Huna Vistas Bulletin #30

HV26-headerFebruary, 1962

Working With the Aumakua



Dear Max:
You certainly said a large mouthful in the January Huna Vistas. I am going back over it bit by bit to try to get the meat from each page, but sometimes you leave us dangling. What ever became of the man you said you had read a P.A. on and found to be lacking a Aunihipili?”

COMMENT: I heartily agree that in H.V. 29 we covered a number of the most important angles yet to be considered. I have written to HRA Dr. Westlake to ask for more information concerning the shape of the wooden patterns he tells of learning to use for very excellent healing in his new book, The Pattern of Health. In the matter of the gentleman whose P.A. reading showed no Aunihipili, I certainly had not forgotten. On the other hand, I have been greatly helped in my study of this strange reading condition by HRA Dr. E.E. Rogers, of Vancouver, Canada, who is excellent with the P.A. readings and who, by the way, recently had published in The ABERREE one of the finest and sanest articles to appear in that little magazine where men and women of all brands of belief and disbelief find a soap box waiting.

Dr. Rogers read in the H.V. of the strange case of the missing Aunihipili, and wrote that he had also found one. He enclosed a photo of the man he had found and planned to study. I made a reading and got the same results. In both cases there was strong evidence of “eating companion” spirit influence. (The first gentleman has joined us as an HRA and has done all he could to help via letters the understanding of the matter. He is a writer of books which mix straight spirit dictated material with his own writing. He also has a group centering in Kingston, Jamaica, and in which ESP and other exploratory work is being carried on, with gaudy plans for much larger undertakings later. Not long ago he made a P.A. reading on me and reported finding me fairly swimming in a welter of “eating companions”.) To get back to Dr. Rogers and his man: I quote from a letter.

“Dear Mr. Long:
Enclosed find the signature of the unusual one, without a Aunihipili circle, which you checked on before. He has had therapy three times in the past couple of weeks and I am anxious to see if your reading will now show what mine does. I will send you mine after I hear from you. (Note: it turned out that the man had recovered a Aunihipili circle and dropped his eating companions!!!!) Regarding my own reading which you made and which showed only a very large, clockwise circle, [image] with 527 degrees and no ‘will’ swing, you were 100% right. I meditate about three times daily, and at one of these sessions, sitting at my office desk, I felt the Aumakua come in, which I do every time, and many times without requesting. I became very much detached from consciousness, as in hypnosis, which also happens frequently with me, but this time I was impelled to take my pen and write my name on a sheet of paper and send it to you to read. The Aumakua was in complete control and this could be considered almost automatic writing. The ordinary hypnotists, few of them considering the Aumakua, think the Subconscious is in command, and perhaps it is (for them, unless the Aumakua is considered and worked with as in Huna. In any case the results are certain to be better, with the Aumakua supervising. I know this is why I am getting solutions to cases when hypnotic regression is used for psychoanalysis, in a very few sessions, which normally take much time, and sometimes cannot be solved. I think in the few cases you and I have examined scientifically, we have enhanced our reality and verified many of the ideas expressed in your books about the Huna system.”

I COMMENT: It begins to appear that when no Aunihipili circle comes in a reading, it is because some outside spirit has taken over to the extent that its Aunihipili has replaced the rightful one and forced it to retire in its aka body and remain outside the physical body – but connected to it so that it can be recalled when the intruder is driven out. Just why so many spirits are evil, I do not pretend to know, but the P.A. readings make me begin to think that almost all crimes are committed by people influenced by evil spirits. On the other hand, there may be good spirits who intend no particular harm but who are determined to take over a body and use it, as in multiple personality cases. Of course, as in the case of the new HRA who shows no circle in my readings, the reading may be defective or the situation presenting itself may have quite a different significance. This gentleman recalls no other personality, no changes and no different sets of memories. However, in his writings he admits that it is hard to tell where his writing stops and where that of a spirit takes over. He is an “idea man” with a mind that moves in many fields. He is determined and aggressive in his approach, given to promotions, and rather sure that he can improve on any given set of ideas, as, for example, mine concerning Huna. His suggestions for changing Huna concepts and giving other names to the component parts should amuse me, but does not after I read several pages of a letter from him in which he takes apart things which I have offered and puts them together again in such a way that I get lost trying to follow his line of reasoning. I cannot recall ever having met anyone quite like him.

