. L. from Pennsylvania reports, “I have tried the experiment of feeling instead of seeing or hearing, etc. Before seeing red, which I held for 30 seconds, I had to associate the color with something familiar so used a Coca Cola cooler I have in my place of business and see every day. The faint associated smell … came easy and was held sixty seconds. Same time for the stronger full smell. The test for taste also required some visualization. I used a banana and as long as I could see it as a mental picture and could break off a piece and place it in my mouth, I could hold the taste image easily and for as long as fifty seconds. I tried to remember and reproduce the smell of an incense once used when I was a member of a mystic brotherhood, and it came back faintly but brought with it a picture of a temple and its surroundings. I found I could hold a taste for 50 seconds and a feeling of touch for 75 seconds.”

R. H. of Edmonton, Canada reports, “I have tested holding an image in mind. Here are the results. Image 1, my son. Maximum hold, 1 minute. Biggest problem: could only hold him in mind as a moving picture. To try to fix his face in one position gave a maximum of 20 seconds. Image 2, my clock radio. Maximum hold, 45 seconds. Again, here was a problem of motion. If I concentrated, saw the large sweep second hand move, I could hold for about 45 seconds. Otherwise about 20 seconds was the maximum. Most difficult problem was to decide the exact time. Not having a stop watch, plus not being absolutely sure when my attention wandered posed a problem.”

M.M. of New York state reports, “I try to concentrate on colors, abstract colors, not things. Red fades to brown but I am learning to hold the red better.  I try to get blueness of different shades, and find myself settling on a certain shade or essence of a color. Something inside me keeps saying, ‘blue, blue, blue…’ and the attention fluctuates like the heat of the coals of an open fire, while I keep calling it back. Only if my mind definitely forgets the subject in hand and goes off on to a different subject definitely, do I call it quits. I say that I will do it for one minute, and usually, when I open my eyes, it is exactly one minute. I take sound, all the senses, and end up trying to induce a feeling of it to concentrate on or switch to health or inner joy or some desirable quality of character. Often my George gets bored and tired, and then it is no use. About five minutes is his limit at noon. To manufacture the feeling of joy or robust health and strength (to hold) is almost impossible. But I keep trying. I will report later on my progress with the Biometer.”

C. N. of North Hollywood reports, “Eyes on second hand of watch. Center on word, ‘God.’ Inhale and exhale 4 times to the minute. Vague thought pictures crossed back of mind. Held concentration for five minutes. Have since increased the time to ten minutes. Hold basic thought well, but outside noises are heard. Anything deeper would have to be self-hypnosis – which so far has only resulted in my taking a snooze. Holding the mental images of red and black paper carton. 45 seconds. Colors soon fade but the image of the box in correct outline and perspective remain. I open eyes as ‘George’ goes off bug hunting.  Next day tried memorizing numbers, with and without extra mana. Mental block. Never did like numbers. Since the foregoing I have fallen back on daily E.S.P. card reading. It is coming easier all the time. I preface attempts with deep breathing to collect mana i Aumakua pule kala hofikeike. Watch Aunihipili try to catch a few last bugs in a desperate hurry, sulks a few seconds – or minutes – then goes to work. With enough effort get 100% anytime, but generally settle for an easy 50% average to make it come easy and pleasant. Spend a half-hour at it daily.”

H. R. of Buffalo reports, “1st test. Held tone 1/2 minute. Played C, D, E, F, on piano, then listened for G. Throat muscles tried to help but I took a deep breath and held it, feeling warm and some inner excitement. 2nd test. Held white polka dot on green background for count of 64. Noticed eyes trying to strain to see although closed. 3rd test. Never could remember Social Security number. Aunihipili has a dislike for the whole idea anyway. Took deep breath several times and held [social security number] several times. Slight movement of the throat muscles. Held concentration on the number for two minutes.”

R. H. of Los Altos, California reports, “I want to ask you what I should do about concentrating when I have no visual imagery at all. As an example, I cannot remember what my son looks like, not the physical him at all. I know he is tall and holds his head up, and then I feel a radiance above the line of his shoulders. But in order to remember people I have always had to count up everything they had on. I did that when I was a little girl, and have for a very long time. Before that I used to visualize very clearly, or at least I think I did, but I was terribly frightened by something and never could see anything with my mind’s eye again. Perhaps you could give me a suggestion or two that might help?” (I have suggested that work with sense impression other than the visual might break this barrier which may have been caused by a shock complex.)

