Huna Vistas Bulletin #69

HV64-headerDecember-January, 1965-66

More Huna in The Kabala


PLEASE NOTE!!!! A number of you have not sent in your Zip Code (USA ONLY for this) yet, and if it has not been used in addressing the envelope of this copy of the Huna Vistas, you should send it to me at once. The post office may let us go a little longer without the Zip Code number in the address on 3rd class mail, but threaten not to. If the Zip ax falls, all the address stencils which lack the Z.C. No. will be unceremoniously tossed by Cigbo into the “once was” box, and thereafter no bulletin will arrive. My estimate is that about a quarter of you have this warning to consider. I realize that many never read their H.V. when it arrives, and so miss all the appeals., but I hope that by putting this wail of anguish (Cigbo’s because he wails better than I) here at the top of the first page it just MIGHT be noticed. Now on a happier note …….

THERE HAS BEEN A DELIGHTED RESPONSE to the proposed investigation of the “Holy Kabala”, and I am pleased to discover that many of the HRAs have taken courses or read books which have given them a good insight into the little that is known and the MUCH which is suspected concerning the hidden teachings.

ALREADY WE HAVE STRUCK “PAY DIRT” in a fine large way. I am greatly pleased to be able to report this even while we are just in the beginning of the investigation. While nothing entirely new has been found and verified as yet, there has been a grand CONFIRMATION of the correctness of our conclusions – the conclusions concerning the CODED secrets of Huna which were hidden in symbols and word roots.

Taking into consideration the fact that in the Coded Gospels there were so few words and symbols to reveal the Huna belief in the “graduation” of the Auhanes to the Aumakua level, I marvel that we did not overlook that invaluable angle in its entirety. But, once having worked it out, I am now finding it openly laid bare, or hinted at or mentioned repeatedly in one way or another in Kabalistic literature. There is no question that there was such a belief in ancient Huna and in various secret orders which preserved the lore and passed it along. (While we cannot say that this is proof of the verity of the belief, it confirms the information in hand, and I am now happily willing to accept the belief at its face value if all I have to go on is FAITH and the inner certitude which seems to create faith in the individual.)

THE PROS AND CONS are coming in letters regarding my stand that I have now accepted on faith the beliefs of Huna and the matter of “graduation” in particular. Some HRAs object that we must have material proof of verity before acceptance. I point to my belief that in matters of psychology and religion it is impossible to obtain material evidence. Some object to what they feel is the dropping of our work as pure research, demanding that we continue to investigate, but that we refrain from taking a positive stand of acceptance on any point.

These objections are, of course, well within keeping of the nature of the work and cannot be brushed aside except as I do, to the extent that I say that this is my personal reaction and attitude at this point in the research progress. I repeat that I am not urging my acceptance upon anyone, but that I feel it only honest to come clean on my personal conclusions.

On the other hand, a few of the HRAs have written to say they are much pleased to have me take a stand and announce it. Some, like myself, have been convinced that the ancient Huna system is very close to the truth and that we have learned enough about it to begin to claim it as our own, at least in general outline. We can leave openings for the admission of all new findings or through which to remove any findings or conclusions which later appear to be wrong. One HRA writes, “I am so happy to say that I join you in accepting Huna, with the Graduation and all. It is everlastingly satisfactory to me to have something at last to tie to and depend upon. Count me in. I’m looking forward to Graduating at the proper time, and will do all I can to make myself ready and worthy to be helped by Grace into the final state of Perfection that is necessary for the giant step upward.

CORRECTIONS PLEASE. One of the learned HRAs has kindly called my attention to a glaring mistake on page 218 of HUNA CODE IN RELIGION where I suggest that Paul was the author of “Hebrews” in the New Testament, and that he may have had an inkling that Jesus had suffered because of his sins. The quote was, “Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear a second time without sin unto salvation.” I am told that this King James translation is now considered wrong and that this part of the line should read, “… not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him”.