TAKES TIME TO LEARN TO WORK DIRECTLY WITH THE AUMAKUA, or so I am beginning to believe. Dr. Rogers says that he meditates three times a day, and that he seems to leave the ordinary level of consciousness quite often in making the contact and using it, even in hypnosis. Some years ago I passed on to you in the old Bulletins, the fascinating and amazing story of Dr. A.J.P. who, as a young man, had a leg so crushed and broken that the foot almost turned backward. He began a study of religions, giving them all up as too dogmatic and setting to work to find and contact the Being behind the scenes who could cause miraculous healing, It was not an overnight task. He worked for a long time and gradually came to sense this “god within”. Eventually his steady practice in making the contact paid off. He learned from It that he would be healed and was able to state the time. He told friends of the time and of the promised healing, as some of them later wrote in sworn statements, copies of which I have seen. When the appointed time arrived for the healing to take place, he sat quietly and waited. For several minutes he had the sensation of changes taking place in the leg. At the end of about ten minutes the sensations ceased and he looked down to find his leg miraculously restored. He rose to his feet and was able to walk normally. The healing lasted. He determined to become a healer and took Chiropractic training. In the years since the healing he has worked constantly with the “Light” as he calls the healing SELF, and when a patient can be made ready to accept the healing by the “Light”, he often calls down miracles of healing for them.

EIGHTEEN MONTHS gestation was said to be the necessary time in which to develop and give birth to a “vehicle” which the Aumakua could use. (Wilhelm in his Secret of the Golden Flower.) Huna knows nothing of a special “body” which must be developed, but from what the mystics down the years have reported, it does appear certain that a period of preparation is needed to obtain full working contact with the Aumakua. It may well be that some are almost naturally blessed with an “open path” and need very little preparation. Others are able, in a short time, to train the Aunihipili and clear away “stumbling blocks” so that the path is fully opened. Still others may work for years without success. “Enlightenment” is a term often used to describe the full opening in which the Aumakua is seen as a white light, and the term does not necessarily include any gift of information or understanding, as many have come to suppose. In fact, the understanding or “realization” of some abstract “truth” seems to be so rare that those who have left a written record of such information seem to speak too simply.

WILL YOU HELP WORK OUT A METHODOLOGY FOR OPENING THE PATH? Since the recent breakthrough in which I managed to make a contact and get a reading in P.A. terms for my own Aumakua, I have been trying to work out a practical method by which the Aunihipili can be trained and cleansed of “blocks” to the end of making the contact easily and getting help in healing and in the form of guidance. I may not be going about the matter correctly, but in the light of Huna, I feel that the main thing is to practice and practice until the Aunihipili learns its part in the work. It may take me 18 months of daily practice, and it may not. Perhaps you can offer suggestions or join in the testing as I how perform it. Together we may be able to learn many valuable things and perhaps find shorter and better training ways.

THIS IS HOW I MAKE MY DAILY TESTS and endeavor to train my Aunihipili and get my path fully opened. I take my pendulum and hold it over my left palm, then begin breathing more heavily and accumulating and sending mana to my Aumakua in the usual way. The pendulum begins to swing on the 12 o’clock line – vertically back and forth. As the mana accumulation and flow increases, the pendulum swings more and more strongly until it reaches full swing in about two minutes. Mentally, I am generating and sending love to the Aumakua with the gift. The mana seems to be sufficient after the described two minute period and the pendulum then begins to change its swing slowly. It works around to the left until it is swinging with the same strong movement in the horizontal direction or from 9 to 3 on a clock face. At this point the mana forces seem to strike a state of fun and balanced charge … In perhaps a minute the pendulum gradually slows its swing and stops. (It makes no large circle as it does when one is reading a P.A. on a Aumakua or “Guide”.) It is then that the “rain of blessings” seems to fall and I feel the familiar tingle. It is then, also, that I ask for healing for friends of the TMHG “special” list. And soon I begin the Question and Answer or Q&A part of the practice period, still holding the pendulum over my left palm or over a blank sheet of paper, and trying to ask questions which can be answered by movements of the pendulum. I give the Aunihipili all the time it needs to ask the Aumakua and to try to indicate the answer. In some cases I ask that a mental impression or picture be given me. I specify that if a symbol impression such as a picture is given, the meaning at once be made plain to me. I also invite the Aumakua to take over and give me in any way it sees fit impressions which may help my understanding. (The “seeing” of the Hula dance ritual was received in this way and did much to convince me that the sending of mana to Aumakuas is very important.) Frequently prayer is used, as that is a form of approach with which my Aunihipili has long been familiar. I pray mostly for the kala or cleansing away of the frets and worries of the day and that the low mana be cleansed and made worthy of use by the Aumakua. Very often there is no answer given for some of the questions, and these can be allowed to wait with the hope that they will be answered in one way or another at a later time. I am often surprised and delighted to find that I am guided in my reading to a page or certain paragraph which will give me the needed point of view from which to see more clearly some problem in reconstructing Huna. Care for an instance? Very well.

