Huna Vistas Bulletin #19

HV08-headerMarch, 1961

Confirmation of Some Huna Beliefs


THERE IS MOST EXCITING RESEARCH NEWS to report in this issue of the H.V.

It is that at last I have come upon confirmation of the fact that in Huna there was the belief that mana had to be sent with a prayer to enable the Aumakua or the Po`e Aumakua (“Great Company of Aumakuas”) to have the needed earthly force to work on their level to bring about the desired conditions specified in the prayer. Also, there is confirmation of the belief that the prayer had to be strongly built in terms of thought-form picturings.

AS MOST OF YOU KNOW from reading my books and the bulletins, much of the recovery of the ancient Huna lore was accomplished by studying the root meaning of one word after another of the compounded words used by kahunas to name elements in their beliefs and practices. In addition to the meanings of the roots, there were symbol words to be understood, as, for example, the word “water” standing for mana of any kind.

WHILE THE SECRET CODE OF KAHUNAS was gradually broken in this manner, even to breaking the code as used in the New Testament and early Yoga writings, there was often nothing to be found in the very scant written material from kahunas to show that the conclusions reached from studies of the code were correct.

NOW, AT LAST WE HAVE DIRECT CONFIRMATION on one of the strangest and most unique beliefs and practices in Huna. At an early period in the research work, it was realized that there were certain things to be found in other religions which seemed to resemble the things turned up through the word studies of Huna. More than that, there were great similarities between the phenomena of Psychic Science and the findings of modern Psychology. For instance, the Huna words in which the root aka appears, were not understood in their inner or code meaning until comparisons were made to our knowledge of the ectoplasm of the seance room. Hinduism, via the priceless studies of the early Theosophists, gave the clue to the three aka or “shadowy” bodies of the three “selves” of Huna. The prana of Yoga led to the understanding of the basic force or mana of Huna, and eventually to the three uses made by the three selves of the basic mana, these uses being identified by the different uses, as in the case of the mana when used by the Aumakua to cause instant or slow changes in physical matter, as in miraculous healing. (For convenience, we think of the mana as having three “voltages” or speeds of vibration, as in the case of radiant energies such as seen in light or radio broadcasting.)

OF ALL THE DIFFICULT-TO-ACCEPT BELIEFS found in Huna, the one of the three selves or spirits has caused the most objection. We had all been taught that a man had ONE SOUL, and to split it into three separate souls or “selves” caused rejection on the part of many Christians. In Yoga there were traces of the earlier Huna belief to be found, particularly in the “high” and “low” parts of the “self” as mentioned in earlier writings. The Theosophists, in giving us their findings after endless sorting of conflicting and tangled beliefs current in India, stopped short of giving us the concept of three independent (although closely associated) selves. Instead, they confused the “bodies” with the characteristics of the recognized facets of the accepted ONE self. (This statement will bring me arguments from some of the HRAs who still prefer Theosophical conclusions as against those I feel are of the early and original Huna.)

THE SECOND MOST DIFFICULT thing from Huna to accept, especially by the HRAs of Christian background, has been the need to send mana along the aka cord to the Aumakua as a part of the prayer. We were taught to stand up and say our prayer, and that was the whole of it. And, because some prayers, even those uttered silently at a moment of danger or desperation, were certainly heard and answered, it was thought that the Huna preparation of the prayer ahead of its delivery, and with the gift of mana, could not be necessary. “God is all powerful,” reads the dogma, and all prayers were addressed to God, with the Christian addition of the, “this we ask in the name of Jesus as our intercessor.” (Jesus being the Huna Aumakua introduced at some early date into Christianity by kahunas using their secret code to veil their inner teachings.) The outer rite of offering sacrifices in many religions replaced offering mana. We cannot be certain that the mana of sacrificed animals or birds did not serve some real purpose. But in Christianity the blood sacrifice vanished, as it did in the inner or uncontaminated Huna found in Polynesia. However, the only open hint that mana might be offered with the prayer is found in the non-Huna part of the New Testament, supposedly given by Paul. He advised: (Romans 12 1.)…. “that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”