Another point was made that in the next paragraph I suggested that perhaps Paul (or shall I now say, the person unknown who authored Hebrews) had seen a copy of the Gospels and so had a slight idea of the secrets they contained. My point was badly made when I say later on that the Gospels are supposed to have been written long after Paul’s time. What I had in mind was that written versions of the Life of Jesus, as an Initiatory Drama, may have been circulating in certain circles well before the supposed time of the birth of Jesus.

In correcting me, it was pointed out that errors of this kind show any well educated man of the cloth how very poor my scholarship is, and that it will take only one or two such breaks to cause the whole of the material in the book to be condemned. It seems that the book I have used covering the later “criticism” of the Bible was out of date many years ago. While there will be many other mistakes of this kind of which I am not aware, I will try to have this page set over if and when there is a second printing of HCIR. The kind HRA in question went on candidly in his letter to say…

“To me it seems best to be very humble in all of these speculations, and to put the emphasis upon the spiritual implications which grow out of them. The one thing of which I am sure is the spiritual nature of the universe. I continue to speculate on the details and to relate the various theories as parts of a greater whole. Huna is a part of this and I will always owe you a debt of gratitude for introducing it to me. As to the Huna Code in the New Testament, I have been very skeptical, but will more carefully examine the evidence as presented in your new book.”

My hope is that, when we have had time to line up the many things from the Kabala which repeat the beliefs revealed by the Code in the Gospels, the evidence will be more acceptable. Fortunately, the structure of Huna as we have assembled it again from the ruins, does not rest on the validity of the Code as a system in which the language used in the Gospels – or any other language into which they have been translated – must be changed back into a Polynesian dialect to get at the hidden meanings.

HRA Han, Who called my attention to my mistake in thinking the Kabala contained no Huna Code, did us a greater service than I at first realized. The reason why I saw no Code in the Kabala, was that in the few books I had in hand to consult, not one gave translations of the original writings. Instead, all of the books were filled with discussions of the possible origin of the Kabala writings and with the description of the “Tree” and the number letter puzzles, of the “paths”, and endless other items upon which speculative material has accumulated for centuries. It was only when HRA Bess Neeper (whose surprising discoveries in the Tarot Trumps field will be taken up in due time in later bulletins) sent me The Kabbalah Unveiled, by S.L. MacGregor Mathers (published in England by Routledge & Kegan Paul, at 32 shillings) did I have before me the few important little sections of the Zohar in direct translation – the small sections which contain the writings of utmost importance, these being like the Gospels in direct translation rather than from lengthy discussions of their significance.

The Sepher Yezirah (which I asked about in the last H.V., and copies of which HRAs at once sent to me) is not included in Mather’s selection, but he gives in full, with some comment and a few footnotes, the following: THE BOOK OF CONCEALED MYSTERY, THE GREATER HOLY ASSEMBLY, and THE LESSER HOLY ASSEMBLY.

The four little books above mentioned (including the less helpful Sepher Yezirah) resemble, in a way, the efforts of unknown writers to write down the mystery teachings of Huna in Code in the Four Gospels. Here we see the same material handled in four different presentations, items not always agreeing, but the general scheme being the same. And, in the direct translation, some of the familiar and most useful Code words are found. In fact, one new and most significant word “brook” was used, and it describes the upward flow of accumulated mana to the Aumakua in a most telling way. The Code words, “Light”, “mana” “Grace”, “perfect” and “tower” are all there in the correct places. The aka substance appears openly as the “ether” and the aka threads appear as “hairs” from the head and beard of the Aumakua as “The Ancient of Days”, connecting the lesser man with the higher. The male/female nature and composition of the Aumakua in UNION is very clearly set forth, and many direct references are made to passages in the Old Testament in the process of making the presentations. Isaiah is a favorite, and the Code word “tower” is very neatly called to the reader’s attention in one passage which is quoted. (This words means “to graft” one thing onto another, and deals with the union of the mates when a new Aumakua is being created by joining a male and a female Auhane.)