YOU WILL RECALL that when I told you of my feeling when being at last able to contact and make a P.A. of my own Aumakua, I said, “I am not alone. ” It was a feeble effort to get across to you something that seemed many, many times more important and significant than the simple words implied. Later, in a Q&A period I asked whether that was a feeling very few had experienced or had taken as seriously as had I. I got no answer at the moment, just the pendulum hanging idle. But a few days later I opened a fascinating new book (new to me but published in 1955) by Alvin Boyd Kuhn, titled India’s True Voice. On page 121 read, “Epictetus, the Roman slave  philosopher, adjures ‘never to say that you are alone, for…. God is within and your genius is within.” I was suddenly glowing with the certainty that the answer had been given. I read, “Plotinus speaks as follows: ‘The wise man recognizes the idea of the god within him. This he develops by withdrawal into the holy place of his own soul. He who does not understand …….'” The answer was there and very plain. Not only had men down the long centuries experienced the same delighted awe which had marked my exclamation, “I am not alone!” They were themselves standing beside me, offering the human fellowship which common understanding of something rare and wonderful can give. Mysticism, yes. But very real and living and enlightening for the one to whom the experience comes. The “scientific testing” of which Dr. Rogers speaks comes when similar tests get identical answers, as in cases where we exchange signatures and photos to be read without giving our own readings. In mystical experiences which may come to us in the practice just mentioned, a similarity of resulting experiences may be said to have something of a scientific value. The use of the pendulum gives us material evidence that the Aumakua is being touched and the mana accepted. Such a physical stimulus is of the greatest value. I often ask my Aunihipili whether or not the Aumakua is there and in contact, just for the pleasure of being so materially reassured by seeing the pendulum “yes” take on the very strong swing of happy affirmation.

I SEE IN THE CROSS made by the change of the pendulum swing from vertical to horizontal during the process of sending mana and receiving it back, the possible origin of the CROSS as a religious symbol. There must have been other pendulum-using mystics ages ago who got the same peculiar pendulum swing.

IN THIS PRACTICE TESTING we must be warned to keep at least one foot on the ground. The proverbial “razor’s edge” that divides the “false from true”, is always threatening any user of psychic abilities. HRA H.M. Wagner, now president of the Florida Society for Psychical Research (address him Rt. 1, Box 256, Niceville, Fla., if you would like to join up or have a part from a distance in the work of the Society) recently wrote: “So now it is a reborn kahuna (in reference to one “seeing” by an HRA which identified me as a reincarnated kahuna). My natural and characteristic reaction to the statement would be to quote a remark formerly used by your mother and my grandmother: ‘Pooh. Pooh. Cat’s foot.’ Seriously though, investigation has convinced me that the personality is far more closely integrated than allowed for in your exposition of the lore of Huna. It seems well to caution against too deep assurance that the deliverances of the pendulum are always consonant with verity. It has been demonstrated to me that states of mind can exert marked deviations. You may recall several years ago reading signatures and that one signature made by a man whom you knew to have great business acumen read very low. I was recently told by one of the parties to the experiment that the special reading was thought into the signature at the time of making it, with the design to obtain such a reading. The experimenters were sure that it was far from safe to place dependence to a great extent upon the deliverances of the pendulum. Their idea being that if they could so influence the message of the writing, the state of mind of the operator could do the same, with perfect honesty on his part.”