THE BASIC IDEA OF SACRIFICE IN HUNA has been worked out through a study of the roots and word symbols of words used by kahunas (Hawaiian). Mo`hai or just hai, means “to sacrifice”. Ha`i gives the meaning of “to break”, and suggests the “breaking” in two of a thing so that half of it can be used as a sacrifice. Jesus “took bread and broke it” in the coded mystery of the “Last Supper” and his blessing and passing of the wine takes us back to the pouring of an offering or “oblation” to the gods, so common in olden days, but having behind it the great Huna mystery of “dividing the waters” – that is, sharing the water or mana with the Aumakua. The ha root in the word for “sacrifice” warns one who is initiated to watch for the heavy breathing (ha) by which a surcharge of mana is created to send as the “living” or “life” sacrifice to the Aumakua along the aka cord of connection. Kahunas had words for all the forms of sacrificial offerings known to the early Hebrews. They are listed in the old Hawaiian dictionary over which I have pored so many hours, and in the list is the compound word mo`hai`hoo`mana BUT WITH NO MEANING GIVEN FOR IT. This word is left out in the modern Hawaiian dictionary. Apparently some learned kahuna who helped the first missionaries in Hawaii to make a dictionary of the Hawaiian language, gave the word but, as it was part and parcel of the Huna “Secret”, refused to say what it meant. We have only to translate it to see what it meant: The translation is, “to sacrifice by making mana.” The symbol word idea of “to make mana” is code for accumulating a good surcharge of mana and sending it to the Aumakua. Hoo`mana also means “to worship. ” The roots appear time and time again in the words connected with the use of Huna and the mechanics of worship, cleansing and prayer. It is all there before the student, BUT one does not find writing in which some initiate into Huna says definitely what the secret meaning may have been.


In the last issue of Huna Vistas I spoke of a small book which someone had sent to me. (I do not yet know who.) The title of it was He Sent Leanness, and it is by David Head. I quoted a prayer from it, then dropped the short review, only to discover a few days later when continuing my reading, that there was something priceless to us on pages 51 and 52. Let me quote:

“There have always been those in the Church who have been most at home with the doctrine of Creation that man is made in the image of God, however much that image is distorted. Primitive man has a deep sense of awe and worship, far deeper than that found in many Christian congregations today. Dr. Nels Ferré begins his book Strengthening the Spiritual Life by quoting Mother Alice Kaholuoluna of Hawaii:

“Before the missionaries came, my people used to sit outside their temples for a long time meditating and preparing themselves before entering. Then they would virtually creep to the altar to offer their petition and afterwards would again sit a long time outside, this time to ‘breathe life’ into their prayers. The Christians, when they came, just got up, uttered a few sentences, said Amen and were done. For that reason my people called them haolis, ‘without breath, or those who failed to breathe life into their prayers.'”


Ha is the Huna symbol of accumulating mana and sending it to the Aumakua (or Aumakuas). Ole, the second root of the word means “without”. In the dictionaries the meaning of ha`ole is given simply as “a foreigner”. Not a word is said of the origin of the word, and one may well suspect the early makers of the dictionary of purposefully avoiding the true and apparent meaning of the word as given above.

MOTHER ALICE KAHOLUOLUNA (Star in the Heavens Above) was unknown to me and I wrote at once to my learned friend, Charlie Kenn, in Hawaii to ask about her. He sent me back a long letter and a booklet in which is told the story of the leper settlement on the Island of Molokai, and of the first Protestant church built there and named “The Church of the Healing Spring” – “Siloama,” after the Pool of Siloam at Jerusalem, where, according to the Bible story, an angel came to trouble the waters betimes, and those who entered the pool at such a time were healed. The church still stands, even if more modern churches came later at another spot in the settlement. Rev. Alice Kaholuoluna was pastor of these churches in 1948 when the account was written by Ethel M. Damon for publication by the Hawaiian Board of Missions. She was called “Mother” by those she served in illness as well as in the matter of their religious needs. Half Hawaiian and well educated in our Eastern Seminaries, she now flashes like a bright star for us, also, in our long efforts to learn the great secrets of Huna and, which is very important to our work, give us direct and impressive proof that we are right in at least one basic conclusion concerning the Huna beliefs and practices. I will try to find out whether I can reach Rev. Kaholuoluna at this late date, and ask whether or not she can give us other confirmations. Failing this or not, the very fact that we have had from her one such direct proof of correct insight, allows us to believe that, on the whole, conclusions reached through similar studies of Huna words and symbols are fairly reliable.