In the Lesser Holy Assembly the leading character in the drama is a certain Rabbi Schimeon ben Yochai, whose words are being taken down as he divulges the mystery material to six other Rabbi initiates. At the end of his disclosures he is “transfigured” as was Moses and as was Jesus, but in this case he dies and is surrounded by fire for a day, and with a light so strong that the scribe could not look at it. It is a drama which ends with the words: (Page 341.) “786. How many highest treasures are reserved for him!” In the Code the word “treasure” is wai wai, or water-water, the symbol of the High Mana which it is the privilege of the Aumakuas to use to make changes in physical matter and in events still to come. There is no mistaking the implication that the Rabbi initiator had “graduated”.

I have sketched these main points rapidly and briefly so that you can begin to get the general picture of what is developing in the study of the Kabala. Later on we can go back to take up the various items in proper context. What has become apparent in this short time is that in the Kabala writings – the originals – we have a fine straight line of Huna. We see that a few Code words were still known and used by the initiates who did the writing, and we see in addition that the lack of the ability to remember and use the Code as was done in the Gospels (or still earlier in Isaiah), forced some things out into the open where they were not hidden with either the use of the Code or of symbols. The TREE and the ten things suspended upon it give us the ten elements of Huna, and the comments of the centuries give us a fine tangle of veiling and misunderstanding. Into this tangle the Tarot Cards were thrust with what seems all too little ceremony, and the inner significance of the Trumps Major in design and numbering caused an even greater muddle and veiling in so far as the layman was concerned. There must have been initiates responsible for this latest addition to the confusion of materials and ideas, but, as they seem not to have left us anything recognizable in writing, we are forced to take Huna as the Guide and begin to sort out the mixed parts for ourselves.

THE SEARCH FOR THE SECRET OF INSTANT HEALING, is never forgotten for a moment in making this study of the Kabala. In but one place did I find healing mentioned, and there it was said simply and openly that all healing comes from the Aumakua. This is a confirmation of what we have deduced from our long investigational findings, but we have hoped against hope for the finding of a better set of instructions to tell us just HOW to get the Aumakuas to provide such healing. Perhaps we will find what we need if we keep digging into dark places and keep open to even the most veiled hints or leads.

Aside from the central lines of belief which I have mentioned above, there are endless side units to look into. There are spirits galore, and demons, so that all the healing of Spiritualism can be counted in if we stretch a few points. Numbers and magic and words of power, charms and Astrology – nothing is missing in essence.


The Incredible I CHING, (by Louis T. Culling, Helios Book Service, Publishers, Tewkesbury, Gloucester, England. Price $1.75. Cloth. 46 pages), is a delightful little book for he who must run as he reads – and as he tries to learn to use the I CHING philosophy and methods of uncovering the future. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the author covered a lengthy subject and got the heart out of it to lay before the reader. Some fine day we may find – upon close inspection – some Coded Huna in this material. Meantime, the I CHING is second only to the Tarot Cards when it comes to trying to see what lies in store for one.

UNITROL, by Alfred J. Cantor, (Parker Publishing Co., West Nyack, N.Y., 192 pages. price probably under $5), is a book on self-suggestion. Its stress is on selecting a command word – in this case “Unitrol” – to be taught to the Aunihipili to be used after relaxing, making up the suggestion to be used at the moment, and then to be passed to the Aunihipili. Here is an old idea given new stress. Good book to help one review the system of self-suggestion and to use it again, if laid aside. If a tiny fraction of the benefits of the method can be realized, the effort will be worthwhile. The claims for the benefits are slightly more than inclusively assembled in my opinion.