I COMMENT: The integration of the three selves of Huna may, indeed, be more close and complete than I feel it to be from my studies of the matter. I am not sure whether the question raised by HRA Wagner is one of how closely the three selves are tied together, or whether Huna is wrong and we have but one “self”. If we decide that we have but one self, we will be forced to go back to accepting sub and super parts of the one consciousness. More than that, we will have to do some sharp revision work with the P.A. reading system. Recently there has been a certain drastic revision made in the effort to understand better the exact standing of each of the three selves, considered individually, also in understanding the “eating companion” or other spirits who influence lives. The revision is such that the several HRAs who are working on these angles now pretty much agree that we must, to obtain greater accuracy and understanding of what we read, take up each self or spirit individually and get a reading for it. In the ordinary way which we have been working, we seem to have obtained the goodness or badness of the Aunihipili and of the Auhane, but not any added element forced on the individual by a spirit or more than one spirit (some of these not having either Aunihipili or Auhane, and some being possessed of both). The degree reading which we have obtained seems to be an averaging of the intelligence of all selves, including a bit of the Aumakua. In recent months we have found individuals whose degree level had been much raised or lowered by being averaged in with those of spirits.

The physical body, perhaps instinctively guided in its processes by some high “group soul” or Nature Spirit, reads from 1 to 100 degrees, and Bovis, in making the “Biometer”, found that health could be read in terms of these degrees. For instance, a reading of 75 degrees would indicate 75% perfect health.

The Aunihipili reading seems to fall between 100 and 200 degrees as a rule, and to give only a “personality circle”, not a “will” swing of the pendulum. The Auhane gives no circle, but a typical straight “will” swing, and seems to read from 200 degrees to 460, perhaps to 500. The Aumakua or “Guide” has been read all the way from 495 to 565. Spirits who fasten themselves to the living and who are evil, if for no other reason than that they have no business forcing their influence on the victim, appear always to show in a reading as a deviation from the normal clockwise leaning will pattern swing or, as a personality circle which changes its axis as the swing continues. Many Auhane spirits who have lost their Aunihipilis (at least who give no circle in their readings) have only a “will” swing at 12 o’clock on the chart face, and for these it is necessary to ask whether they are good or bad. The answer is given by the pendulum as a counter clockwise circle or a will swing to the left of 12 o’clock. The isolated Aunihipili spirits who often show up in a reading, usually have a counterclockwise circle, but one may also ask whether they are good or bad, or injurious or not. These seem often to cause health or reflex difficulties and some seem to have been there almost from the time of birth of the victim.

HELPFUL SPIRITS have of late been found by asking if there are these connected with the person being read. Although they do not show in the regular reading, they may be read if the pendulum gives a “Yes” to their presence. These seem bent on helping and NOT on commanding. As yet we know but little of them, but so far they have almost always had a good and normal “will” and “circle”, with a degree standing averaging higher than the “eating companion” type of spirits. The degree reading of this helpful type of spirit seems not to average in with the degree of the ordinary or “composite” reading.

PERHAPS A TRUE READING might be made, even if the writer of a signature did use his will to make the reading from his signature too high or low, by asking one’s own Aunihipili to investigate and see whether such alien thought-forms had been tied to the signature or what it represents. The trouble is that the reader does not know when to suspect such trickery or testing of his accuracy. However, the new method of reading the subject’s three selves and associated spirits separately, may help to keep out errors even when a trick is being played. We must keep that in mind as we continue to plow this rather virgin soil. One of the most able of my fellow experimenters remarked in a recent letter, “It gets more and more complicated as we go along, but if more readings give more accuracy, I am all for it.”

SOME OF THE HRAs ARE ALSO CONFUSED about P.A. readings, especially those who have joined up recently. HRA J.M.S. writes, “Because so much of your H.V. material lately is on pendulum readings – psychometric readings? – can you tell me where I can find instructions on what this is all about and how to do it?” For the benefit of those who do not know, let me say again that there is a small book which I have written explaining everything and laying down methods for self-training. It is called Psychometric Analysis, and will be sent post paid for $3. (Include sales tax if you live In California.) Some can learn easily to make P.A. readings while others cannot. Be forewarned before you gamble your $3. At the moment we have been covering new ground and it begins to look as though I will have to put out a pamphlet or something to go with the book to bring it up to date.