THE MEDITATION AND PREPARATION before approaching the “holy place” (Aumakua), is described in the code with hoo`aka (the root hoo is the causitive prefix meaning “to make” or “to cause”) which means to “make very clear and properly understood”. This is serious business because one must be very careful to weigh all elements in the proposed prayer for a change in conditions, then picture the desired condition in careful and clear detail. That can be called STEP ONE.

STEP TWO is hoo`iha`iha, “to cause the drawing tight of a rope”, the Huna symbol of activating the aka cord that connects the Aunihipili with the Aumakua. A secondary meaning is “to be intent”, and this well describes the state of mind before making the actual prayer.

STEP THREE is to pray, pu`le. The root pu means “to come forth, as words from the mouth”, also to try to talk while holding water in the mouth, which would make no sense to us did we not know that water means mana, and that the mana as well as the words of the prayer must come forth to go to the Aumakua. The root le is found in le`le, “to leap or fly upward”, symbol of the passing along the aka cord to the Aumakua of the thought-form picture of the desired changed condition as well as of the upward flowing of mana. The word lele`huna symbolizes the upward flying of fine particles of something, or of the fine drops of water in mist. Huna, as the code root in the full word, shows us that the thought-forms (which are symbolized as tiny and invisible particles) are to be accompanied by mana, the latter indicated in the meaning of the “water” composing the mist or “fine rain.”

STEP FOUR begins as the prayer is presented at the symbolic altar (sent to the High Place or Aumakua). One may then settle down to the work of sending a sufficient amount of mana to allow the Aumakua to break down the old future before it can arrive, and replace it with the new and desirable future condition. The word hoo`mana has the dictionary meaning of “to cause superhuman power” and “to cause one to have regal authority”. The mana is transformed by the Aumakua so that it can be used to make the desired changes. We might say that by giving the mana to the Aumakua we give it regal authority, and in so doing we say, “Not my will but thine be done,” giving the Aumakua full authority to decide upon the good of granting or denying the answer to the prayer.

STEP FIVE comes after much or little time has been spent accumulating and sending mana. For a miracle of instant healing in which a broken bone is dematerialized to be rematerialized unbroken in the mold of the uninjured aka of the bone, we suppose much mana is needed, while for the giving of intuitional guidance, the need might be small. In any case, we learn from Rev. Alice Kaholuoluna that a considerable time might be spent after delivering the prayer to “breathe life into it.” From other words and roots we gather that a difficult answer may be made less difficult by daily repetition of the prayer action and the renewal of the supply of mana. Prayers were repeated three times word-for-word very often.


MY P.A. READINGS GIVEN IN H. V. 18 have been checked by several of the HRAs and I am pleased to be able to report a general agreement. The will and personality patterns hit close in most cases. The degree reading, which is more difficult, has the largest variation. In one HRA’s reading for President Kennedy, she got 389 as against my 369. She wrote that it might be her hope of his leadership which caused her to read high. On the other hand, it is possible that I read low for fear my hope for leadership might cause me to read too high. HRA Joseph Gunter, of Florida, who recently conducted color telepathic sending with us, wrote that he had checked my reading from his signature with two others who make similar readings, and found the three of us within a few degrees. If we can come within five degrees in averaging three readings, that will be close enough for a beginning.

“BIG BUSINESS” WILL HAVE NONE OF P.A. and refuses to give it a test – as one of the HRAs who is himself in a high place with corporations discovered sometime back. Recently I had the opportunity to talk over the matter with a retired man who for years stood high in the world of corporations. After learning that the readings depend on psychometric ability, he shook his head and said the heads of big corporations would never pay attention to such a thing unless it could be done by a machine. He then told of a board meeting which he attended at which a man was to be selected for a very high place in one of our great corporations. The names of five men were considered one after another, and when one man was named, one of the board members spoke up at once, saying, “We don’t want him. He’s the kind who reads books.” It is evident that in high business circles the self-made man is the favorite. Perhaps such men are better hands at organizing to fix prices in a way similar to the very inclusive rigging which recently brought jail sentences to several “Big Boys”, and some very stiff fines, to say nothing of lawsuits to recover some of the illegal profits. Of course, no corporation head may be interested in the fact that P.A. readings would tell in advance just what ones in his circle have the patterns which would fit breaking the antitrust laws and robbing all and sundry, from Uncle Sam to half the growing cities in the land.