H.R.A. George E. Bjorlanan will have a new book in print soon. It is being printed by the CSA Publishers, Lakemont, Ga., (which is also the address through which the author may be reached). HRA Bjorlanan has been interested for years in using the pendulum as a means of diagnosis of bodily conditions. In this his work follows closely on the heels of the great Bovis, who invented the Biometric system and who improvised charts over which pendulum measurements could be made to tell in terms of percentage the health condition of anything from the blood to the liver or eyes. George has invented some new and handsome chart gadgets which he uses to guide him in the use of his pendulum. He proposes to open a place at Lakemont where people can come to live for a month, total cost about $450, to be tested, then taught how to overcome their health or mind or spirit defects – or, I gather, the usual combination of such x qualities which cause illness or threaten illness still to come. George, who is a hair dresser by trade, will not claim any medical knowledge, and gives nothing in his diagnosis of a medical nature. He will test in terms of colors and auras and such, and his cures will be after the fashion of spiritual coaching and perhaps instructions to avoid animal foods, and abjure sex as one would the Devil. He left a little book with me on SEX, for Health and Rejuvenation, which keynotes his teachings in that direction. His system will depend on how good the pendulum diagnosis is in the first place, and how good the curative methods are in the second. Perhaps HRA Bjorlanan has improved his pendology in the months that have passed since he tested me and found me 25% on the nicotine scale of his chart – which is a long time for that much to remain in my body after swearing off when cigarettes were rationed at the time of the war with Japan. (The Lakemont center run by Maida Love is in the tall hills and is open only in summer months.)

ORION MAGAZINE, for Nov-Dec. ’65. Good general psycho-religious articles. Article by Max Freedom Long, “How to Develop Your Psychic Ability”, with pendulum and P.A. readings the goal. Lakemont, Ga. $3 for 6 issues a year. 64 pgs.

CONSUMERS’ RESEARCH, INC., ANNUAL BULLETIN, news stands $2.50. Best retort of preyed upon public to lying advertisers. Yep, Ronson Electric shaver was best!


Alphia Hart, of the Aberree Magazine (temporarily discontinued) , who was laid low by a stroke last summer, and who came home from the hospital and had a fall and setback in September, is progressing slowly. Work for him twice daily in the TMHG continues steadily. Sit in at 3 and 7 California time and send mana if you can. Results come so much faster when the power is strong enough to tingle me here at the center of the activity.

HRA Rev. Franklin Loehr, who was ordered by his doctor to take a complete rest after becoming exhausted from too much work, is doing well and expects to be back at his desk in short order.

Riley and Judy Crabb, head of the BSRA and editors of its journal, have been making a study of the Kabala for some time. Recently classes in the subject were started in Escondido, California, near Vista, with 22 attending. Riley and Judy are well versed in the matter of the “Tree” and the “paths,” also well practiced in the meditation method of coming into touch with the various units of the tree. Later on, they will probably have a mimeoed course ready on the subject. By then they may have enough of the new findings of Huna in Kabala to include in the course. These findings should have a full book (I am beginning to see that already) but I doubt that I am good for another book, so will be grateful to anyone who will help pass around what we are finding and will continue to dig out as we continue the investigation.

Former HRA, Verne Cameron, famous water dowser and inventor of the “Aurameter”, has, after seventeen years of trying to get the city dads of Elsinore, California, to listen to him and drill a well at the end of their famished Lake Elsinore, finally saw his claims more than vindicated. He had dowsed a very big well into a fault, and predicted much water that would be fresh (other wells had produced a little hot sulfur water near at hand). The new well produces 4400 gallons of fine, pure water at 90 degrees temperature each minute, and the output is almost enough to revive the lake and keep it full. It was sunk into a fault and tapped “virgin water” made of condensing steam from far down in the earth. Now they can have their hot mineral water baths and still plenty of the best fresh water for other purposes. Hats off to Verne! (He resigned from the HRA some time ago because of my open statement that I did not believe in the historicity of Jesus. Other HRAs disagreed with me also, but did not feel that by remaining in the HRA they were giving their consent to my personal conclusions. To Verne, Jesus is a living presence, and so firm are his convictions that he cannot go along with any group which tolerates doubt in the account of the Life as given in the Four Gospels. That is quite all right with me, and has nothing to do with my love and admiration which centers on that very great pioneer – a pioneer who will probably have to wait another century for full recognition of his work and working theories.)