THERE IS A THREEFOLD PURPOSE to be served by use of a fairly well perfected system of Psychometric Analysis readings. First, a reading win tell one much about himself, show his progress in the matter of evolution or mental ability. It indicates some natural capacities, such as that of using psychic powers. It shows whether there are spirits about him which influence his moods, actions or thoughts. It may also indicate the presence of complexes which cut him off to a certain extent from his own easy contact with his Aumakua. It may indicate health difficulties, worries and uncertainties. It can tell whether one being read is dead or alive. It will tell a prison board whether a prisoner has really reformed and is safe to release on parole. There are other advantages not so certainly indicated.

THE SECOND PURPOSE is to aid healing. Obsession and fixations causing physical ills can be measured to a degree through P.A. readings and the progress of the healing checked. This is especially true in cases of spirit influence, and may later be true in a practical sense if testing shows conditions of general health apart from the causes just mentioned. In healing work, the part played by the Aumakua or a “Guide” spirit is becoming increasingly important, and the readings promise greater insight into ways and means of establishing the needed contact with the Aumakua to promote healing.

THE THIRD PURPOSE is to be found in that increase of understanding of one’s complete nature which will aid in building a picture of verities needed for the best personal religion.

IN  A RECENT H.V. I gave the readings which I had made for the “Guides” of a few of the most successful healers in England, among them one of our own HRAs who has been in the Huna research work from the very first, and who speaks from extended first hand experience in calling down the healing from the spirit Guides or Aumakuas. (I believe they are the same.) He said something which I feel is of the utmost importance in a letter last month. I quote. “Forgive me for repeating what I have previously said – a thing I seem always to be repeating. The whole object behind spiritual healing is not to do the Doctor out of a fee, but to awaken the spiritual in each patient. Hence, years ago I asked for no more instantaneous cures, as those which had taken place were regarded as ‘Luck’, or as ‘Damned funny’, etc., and had not achieved the desired awakening. Of course, to the Healer it is a great triumph and he is tempted to be cock a hoop. But we had one such this month. A doctor friend wrote asking our Absent Prayer Treatment. He was in a very bad way, but the night before his operation, he was completely restored, and is the puzzle of his medical friends. He came all the way from Scotland to thank us and is more interested now in what a large part Spirit can play.’

AS I WRITE, A LETTER COMES from HRA Dr. E.E. Rogers, mentioned earlier in this H.V. He is a medical doctor, but also a healer, and he again lays stress on the healing angles which the P.A. readings assist us to understand. Let me quote again. (Those of the HRA actually engaged in healing, and who make use of Huna ideas and methods or of P.A. readings, are most important to us in every way. They are licensed and trained in the lines of healing they practice. The rest of us would be unable to experiment, and so depend on them almost entirely.)

“Your last reading of  coincided exactly with mine. (The eating companion spirits had been exorcised and the rightful Aunihipili showed its normal presence through the good clockwise circle.) The scientific way of doing things is necessary, since I am suspicious of my own readings when not sure they remain uncolored by my conscious knowledge of the case. As we have done it, it provides extreme validation of Huna and its concepts, provided it is practiced by a sincere and competent operator – a factor which I think is too often minimized.

“Another primary misconception, I believe, is the general idea that everyone can be, should be, or deserves to be healed, and that healers have an obligation to heal. But this is not true unless the patient seeks us, tells why he seeks us, and engages in a partnership wherein he promises to do as instructed and to obey ALL instructions while at the same time we engage to use all our skill and experience in his behalf. It must be a partnership of two. There have been a few exceptions to this in my work, where I was told by my Higher Self to heal … and in a few such instances healing has been instantaneous. I put considerable onus on a patient, generally. I give no sympathy, or ‘help’, in the accepted sense. I make him admit responsibility for his own condition, and assume responsibility for doing his part to free himself. I teach him that I do not heal, and that he must earn, in most cases, healing from God. If I feel he is ready, and I depend on intuition about this, I indoctrinate him in the ideas of Huna and recommend him to get your books; which I have done several times. This makes it easier.