LASTING MARRIAGES are far more probable when a P.A. reading is taken of the man and woman to see that they are well matched in constructiveness, in freedom from fixations and obsessive spirit influences, and are of about the same degree level of general intelligence. If, after marriage, readings are made, the peculiarities of each partner may be shown and explained so that there is that very important thing, understanding, which makes for mutual efforts to adjust. In the rearing of children it should be a matter of course to have a reading for each child soon after birth to enable the parents to anticipate future needs or problems. It would save endless waste of effort if parents knew ahead of time how to guide the child according to its natural characteristics. No “babying” for the child with a counterclockwise will and personality pattern, but a strong hand with him from the very first. The boy only intelligent enough to be a common laborer, would not be pressed fruitlessly to become a doctor or lawyer. When one contemplates the success of the several schools teaching “Graphology” and promising good financial return to students, one cannot help but feel that if we had the right promotion and teaching arrangement, we might soon produce P.A. readers in much the same way. One HRA writes that he is sure there are many people who would be happy to take time to learn to make the readings for spare time cash if someone would arrange it.


THE HUDSON METHOD OF HEALING by instructing one’s low self to go during sleep to contact a distant person, also asleep, and to administer predetermined suggestions for the causing of healing, continues to look good as more and more reports are made.

IN OUR HANDS it has not worked out as perfectly as Dr. Hudson reported that it did for him and the few of his friends who also ran tests. Advanced age seems to be one of the things which prevents our success in many cases. It may also be that such suggestion is rejected if the Aunihipili of the patient has mental “blocks” or is influenced adversely by “eating companion” spirits. The cases which have been worked upon cover a wide variety of troubles, from physical ills to lack of progress in school. The pain of arthritis has gone in three cases involving arthritis. Two hearing cases have improved. General betterment often is to be seen almost at once. I am keeping on with five patients on my personal list, but am working on them alternately, three one night, two the next. I would say that the method is a good addition to what we already know and use of Huna.

OTHER METHODS ARE IMPORTANT AS WELL. Amongst the HRAs we have advocates of almost any healing or “spiritual development” method one cares to name. I continue to have a few letters from HRAs or strangers praising the results obtained by being “opened” under the Subud system and then taking part in the group work called “latihans”. Healing is not as often mentioned as I had expected after reading the several books and pamphlets on the subject, but the “Spiritual development” is often described in vague but glowing terms. One cannot forget the possible action of group or self SUGGESTION in all these approaches. It is very possible that physical reactions come because they are described ahead of time to the candidate and are, therefore, expected. We have had discussions covering Subud in the H.V. and need not say more at present, the picture remaining, as it does, much the same. But many HRAs may not know about the rather new cult of “Johrei” which was made up of current and personal beliefs several years [ago] by a Japanese gentleman of some means. It is, primarily, a healing cult, although it has a fairly well developed philosophical and religious set of beliefs to give it a background. I will quote from a letter just in from a new HRA, living in Los Angeles, and of Japanese blood.

THE LETTER FROM HRA C.S., reads, in part: “As a fellow HRA experimenter, here’s my ‘2¢ worth’ regarding better planning for world conditions, etc. The P.A. system is fine for those who are led to use this means. As for M and I we are getting wonderful results by using the ‘johrei’ method. Labels do not count, just so it works fine. Most folks know of this method but that is where it ends. We are constantly experimenting and having fun, too. Not everybody need use the same method to get good results, as some are better fitted for a particular method.

“M is a wonderful channel for color (healing) and has been using this means for over 25 years. She is a Religious Science Practitioner and a lecturer, etc., giving a lecture on color this coming Sunday. We have experimented with ‘absent’ treatment, using the johrei system, and then were led to use color. The johrei method, as you may well know, is that of becoming a human transformer for the cosmic energy. We actually feel the ‘tingle’ of current going thru our hands, arms and brains. Heat also, but for me it is more electrical. We also ‘hear’ the current flowing when we are in complete attunement.