A tragic thing happened to the Navaho Indians a few years ago when Verne went to their reservation and dowsed successfully many fine virgin water deposits and deposits of oil. He offered the tribal council his services free if they would accept him into the tribe and allow him to supervise the drilling and development so that water could be well placed for the arid lands, and the oil brought in to the best advantage. But the Indians, listening to their Government Geologists who scorn all dowsers with bitter scorn, prevailed upon the Head Men to refuse the generously offered free assistance which could have made over the life of the whole tribe. Some oil is already developed, and here and there a little water, but both are there in abundance if they would listen and drill in the dowsed positions.

The Pope, recently, most generously absolved the Jews for the ancient crime of murdering Jesus. This generous act on the part of Holy Church is not without its ludicrous aspect. The Jews, more power to them, did not take advantage of the situation. They could have pointed out the fact that so far as their records show, there had never been an historic Jesus, and so could never have been the crucifixion over which Christians in the Church have moaned and groaned, blindly, for centuries of Masses. How slowly the minds of men mature where fixations of belief are formed early in life to prevent any possible growth of outlook.

CORRECTION PLEASE. One of the able HRA students of the Kabala writes from his home in Australia to call my attention to a mistake made in giving the “Tree” chart on page 8 of H.V. #68. On the lower half of the page at the left, under the heading of “KABALA”, the unit on the top left of the Tree, “Binah” is given as “Father”, while opposite it, “Hochma” is labeled “Mother”. Please switch the father and mother so that Binah becomes the Mother, and Hochma (should be Cholana) is Father.

THE FATHER/MOTHER ANGLE in the Kabala has a strange light shed upon it by A.E. Waite in his 636 page book, The Holy Kabbalah, which was recently reprinted by University Books. Early in the book it was noted that the word “Elohim” was originally feminine, while Jehovah was masculine. On page 130 it is said that the two join, making a “perfect UNION”. While Waite did not know of the Aumakua and its male/female nature, he inadvertently brings Jehovah down from the position of Ultimate God to the place of the Aumakua. I quote, “…. we shall learn also that there is a supernal part of our nature which does not come down to earth, but abides in heaven. Later he intimates that the “Son” of the Trinity of Father, Mother and Son, is actually the product of the union of a father and mother. This, while he knows nothing of Huna, may point to the original belief that the male and female Auhanes unite in “graduation” to produce the “Son” as a new Aumakua in which they blend and take on renewed life. (This seems to answer a question which has been less than satisfactorily answered so far in our studies.) On the same page, (if you have a copy of this important book and are checking the quotation) is a very interesting note pointing to the Kabalistic knowledge of the High Mana as the one and only “food” (“sacrifice”) which is acceptable to the Father/Mother. Again, I quote, “We know that the Israelites in the desert were fed by manna which God sent down from heaven; but the time came when the stiff necked generation loathed the light food and cried for the material fleshpots. The opportunity offered to parable is not lost on the Zohar in its consideration of Exodus; but it is in the present place that we hear more especially of a super substantial bread which, on a day to come, shall feed the elect and fill them.” Waite goes on to speak of the Tree of Life, which is fed on mana, and the Tree of Death, which represents the mortal – the physical man of Huna and his two lesser selves who die and reincarnate until they join the “elect” and the Auhane graduates into an Aumakua (with the mate), where mana is the only food, but where life is comparatively “eternal” in terms of the shortened lives lived on the way up.

On page 131 we again find, “In the fragments of Deuteronomy we hear more of the Heavenly Bread, which is the Fruit of the Tree of Life, and learn that it is not alone eaten by those in the Heavenly School but by those of the School on earth, meaning that Summa Scientia is not beyond attainment here and now.” This would be true for those who are sufficiently advanced in the School of Life to be ready to “Graduate” with the help of “Grace” and via the perfected state. Going back a few paragraphs, we find a passage which bears on the voluntary effort made by the “elect” and the sacrifice of the old earthly life in order to “graduate”. I quote, “We hear more than once in the Zohar that the Archangel Michael sacrifices the souls of the just on the Supernal Altar of Burnt Offerings (burning makes fire or LIGHT); but only once in the text – and it happens to be in this Commentary. Is it said that some souls go up, as of their free will and by their own high intent, to make a holocaust of themselves, amidst rejoicing in the Supreme Light which shines forth from the Holy King. For us, at least, it reads like a parable of the union in its last and highest mode, when God becomes All in all for the individual soul.” To us, knowing the Huna lore as we now do, the veil parts and we see clearly that the final “graduation” is indicated – the union of the Auhane mates, NOT of God with the individual soul, this being a preposterous idea and a complete misconception held here and in the muddled Yoga of India.