W.A. of Vallejo, California reports, “I find as always that the use of mana helps. With it I remember seven numbers or anything at all. If one will hold a mental picture with the same concentration and care as one holds a vessel filled to the brim with water, it will help very much. Here are my tests. Visual impression held 40 and 60 seconds. Sound of running brook, 30 and 40 seconds. Single color, blue, 40 and 66 seconds. Smell of fresh cut grass, 30 and 45 seconds. I find that I cannot recall certain favorite smells at all, and wonder why. Food tastes with different foods at different times. Average 20 to 30 seconds. Happy memory of the day I left the hospital with my baby, 45, 50 and 60 seconds. Sadness – as I always try to send these thoughts from me, 20 and 15 seconds. Pure or abstract idea, 60 seconds. I find that the seven notes of the scale stand out in color for me when I try to imagine them: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.” (The water vessel idea helps the Aunihipili understand the care needed in holding the mental image during concentration. MFL)

F.D. of Durham, N.C. reports running tests with two friends. The three tried the same mental impressions as things to concentrate on, and time checks were run for each. This was a most informative test in terms of the Biometer readings of SOUL levels, the first of the group having a reading of 291, the second of 347, and the third of 392 degrees. Note the odd differences in concentration time reports below. The times begin with the lowest degree reading and go on to that of the highest. Musical tones: 14, 25 and 10 seconds. (Highest Bio, shortest hold.) Visualize letter “A”; 9, 22 and 33 seconds. (Followed trend of the Bio reading levels here.) Feel of soft cushion: 28, 25 and 55 seconds. (Mixed.)  Color: 5, 111 and 92 seconds. (Ran contrary to Bio levels decidedly.) Sad thought: 6 seconds, (shortest listed time on any test). 13 and 30. (Note that the Aunihipili usually rejects sad memories rapidly for most of us.) Glad thought: 25, 26 and 45 seconds.

NOTE: The holding ability in concentration seems not to depend on whether one has a high or low SOUL level reading Biometrically speaking. It appears that training and the amount of mana used to control the Aunihipili and to make strong mental images may account for variations. It is possible that a high Bio reading might indicate greater possibility, given equal amounts of training, then taking the higher on to the limit of training. MFL


Dear Max:
What is all this about concentration test leading to?
Isn’t this the same old stuff you and I and the rest of the older “occult” students have had fed to us in Theosophy, New Thought, and Yoga courses down the years and which never got us very far beyond first base? Or have you discovered that kahunas had a new angle on the deal and some more definite results to promise good boys and girls who will work hard and carry through?
Curiously yours,

(Answer)Dear Len:
I knew you – of all people – would not fail to catch me off base. Yes, just as you suspect, I am trying to cover up for having overlooked up to now what may be one of the most important slants kahunas could have offered for our individual (sans kahuna help) use. I make no excuses. I just failed to see the importance of the training that every kahuna had to take to enable him or her to concentrate and hold the mind pinned tightly for as long as necessary to a single mental thought-form structure – be it a picture or a duplication of some sensory impression.

Yes, you guessed it, as did several other “old China hands” in the HRA where occult students of seasoned standing are a dime a dozen: and include some of the best in the world. I am proposing that we have a close look at CONCENTRATION so that we can move more knowingly into tests of the Huna angle on AUTO-CONDITIONING – a subject which has been used experimentally at Duke University for the past few years by students in the Sociology Department under Dr. Hornell Hart.

In my book, SECRET SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES, I set forth the Huna slants and additions to the mechanics of auto-suggestion and gave the best modern methods of relaxation to make the Aunihipili ready to accept and react to suggestions which were self-administered. But, for some reason or other, perhaps because I had not used the method to any extent myself at the time, I forgot to take it up again when the HRA was formed and we started testing out things.