“We have had many wonderful healing results working for others, too numerous to mention. One exception was my pop who is now living in Japan. I had an electric shock like touching an actual live wire when treating for him, which was for only a second or so. I was not aware that he was very ill as our correspondence lapsed for over a year. About four days later I got an air letter, written with great effort, telling me about his prolonged illness. He had seven doctors originally but down to one now. This shows that distance or time doesn’t enter in when we are in the 5th dimension. All this started with my johreing the world as an experiment, and when I came to Japan I naturally recalled I have a father there. Wish I could get good results for Russia and Red China, but so far no result. Usually I feel led to pray and johrei certain parts of the world, like Turkey and more recently King Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. These worked very nicely, according to the papers… I intend to keep on, stopping only because my health went down temporarily. Too much johrei work sensitizes the body and it can’t take it. Get shocks often when I do too much johrei work. I am learning to strive for a balance.

“As you say in your Huna books, concentration and visualization – we use color with johrei – are powerful tools for good. We too are quite concerned about the world conditions today and feel we do not have time to waste. Recently I experimented with the outside solar system and particularly our planet earth. From green I raised it to blue – this is a weekend project when there is more time. Anyway, it is fun finding new avenues to experiment. It is like our P.A. system, only better, I’d say, not because we are prejudiced, but because it is using a higher law and becoming a channel for the Father’s will ……….

A VERY INTERESTING EXPERIMENT HAS BEEN REPORTED by HRA H.C. of California. He started using the Hudson method in October for a rather hopeless hearing case and a frozen situation began to thaw out, with two near the patient starting to act, finding the right doctors and getting help also for themselves. I now quote from his letter: “What we are interested in is a method that works. I suspect that it can be different according to the person trying one. For a while I used the exact Hudson way. Now I can command a ‘force field’ to accumulate in a corner and my ZNO (a form of hinged, horizontal pendulum) will bounce away from the space like a rubber ball from all sides and top. I can command the charge to go somewhere and it probably does as the ZNO effect is gone at once though I have kept the force there all day while ‘piling it up’. So, for a while I ordered it to go to the person as mana as soon as we were both asleep. Then, for some reason I got into the habit of sending it ‘now’ to fill that room. All through it was done at 10:15 P.M. When I learned that the man and wife in the house were necessary agents, I ordered the force to overflow throughout. They merited help, but I didn’t beam to them as they are of badly mixed polarity, while the woman to whom I ‘sent’ is 100% feminine, hence of negative polarity and receptive to my positive beam, as I understand it. Again, help to them would be through her, and only that way. This grows complicated, but there is that interrelationship there. As of now, I am sending the healing prayer immediately, asking my low self to take charge while we sleep, to call on our High Selves, all to use the mana according to their higher wisdom as to channel, time and the means of bringing about the perfect hearing which would mean so much to the three of them. ” I comment: This seems to me to be excellent, experimental testing, using what we know of Huna in addition to the Hudson method. I will be much interested in the outcome of this series of treatments.

FROM AUSTRALIA, HRA C.G. REPORTS on her testing of the Hudson method. She writes, in part, “I have tried it on a friend who has had a renal tract infection which was not responding to orthodox treatment, and was pleased to be able to report a complete success, also noted an improvement in my own general health and vitality. Seems that when we send out good, it returns to us.” My comment: I am inwardly excited by all the good done others and the rebound of good to us.


It will be remembered that a few issues back I reproduced part of a long letter by a gentleman calling himself “Craig” and who later expressed his displeasure in having his letter made public. “Craig”, whose last name is Carpenter and who is part Indian, still puzzles me by his attitude. He publishes a small magazine titled, “INDIAN VIEWS” and was kind enough to send me several back numbers as well as considerable material in leaflet form, all bearing on the possible return to the Indians of properties and rights taken from them by stronger races. Why we must not repeat in the H.V. what he printed in his uncopyrighted magazine, I cannot see unless it be that he fears breaking a cult of secrecy dear to the Hawaiian healer. If afraid, why then tell all about it in his magazine?