Max Muller (page 132 of the same book) is quoted as saying that there must have been in ancient times a “religion behind religion”. This fits exactly with Huna as the original basic religion first revealed or worked out in full detail. Waite speaks of the many claims made by writers on the Kabala – claims that it is the end part of a most ancient “tradition”. Mr. Waite doubted this very much, and argued that the Kabala as a system of beliefs cannot be older than a thousand years at most, and probably was originated in the 13th century in Spain. Had he known Huna, he would have seen that the origin of Kabalism could be traced back as far as early Egypt and Vedic India. He further argues that the veiling and play of number puzzles based on the values of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, as well as the endless references to the number puzzle material in the early books of the Old Testament – all this a 13th century effort to provide seeming age and verity for the writings of the Zohar. When, where and how the number letter system, called “Gematria”, was invented, no one seems to have the slightest idea. That it started in a small way and was expanded and made more and more inclusive and complicated, seems certain. Even today, so I recently read in a news dispatch, a Rabbi in Israel has used the system to help him make a full set of world predictions for the new year ahead. The predictions are rather wild, in my opinion.

THE MIXTURE which I have just been serving up in elegantly scrambled and unorganized form, reflects well the present state of our investigation of the Kabala. The original and vital materials, included in four short pieces of writing, are, in themselves, more or less simple, once we see the pure Huna in them and separate it from the veiling. But the later writings and endless speculative comment which fills first the Zohar, and then modern books, give the investigator a mass of information and misinformation which is almost impossible to digest. So far as I can see, the only order which can be brought about in the material must be derived from a merciless discarding of all except the four little documents upon which all the rest centers. Eventually we will grow out of the Prime Muddle stage in our investigation and begin to simplify and organize. Meanwhile, there are so many near hit guesses in the commentaries that one is constantly startled to see how close to the Huna truth writer after writer came.

AS TO THE TAROT CARDS GETTING ADDED TO THE MIXTURE AS AN AFTERTHOUGHT, I can only say at this time that it seems to me quite possible that some initiates continued the same TRADITIONAL line as that of the Kabala and tried their hands at a version in drawings rather than in writing a version of the same general presentation of Huna. One of the reference books now on my shelf to be used when I get around to the Tarot Cards, is The Sacred Tarot by Zain, sold by its publisher, the Brotherhood of Light, (Officially “The Church of Light”) Box 1525, Los Angeles 90053, Calif., price $6.00. Cloth covers. 416 pages. This book has a most interesting preface outlining the material and history of the Kabala as a stepping stone to the subject of the Tarot Cards. On page 30, item 3, we find a most significant comment on the general teaching of the Kabala. I quote:

“3. Great importance is attached to sex, it being taught that man can reach the feminine principle above, only through union. The Shekinah is perfect union; and it is taught that mankind approaches God only through Shekinah. Those of impure mind and gross passions can not partake of Shekinah, for Shekinah is the Tree of Life, partaking of the fruits of which mankind is brought face to face with Adonai, entering thus into Divine Consciousness.

“4. Souls are differentiated in pairs, have an existence before material birth, are separated before incarnation, and it is this separation which constitutes the original transgression. But through living a pure and spiritual life on earth they ultimately are attracted to each other and may even meet on earth. This meeting is the Shekinah, and, in time, permanently reunites them in heaven.