“I always invite my Aumakua to participate in all therapy. In fact, I meditate at least three times a day with this and other positive thoughts in mind. I feel that I have proven that conscious participation by the three minds produces optimum results in all fields. If a patient is a student of Huna, I ask him to invite his Aumakua to participate during all his sessions of Auto-hypnosis, which I inaugurate it by heterohypnosis ………

MORE CONFIRMATION OF THE HULA SIGNIFICANCE has come from HRA R.H., of Canada who writes: “Speaking about a Hula, ever since you printed the prayer (of Hewahewa addressed to the first group of missionaries to land on Hawaii) and translation, ‘Ku.. Kula … Kula lani’, (“Rise from a sitting to a kneeling position, then stand and stand firmly”), I have seen a dance of sorts in connection with it. It has always been short, but has added greatly to the effectiveness of the prayer. Briefly, I see a group sitting in loose sand as on a beach. The music starts. They sway slowly but seem to be struggling to stand. Then a light shines on a rock against which great waves are breaking. (Mana symbolized?) One rises, jumps to her feet, steps off the sand to hard ground, then jumps on the rock, and stands firm while the waves beat against it.”

COMMENT: Since reading Dr. Westlake’s new book (reviewed in the last H.V., you will recall), I have been more and more intrigued by the idea that the shape, form or PATTERN of substantial things is a part of material reality and may be able to radiate in some way a force which has a good or bad effect when healing is undertaken with the aid of some material shaped to embody a pattern. It has also occurred to me that even the invisible aka substance which is shaped into a pattern by thoughts (thought-forms, if we understand Huna correctly) may have the same power to send out mana or other forms of intangible force. The Hula dance ritual of sending mana to Aumakuas could be such a thought-pattern and as such, the pattern may have been made into something lasting and wide spread – a something that we are picking up psychically in our several “seeings”. I have been trying in my daily pendulum sessions to get information on this from the Aumakua, and it seems too complicated a matter to explain via the Q&A system. But I am getting ideas and hunches, which may or may not be Guidance. I was suddenly stopped by the sight in a book depicting paintings, of a pair of old hands held in the usual position of prayer. How beautiful making a pattern? Yes? How? Why???


His dear Uncle Sam who runs the post office, has once more raised his rates to make Cigbo’s job harder. But the kat realizes that inflation is not to be avoided. What he is MAD ABOUT is that many of his beloved Aunties and Uncles of the HRA do not bother to send in a new address in good time when they move. Envelopes are stamped by the 10th of the month ahead of the release date and changes of address are needed as early as possible. It used to be that a Bulletin was returned with the new address on it or on a card, and it cost Cigbo only 5¢ to buy the new address, and 8¢ to send out the Bulletin again by first class mail. The 3¢ spent on the first sending was, of course, lost. Now the H.V. is returned, if a request notice is printed on the envelope, but the new address is not given unless the postman has a very kind heart and scribbles it on the envelope so it cannot be read with certainty. The return, however, now has been hiked to 80, so, when you do not send in your change of address when you move or leave for the stay in your million dollar winter home in Florida, Cigbo is out 19¢and does that make him hop!!!!

He has made a new ruling. Any H.V. which is returned in this way is NOT sent out again. If you suddenly come to realize that you haven’t had your very important
and endlessly inspiring H.V. for several months, you can either cheer at being relieved of boredom, or send your new address and stamps to pacify Cigbo and get him to cut a new stencil and put you back on the list. If you are bored by the H.V., that is no sin, but it is a sin to fail to drop a line to me to say, “Stop them!” Or, if you find that your H.V. no longer arrives, it may be that the dead wood has been cleaned from the list once more. Cigbo counts anyone “dead wood” who does not pay his share of the expenses or write to say he is unable to pay but still wants the H.V. sent. A few can be carried free because another few send gifts “above and beyond the call of due ty”, as Cigbo calls his necessities.