I do not need to remind you that the whole matter of this Aunihipili reaction to self-suggestion is about the most senseless and zany thing George does or allows to be done to him. The whole business of his foolish reaction to hypnotic or auto-suggestion is something that strikes most of us as being utterly preposterous. I once advised a friend to try auto-suggestion on his stuttering. I told him to get comfortably seated, then tighten the muscles in turn from feet to head, relaxing each set after putting strain on them, and ending soon by having all the muscles relaxed, then the mind. That done, he was to repeat to himself quietly the suggestion (thrice over) that under all circumstances when he spoke, his words and sentences would flow freely, clearly and smoothly from him. He was to wait a minute or so for the suggestion to sink in, then get on with whatever he was doing. I assured him that this method was known to get excellent results. A few days later I met him and asked if he had tried the method. “No,” he admitted. “I-I-I d-d-did try to try, but I felt so completely the silly ass, talking t-t-to myself such Cosh, that I stopped and said n-n-nuts to it!”

I imagine that almost everyone finds it completely silly when first tried, but it is no sillier than to toss a good meal into George’s interior and then go off about the business of the moment, never pausing to wonder whether George will accept the meal in good form and start absorbing the nourishment and making good use of it.

Auto-suggestion is much like that, once we get over the feeling that it is a silly and useless thing which is “just not being done.” You of the Auhane level have to find the food and eat it. The same applies to getting a set of mental images ready to embody the thing we want the Aunihipili to do. You can’t feed George a meal until you quiet him down and get him to the table in a mood to eat. You have to be the first to believe that the food you have provided is GOOD. If you believe it to be dangerous, George will also believe it and he will lose his appetite fast.

The concentration tests were aimed at seeing how we of the HRA averaged up in our ability to make a good mental picture of ourselves doing something in a certain selected way. The new books on auto-conditioning do not say that some can and some can’t make and present a mental image properly to the subconscious.  That’s where Huna comes in. We have learned that a mental picture or impression is really a memory structure being built. The more mana used in the building, and the longer the concentration plus mana is used in the task, the better the chances that the Aunihipili will accept the suggestion when it is given to it and REACT to it just as it reacts to the meal and begins unquestioningly to digest and absorb it.

By our tests we have learned that some of us can make a fine mental image of a color and hold it for up to a minute. Others can’t make the image of a color or remember the color when tied to a familiar object. Some cannot hold the image unless it is in motion. Some are visual, some auditory and some report inability to make a mental image of any sort, and therefore they fail to be able to concentrate – but even these are able to remember who they are and where they are going, so concentration and memory are there and hard at work if they can just get them to the surface where, by practice, they can handle and shape and rework them.

It all amounts to this: each of us is apt to be enough different in habits of mind, in ways of thinking and the like to demand a personal way of applying auto-suggestion. What is more, we must recognize a danger here for the ones who may be none too firmly seated in their mental saddle. The psychotic and poorly balanced should let auto-suggestion and hypnosis and Spiritualistic practices strictly alone. Any authority on suggestion will tell one that. But most of us, fortunately, are ploddingly normal in these respects and can safely go about learning what is rapidly proving to be a very fine tool and one almost ridiculously easy to use.

What is really and genuinely silly is the fact that most of us think we are about perfect just as we are, and it surprises us painfully if we begin to examine ourselves and find that we have no end of things which we could be doing better – or stop doing.

One of the obstacles to the wide use of auto-suggestion (with all its benefits) has been the nearly universal fear or distrust of hypnosis and/or hypnotists. The discarded theory of DOMINATION BY WILL POWER (on the part of the hypnotist) has made people reluctant to take the chance of being DOMINATED. No real theory of hypnosis has ever been offered outside of Huna, but most people know nothing of such matters. They simply don’t understand suggestion and so prefer determinedly to avoid having it used on them at all costs.

Auto-suggestion overcomes this difficulty. We decide what we will suggest to our Aunihipilis and we do the suggesting ourselves. More than that, we do not have to go to sleep to get George to accept the meal of suggestions and go ahead happily to digest and assimilate it while we take it easy.