The learned author (really Alfred Benjamine, now deceased), gives us in the above passages the finest possible example of what I mean when I say that I have been startled to see how close they (the several writers whose books I have beside me) have come to the Huna truth   but how far they have missed the correct meaning. It will be noted that all writers in modern times have been blinded by the idea borrowed from India that man must eventually become “one with God”. One can come to know, intimately, the Aumakua, as the highest one can reach. One can make working contact, but one never becomes another. “Selves” are individual units. They were made that way. BUT, and this is the crux of the matter, a “self” can be divided into its two polar halves, male and female, and the halves kept apart for a very long time. UNION is possible only between two such halves, NOT between two complete selves, especially if they are at a different level of evolutionary progress. It follows, as an interesting side consideration, that everything in manifestation has polarization, from low to high, and the UNION of male and female Auhanes does not do away with the polarity – the Father/Mother elements retaining their inner nature even in the great mystery of a Union that is complete except for that one difference.

Zain, in saying that passions must be overcome before the higher progress is possible for the divided “soul”, does not, of course, think in terms of the Aunihipili as the savage younger brother who is given to such emotions. It is the Auhane, not the Aunihipili, who is to “graduate”, and the love that is above and beyond the physical is the necessary ingredient for the drawing together in a love made “perfect”.

IN THE KABBALAH UNVEILED, by S. L. MacGregor Mathers (publisher and price given in H.V. #68) which is our study text for the four basic booklets on the Kabalistic writings, we find on page 260, of The Lesser Holy Assembly, the following: “16. Rabbi Schimeon spake and said: ‘Surely now is the time of benevolence, and I desire to enter without confusion into the world to come.”‘ (And going on to page 263,) “41. ‘And He separateth Himself ever more and more; He is separated from all things, neither yet doth He altogether separate Himself, seeing that unto Himself all things adhere, and that He Himself adhereth unto all; HVA, Hoa, He Himself is all; He is the Most Holy Ancient of all Ancients, the Concealed with all Concealments.”‘ (I have underscored words which are pure Code and which I wish to discuss.) Like the Gospel Drama, the drama form is used in the Kabala. A central figure gathers his “elect” companions around him and in veiled sentences passes on the Huna or Secret knowledge. The speaker is about to “graduate”, as was Jesus at the end of the Gospel drama. Also, like Jesus at the time of his transfiguration, he was surrounded with the white LIGHT which indicates the presence of an Aumakua, and in a like manner, long dead leaders of Israel appeared, not Moses this time, but an earlier great Huna teacher called “Rav Hamenuna the elder”. While Jesus was surrounded by 12 disciples, Rabbi Schimeon has but seven companions, the number matching the seven days of the week and symbolizing (we see from the text) the possible number of incarnations needed by an Auhane to become ready to “graduate”.

The booklet title of The Lesser Holy Assembly contains in the word, “Assembly” the code word aha, which means also, “a braided cord”, this symbolizing the aka cords in union in common worship where contact with the Great Company of Aumakuas is made. The whole treatise may be said to hinge on the secret knowledge that the Aumakua is there and that contact with it is possible through the aka cord.

“The time of benevolence (grace)” is understood when we see that the Code word is the same as used in the Gospels, loko maikai, meaning to make the inner (self – here the Auhane) right or to perfect it to make it ready for “graduation”. The Rabbi wished to avoid “confusion”, and here the code word hui kau is found with the secondary meaning of “to be united to something which is hung on one, as a sword’; and which with a variety of additional meanings tells us that the confusion would result were not the Aunihipili to be separated from the Auhane as part of the preparation for “graduation”. In Passage 41, note that this separation is stressed, first as the condition of the Aumakua, spoken of as “He” who is not tied to the Aunihipilis. The code word “adhere” is used, and it is part of the name for the Aunihipili, unihi pili , in which the pili root means “to adhere or stick to another”, in this case, the Aunihipili sticking fast to the Auhane until the separation is made as a part of the work of grace and of perfecting which leads up to the union of the male and female halves of the candidate for graduating into the level of the Aumakua.