I AM NOT HOPPING MAD – BUT SLIGHTLY MOURNFUL over the way the “OH & AH” boys and girls have been delightedly scaring the daylights out of the many gullible people who are so confused and harried by screams from Right and Left and elsewhere that they know not where to turn or who to believe. These little lost sheep have recently been told that the conjunction of several planets near the solar eclipse (we have one twice a year) on February 4-5th will bring all the calamities which have periodically been predicted by men and by spirits for as long as I can remember. (I recall being scared pink at the age of six when the world was said to be ending on a certain night. Fortunately, I prayed that it wouldn’t, and my prayer was heard.) The same breed of psychics who predicted before World War II that nothing was about to happen, and the same wild eyed prophets amongst certain astrologers and Understanding Groups of today, are polishing up the predictions that on February 4-5 the bottom will fall out, atom war start, the Pacific Coast slide off into the sea, the world be ruined by a money panic, the plague wipe out 99% of humanity, and the earth shake itself like a wet dog and send tidal waves roaring while the axis goes “FLOP!”. Some predict on a happier note, saying the Second Coming will come or that the new World Savior will be born in Holland. One Understanding Group has, according to a morning radio bit of news, leased for 10 years a mine or two in Arizona where the word “from the horse’s mouth” has been that the place would be one of six which will be safe from terrors to come. The frightened “Faithful” are moving in all haste to reach the refuge before the fatal date of the “stellarium” and eclipse. A few hardy souls are sitting tight, even though shaking in their boots, because the saucer people have promised to save the True Believers.

FORTUNATELY we have one completely reliable source of predictive information, the Tarot Cards. If I “run” them, I guarantee every single thing to come true. If not true, I will run the cards all over again for free. So, here is what will and will not happen. (My next door neighbor recently flew to Europe to sweat out the danger period and check the prediction that his home and all the local coast would slip into the ocean. I, as a prophet, admit that I am without honor on my own hill.) Here are the questions and the card answers. (Year ahead.)

General world conditions will be? “Temperance” card. Agreements on the parts of those spiritually minded and in high places, under Guidance.

Quakes, disasters and such? “Page of Pentacles”. Business as usual. “Temperance” again but with the “Page of Swords”. No disaster will prevent usual world activities. Under High Guidance the desire to trade will bring working agreements, while the Page of Swords shows swords being carried from the battle field – the latest phase of war being over. The Temperance card shows high mana. being poured from one cup to another by an angel figure. It indicates the cooperation of the male and female halves of the Aumakua. Women may begin to exert a much more powerful pacifying effect on world affairs. No disaster card appeared.

How will it go with Russia? “Knight of Swords” turns up beside “Knight of Cups”. Russia will rush to defend Red interests on the one hand, making threats, and on the other hand increasing offers of peace and friendship. Page and VIII of Wands turn up, indicating swift business moves and desire to trade. VII and X of Pentacles show earlier efforts to establish industries begin to pay off and money situation is good for them. Better crops this year. No disaster cards.

How will it go with Red China? V of Pentacles: Hunger and privation indicated. “Knight of Wands”: sudden strong efforts to establish better trade relations with all and sundry. “Page of Cups” with Page of Swords” Friendly advances and giving up making small war on others. “The Tower”: disaster strikes suddenly in some form a little later in the year. Something may topple the Red rule and plans there.

How will it go with Europe? “Empress” and “Hermit”: much greater prosperity under Guidance and some tendency toward isolationism. “Knight of Swords”: rushes to right wrongs. France with “Chariot” may strike a balance between opposing forces after some delay and trouble, then will stand surprisingly high in world affairs under “The World” and “The Emperor”. Under II of Pentacles: considerable money juggling. Holland comes to some agreement with Sukarno about a share in New Guinea holdings. Berlin cards show rapid changes and small triumphs on both sides, with war avoided and West Germany disappointed by the outcome.

How about the U.S.A.? “Queen and II of Swords” : ‘The military potential will continue to be built up but in the hope of using it to preserve the peace, says the Queen. The II of Swords card is one of complete stalemate. The idea of making war fades and interest turns to business under VIII of Wands, showing many swift moves in adjusting to the world trade and marketing conditions. New business will flourish under Ace and Page of Pentacles, while under IX of Pentacles the search for new markets will be successful. III of Swords: small sorrows. “Temperance”: we may lead in the new world trend to higher ideals and mutually beneficial efforts. We will still give money help where needed. “The High Priestess” shows again the building influence of women, with religion coming to the fore in their hands.

No disaster cards were cut in several runs. Cards predict about the usual weather conditions and there is no indication of money panic although small money worries will continue to bother. Things in general are looking up for the world this year. MFL

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