IN HIS PRINTED RELEASES he did not hesitate to describe the healings, nor did he hesitate to say that the Hawaiian healer was named Kahaulani and that his name meant “Dew of the Heavens”. He told how the healer had the favor of Pele, the Goddess of the Volcanoes and of Fire. Also, Hiiana had come to dance before him (her younger sister), a pact being made between them that resulted in a recent very large flow of lava as part of the work of cleansing the land. There was a promise that the Islands would be purified in a similar way and the white and other foreign taints removed. The Hawaiian, referred to as “King of Hawaii” is to be given back the Islands in no long time. The statement is made that for 30 years Kahualani has been fighting to get back his rights and that he has spent over $300,000 in the U.S. courts to no purpose. He is said to have refused an offer of four million dollars to drop his claims. (This information seemed enough to allow a tracing of such an important man, and I wrote to friends in Hawaii who know about everything of Hawaiian activities, but they had never heard of him.)

IN ONE OF HIS LEAFLETS, Craig made no apologies for the following: “On August 28th and 29th (1959) there occurred in Hopiland the ‘Second Meeting of Indian Brothers’. (The Hawaiian healer is accepted as an Indian, apparently.) Some 65 people and untold numbers of unseen guests attended. Those who arrived early were privileged to witness the world famous ‘Hopi Snake Ceremony’ and receive the honor of being baptized by Rain. Those who remained after the meeting had the opportunity to witness the Hawaiian Secret Miracle Power and how it can heal 70 people in one 13-hour day and 56 people on the following day. Witnesses saw a gourd dipper full of water  transformed into human blood for the healing of one woman. They saw the crippled, lame, blind, deaf, paralyzed and suffering helped, healed and made whole. Witnesses were reminded that the same Miracle Power that was then healing and giving life could also be used for destroying evil. It could control winds, insects and fishes, life and death. It could stop motors or make them run automobiles, boats, airplanes, rockets, atom bombs. To be reminded of the broad possibilities of this Secret Power at every moment that it was actually being demonstrated before our eyes was to give added importance and meaning to the reports and thoughts and conclusions brought out during the ‘Second Meeting of Indian Brothers’ … As far as we know, there now remains only one last step to be taken by one certain leader, (toward the Great Day of Purification) as far as the Hopi are concerned. After that, The End.”

FROM READING WHAT CRAIG HAS HAD TO SAY I gather the impression that Indians of many tribes are united in the hope that the Great Spirit will bring to pass prophesies made by the ancestors of the present generation of native Americans, and the foreigners be removed as a part of a “purification” which will leave the descendants of deposed ancestors in full possession – provided the old customs and religions are carefully restored. Most of the Indians of the West are split into two factions: those who wish to change to fit better into the surrounding economic and cultural life, and those who wish to restore and preserve in almost all details the way of life enjoyed by their fathers. Mr. Red Man seems fully as stubborn and set in his beliefs and convictions as men of other races. However, it seems quite impractical to turn back the lands to the Indians at this late date so that they can resume the way of life of those whose rights and traditions they have inherited. What to do???