The bringing in of the Hebrew letter word HVA and giving it as Hoa is Code in that hoa means “companion”. The implication here is that the three selves are companions with the Aumakua, most important of the three, for it, as the text shows, is the “Ancient of all Ancients”, the oldest of the three selves, also the very embodiment of the “Concealed”, for which word we have Huna and therefore all that it entails of knowledge. To sort out the coded meaning, the Rabbi would have had to explain all the hidden meanings, much as I have, but, we may suppose, the listeners were already partly initiated into the lore and could understand each point as a code word was dragged in by the ears to play a part in the making of the veiled statement. Little wonder that our modern commentators have gone so far astray in trying to make sense of things which can only be understood correctly when there is first an understanding of the Code and of Huna itself. It is well to recall at this point that Isaiah, centuries earlier, coded what he had to say about the Aumakua as the “Ancient of Days” or “Time  Father”. What was remembered of the Code seems not to have changed greatly with the passage of the years and the movement into far places.

On page 253, in The Greater Assembly, were have, “1143. ‘Blessed is their portion, for assuredly they have been taken away in perfection; and such were not those who were before them.'” In this code use of “perfection” we see that “graduation” has been the reason of some being “taken away”, and we also see an oblique reference to the several incarnations before the upward step could be taken “such were not (perfected) who were before them.”

MY TAROT CARD PREDICTIONS have been running true so far in the matter of the undeclared war in Viet Nam. I ran the cards December 28th to see if there were any signs of a change. The cards told the same old story, only more definitely this time. We will give up the effort because of a multitude of small things which make success impossible. Inability, even with the escalated war and bombing, to force the victory, seems to bring a political opposition in our own country that will force an end to the effort.

The magnetic belt around the earth, predicts one reputed scientist, will cause a great wind that will blow the ocean far over the Pacific Coast (so I have recently read). The cards say NOT SO and add that, with the ending of the Viet Nam (or other) war activities, new business projects will be found and things will move ahead well for the coast. I take it that orders for war materials or planes will be replaced by order for other things. Not a disaster card in three runs.

Now let’s take a peek at how the civil rights efforts will progress in 1966. Hold up a moment. The cards show many small demonstrations and much sympathetic work being done to adjust the inequalities of opportunity, but last year was a large success compared to the small gains promised this coming year. No more Watts sized outbreaks are indicated.

If I owned a share of stock or had more than one shirt, I might influence the cut to see how world finances are about to go for 1966. (1 run) The early part of the year shows many fine melons being cut and stocks advancing, business making new plans for more expansion and all well. But something happens and up comes the DEATH card and then the one of delay, with the Page fasting and praying while awaiting his step into knighthood. If I had stock, I would protect myself against the sudden end of the Viet Nam war or the death of someone high enough in world power to touch off a tailspin in the market. The cards advise against sticking financial necks out too far. Cards show L.B.J. safe, but seem to point to some dangerous happening in Red Russia which may cause the present shaky money and power structure to wiggle badly.

A great natural disaster turns up for South America. Rhodesia is in for much trouble. England is troubled with much small bickering on the labor and political front. U.S.A. hits a high point in some business matters and a very low point in political and international relations. Castro faces change of some kind, and may go abroad suddenly. France will do fairly well and be happily quiet for the most part. Israel will be badly in need of money aid but will get much less than asked this year. Other nations will also be hard up. Egypt will begin to prosper, but will go back to some old plans which were not forgotten but allowed to stand still. Red China will remain very poor but will spend its resources on foolish projects. Japan prospers, has a religious revival and begins again to dream of the Glory of Empire. India does a little better and may drop some plans which were too hard to realize. Australia meets some problems which are impossible to solve, but on the whole things go well. Canada’s main interest will be in business rather than politics this year. The plan to land on the moon does not move so well either here or in Russia. May be held up for some time through lack of funds.

Despite grave obstacles, our HRA work cuts the SUN card. Our work will begin to come into its own. Perhaps a small start this year, but certainly some start toward recognition.

Happy New Year to you all!  MFL

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