One thing we all need to remember before we start giving ourselves suggestion. This is that if we start trying to relax and give George suggestions before we have had some real practice with the making of the mental images of the suggestions, we may pass the Aunihipili a batch of half-baked suggestions which will give him the mental colic and cause him thereafter to resist all efforts to get him relaxed and suggestion-fed.

I am putting this letter in the Bulletin so all can see what I have in my mind and then act as they see fit in making personal tests. I’d go along with Dr. Hart in his new book, AUTO-CONDITIONING, when he instructs beginners to practice for a week at odd times for periods of several minutes at a time in order to learn to make a mental picture of yourself doing what you want yourself to do under different conditions or in different situations where you feel you could do better than you now do. Practice describing yourself as you see yourself doing something the right way – or stopping the doing of something. Use the affirmative in the description. Cut out the negative.  Say, “I do not smoke,” never “I’m stopping smoking.” Be positive and proclaim the deed accomplished, and do not let your Auhane dwell on the fact that you have the slightest doubt that the Aunihipili can and will accomplish what you suggest. It will go to work in its strange, zany way to make what you suggest to it come true if you will let it alone and not try to help digest what you feed it.  The suggestion should be boiled down shorter and shorter, so that eventually it will consist of from one to five words which mainly serve to make one remember the mental picture of the desired condition, the strong and mana-filled and clear picture of yourself being or acting as you wish to be or act. Make the picture with care for a week, several times a day. Learn to describe or call it to mind with a few selected words. Then, when you have done this well, try relaxing and then speak the words three times over slowly and positively to your Aunihipili. Pause, then do something else. Don’t push on the ax after you have swung and driven it into the log. Let go the ax handle and move away. You can come back to the ax next day or even next morning.
My aloha,


Try out auto-suggestion if you will, or sit on the sidelines and cheer on the rest of us. I assure you that using auto-suggestion to overcome indolence or insomnia – overcome pain or depressed moods – or to make oneself over in any ordinary way IS JUST THE BEGINNING of what we are going to try to accomplish with the Huna knowledge to back us.

Let’s all throw in together to the extent of our ability, time and strength to learn to use auto-suggestion in the simple and elementary way which is proving so satisfactory now in University circles. This we must do first in order to learn the ropes and make ourselves ready for the next and greatly important step.

This step is that of using the Huna angles to learn to control and guide the Aunihipili in such a way that it will come to do its very necessary part in making the Huna prayer to the Aumakua which can call down such instant healing as kahunas have demonstrated and as we see now and then at shrines or in the answers to the prayers of a few good and simple people.

It is not enough to have arrived at the point at which we live in the happy belief and certitude that the Aumakua pair of Utterly Trustworthy Parental Spirits are always with us and are always standing by to guide and help us. The time has come, or so it seems to me, when this new tool of auto-suggestion has strangely been called to our attention and when our next step is to learn, if belatedly, to use it to accomplish the task of gaining fuller and more complete cooperation with the Aunihipili. It is not going to be too easy, but the reward, if we succeed as I believe we will, is almost too bright to contemplate. If full cooperation of the Aunihipili can be gained, the perfect Huna prayer can be made, and for those who are open to the help of Aumakuas, instant healing will be possible.  For the complexed and for those enslaved by “eating companion” spirits of evil natures, there should be hope of becoming ready to accept and receive help and healing.

If we can take this final step in our work together, and can begin to demonstrate instant healing, we will have done a Service to the world of incalculable importance. If we can demonstrate the full workability of Huna, we can furnish a basis on which all the religions of the world can meet. No telling what wonderful changes in the social structure might be brought about. The great pendulum of materialism might be caught on its backward swing and the things of the Spirits of Light be at last given their proper place in the lives of men. It is a great gamble which is endlessly worth the taking. We will risk so little in terms of time and effort and stand the chance of winning all that is worth winning in terms of time and human progress and the life we will live on the other side. A great kahuna once said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The “kingdom” in the sacred language of Huna is aupuni, which carries the inner meaning of “a place or state in which there is peace and no disturbance.” This is the realm of the Aumakua. If we can so guide the Aunihipili that it will learn with certainty to touch that place of complete peace at our command, then indeed, “all these things shall be added” to us. Here is the full of all the salvation which we can hope to gain. Try?

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