LET ME RISK DISFAVOR BY QUOTING MORE from Craig’s colorful and very interesting report on the activities of Goddess Pele and Healer (or King) Kahaulani. “PELE has warned the people and warned the world that She is supreme in The Islands, and that She wants Her Lands and Way of Life recognized, respected and unmolested. On Saturday, May 14th, 1955, for instance, She caused the biggest fire and lava flows in Hawaiian history. Tens of thousands of acres were purified at that time. The ocean boiled and steamed for days. This demonstration and warning was part of a prophesy given in the earliest days of 1955. I, Craig, heard the prophesy at that time. Kahaulani was instructed to be in the Islands for the event. We have known him for many years and taken keen interest in his work because it joins hands with the Divine Plan of Indian re-birth that is taking place at this time. Four days before this world shaking event (the lava flow?), that is, on May 10, 1955, Kahaulani went to Panaewa Forest on the outskirts of Hilo town. There he met Hee Eka (Hiiaka), Goddess of Beauty and the best hula dancer in the world. She floats in the air and is the only one who has been given the power to awaken her sister, PELE, from her slumbers. As far as I know, Kahaulani is the only person in this generation to whom HEE EKA has revealed herself in the flesh. She said in Her own language that the reason for the serious eruptions and lava flows of the past few months was because ‘a hundred years or more ago some strange people came to these shores from a foreign land. They brought with them a book – indicating with her hands a large, thick, old fashioned Bible. Now my people have the book and the strangers have the land. They hold the land with only a piece of paper and a pencil but nobody seems able to stop them.’ HEE EKA then emphasized, ‘IF YOU CAN’T REGAIN WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS AND MINE – the Royal lands of Hawaii – MY SISTER – the volcano – WILL TAKE IT BACK, TO A THOUSAND YEARS OR BETTER, and the people will blame it as the work of God.’ In other words, if the lands and rights of Kahaulani are not recognized, and thus restored, the Islands will be covered with lava and fire and melted rock – everything will be destroyed. HEE EKA then warned Kahaulani to not look at too much land because everything he put his eyes upon would be purified as soon as he left that island…. Three days later he left that Island and when he landed at the other Island the first news he heard was PELE is awake again.’ It is all true. At that very moment the lava was covering all the lands Kahaulani had inspected in accordance with the warning of HEE EKA.”


I have come to three conclusions. First, that only a very few HRAs are interested and, to complicate matters, over half of these are adamant in their opinions that “rugged individualism” must be preserved at all costs and that planning is to be avoided at all costs. Second, that most of the other half of those interested are, like myself, aware of only a few major failures in our own governmental affairs and are uninformed on the great amount of social economic planning which has been done and which is in process of being tested, especially in Communistic and Socialist states. Third, that it begins to look very much that the HRA turn of mind is better fitted, broadly speaking, to work at planning in the field of Religion, Psychology and Psychic Science.

I suppose every other voter in the U.S.A. fancies himself more or less an expert on political answers to all socio-economic problems. Moreover, he is convinced that his party is the one with the right ideas, and he will play both the mule and the ostrich when confronted by a contrary argument, and either balk while a fire is burned under him, or hide his head in the sand lest he see imperfection in the doings of the party of his choice. The ability to consider all available facts and work to draw conclusions from them seems painfully rare.

In my own case, I started happily out to try to learn what plans had already been made, what plans tested and results had been reported. In no time flat I ran into masses of propaganda and into the writings of mules arguing stubbornly that all other mules were wrong, or Red, or just downright wicked. My own ignorance became more and more apparent, and when I came upon the January 21, 1961 issue of SATURDAY REVIEW I was very humbly grateful for the information which the editor, Norman Cousins, had gathered and presented under the heading of INSIDE THE SOVIET ECONOMY, subtitle: “What does its growth mean to the Free World?” Second subtitle: “Exclusive report and analysis presented with the Committee for Economic Development.” In pages of special articles and reports I found evidence that I was approaching with sublime ignorance a field complicated beyond all expectation. A whole column was given over to listing books which were recommended “to readers seeking further information on the subjects discussed in this special issue” … And I had never read one of the books. I had not even heard of a single one of them!!! (See page 33 of the issue for the list.)

Frankly, I was and AM frightened. If we of the HRA, including, especially, myself, know so little and have so little interest in the materials of this field, the prospect of getting proper plans made seems bleak indeed. For the life of me I cannot see how we can take a single step toward the successful planning which will enable the world to get on happily, now that we have taken over so much from Old Mother Nature and need so badly to plan with the greatest care as we are forced either to take over entirely from the Old Mother, or let her slap us all down and re-establish her rule of claw and fang, of wars and starvations, of plagues and ignorance. We seem to have become a nation composed mainly of blind and stubborn fools. We are divided into warring political parties, factions and classes. If the Reds want to conquer us, and if they rely on the formula “divide and conquer”, we are certainly ripe for a disaster. I am speaking with the “Americans” in mind, but what I say goes for you HRAs in other lands just as well. You are just as bad as we are in thinking you have done your duty when you have elected someone and turned things over to him to run. Theoretically, those we elect are the best informed experts in the governmental field. Practically, they give us just what we seem to deserve.


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